Feral Hearts

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Feral Hearts Page 12

by Edward P. Cardillo

  “On Saturday, you’ll have a day to yourselves. You can either choose to spend it in Derosso, or we can provide you with a ride to the train station where you can visit La Spezia, Viareggio, or Pisa for the day. Your choice.”

  “Wow, sounds great,” said Jenna. She had never been to Europe before, and she’d never dreamed she’d see such beauty in her whole life.

  Lucy was also impressed. She was exhausted from her program, and even if the male prospects on the tour were pitiful, this was a much needed vacation before she launched into her career. She was glad her mother harangued her into doing it.

  Paul was busy imagining what Stefania looked like naked. Barry was imagining what Lucy looked like naked. Angela was off in her own world, and Jamie was becoming quite aware of how much Jenna fancied him.

  “And now, we’re going to go around and introduce ourselves to the group. I’ll begin. My name is Stefania, I’m from Montecatini, I’m twenty-five years old, I am not currently in a relationship…” Paul grinned wickedly at this. “…and I work for my parents’ tour company.”

  Stefania pointed to Paul.

  “Hi, my name is Paul, I’m twenty-six, I’m from the UK, I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, and I’m looking for someone to figure it out with.”

  “Very good,” said Stefania. “Next.”

  “My name is Barry, I’m from New York, I’m twenty-four, I’m a tattoo artist and reality TV star—maybe you’ve seen my show…” he slurred. Crickets. “Well, I’m looking to meet some interesting ladies on this tour,” he said looking at Lucy.

  Jenna clutched her Blood Crave lipstick in her right hand as if it were a talisman. “Hi, I’m Jenna, I’m twenty-three, I’m from Dallas, Texas…” She wanted to mention the current love of her life, Cattabulous, but Doctor Ed’s voice in her head forbade her. “…I work in tech support over the phone for computers; I enjoy fantasy role-playing games, cosplay…”

  That got Jamie’s attention. He wondered what she’d look like in various costumes, and then he realized that Jenna actually had a decent body despite her nerdy appearance.

  “…and I’m hoping to meet some interesting people. So far I’m not disappointed.”

  “Hi, I’m Jamie. I’m twenty-four, I’m from New York, I recognized Barry from his reality show…” Barry barely acknowledged the compliment, to Jamie’s disappointment. Asshole. “…I’m a software engineer…” Jenna thought…no, she knew it was fate. It had to be. “…and I just got out of a toxic relationship.”

  “Well, you took the right step in joining this tour,” assured Stefania. “This’ll be good for you. Next.”

  Lucy perked up. “Hi, I’m Lucy. I’m twenty-six, I’m from New York, I just graduated with my Ph.D. in clinical psychology…”

  “Does this mean you’re analyzing us?” asked Barry with an arched eyebrow.

  “Only if you pay me, Buddy,” quipped Lucy. “I’m looking to take some time to myself and perhaps meet some cool people. I’ve put my life on hold to get through my program, and I’d like to rejoin the living.”

  “Excellent,” said Stefania. “Next.”

  Angela looked as if she was being inconvenienced. “Hi, I’m Angela, and I prefer to remain shrouded in mystery.”

  That was it.

  Everyone just gawked at her terse introduction. Paul was intrigued.

  “Okay,” said Stefania, not quite sure what to make of Angela. “Before we check into our rooms, we’re going to do a quick ice breaker.” That would open Angela up a bit.

  Stefania reached into her bag and pulled out a large bag of M&M’s. She ripped the top corner open and handed the bag to Paul. “Pour a few out into your hand and pass it around.”

  Paul snorted, but poured a few into his hand and passed it to Barry, who poured and ate his.

  “No, Barry, keep yours in your hand,” said Stefania, but Barry passed the bag.

  Jenna poured some into her hand and passed the bag to Jamie. Shit! She got four M&M’s. Four, goddamit.

  When the bag made it to Lucy, she poured a few into her hand and returned it to Stefania.

