“Mel, are you here?” asked Jacob softly. He heard a rather evil chuckle and a satisfied and definite Yes as they strolled on down the street. Once they rounded the next corner, Jacob stopped Verity and they peeked back around the corner. “Stunned like a fish gasping for air. You cannot know how pleased I am to have given dear old Mud such a delightful shock.”
“Delightful?” asked Verity, doubtfully.
“Delightful to me,” said Jacob.
And me. But only Jacob heard the ghostly voice.
Then, grinning, Jacob tugged Verity’s arm and they set off for the warehouse of his choice where he chose six or seven lengths of material over and above the four sensible choices Verity made.
The rest of the day passed in equally delightful fashion. And the boat trip back up the Thames with a glorious moon climbing up into the sky behind them was still more enjoyable. And then the days they passed at Mary’s estate while Verity’s new gowns were completed went by in a cloud of happiness for everyone.
Only one person stewed and fretted and wished they could continue their journey immediately. Fiddle on all lovers, ranted the ghost and Jenna laughed at him. You don’t understand, he continued. I want to get to Brighton to see if Cousin Sarah has come out of her shell. I want to discover if she too will fulfill my hopes. I want her to give up the nonsense of eternal mourning. She is too young to become a recluse, a bitter woman longing for a man who wasn’t even worthy of her—not that you’ll ever convince her of that.
But Jacob refused to travel on until Verity’s new clothes arrived. “I’ll not have her embarrassed,” he told the ghost who, at the most embarrassing of times, would whisper demands into Jacob’s ear. “We’ll go when we are good and ready.”
And that is what they did.
About the Author
Jeanne Savery began writing when she stopped being a perpetual student. After a long apprenticeship, her first sale came the same year she turned fifty.
She has two kids, three grandchildren, and a wonderfully supportive husband. Hubby has itchy feet, so the family traveled whenever he found funding. Savery has lived at both ends and in the middle of the U.S.A. as well as in England, Australia, Germany and India, and has traveled here and there in Europe.
It goes without saying that whenever she and her husband leave home, a laptop travels with her.
Jeanne welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.
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Also by Jeanne Savery
Christmas Scandal…Not!
The Ghost and Romance 2: The Ghost and Sarah Tomlinson
The Ghost and Romance 3: The Ghost and Patrick Tomlinson
The Ghost and Romance 4: The Ghost and Roman Trent
House of Scandal
Runaway Scandal
Print books by Jeanne Savery
House of Scandal
Runaway Scandal
The Ghost and Sarah Tomlinson
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