Collecting Scars

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Collecting Scars Page 6

by Tee Smith

“Oh...I think I'm in love with him,” Gemma placed a hand over her heart and slumped against the wall.

  “Go on with you girl,” Asha swatted her friend with her hand. “Get back to work.”

  “Okay, but any more texts, anything I need to know okay?”

  “Yes Gem, now work, before you get us both fired,” she laughed and Gemma retreated back to the front of the building.

  Asha had a new patient that day. It was a sixty-two-year-old man with a brain tumour. He and his wife needed an extensive care-plan drawn up. It was time consuming, but she was grateful for the distraction. When lunchtime came around, she popped down the street to pick something up. Pulling her phone out of her handbag, she noticed she had several missed calls from her brother and a text message from Xavier. She would worry about Patrick later. Deciding instead to check her messages.

  X- Hey, been thinking about you, want to catch up again tomorrow night?

  That made her smile, of course she wanted to catch up with him tomorrow night.

  A- Hey yourself, yes, I would love too, what did you have in mind?

  X- I don't know, maybe a few drinks after you finish work?

  A- Sure, want me to meet you at the club?

  X- how about I come past your work and pick you up?

  Oh, Gemma would have a field day with this.

  A- Yeah, that could work. I usually finish around five

  Even as she sent the message off, she knew that wasn't true, she almost always worked late. But she would make sure she finished at five if Xavier was coming to pick her up.

  X- see you at five tomorrow night then X.

  She could hardly wait, time was going to drag until she saw him again. Climbing into bed with her book that evening, Xavier was the only thing on her mind. There was no way she could focus on reading. Just as she started drifting off to sleep her phone pinged.

  X- Good night gorgeous, can't wait to see you tomorrow X

  It was then she remembered she was meant to call Patrick back. Oops. Oh well, he could wait.

  A- Good night x


  As expected Gemma was almost as excited about Asha's date with Xavier as she was. All day she bopped around, more cheery than normal. It was an average day. John came in for his care review, as well as a few other regulars.

  Five o'clock seemed so far away.

  Asha phoned Patrick when she found a quiet moment. He didn't have much to say. Went on about how their mother was worried and she had not been to visit her for ages. When was she coming home for a visit? All the usual stuff he wanted to know.

  As five o'clock finally neared Asha, ducked into the staff bathroom to change her clothes. She didn't want to be going out in her work clothes again. She squeezed herself into a pair of tight skinny jeans and a fitted top which made her small chest look a little bigger. Eyeing herself in the mirror she decided she didn't look too bad. As always, she finished her outfit off with and a pair of tall boots. If there was one thing Asha had a weakness for, it was boots. The bottom of her wardrobe was bursting with various different pairs of boots, in almost every colour and style. Knee highs, ankle boots, suede, leather whatever she liked the look of. As she didn't drive she figured she might as well have good walking attire. That was her excuse anyway.

  Grabbing her coat she walked out to the waiting area. Xavier was leaning on the front counter chatting with Gemma. He stopped when he saw her, his eyes lit up.

  “Hey,” he smiled at her.

  “Hey you,” she grinned back. “Ready to go?”

  “Ready as I'll ever be,” she replied.

  Xavier stretched an arm around her back and directed them to the door.

  “Have fun kids,” Gemma called out. “Don't forget it's a school night.”

  Xavier laughed. Asha loved that sound. His bike was parked just outside the glass doors and when they reached it he handed her a helmet. He climbed on and started the bike while she fiddled around getting ready. Then she climbed on behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. As they zoomed off out of the car park, Asha turned to see Gemma standing by the door waving wistfully. Poor ol' Gem, she was such a hopeless romantic. Asha hoped one day she would find the man of her dreams.


  Ten minutes in their journey, Xavier pulled into a narrow road and brought the bike to a stop, he helped Asha climb off, before alighting himself.