  Stefania smiled. “Okay, gang. We’re going to go around, and each of you is going to pick a color. If you pick a green M&M, you have to talk about a time when you were very happy; blue, a time you were sad; yellow, frightened; red, angry; and Brown, you have to talk about a shitty thing an ex did to you, or that you’ve done to an ex. Lucy, we’ll start with you.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened. “Jesus. Okay. Don’t put me on the spot or anything,” she said sarcastically.

  “It’s all part of the fun,” insisted Stefania.

  “Uh…okay.” Lucy picked a yellow M&M. “Okay, I guess I was afraid one time when I went out with a couple of my friends…I understood it to be a girls’ night out, but they brought their boyfriends. Well, in the course of dinner I found out that one girlfriend was engaged, and the other was moving in with her boyfriend. I saw how happy they were and how they were progressing in their lives…and I was afraid that, while I was studying my ass off in my program, maybe life—real life—had passed me by.”

  Stefania smiled warmly. “Thank you, Lucy. That was honest. It’s not too late. You’re still young, and I think this tour is definitely a step in starting your ‘real life.’”

  “Can I eat it now?” asked Lucy.

  “Go ahead,” said Stefania. She looked at Angela and grinned with self-satisfaction. “Your turn.”

  Angela picked a blue one. “I was very sad when I was ten years old and my parents were both killed in a car crash.”

  “Oh, how terrible,” said Jenna putting her hands up to the sides of her face.

  Angela was all poker face. “They had gone out on a ‘date night.’ The coroner said they were killed instantly. It was then that I first realized that I was alone. I mean really alone.”

  This was not what Stefania had expected at all. She immediately changed her mind about Angela. “I’m sorry to hear that. It’s good to see that you’re doing something for yourself. You seem like a strong woman, Angela, who is used to taking care of herself.” Stefania took a brief moment to let her words sink in, but Angela’s face indicated nothing. So much for breaking the ice. “Okay, Jenna…”

  Jenna was looking down at her hand full of M&M’s, frowning in concentration. Her shoulders were pulled tight to her ears, and she was rocking slightly. She appeared to be counting and recounting her M&M’s.


  Lucy knew OCD when she saw it. She picked an M&M from her batch and placed it in Jenna’s hand figuring that it would undo whatever number was making Jenna uncomfortable.

  Jenna immediately relaxed. Her frown turned into a smile, and she looked up at Lucy with such gratitude, it warmed Lucy’s heart. Lucy winked at her.

  “Okay,” said Jenna recovering quickly and picking a yellow M&M. “I’m pretty much frightened all the time. There isn’t enough M&M’s to go into each time. I’ve never been anywhere before, and I’m hoping that this trip is the first step in confronting my fears so I don’t get left behind in life either.” She popped her yellow M&M into her mouth and smiled at Lucy, who now felt a combination of empathy and respect for Jenna. Jamie was impressed as well; he knew exactly how Jenna felt.

  “Very good,” beamed Stefania. “You should be proud of yourself. It takes a strong person to confront her fears head-on.” She looked at Jamie. “Next.”

  Jamie picked up a brown one and paused, deep in thought. “My ex committed suicide.”

  The group was silent.

  There were looks of sympathy and horror. Angela was now looking right at Jamie, the expression on her face undefinable.

  Stefania was dumbfounded. She expected them to share personal things about themselves, but this had to have been the worse ice breaker she’d ever facilitated in the history of this tour. These people had serious baggage.

  Oh shit. Barry was next. Stefania frowned, but her expression quickly changed. “Well, Barry, s
ince you decided to eat yours, we’ll move onto Paul.” Barry blew a raspberry, but the rest of the group looked relieved.

  Paul took a red M&M. “I was very angry when my father cut me off, telling me I needed to sort out my life. Maybe I’m perfectly happy with my life. I mean, who the fuck is he to tell me how to live? I’m not like him. I’m nothing like him.” He went silent, glaring down at the red M&M as if it was his father in the palm of his hand. He angrily popped it into his mouth and chewed it with a hatred that was obvious to everyone.

  Stefania felt like this party game was turning into a very depressing psychotherapy exercise. She decided to cut her losses and salvage the mood, if possible. “Okay, it’s getting late. You can eat the rest of your M&M’s. Let’s check into our rooms, and then we’ll meet back down in the lobby for a tour of the town.”

