Feral Hearts

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Feral Hearts Page 26

by Edward P. Cardillo

  Behind the women was a sight almost as scary as a gathering of vampires. Surrounding the women on the edges of the plaza, a veritable army of shapes that appeared to be men gathered. Their eyes were also glowing in the darkness while they capered about, howling at the moon like the madmen they were.

  Barry glanced over the shoulders of the girls and saw what was awaiting them. "We are so fucked! We are beyond fucked!"

  He started trying to barricade the door with the limited furnishings in the room, but his wound limited his efforts. He had to stop and sit, resuming pressure on his neck. He only prayed he wouldn't pass out. He was already an easy target. Unconscious, he would be dead meat.

  "Come on, we can't let them get in!"

  "Shhhh! I'm trying to hear what they are saying. Wait a second! Who is that?" Paul stopped trying to shush Barry as his eyes caught sight of a lone figure striding from the main entrance out to Viktoriya. She stood tall and proud, grinning wickedly as the figure approached her.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Look, is that…Jamie?” Jenna couldn't believe her eyes.

  “It is!” Lucy, all but screamed at the shock of one of their group getting involved in this madness.

  “What’s he doing?”

  Jamie walked right up to the statuesque woman and looked into her eyes. They could see her lips moving and his head nodding in response, but no sound travelled across the lawn to their window.

  Jamie turned to point back to the hotel in the general direction of the rooms, and they finally got their first look at his face. He had an odd expression, almost one of relief, but it was like a mask hiding an emptiness, as if he were not entirely in his own head.

  Lucy and Paul dropped out of sight as their former friend was apparently selling them out. Jenna remained standing, her head and index finger bobbing. Lucy realized what she was doing as she watched Jenna from the carpet. She was actually counting all those things in the courtyard.

  "That is bad. Very, very bad. Twenty-four vampires and ninety-six...things. One hundred and twenty. That is a very even number, and there are only four of us. Another even number. Put together that is one hundred and twenty four. Another even number."

  "Will you just shut the fuck up already?" Barry was glaring at Jenna from his spot on the green carpet. The blood from his neck looked black as it soaked into the nap of the rug.

  "I have a better suggestion. Get down!" Paul hissed at Jenna, eliciting a scowl from her.

  "Yeah, get down and shut up!" Lucy joined in, finally losing patience.

  The realization that the numbers she had avoided for so long were come to life and were likely out to kill them all froze Jenna in place as she stared out the window at the amassed force. They were coming, all one hundred and twenty of them.

  What she did not expect to see was the fiery eyes of the leader staring deep into her soul. With a wash of power, the numbers no longer mattered. She knew what she would do when the time came. She would do just as she had been told.

  Jenna turned from the window and sat on the nearest bed and stared off into space.

  "It's about fucking time she shut up!" Barry was obviously relieved at her actions. He was, however, unaware, as the rest were, of what was to come from her silence.

  "We need weapons of some sort." Paul started rapidly looking around the room, his eyes alighting up the lone wooden chair in the corner, sitting at a small desk. "If they are vampires, a wooden stake is the trick. It's what Barry used to kill that bleached blonde bitch at the club."

  Paul knocked the chair onto its back and stomped on the cross supports, allowing the legs to be snapped off. He tossed one leg to each of his companions and moved to do the same to the desk. Barry and Lucy caught theirs, while Jenna's club landed on the bed next to her, unnoticed.

  "Hey ladies! Why don't you run over to your room and do the same before they get a chance to come in here." Lucy looked a bit ruffled at being addressed in such a manner, but nodded in agreement.

  "Come on, Jenna. You heard the guy. Let's go get some weapons from our room." Jenna didn’t budge until Lucy pulled on her arm. She quietly arose from the soft bed and followed Lucy out the door and across the hall.

  Paul continued kicking at the desk, trying to gain another weapon, knowing it wouldn't be enough.

  * * *

  The sounds of furniture being broken echoed down the halls as Jamie led his tormentor to her goal. All the doors in the hall were closed but the two that were his destination.

