The Dark Prince (The Dark Light Series)

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The Dark Prince (The Dark Light Series) Page 8

by Jennings, S. L.

  I smile instinctively. He’s mine. Dorian-freakin’-Skotos is mine. That’s right, bitches!

  “I like being yours.”

  Dorian returns my amorous gaze. “I love it.”

  Hours later, with the sun bright overhead, we ride the few minutes to Paralia. Dorian has insisted that we stop by before going to my house to pack up my things. He even arranged everything for the move.

  “So what is it that you want me to see, Dorian?” I ask as we walk down the short path to the apartment reserved for Morgan and me.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he smiles. He reaches over and places his hand in mine, then brings it up to his lips to plant a tender kiss on my knuckles. My body instantly reacts to his touch and a flood of tingles sprout from my fingertips and up my arm.

  “A surprise? What now?”

  Dorian already insisted we take one of the furnished units to save us money on buying furniture. Had I known he would fill it with plush leather couches, dark mahogany high tables, and top of the line appliances, I would have declined. The apartment was already too much, especially since he wouldn’t accept any payment from either of us.

  We step into the luxury apartment, the smell of leather and freshly polished wood greeting us. I take in the high vaulted ceilings and wrought-iron chandeliers in awe. Living here will take some getting used to. I just hope I do a good enough job at Cashmere to make up for it.

  “Through here. In your room,” he says leading me past the stainless steel kitchen and down the hall.

  Morgan insisted I take the larger bedroom though I assured her she could have it. Her wardrobe alone could fill an entire room. I think she’d feel uncomfortable taking the larger one considering what Dorian has done for us.

  We step inside and I am nearly floored at the sight before me. Dorian has completely transformed the bare white walls and hardwood floors into something that can only be described as utterly astonishing. A light blue color, similar to the cerulean blue that made him look so young and free, bathes three of the four walls. The fourth is painted gunmetal grey, housing a giant sconce fashioned in the same design as the pendant he gave me. It’s a large round mirror, adorned with glittering white crystals. Around those crystals lie black ones, equally dazzling. Reflexively, my hand flies up to my beautiful necklace, fingering the diamonds and delicate pearl center.

  Below the sconce, lies a modern, simple yet stylish bed. It is very Dorian, with its sleek black comforter, crisp white sheets and alternating blue and black pillows. Simple nightstands sit on either side of the bed, matching perfectly with the giant dresser and armoire stationed against the blue walls. Framed black and white prints of famous musicians and artists also adorn the walls. Nestled in one of the corners lies a plush black chaise lounge littered with blue pillows, coupled with what looks to be some kind of sound system. It is extremely streamlined and a far cry from my rinky-dink iPod dock. The speakers are tiny yet I am sure they pump out enough sound to vibrate a concert hall. It’s all so overwhelming and more than I could ever imagine.

  “Dorian! Oh my God! When did you do this?” I exclaim, crushing my body to his with excitement.

  “While you were sleeping,” he smiles slyly.

  My eyes narrow slightly. “You left me?”

  Dorian flashes me a knowing crooked grin. “No.”

  My face alights with awe. “It’s amazing. Thank you.” I shake my head in disbelief. “I’ll never get used to how well you know me. Better than I know myself sometimes, I think.”

  “You really think so?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “I know so. Look at this place,” I say, gesturing around the room. “I could have never come up with something like this. And the truth is I don’t know myself. I don’t really know my likes and dislikes. I don’t have any real hobbies. I only know what I was spelled to know. That’s not a life; that’s a mirage. Meeting you, being with you, has given me something real. It’s made me realize who I was truly meant to be.”

  Dorian looks down at me lovingly and I think he’s about to tell me that he’s known who I was all along, that he’s loved me for who I was. Instead he scoops me up into his arms and swings me around, causing me to squeal. We end up on the bed, both laughing as if nothing else in the world matters. And in this moment, nothing else does matter. It’s just me and him. Forever.

  “I’m pretty sure you know what you like,” he notes, hovering over me. He props himself up on one elbow. “See. You like this, right?” And with that, Dorian rubs his thumb over the fabric covering my left nipple.

  “Mmmm, yes, I do,” I breathe, closing my eyes.

  Dorian then moves to the right breast, fingering the area ever so gently. “And this?”

  “I like that too. So much,” I murmur.

  I feel Dorian’s hands drift under my shirt, his fingers skimming my bare stomach. His touch sends little shockwaves to every nerve ending and a reflexive moan escapes my lips. In the next moment, I feel the wetness of his warm tongue at my belly button.

  “Oh God, Dorian. That feels so good,” I say with a strained voice. My hands travel down to take a handful of his hair. Suddenly, Dorian’s head snaps up, his eyes flickering white hot. “What’s wrong?” I ask with alarm. I sit up and look around me furiously.

  “Fuck!” he shouts, his eyes ablaze with anger. He’s on his feet, though my human eyes don’t detect the movement. I notice the air around him quivering.

  “What? What is it?” Oh crap, what did I do?

  “It’s Aurora. Something has happened. We have to go,” he explains, pulling me to my feet.