  She reached into her canvas bag and pulled out a bunch of keys with bright orange tags with room numbers on them. “Lucy and Jenna, you will be rooming together.” She handed them their room keys. Jenna looked excited, and Lucy looked relieved.

  “Barry and Paul,” she handed them their room keys. “Angela, your roommate is one of the ones who will be arriving tomorrow. So you have the room to yourself tonight.” She handed Angela her key. Angela revealed nothing, but inside she was relieved. She preferred to be alone.

  Stefania handed a key to Jamie. “Same goes for you.” Jamie accepted his key.

  “Okay, drop your stuff up in your rooms, and we’ll meet back down here in, let’s say, fifteen minutes.”

  Everyone stood and they began to file into the elevator with their luggage. Paul and Jamie decided to take the stairs rather than wait for the already full elevator to return to the lobby. Barry, worse for the wear, waited alone by the elevator.

  When they reached the second floor, Jenna walked beside Lucy as they looked for their room.

  “Thanks for giving me one of your M&M’s,” said Jenna sheepishly.

  “Don’t mention it. I’m glad we’re rooming together.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because you seem like the only other normal person here.”

  A big smile crept across Jenna’s face. Never before had she been referred to as ‘normal.’ It might’ve been the greatest compliment she ever received.

  “113. Here it is,” said Lucy, putting the key in the door and turning it in the lock.

  Thank goodness, thought Jenna to herself. Lucy smiled, knowing the room number would be a relief to her new roomie.

  They entered the room and dropped their stuff on the floor by the door. It was a tiny room with two twin-size beds. Not great accommodations if one were to have overnight guests.

  “Which bed do you want?” asked Lucy.

  “Can I have the bed by the window?”


  “This way if a vampire comes into our room, he’ll get you first,” said Jenna.

  “You’re really into that fantasy stuff, aren’t you?”

  “It’s a hell of a lot better than my reality.”

  Lucy smirked. “Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve been known to play some fantasy card games.”

  Jenna squealed in delight, causing Lucy to jump out of her skin. “That’s great! I packed all of my decks just in case!”

  “By the way, I saw how you were eying Jamie down there.”

  Jenna looked startled. “Was it that obvious?”

  “Don’t sweat it. After your turn in the M&M game, he looked impressed. You also got his attention when you mentioned you’re into cosplay.”

  Jenna ran over to Lucy, her hands folded in prayer. “Really? You think so?” Then the excitement faded from her face. “I bet I’m not his type, though.”

  “What do you mean? You’re really cool.”

  “Well, you’re attractive, and then there’s miss dark and mysterious.”

  “Who, Angela?” Lucy chuckled. “She’s more Paul’s type.”

  “So you think I have a shot with Jamie?”

  “I think with a few touch ups, you’ll have Jamie following you everywhere.” Lucy reached into her one suitcase and produced a makeup kit. “Come here.”

  Jenna obediently stood in front of the mirror with Lucy, and Lucy began to apply some foundation to Jenna’s face. “You’re a natural beauty, so I don’t think you need much. Just a bit of foundation to even you out…and now a little blush on your cheeks…just a tiny bit.” She dabbed her finger in the blush and lightly spread it ever so slightly on Jenna’s cheeks. “There.”

  “Oh!” said Jenna, reaching into her pocket. “We can’t forget Blood Crave.”

  Lucy looked at it. “Nice shade. Sassy. Go ahead.”

  Jenna put it on.

  “Smile,” said Lucy. Jenna smiled. “You got a little on your teeth, Honey.”

  Jenna looked in the mirror and scratched it off with her fingernail. She sucked her teeth and smiled again. “All gone.”

  “You look great,” said Lucy.

  “Thanks,” said Jenna beaming.

  Paul threw open the door to his room and dropped his luggage on the floor. Barry came stumbling in later, dropping off a few bags and then returning to the elevator to retrieve the rest. He stumbled back into the room and made a bee line for the mini bar.

  “Don’t you think you need to slow down?”

  “Fuck off,” said Barry. “What are you, my Daddy?”

  “Jesus, you think you brought enough luggage?”