  Viktoriya called over her shoulder to her followers, "My children, clear out the hotel. All must die, but leave the bald one to me. I have a present for him."

  "Paul, I can't get them to break, and Jenna is no help!" Lucy cried.

  "Be right there!" Paul started out into the hall, glancing to his left, and saw them. The traitor and his mistress.

  "They're coming!" He slammed the door to his room, knowing it would lock automatically. He practically dove into the girls' room, kicking the door closed with his feet. He reached up to slam the deadbolt home.

  "I guess they are in there." Jamie shrugged as he pointed at the door Paul had disappeared through. The sooner this was over, the sooner he would be free.

  Jamie strolled, almost casually, up to the door and gently knocked.

  "Fuck off, you undead cunt!"

  Jamie twitched a bit. Although, he had been hurt so much, he had always hated that word. Then again, it did seem to be an accurate name for Viktoriya. She was the second most horrible thing that had ever happened to him.

  "I'm sorry, Paul. I really didn't want to do this, but I have dealt with her for what feels like an eternity. It needs to be over. She destroyed everything that I held dear. I am pretty sure now that she killed Nico, the only person I truly loved. "

  Viktoriya gave him a nasty smile with a single nod, knowing how much it hurt him.

  She calmly approached the door and spoke in a voice that dripped with honey. "You don't need to worry, Paul. I will still take you to the house and fuck you longer and harder than you have ever had. I just want your friend, Barry. He has to pay for what he did to Anya."

  The persuasive tone of her voice created a stirring in the loins of everyone in the immediate area. The men felt themselves grow hard while the women started getting wet. The feeling was disconcerting.

  "We don't have Barry. He bled out. She must have gotten an artery or something." Paul realized he was unconsciously stroking himself through his slacks. He glanced around and was surprised at what he found.

  Lucy was sprawled on the bed nearest the window. She had hiked her skirt up around her waist and her left hand pulled aside her lace panties. She was stroking herself with her right hand, not caring that she was on display.

  The sight did not help Paul stay on task.

  "Come on. Open the door." Jamie's voice took on a pleading tone. "Jenna? Are you in there? We had something, didn't we? I know you felt it. Please let me in so we can be together."

  Jenna arose from the bed near the door and stepped over Paul, his eyes fixated on the show Lucy was putting on. The power of these vampires to stir desire in mortals, even in the worst times, was unmatched.

  "Jenna...don't..." Lucy moaned from the bed, unable to control herself, her body seemingly on autopilot, driving herself toward climax.

  Paul made a grab for Jenna's ankle, hoping to stop her but the friction of the rug against his groin was too much. The intense arousal Viktoriya had brought up in them made the most simple contact extremely pleasurable. Paul's body was racked with spasms as he erupted in his boxers, his hand missing Jenna's leg completely.

  "I'm here for you, Jamie." Jenna's voice sounded far away, yet so full of need. She twisted the deadbolt and the knob together.

  Jamie rushed into the room, taking Jenna into his arms, and kissed her passionately. The fugue she had been in fell, and the pheromones Viktoriya was emitting consumed them both. They struggled to pull off each other's clothing when they both went stiff, fingers
losing their direction. Their mouths went wide in an expression of shock.

  The slim hand with long, slender fingers protruded from Jenna's back, dripping in their scarlet blood which spattered the floor. Viktoriya smiled over Jamie’s shoulder, a fire in her eyes. With a sickening slurping sound, she pulled her arm back through the lovers. As she finished pulling free from Jamie’s back, their bodies collapsed to the floor.

  "I thought...you said...you would...free me." Jamie's words were moist with blood.

  "You are free. Free from all the troubles of life that have tormented you. So is your lady friend. No longer will she be plagued with numbers. I saw that when I took her mind earlier. Now, you both are free. Together."

  The vampire turned and took in the rest of the small room. It was impossible to miss the show Lucy was giving on the bed.

  Viktoriya simply smiled. "I think we can use one so...enthusiastic at the club." She sauntered over to the wanton girl. She kneeled on the carpet and glanced back to the bodies on the floor. Just past the two corpses she had just made, Paul laid, his eyes fixated on the scene before him. He was unable to think for himself, let alone move.