  He tugs me out of the apartment, ignoring my questions as to what could be wrong. Once we’re in the car, his fists pummel the steering wheel, shaking the entire car, before looking at me with regretful eyes. Oh shit. It’s bad.

  Against my better judgment, I reach a shaky hand towards him, resting it on his forearm. “What is it? Please talk to me.”

  “I am so sorry, Gabriella. We have to go to the hospital.”

  “Why, Dorian? What is going on?” I plead.

  Dorian shakes his head, revving up the car and whipping out of the parking lot at dangerous speed. He still refuses to talk to me, though I know he can feel my questioning eyes burn a hole in the side of his head.

  I blow out an agitated breath. “Damn it, Dorian! Tell me!”

  Again, Dorian ignores my pleas, causing me to shout expletives and demand he talk to me right this instant. My heart is racing and every alarm bell in my head sounds simultaneously. What could have happened to make his mood shift so drastically?

  Dorian races towards Memorial Hospital, turning every approaching streetlight green. He’s concentrating, baring his teeth like a vicious animal. I know he must be still in deep conversation with Aurora, and it kills me that it’s not me he’s talking to. Though he refuses to make eye contact with me, I can see his eyes are gleaming with intense rage. I quiet my tirade for answers and try to focus my breathing, feeling the familiar trembling of my hands. I’m about to lose it, and if Dorian doesn’t tell me what’s going on, he may be in the line of fire.

  When we finally pull into a space in the hospital’s garage, Dorian looks to me with sadness etched in his beautiful face. The sight pains me and causes the storm behind my own eyes to calm instantly. What could be troubling him? What has Aurora told him?

  “My love, I am so sorry,” he murmurs, quieting the car’s engine.

  “Dorian, what is it? Just tell me,” I whisper.

  Dorian closes his baby blues and turns his head away as if he is physically pained. When he returns his gaze to me, they are dark and solemn. I’ve never seen him so shaken, so affected, and it frightens me.

  “There’s been another incident. Another victim,” he finally says. “The killer has returned.”

  Chapter Seven

  There’s no worse feeling than knowing that you are directly responsible for someone else’s pain. But when it is someone you love that is suffering, and you c
an’t do anything but sit back and watch, that is truly unbearable. No one deserves to die, especially because of me. They didn’t ask for this life; I didn’t ask for it either. But as I run down the long corridor of Memorial Hospital towards the Emergency Department, there’s no way I can shake the guilt. I caused this.

  “Jared! Oh my God, what happened?” I shriek, running into his arms. He cradles me into his large biceps, holding me close to his chest. His heart is racing, and I know my dear friend is in immense pain. Though I’m well aware that both Dorian and Aurora are watching us intently, I don’t care. I can’t. Jared needs me and I don’t care how it looks.

  “Gabs,” he chokes out hoarsely. I feel his trembling lips in my hair, and I squeeze him tighter. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  I look up at my frightened friend. “Just tell me. What happened?” I whisper. Dorian still has not informed me of the latest victim and seeing Jared so shaken is making me think the worst. I usher him over to a row of blue plastic seats.

  “We all went out last night. I drank too much. I stayed over at Aurora’s though I know I should’ve come home. I was so fucking stupid! When I pulled up this morning, I could tell something wasn’t right. I don’t know, Gabs…I just don’t know what to do. ”

  Jared takes a moment to collect himself, clearly overrun with emotion. Only then do I notice James speaking to a woman at the front desk, flailing his arms wildly. I look back at my distraught friend, placing my arms around him. His eyes are glossy and drained. “We don’t know what happened to her! It’s like she had a stroke or something. She was just lying there in the floor, her eyes wide open. But she can’t talk, she can’t move. What the hell, Gabs! Something happened to my mom and even the fucking doctors are clueless!”

  I whip my head around to look back at Dorian with wide, horrified eyes. As always, Dorian is perfectly poised and controlled, though I know he is secretly livid. I give Jared another squeeze before jumping to my feet and pulling Dorian down an empty hallway.

  “You know what happened to her, don’t you?” I whisper fiercely.

  “Yes,” he replies coolly. How can he be so calm? Just minutes ago, he was furious and remorseful. Bipolar much?

  “So it’s him? Whoever is after me went after Tammy?”


  “Then why is she still alive? Why did he leave her like…that? Frozen?”

  “She was petrified,” a singsong soprano interjects. Aurora. “He petrified her so he could suck information out of her. We must’ve pulled up before he could finish the job.” Aurora looks to Dorian and is suddenly filled with regret. “I’m sorry, Dorian. I watched him like you said. I had no idea his mom was in danger.”

  “I fucking told you! Get control of yourself! How weak and stupid can you be? I’m sick of your shit, Aurora! I swear, if you don’t get it together, I will kill you myself,” he seethes nastily. He’s furious with her, though I’m not sure why. She tried to do everything he’s asked of her.

  “Dorian, it’s not her fault. Just calm down,” I say soothingly, trying to diffuse the situation. Aurora looks five shades paler and on the brink of tears. I can’t help but feel bad for her. “She tried her best to help.”

