Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 9

by Sheri L. Swift

  Lana swam out of her home behind the thrones and came and sat beside Titus, “Still no sign?”

  “No, I am afraid not.”

  “We’re all aware of the danger now my love, none of us will be caught off guard again.” She smiled to him as she took his hand in hers.

  “I know it is true, but as my Grandfather King Titan used to tell me, I must do all I can to guard the pod and those we love above the water as well.”

  “You know I’m praying with you.”

  “I know my love. How is our son?”

  “He’s dreaming of spearing a Marlin.” She grinned.

  “He does love to hunt, even if he is only seven winters.” Titus also grinned.

  “Yeah, he dreams of being like his dad.”

  “May he also have the kindness of his mother.” He took her hand and kissed it.


  Lizzy took out her cell phone and turned it on; she hadn’t done so since she left Safe Harbor Island.

  There were no text or voice mail; she was sure there would be at least one from Robbie.

  She turned off the phone knowing there would most likely not be any for awhile as spotty as cell towers were where they anchored and visited.

  She took out her journal and wrote:

  I wonder what Robbie is doing right this minute; is he still on Safe Harbor Island? Dad is keeping very quiet on the subject; most likely sparing my feelings.

  If he is back at college then I guess we really are over; I could never go back to that way of life again.

  Lizzy turned the page and began drawing three bottle-nosed Dolphins which were Servo and Salvus; Prince Tarrock’s Dolphins and baby Tempest; Prince Titan’s Dolphin.

  She loved their loyalty, joy and silly antics. They made her laugh each time she saw them.

  Lizzy sensed Midori below her and realized how happy she felt when he was around. She had to guard her thoughts.

  “Are you ready for another adventure?” he asked in his mind as he swam beneath the schooner.

  “You know I am!” She quickly closed her journal, leaving her colored pencils strewn about the bed.

  She changed into her shell top and green bathing suit bottom. She also put on her belt with sheaf and white knife like her siblings now wore anytime they went into the water.

  She passed her parents on the deck giving a smile, “I’m off.”

  “He is behaving himself isn’t he?” Cole asked with a stern expression.

  “Dad, you know he always does,” Lizzy giggled.

  “I’m not so sure you two should be spending time together without Jedediah.”

  “Dad, he’s not making moves on me.”

  “Yeah, that’s what they all say.”

  “Have fun dear,” said Rose as she smiled to Cole.

  “I will.” Lizzy grinned and jumped off the railing and into the teal blue water below.

  Midori helped her on his back and then dove down and sped through the water.

  “Hey, why can’t I go?” said Will as he ran out of his cabin.

  “I guess you got up too late.” Cole grinned.

  “Besides Will, we have some homework to do.” Rose raised both her brows.

  “Okay, okay, but tomorrow it’s my turn,” he grumbled.

  “We’ll see.” Cole grinned and then went to get his fishing rod.

  “Why does dad even bother; you know one of the Mer will come along and put a fish on the hook if he doesn’t catch one soon.” Will shook his head.

  “We know dear, but he enjoys it all the same.” Rose smiled.


  Lizzy was free-diving with Midori’s help over a large coral reef. She loved all the life which lived in and around it, but especially a friendly little Lion Fish who seemed to enjoy her company.

  “Would you like to meet a friend of mine?” asked Midori.

  “Sure, let me get some air first,” she giggled.

  Midori got behind her and placed his hands upon her waist quickly swimming her upwards to the waters surface.

  Lizzy sucked in a deep breath, “Thanks Midori, where does your friend live?”

  “He lives everywhere, but he is near today.” Midori grinned and helped Lizzy upon his back and dove down.

  “O-kay.” She smiled knowing it was a secret.

  Midori sped through the water, taking short breaks upon the surface to give Lizzy a chance to breathe.

  It wasn’t long and Lizzy was amazed at what she saw; it was a large pod of Orcas rolling and slapping their tails (flukes) on the water.

  “Stay here, while I greet him first and tell him of you.” Midori swam to the largest which was a male.

  Lizzy couldn’t help but smile even brighter; this had been a dream of hers and Midori must have heard her thoughts at some point to know how much it meant to her.

  Midori greeted the Orca and caressed his cheek. He whispered something to him and then he swam back to Lizzy.

  “Midori are you sure it’s alright?”

  “Yes, he would like to meet you. As you know, they are related to the Dolphins and like clicking sounds. I want you to snap your fingers beneath the water.”

  “Okay, like this?”


  Sure enough the large male slowly began to swim to her.

  You can do this Lizzy, she told herself as she continued to snap.

  “His name is Agrios; I named him long ago.” Midori grinned.

  Agrios came to Lizzy and nudged her.

  She ran her hand across his slippery cheek as she saw Midori do.

  Agrios seemed to smile and made clicking noises of his own.

  “He likes you; I told him he would. Would you like to ride him?”

  “Oh no, that’s okay,” said Lizzy nervously.

  “Jedediah has ridden him.”

  “What, he never told me! I guess if Jed did it then I can too.” She smiled at such a thought.

  Midori helped her upon his back.

