Reset: The Gray-Matter Chronilcs Book 2 (The Matter Chronicles 5)

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Reset: The Gray-Matter Chronilcs Book 2 (The Matter Chronicles 5) Page 35

by P. G. Thomas

  When they stopped off at the pizzeria, John was impressed, being his first visit. Even though it was early in the day, the place was packed. Iljam had a quick conversation with Gayne, Lauren, and Logan about the new serving staff, expressing concerns about using such youth, but both Lauren and Logan were unyielding in that concern. However, they did suggest hiring more supervisors of his choosing, if necessary. After Lauren and Logan had left, Iljam explained the financial side of the business to Gayne and Mirtza, which caused them all to smile.

  Krisp took Lauren to the upper dormitories where she introduced her to the four young girls, who she thought would be good candidates for Earth Daughters. Lauren had a quick talk with them, advising them she would return the following day, but this day she was still hoping that she might be able to find her daughters.


  As the carriages headed to a less populated section of the town so that Gayne could open a portal, the rain let up. Traveling along the main road, they passed by a crowded pedestrian mall beside the Key River. The gathering of Calicon residents was so large that it caught the attention of all occupants in both carriages, and even though all were unsure of the event, they feared it had something to do with the vote. Lauren called out to Eric, telling him to find a place to park. However, with carriages crowding the curbs, he had to travel around the mall, arriving in time to find the last few spots, but they were at the farthest point from the erected stage. As the carriages came to a halt, they scanned the large crowd, which none could estimate the size of, but it was considerable even though the mall was only half filled. After John had walked Sam and Hope back to the large carriage, Steve offered to get information on the event. Then Eric climbed into the back of the large carriage, so John invited Logan to join him in the smaller one.

  Gayne stuck his head out the carriage window, whispered to Steve, “Pickpockets, there will be pickpockets everywhere, be careful.”

  Shaking his head, he crossed the street and started talking to different people. An hour later he returned, shrugged his shoulders, “Craziest thing I’ve ever seen...for today. Somebody started building a large platform this morning, and the crowds just gathered. Even if somebody up front knows what’s happening, there’s no way to get there since they’re packed in solid.” After growing tired of standing, he went up to the smaller less crowded carriage.

  With time moving slowly, the mall continued to fill quickly, and many climbed onto nearby roofs or into trees, hoping to secure a better vantage point. After several hours, the crowd began to get anxious, vocalizing their impatience. “Start, Start, Start!”

  Even though part of Lauren wanted to leave, another part needed to know what was happening. Then the mood of the crowd began to change when those up front saw the action first. Armed Darkpaye men climbed out of two large wagons, taking up positions in front of the stage.

  With all eyes focused on the event, Sam tugged Hope’s shirt, whispered to his sister, “Let’s go now, because if we do not, they will send us home tomorrow.” Then they both went out of focus, and two squirrels climbed out of the carriage window.

  “Magic, a portal spell,” exclaimed Gayne, “and another, different?”


  At the back of the crowd, Panry instructed his Earth Guard to raise him up for a better view, and Jasmine did the same. He turned to her, “I sense my Earth Mother’s presence.”

  She nodded, “As do I.”

  “We need to find a better spot,” replied Panry.

  Then the two Earth Guard squads lowered their captains to the ground, tried to force their way into the crowded mall, but as the people were packed so thick were, pickpockets were unable to practice their craft. When Panry pointed to several large carriages, all moved towards them.


  Hearing Gayne’s words, Lauren knew someone had cast a spell without asking for details. A large shimmering screen appeared above the stage, measuring twenty feet square, and on it, an image of the stage. Then a man wearing a black sash across his body, having a smaller one across his face, walked out from the single black tent to greet the crowd. Visions of men wearing sashes and veils exploded in Lauren’s mind. The man in purple, the pain. The man in white, Zacalia Darmaul, hanging by his neck for the war crimes he had committed. Evil that she thought was vanquished from the peaceful lands of Calicon now triumphantly stood before her. The others also experienced similar flashbacks. Eric saw red, and an image of the man so evil that Fury had left the sword with the memories of over four hundred thousand dead. Ryan remembered the purple that fed his rage, and the sounds of the bones falling to the ground, each with Lauren’s name engraved on them. As well, John remembered the powerful magic of the bully in white, who he had brought to his knees, seeing the fear in his eyes.

  “Again,” Gayne called out.