  “I like to look good. I like my outfits to be fresh. I plan on snagging some serious tail on this tour,” said Barry drinking from a small bottle of Vodka.

  Paul knew exactly what was going on here. Everyone else saw an asshole, small-time reality star, but he knew self-medication when he saw it.

  “Well, I think that’s something you and I can agree on, Buddy, but it’ll help if you’re sober. Hell, we can be wingmen.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Look, man, I know it can be hard to try something new, to put yourself out there.”

  “Oh, I plan on putting parts of myself out there all right.”

  “All I’m saying is just do you.”

  “I do myself twice a day,” said Barry winking.

  Paul smiled. “You are a madman. You know that?”

  Barry grinned.

  “What’s all of this talk about getting laid?” asked Angela from their open doorway.

  Both Barry and Paul looked startled at her interjection.

  “I don’t plan on doing much talking at all,” quipped Barry, taking another slug of his vodka.

  “How ‘bout you, rich boy? You think flashing your Daddy’s money around is going to get you lucky?”

  “It just might.”

  “I could use some new Italian clothing, maybe some jewelry,” said Angela smiling, and she left the doorway.

  “That bitch is hot and cold,” said Barry.

  “I know,” said Paul grinning. “Isn’t she fascinating?”

  Jamie stood in the bathroom washing his face. The cool water felt good on his skin as he looked at himself in the mirror. He saw Nico looking back at him, berating him with his glare. He closed his eyes and shook that image away. He replaced it with thoughts of Barry’s muscular build, Paul’s sexy swagger, and then Jenna in a skimpy costume depicting some slutty Japanese anime character.

  This was going to be interesting.

  * * *

  As Stefania led the group down the main boulevard, she kept a nervous eye on Barry. He had to have been sobering up, but he was trailing the group. She was afraid he was going to fall and hurt himself.

  Then she saw Paul holding court with Angela. She couldn’t tell if Angela was bothered, into it, or toying with him, but Paul didn’t care.


  He looked at Stefania. “Yes?”

  “You’re a big guy. Do me a favor and look after our celebrity back there?”

  He looked mildly annoyed at having been interrupted in his flirting with Ang
ela, but he smiled at the reference of his being a ‘big guy.’ “Sure thing, Stefania.”

  Paul bowed slightly to Angela, who rolled hers eyes but wore a mischievous grin. She truly was a mess of mixed signals. He dropped back between Lucy and Jenna, skirted around Jamie, and fell alongside Barry.

  “Hi,” said Barry wearily.

  “You okay, buddy?”

  Barry smirked. “I’ll be all right once the town stops spinning.”

  “Well, I’ll be your wingman. How’s that sound?”

  “Fine by me, partner.”

  Jenna shot a nervous glance back at Barry. Lucy pursed her lips in disapproval. Jamie wasn’t sure if he was pleased that Angela was freed up or displeased that Barry was now taken. Stefania wondered if she made a mistake pairing Paul up with Barry in a grown-up buddy system.

  “To the left is the Victoria Hotel, and next to it is a café that serves excellent Italian coffee, gelato, and Panettone,” continued Stefania.

  “Great,” blurted out Barry, “I came here for pussy, and she’s talking about coffee and ice cream.”

  “Whoa, take it easy, pal,” said Paul, putting his arm around him to steady Barry and stifle him.

  Stefania shot him daggers.

  “Excuse me,” said Jenna. “What’s Pannetone?”

  “It’s a sweet bread with raisins in it,” explained Lucy.

  “That’s right,” said Stefania impressed, or at least she feigned to be impressed. She was probably just relieved that the rest of the group was still with her.

  They followed Stefania further down the main boulevard. “To the right is the police station, and next to it a convenience store for medicine, cigarettes, and things like that.”

  “Hey, Paul,” Barry slurred, “let’s pick up a few packs, you know, for after all the sex were not going to have on this tour.”

  “That’s for damn sure,” said Lucy.

  Jenna giggled.

  They entered the town square. It was filled with teens on skateboards and various pedestrians. There was a group of boys sitting on a wall across the square from several young girls on benches. It reminded Lucy of Catholic school dances from her youth—boys lined up on one wall and girls on the other.


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