  She gave him that wicked smile he had seen earlier and turned back to Lucy. Viktoriya leaned over the flesh offered to her and pleasured Lucy orally. As Lucy continued to writhe under her, Viktoriya licked the hollow on the inside of Lucy's thigh, finding the pulse point. Lucy let out a sound that was a moan of pleasure fused with a gasp of fear.

  With a quick flick, Viktoriya dropped her fangs, that row of teeth so similar to that of a piranha, and bit into the soft pale skin, rejoicing in the flow of the warm blood over her tongue. Lucy’s gasp turned into a cry.

  Once Viktoriya had drunk enough to sate her desire, she stood. "Tomorrow night, you will be mine. Know this and that I expect you to go to the club once you have risen and fed."

  At this command, Lucy went limp. The duvet was soaked through in her juices and blood.

  Viktoriya stood and crossed the room to the heap that was Paul and looked down on him. He was a pitiful mess.

  He looked up at her, eyes begging for mercy from a monster he knew possessed none. She knelt down next him, pulling his limp form into her arms. She cradled him like a lover as she gazed deeply into his eyes. "Do you remember my promise to you, about how I would fuck you?"

  Paul let out a long, deep sigh as he nodded. She could see that under the fear, he still had a strong desire for the pleasures she had promised so recently.

  She grinned, knowing the pleasures that were to come would only be hers. In a flash her rows of razor teeth descended and in one quick motion ripped Paul's throat out. His blood sprayed across her face, crimson contrasting starkly with her ivory complexion. His scream burbled out amid the gout of blood.

  "You are well and truly fucked now."

  She watched the light fade from his eyes. Just to be certain she grasped the sides of his head, and like a child with a spent dandelion, ripped his head from his shoulders.

  She glanced back at Lucy's body, sprawled across the bed, her chest barely moving with her shallow breaths. She took one last gaze at her blood-soaked crotch spread wide and knew she made the right decision. This girl would make a wonderful replacement for poor fallen Anya.

  Ah, yes, Anya. I still need to take care of that loose end, she thought. She could smell his blood, so he must be close by.

  Viktoriya sauntered out into the hallway and froze. She held her head high, eyes closed, and sniffed the air.

  He was close. His scent permeated the still air. She knew exactly what she needed to do. These games are so easy. She chuckled at the thought. Come to me, my pet.

  * * *

  Barry heard the noises coming from across the hall. He knew she was coming for him. He could feel it, deep down. He also felt the lingering effects of the arousal she had summoned from the others throbbing with his pulse. He could feel his pulse running strong, as he held the wound on his neck.

  It had been under two hours since the ravening thing that looked and felt like a sexy woman had torn at his throat, ripping away all pretenses of tough he carried. Hell, less than twenty-four hours ago, Barry had been safe in his roomy apartment in Williamsburg, living the life that so many envied.

  Now, he was huddled in fear of his life in a tiny room in a small village in Italy. In fact, he wondered why he was here. This was supposed to be a luxury resort, not a singles getaway. Carlos had assured him that everything would be taken care of, that all his troubles would be gone. He had just wanted to relax, drink enough to kill a fish, score some Italian tail, and maybe, just maybe, that ginger vixen from the plane would have come from Rome.

  In a flash, it came to him. Perhaps, in another situation, it would’ve been considered paranoid. Could that vampire bitch's reach extend all the way to New York? Maybe she got to Carlos, convincing him to arrange this whole thing.

  That little fucker set me up! Barry's anger fueled his actions. Refusing to continue being a victim, he stood, taking up the broken chair leg in his right hand. When I get back to New York, he is fucking dead. Fuck firing him. He's dead.

  He paced the room for a few minutes, steeling himself for what he knew he needed to do. He had already killed one of those hell bitches tonight. He could do it again. Again and again, if need be.

  A gentle knock at the door interrupted his pacing. He whipped around, staring at the oaken door. He really wished he had a gun, something more than a chair leg. He said nothing, simply waiting.

  The knocking began again, soft but insistent.