  “What is this place?” she asked looking up at the old building with the broken neon light above it. It read 'Polly's Dollhouse' the 'e' on the end was falling off. Asha was a little confused, it looked somewhat dodgy and it was in a rough part of town. After they had gone out together to such a gorgeous little cafe, she really didn't understand.

  “I want you to keep an open mind okay?” Xavier smiled at her. “You will love this place and there is someone here I want you to meet.”

  “Okay,” she answered tentatively, her mind swirling with what that could possibly mean as they walked towards the doors.

  Big, heavy wooden doors marked the entrance to the building. Xavier grabbed the handle of one and gave a push and the door swung inwards. Grabbing her hand he pulled her inside right behind him. A security guard in uniform stood near the entrance and gave Xavier a friendly nod. So he must come here often Asha noted.

  Once inside Asha took a look around. The area was dimly lit, with long velvet drapes hanging from the tall windows. It reminded her of Xavier’s club, but was not open like his. Scanning the building she could see there were smaller rooms running off the main room, which held a well-stocked bar. Big beautiful crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, but the lights were dimmed giving it an alluring ambience. She could hear soft music playing somewhere in the background. A grand piano stood beside a small dance floor. Were those stripper poles she could see next to the dance floor? Oh, my goodness what is this place?

  Whilst they stood taking in their surroundings two young women came rushing out of a room giggling. Both dressed in sexy lingerie. Had Xavier brought her to some kind of sex club? Asha's skin started to pebble with goose bumps. She was not okay with this. What impression had she possibly given him that he would think she would want to come to a place like this? He obviously had the wrong idea about her. Her stomach was coiling into knots and she was about to turn tail and run for the door. She shook her hand free but Xavier reached out and grasped it as if he knew what she was thinking.

  “Xavier, my beautiful boy,” came a sultry voice, from somewhere behind them. They both spun around and Xavier dropped her hand and held his arms out while an older woman came charging into them. Asha guessed to be in her sixties.

  She wore a long flowing velvet and lace dress and large chunky jewellery, a long velvet scarf held back a mop of flaming red hair. Images of a fortune teller looking into a crystal ball flooded into Asha's mind.

  “Oh and you brought a friend.” The woman cried, launching herself at Asha and pulling her into her huge bosom for a hug.

  “This is my friend Asha...Asha this is my Aunty Polly,” Xavier gestured between them.

  “Oh, Asha what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl. It's about time you brought a lady friend to meet Aunt Polly,” the older woman admonished him.

  Aunty? Well, this was getting interesting.

  “Well we thought we might have a few drinks and something to eat, is the kitchen open tonight?” Xavier questioned.

  “Of course, it is! It's always open for my favourite nephew.”

  “I’m your only nephew Aunty Polly.”

  “Pft” she flapped her hands at him. “If I had ten nephews, you would still be my favourite. Come now, you two beautiful people. You can have the best room in the house. Reserved for special guests.” The old lady turned and winked at Asha, then led them down the hall and around a corner.

  “I'll have Roger, bring you a bottle of my finest. Now you two make yourselves comfortable.” She reached up and kissed Xavier on the cheek, then swatted Asha on the backside as she left the room.

nbsp; Asha jumped with surprise, she had not expected that.

  “So?” Xavier raised an eyebrow. “Not what you expected was it?”

  Asha stifled a giggle, “Ah no, not at all.”

  “She's my dad's older sister, they don't really see each other much. But Aunty Polly is good value. My mum and dad aren’t really on board with Aunty Polly's questionable business dealings.” He chuckled to himself. “Especially as dad worked in law enforcement. Aunty Polly is a bit the 'black sheep' of the family. She never had any kids of her own. So I try to pop in and see her whenever I can and she makes the best steak in town.”

  There was a clearing of a throat and they both looked up to see who Asha could only assume was Roger, standing in the doorway with a bottle of wine. Xavier met him in the doorway, taking the wine and glasses.