  Lizzy held onto his tall dorsal fin with ruffled edges as all males had, nearly twice the length of the females.

  He slowly began to swim her and took her to meet his pod.

  Midori swam beside them.

  “Are you sure the females won’t mind?”

  “They love company.”

  There was a small calf which eagerly greeted her father and his new rider.

  “Thank you Midori, I will never forget this,” Lizzy giggled as she met the other female Orcas within the pod; each seemed to welcome her with joy.


  After Midori returned Lizzy to the schooner, he swam to the city and then swam into the Hall. He came before the King and Queen as they sat upon their thrones.

  Prince Titan swam near them with Tempest.

  King Titus smiled, “how was our sister this day?”

  Midori lowly bowed to them both, “She was happy my King and Queen; she met and rode upon Agrios.”

  Lana smiled, “Thank you Midori, I know how much she loves the Orcas.”

  “You are welcome,” he said, but seemed somewhat disturbed.

  Titus sensed there might be something more, “What is it Midori?”

  “My King, may I speak to you of a private matter?” Midori lowered his head and eyes.

  Lana knew to let them have this time alone and said, “Titan come swim with me in the coral gardens.”

  Titan grinned, “Sure.” He took her offered hand.

  They both swam away with Tempest swimming after them.

  “Come into my home Midori so we may speak more privately.” Titus gave a nod to the two guardsmen who were posted on either side of the entrance to his home.

  The guardsmen swam some distance to give them privacy as no one could hear them once inside.

  Midori was humbled; he never imagined ever being inside the King and Queen’s home.

  “Speak your words of what concerns you,” said Titus.

  “It is about the Princess Elizabeth,” Midori was finding it hard to speak of suc
h things.

  “I thought as much.” Titus grinned.

  “Is the Princess Elizabeth intended for another? I do not wish to make an offense.”

  “You have not made an offense. It is unclear to all of us if she is or is not; her intended did something to cause her great pain and she is not sure she will join in Union with him. It will take time to know for certain.”

  “Forgive me my King; I know I am only half-Mer. If she were not intended for another, would you allow such as myself….” Midori could not speak the words.

  “As you know Princess Elizabeth is more human than Mer. If you were a complete Mer I would forbid it for fear she might die in childbirth. But because you are a half-Mer, I would allow it; but it is also her father who must approve.” Titus grinned again.

  “Forgive me, but….”

  “I know what it is; I have forbidden my nephew Prince Ulysses in his request to join with the human Faith, but I do not know what shall come of it.”

  “Thank you my King, I will try to be patient; for her and her father’s blessing.”

  “I will pray to Arius that He would guide Princess Elizabeth and you in the correct path.”

  “I shall also.” Midori smiled and then gave a bow and swam to his own home.

  Lana saw Midori leave her home and she returned, letting Titan and Tempest remain in the gardens a little longer.

  “Is it what I think?” she giggled to Titus even though she knew he would never tell her Midori’s conversation.

  “We must pray for Lizzy to decide soon.” Titus grinned.

  She sensed something must be wrong, “What is it Titus?”

  “We must continue to pray for Ulysses and Faith.”

  “I know, I am, but you know how I feel about it also.”

  “Yes, I know.” Titus knew full well Lana felt love could conquer anything.


  Later that evening, Lizzy sat out on the deck in the bright moonlight and wrote in her journal. She decided the things she wrote about would be private after all and decided no one would ever read it, but her.

  She would still use the notes for her class projects, only she’d rewrite them on her computer when she made lesson plans.

  Today was a perfect day; Midori introduced me to an Orca named Agrios. I actually rode upon his back. I wasn’t sure if the females would accept me, but they did; especially one little calf which seemed to embody joy itself.

  I could get used to this simple way of life.

  Midori took me free-merman diving; it was wonderful. I’m getting better at holding my breath longer and am able to go deeper than I ever have before. He’s great about taking me up for air.

  I’m beginning to enjoy his company; he’s so kind and gentle. It used to bother me when his long hair got in my face when I swam behind him, but now I’m enjoying it wash over me.

  Lizzy blushed at such a thought, then closed her journal and headed for bed.




  “Does anybody even realize that Halloween is next week?” Will asked his family at the breakfast table.

  “Yeah, I thought as much,” Cole pretended to grumble; he knew this was one of Will’s favorite holidays.

  “I’ve already asked Micah to get me some nice gourds and pumpkins; we’ll use them for decorations. One of the pumpkins we’ll carve into a jack-o-lantern and some others will be for pumpkin pies,” said Rose.

  “Oh Mom; how I miss your pumpkin pie.” Lizzy smiled.

  “We can even invite the Fijian brothers, Faith, Kawikani, Talei and Anue to join us. I know Jed will bring Jireh.”

  “Lana will want to come, simply for the pumpkin pies,” Lizzy giggled.

  “Yeah, she will at that.” Cole grinned.

  “But what about candy?” said Will disappointingly.

  “You can find most anything you want on Suva, we can leave first thing tomorrow if you want to; once we arrive, we’ll shop one day and start heading back the next,” said Cole getting into the spirit.

  “Are you serious?” Will grinned.

  “I want to go!” said Lizzy.