  Then all present heard the voice, “There is no need to be alarmed. It is a simple voice projection spell, as I was not expecting such a large crowd. My name is Zymse Darpac, one of the first immigrants from Darkpaye to Calicon, and I would like to welcome all of my new midlander friends.” The crowd went quiet. “My fellow countrymen are confused, and even though they desire to recreate their homeland here, I know that is wrong. This is Calicon, and it belongs to all that it has accepted, and yesterday at the vote, the council heard your voices, so the Bright Coast will not be segregated.”

  Cheers roared out from the crowd.

  Zymse raised his hands for quiet, “I know not all present wish to be in the Bright Coast since many of you once called the Newlands home. However, strange creatures called trollmares beset those lands, and being so terrible, that the populations fled here. The lands of Calicon have been good to me, as you welcomed my fellow countrymen with open arms. Even after we inflicted war on your proud and peaceful lands. After such a strong showing at the vote, I am sure my fellow immigrants will try to find new ways to create harmonious relationships with all. However, not all embrace harmony since trollmares still roam the lands. Realizing someone had to do something about them, I took it upon myself to investigate these strange creatures, seeing if there was some way I could help such generous people. While my resources were limited, my education lacking, I was determined to find some way to help. We captured some of the beasts, which I was able to study, and in all truth, while I have no idea why your Mother would release these creatures onto the lands, angered she must be. I could find no way to eliminate the threat, nor stop their rampant breeding, so I looked for another weakness. In the old Darkpaye, we also had problems with beasts slaughtering our livestock, sometimes more. In those days, we were more spiritual and a benefactor, now forgotten, gifted those early people of Darkpaye certain marks or wards. It was a simple magic since they were a simple people, but it was effective. With those marks, they were able to protect their livestock, lands, and towns. So I researched those old books, relearned forgotten languages, and I began to understand this simple natural magic. I am here today to tell all, I have unlocked forgotten secrets from the past, to give you back your future.” When Zymse nodded, men beside the stage started to pull on a rope attached to an overhead crane, causing a covered cage to rise into the air, the bars seen when the breeze blew against the fabric draped over it, and from inside, terrifying sounds. When raised above the stage, the crane swung, lowering its cargo. He walked over to the cage that shook with anger, “While many of you have heard of trollmares, few have seen them. Do not worry as the cage is strong, and the beast cannot break free.” Then he pulled the cover back, exposing a six-legged bear-like creature, covered in scales with bony outcroppings growing out of its spine.

  Those inside the large carriage felt somebody climb onto the roof, but captivated by the spectacle before them, no one said anything. The crowd gasped in horror, trying to back up, but the courtyard was too congested. The Granite Guardians in the carriage all moved to one side to see the beast, as the runes on their metal blades glowed brightly.

  Zymse took a step back, “What you
did to Mother, I do not know, but her wrath has no equal.” A young, regally dressed Darkpaye girl walked out onto the stage holding a covered platter. Removing the lid, He picked up the large piece of red meat, throwing it into the cage, which the beast attacked. “You can well imagine my shock of knowing I would have to spend so much time with these terrible creatures. Wondering every day, if their great strength would fatigue the metal, winning their freedom.” He motioned to the side stage, and three Darkpaye men carried forward a large covered object from which smoke rose. Then the same girl walked back out onto the stage, carrying a young baby girl, naked except for a pink knitted wool bonnet on its head.

  Lauren felt her heart explode from her chest, looked to Ryan, “That’s our daughter!”

  Zymse turned to the crowd, “This is the reason I asked you all to attend, as I will now place my own daughter into that cage—with that beast.”




  A note to the readers;

  While it is my hopes that you enjoyed this book, which provided you with days of enjoyment, the actual publication required a two-year investment on my part, including more funds than I had anticipated. Reviews generate exposure (allowing me to advertise), and in turn, produce sales. Even though I have no delusions of becoming rich, I would like to recoup my investment, and that is only possible by support from readers who leave reviews. To date, I am averaging one review for every 250 people who have read, purchased, or acquired it for free. However, without reviews, it falls quickly into the Amazon basement, being harder to find.

  If you were lucky enough to pick up all 6 books for free, I beg you to leave a review. The purpose of that promotion is both gain readers and to increase the sales rank. When thousands of people download them, it helps to create a presence for the books, but when reviews fail to materialize, my efforts are relocated to the shelves of obscurity.

  While I was hoping to be able to afford a better editor for the next trilogy, as it stands right now, I may not even be able to afford covers. Being different from most authors, when I publish a trilogy, all three books are released at the same time so that you do not have to wait. Is that not the kind of author you want to support?

  In closing, please leave a review.


  P.G. Thomas




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