  "Barry, are you there? The man at the desk said this is your room."

  He knew that voice, dipped in honey and lust. It was the sound of fantasy in flesh. It was Kitten. He guessed that her show had been canceled and she took him up on the invitation to come to Derosso.

  Barry opened the door and took in the glorious sight he remembered from the plane. The large breasts and full hips filled out a new dress. It was similar to the one she wore in first class, this one a deep red. The sight of her luscious face erased any concerns he had.

  She walked into the room and took Barry into her arms. He wrapped his muscular arms around her torso, hands sliding low to cup her round ass. As he slid his hands over the wonder that it was, her dress slid up so he felt skin on skin. She felt him stiffen in between their bodies.

  She pulled away and took a step back. Barry looked disappointed to lose his grasp. She stood tall and shook her mane of hair, as red as the dress, about her head. He was mesmerized by the way her tits bounced with each shake.

  Kitten saw him staring. "You like what you see?"

  Barry nodded numbly. In response, Kitten unzipped that crimson sheath, letting it fall to the floor. She stood before him in all her bounteous glory, bare as could be. He took in the sight of her alabaster skin, shining in the light. He could find no flaw whatsoever. It was the best money can buy.

  "I haven't been able to get the thought of this moment out of my mind, ever since you had your way with my body on board the flight." She ran her hands over her toned figure, setting off the most wonderful jiggles. "Now, this isn't fair. I'm all ready to go, and there you are in those dirty clothes."

  She reached out and unbuckled his belt, drawing it from the wool loops in one deft motion. She folded it in half and playfully slapped it on her ass. At the sting of the leather, she let out a bit of a whimper.

  Barry finished unbuttoning his trousers, allowing them to drop to the floor. Kitten took the elastic band of his boxer briefs in her hands and yanked them down as well. His throbbing erection leapt forth. She smiled as she ran her hand along the underside, feeling its pulse in her palm.

  "Lay back and let me do what I do best." She ran her tongue over her plumped lips. Barry practically fell backward onto the small bed. His pants were still around his ankles, unable to get past the now-scuffed oxfords.

  As he lay down, his manhood pointed toward his head, bobbing with the beat of his heart. Kitten took in th
is sight and licked her lips again as she kneeled down between his legs. She flicked her tongue out, just teasing the tip. Barry couldn’t contain his moan of pleasure.

  She easily took him deep into her throat. God, she was talented at reducing him to so much mush. Then, in a seemingly impossible sucking action, she went deeper, pulling his balls into her mouth, one after the other. She continued sucking when he felt an odd prickling sensation encompassing the base of his cock.

  In a fraction of a second, the serrated teeth extended, allowing Kitten to rip his genitalia off in one swift tearing motion, her mouth like a buzz saw. She rejoiced in the moment as his femoral arteries sprayed across her face. As her jaw opened even wider, she swallowed his once proud organ in one quick gulp.

  The piercing shriek that came from Barry's throat was as inhuman as the creature that had just emasculated him. The siren that had brought this damnation to Barry strutted around the small bed, stopping beside his head.

  She leaned over, her massive breasts hanging above his face, and whispered to him.

  "Carlos did his job so well. He said you were slime, and he was right. I knew if you were the reprehensible person he claimed, you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off of this." She cupped her blood-spattered breasts, bringing them near his face. "And you couldn't resist. It’s a shame that you didn’t know the real me.” She let the illusion fall. The face of a different woman, still ginger but far from the goddess he knew on the plane, shimmered into focus.

  “I will admit—you were packing a nice piece of meat. Were."

  "Kitten..." Barry hardly choked the one word past his pain.

  "No, it's really Kitien, but close enough. Kitten was a role we hired that woman to play. Now where was I? Ah, yes, you had to go and kill Anya. That sealed your fate, the fates of your friends as well.

  “Just wait until we get back to New York. This is going to be a wonderful piece of news. 'Reality star castrated and murdered in Rome. Rejected fan sought for questioning.' You didn't think we were leaving you here, did you? TMZ is going to blow up with this. It will make the celebrity overdoses look so mundane."


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