  “I guess I’m going too.” Rose smiled.

  “Then it’s a plan.” Cole grinned with a wink.


  The markets in Suva were busier than ever.

  Not only did Cole, Rose, Lizzy and Will go for the shopping trip, but also Lana, Jedediah and Jireh; which always made Cole nervous for the merwalkers.

  Seturus remained at home in the grotto, with two guardsmen at the entrance as Jedediah had wished.

  Now that he knew her to be pregnant; he only agreed to go on those conditions.

  She willingly stayed so he and Jireh could go to one of Jedediah’s favorite places.

  Titus sent along two scouts who were the fastest in his Kingdom and a troupe of the guard to follow the schooner and watched over them.

  Lana wore dark sunglasses, a long blonde wig, straw hat, black leather fingerless gloves and purple rubber clogs which matched her two piece bathing suit and wrap. She was used to being dressed in such a fashion when leaving the water.

  Jedediah tied a red bandana over Jireh’s head covering his ears and also had him wear sunglasses, fingerless gloves and tennis shoes. He knew to keep near to Jireh whenever they were out of the water.

  Jedediah had been here many times before when he attended college in Suva and it was good to be back again even if only for a day.

  “Oh yeah!” said Will as he found some of his favorite chocolate candy at the market. It was on a table with the sign lolies.

  “Not too much Will; this isn’t going to be a sugar binge!” said Cole.

  “And I expect a five-page report on why you love Halloween tomorrow,” said Rose with raised eyebrows.

  “Okay, okay.” Will put down half of the candy he’d picked up, but saving a bag of suckers for Jireh, Anue and any of the Mer children who would like to try them.

  “Lana, look at this one.” Lizzy showed her a blue and teal striped straw hat she liked and put it on.

  “It looks good on you.” Lana smiled.

  “Thanks, I think I’ll buy it.”

  Will saw some wooden masks he liked; he put one over his face, “Hey Dad, look at this.”

  “Not today Son.” Cole let out a deep sigh.

  “Now this is sweet,” said Jedediah as he saw a surfboard in particular with a mermaid painted on it.

  “I like it too Dad.” Jireh winked to him.

  “Yeah, but I think you two are a little bit partial,” Cole chuckled to them.

  “Yep.” Jedediah grinned and crossed his arms.

  “Yep.” Jireh copied his dad even with his folded arms.

  “I love all the spices they have here,” Rose said as she picked out a few to purchase, not only for herself, but also Seturus who loved learning to cook human foods for Jedediah.


  After getting some dinner, the entire family returned to Suva Harbour with their packages where the Bonnie Rose was moored.

  As they all walked, Will stood frozen in his tracks on the dock and refused to go any further. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

  “Is it what I think?” Cole asked, sensing there was danger.

  “I can sense her Dad, she’s beyond Titus’ guards,” said Will in his mind terrified.

  “I thought it was her, I’ve sensed her a few times before, but not for very long,” said Jedediah.

  “Let’s get aboard with all this stuff; everyone keep your thoughts clear, we don’t want her to know we’re on to her.” Cole quickly helped the women and Jireh aboard first.

  Cole with Jedediah’s help pulled up the anchor and got the schooner out and on her way back as soon as they could.

  Once they were in open water Will went to his father and said, “She’s gone.”

  “Yeah, she never sticks around long for us to get a fix on her; especially with Titus’ guardsmen watching over us,” said

  “No, she sure doesn’t; I’m sure the guards know,” said Lana.

  “We all just need to keep focused and we’ll catch them soon enough.” Cole didn’t like the situation at all.


  When the Bonnie Rose was once more anchored above Tullius, Lana left her disguise with her parents as always and dove down and swam towards the city below.

  Titus met her half way home. He gave a nod to the guardsmen in passing as they continued on to the city. He told them to wait for him in the Hall.

  He smiled to Lana, “Titan and I have missed you; how was your trip?” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  “I missed you guys too; it started out wonderful, but then we sensed Queen Poneros. She didn’t stay too close and was gone before we knew it. She’s really starting to creep me out Titus.”

  “I know my love. My scouts thought they had her, but she slipped away as always. The guard was commanded to follow below the schooner and to protect you and your family, so they could not break my command and follow after her.

  “I am sorry she got away; I continue to pray we catch her soon.” He swung her on top of his back and swam her into the city.

  Once inside they were met by Prince Titan and Tempest.

  “I wish I could have gone,” said Titan sadly.

  “I know my son, but we cannot.” Titus patted his shoulder.

  “I’ll tell you all about it.” Lana kissed him on top of his head.

  The King and Queen sat upon their thrones discussing Lana’s visit with her family and trip to Suva.

  Titan listened intently and grinned from time to time, especially anytime she spoke of his uncle Jedediah and cousin Jireh.


  Later Prince Makoa and Prince Tarrock greeted them.

  Makoa lowly bowed and said, “My King and Queen.”

  Tarrock said, “Father and Mother.”

  “What is it?” Titus sensed there might be danger.

  “The King Spero of Tiselius has come and requested to be brought before you. I know not why, but there are several Mer with him.”


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