  This room had a massive, majestic fireplace, well ablaze. An antique wrought iron daybed covered in a beautiful lace spread and lots of velvet cushions. As well a pretty, small round table set for two with beautiful high-backed wooden chairs. Of course in keeping with the rest of the establishment, there was a massive chandelier hanging above the table.

  “This place is quite, um something different isn't it?”

  “Yeah I like it, it’s where I got the idea for the curtains in the club, actually,” Xavier explained. “In its hey-day Aunty Polly, tells that she entertained many a celebrity. But these days, it's more just the locals that know it's here. I think she likes it like that, though, as she is very involved still in running every aspect of it.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty cool hey?” Asha was in awe of this amazing old lady, who had given her life to running this place. It was not long before Aunty Polly was back with two plates of steak and salad.

  Over dinner, Xavier explained that ever since he was a small child Aunty Polly had always doted on him, treated him like the son she never had. Always wanting to feed him, he needed 'fattening up' she would tell him. They wined and dined on the scrumptious meal, Aunty Polly had prepared for them and chatted about family and friends.

  Asha was really enjoying herself and almost did not want to leave when Xavier announced it was time to go. It was so easy to get caught up in this whole other world. Aunty Polly, kissed and hugged them both and made them both promise to come back and see her again soon. They climbed back on the bike and headed back to Asha's house.


  “Thanks so much for the fabulous evening out,” Asha gushed as Xavier walked her to her front door.

  “That’s okay, I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself. She's pretty cool old Polly isn't she? I thought you would like her.”

  “I have to admit, I was not really sure what to expect. Tonight was quite unlike anything I have experienced,” Asha giggled.

  “I could say the same for you”


  “I mean that in a good way,” Xavier huffed out a laugh. He reached out and ran a finger down the side of her face. “You really are a gorgeous girl Asha.”

  Asha could feel Xavier's beautiful green eyes boring into her soul. Reaching up he pushed a strand of her hair from her face to behind her ear, then he very gently slipped his fingers around the back of her head, under her braid, then his other hand was on her hip and his lips were on hers.

  Asha closed her eyes, it had been such a long time since anyone had kissed her and she could never remember a kiss this nice. His lips were soft and warm as they moved ever so gently against her own. She felt him pull back and without conscious thought she reached out her own hand and grasped the back of his head, pulling him closer to her. She did not want to break this amazing spell she was under. Xavier did not complain, he pulled her in closer to him, until she was flush up against his hot body. Asha could feel the heat rising in her own body, as her tongue danced with his.

  Eventually, they both pulled back, panting for air. Both their faces flushed, Xavier's eyes still boring into her soul, now burned with lust.

  “Stay,” Asha whispered, more as a demand than a question.

  Without saying a word, Xavier's lips met hers once more. He pushed her gently with his body so her back was pressed against the front wall of the house. It still didn't seem close enough and she snaked her arm around his back, pulling him even closer, feeling every part of him, pressing into her. Her body burned with need to have him closer still.

  Chapter 9

  “JEEZ,' IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU two got together...took you long enough,” Joanie muttered.

  Asha could hear her talking to Xavier as she walked into the kitchen, twisting her plait into a bun at the back of her head. Xavier rose from his chair at the kitchen table, smirking at Joanie, he walked over and wrapped both arms around her waist. Planting a soft kiss on her cheek.

  “Morning gorgeous.”

  Asha felt her heart might melt into a puddle. When she woke alone in her bed, she thought perhaps he had left while she was sleeping. She had taken a shower, and dressed for work, all the while thinking about how wonderful Xavier had been last night.

  Her body had aches she had long forgotten. They had made love several times last night before they had both fallen asleep exhausted, Xavier's strong arms wrapped around her. There were no nightmares. Just a long peaceful, dreamless sleep. The best she'd had in a long time. She had never slept so peacefully with a man in her bed before. Xavier made her feel so comfortable it was inexplicable.

  “Good morning,” she smiled up at him, with his messy bed hair.

  “Hm you're lucky,” Joanie snorted across the kitchen. All eyes flashed to her. “She's never that nice to me in the morning.”

  Xavier looked to Asha for an explanation

  “You don't look as good as him in the morning,” Asha breathed out a laugh.

  “Oh Gawd,” Joanie rolled her eyes. “Is this the sort of thing I have to look forward to now?”

  Asha certainly hoped so. She could quite happily get used to having Xavier around.

  “I made you some coffee,” Xavier announced, ignoring Joanie, he moved to the table to pick up the cup he had prepared for her. Yes, she could definitely get used to this.

  “What time do you have to start work?”

  “Half an hour,” she replied glancing up at the clock on the wall above the oven. “I will have to leave in twenty. It takes me ten minutes to walk there.”

  “I'll take you,” Xavier quickly jumped in.

  “Oh you’re so sweet, you don't have to do that.”

  “But I'd like to,” his eyes sparkled.

  “What will Gemma think?” Asha opened her mouth and covered it with her hand, in mock surprise.

  Xavier rolled his eyes at her now and huffed out a laugh. “That her friend had a good night out.”

  “And that’s she finally loosening up a bit,” Joanie interjected.

  “Hey,” Asha scowled.

  “Well, it's like the first time you have had a man sleep here... like...ever. I was starting to think you had taken a vow of chastity,” Joanie dead-panned.

  Xavier looked back to Asha with raised eyebrows in question, but he did not say what he was clearly thinking.

  “Not true...” Asha argued furtively. “Xavier stayed here before.”

  Xavier and Joanie, both let out a laugh.

  “Whatever,” Asha exhaled in frustration at the pair, rising from her chair. “If you guys are just going to poke fun at me, because you all think I’m a ….a prude, or whatever. I'm going to get ready for work.” She stomped off down the hall, annoyed at them both. Mostly Joanie, just because she liked to sleep around.

  Leaning over to fasten her shoes, she felt a pair of hands come to her hips from behind.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  She stood and spun to face Xavier, his hands quickly moving back to where they had been. A wide grin on his beautiful lips. Asha was so tempted to kiss those lips, but then she remembered, she was supposed to be mad at him.

  “What?” she managed in her best grumpy voice.

  He ran his f
inger down the side of her face, leaving a ticklish trail. She loved how he did that.

  “I had an amazing night last night,” he said softly, looking into her eyes. “You are amazing, don't let Joanie get to you.”

  How could she stay mad at him when he spoke to her like that? He looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. This man was certainly charming.

  “Thank you,” she leant forward and pressed a kiss to his soft warm lips, he tasted like coffee. She let out a small moan of pleasure. “I had an amazing night too.”

  “Now we better get you to work huh?”

  “Yeah I guess so...time to face the firing squad. A.K.A Gemma,” they both laughed.


  Gemma only stirred her up a little bit when she arrived on Xavier's bike. Mostly she just pestered her for details. Asha told Gemma all about Polly, the wonderful meal she had cooked her and Xavier and about her club, the 'dollhouse'. Gemma listened enthralled by the story. Telling Asha, she had heard of Polly's dollhouse. Apparently it had been spoken of in hushed tones around town for years. Also confirming, she had heard rumours of local celebrities frequenting it years ago. Including one story of a police commissioner who was embroiled in a sensational story about having an illicit affair with Miss Polly herself.

  The day passed without Asha hearing from Xavier. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but she knew he had a business to run and neither of them had time to be in each other's pocket. In reality, she had spent more time being with Xavier or thinking about Xavier than she probably should have in the past week or two and she really should be concentrating more on work anyway.

  She went home alone, Joanie had gone out for the evening, so she ate a microwaved meal. Had a shower and popped into bed. It was still early, around nine o'clock, but she was tired from her night spent with Xavier. Just as she was drifting off to sleep, she heard her phone ping and reached for where she had left it on the bedside table.

  X- Hey beautiful, hope you had a good day, wish I was there with you now. Have work tonight. Good night sweet dreams X


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