  Dorian looks to me, the remains of contempt etched on his face. He really is angry. “She did nothing but help herself to that boy.”

  I sigh and shake my head, unsure of what any of that has to do with Tammy’s predicament. I can’t deal with their complex relationship right now. All I care about is helping my friends.

  “Look. Enough about that. Can you help her? Can you fix their mom? Please?” I plead.

  Dorian exhales, finally letting go of his anger then looks to Aurora. “What did you find?”

  She shrugs before shaking her head. “Nothing. He’s deliberately hiding from us. Leaving no trace, not even a scent.”

  “Do you think you could reverse whatever he did to her?” I ask, looking to a stone-faced Dorian.

  “It depends. Petrifications are very specific. They are…personal. I don’t know what kind of magic was used. But I will try. For you, I will try.” He gently strokes my cheek, his way of apologizing for his foul temper and I see a flash of pain in his eyes. Tammy was petrified, just like him. Just the mere mention of his twenty year punishment hurts him.

  “Dorian,” Aurora mutters. “If you asked the king, maybe he could help. At least tell us what to do?”

  “No!” Dorian growls, his eyes suddenly ablaze with hatred. “We will not involve him, do you understand? You will not go to him.” Aurora drops her head in shame and nods. Again, I feel bad for her. “I will go now to see what I can find. Aurora, do not let them out of your sight. Not even for a second. Do you think you can manage that task?”

  Aurora lifts her head long enough to mutter, “Yes, Dorian.”

  Before I can protest her harsh treatment or inquire what Dorian plans to do, he is gone, only leaving a dense wisp of grey smoke behind, which also quickly dissipates. I look at Aurora with compassionate eyes, unsure of what to say to console her. It is apparent that Dorian has broken her.

  “Come on, we better get back to the boys,” I murmur.

  I lead Aurora back to the waiting room where both Jared and James are speaking to police officers. We pick a quiet corner to sit, neither one of us wanting to address the tension in the room or the sensual exchange the night before.

  “He’s right,” she finally whispers. “I should have done better. I should have watched all of them.”

  “Aurora, there’s no way you could have known someone would go after Tammy. I know I didn’t.”

  Aurora shakes her head. “He’s so protective. So loyal.” She isn’t talking about Jared. “It was easy for me to fall for him. He just had this pull. I just always wanted to impress him, make him proud of me.”

  I nod, understanding what Aurora is trying to say. “You still love him.”

  “Yes. I do. I always will. We die for love, you know. But he never did for me what he did for you. We are bonded, yes. But he never made the link. He never linked his life to mine. He never trusted me like he trusts you.” She is so full of anguish, it’s hard not to sympathize with her, even if she is talking about my Dorian.

  “I never asked him to do that. I never wanted it. It scares me to think I have so much power over his life.”

  Aurora looks at me, her blue eyes searching mine. “Does it scare you that he has power over yours?”

  I take a moment to process her question. Am I afraid that Dorian has control over whether I live or die? Honestly, the only thing that scares me is losing him. If he were to stop loving me, I’d be nothing but an empty shell anyway.

  “No. I trust him completely. He could have killed me a thousand times already. But he’s only shown me kindness and generosity. And love. If he deceived me, I’d want to die anyway.”

  Aurora nods, and I know that it’s a possibility that she could feel the same way too. Now I can begin to understand her. Maybe even forgive her one day. I know she probably made more of a production of their power exchange than absolutely necessary to get under my skin, but she couldn’t help it. She loves Dorian. It was her only chance to be close to him. Had I’d been in her shoes, I probably would have done the same thing.

  “I’ll have to come back,” Dorian’s silky voice breaks us from our individual ponderings. Our heads both whip around behind us. How long has he been standing there? Long enough to hear our unexpected heart to heart?

  “Didn’t you find anything?” I ask. I stand to my feet and quickly close the distance between us. I can understand Aurora, but that doesn’t mean I trust her.

  Dorian rubs the small of my back, sending tingles up my spine. “Too risky right now. I’ll try again tonight.” He turns to Aurora, hostility in his glare. “Stay with the boy and his family. I mean it.” Aurora quickly nods before bringing her attention to Jared as he approaches.

  “Hey, the cops need to talk to you, Aurora.”

  Reluctantly, I release
my hold on Dorian to give my friend a hug. “I’m so sorry, Jared. We’re gonna come back later. I need to get home and check in. Keep me posted, ok.”

  Jared nods. “Good idea. Thanks for coming, guys.” Then he turns to usher Aurora towards the police officers.


  “Do you think you’ll be able to help her?” I ask Dorian as we make our way to my childhood home.

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know what type of magic it is.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know if it’s Light or Dark. Or something else entirely.”

  “Well obviously it’s Dark, Dorian! You think the Light is capable of this carnage? Besides, they want nothing to do with me until I ascend. They vowed to stay hidden until I’m 21.”

  Dorian shrugs before turning onto the street that houses my parents’ home. He parks his Mercedes on the curb, and cuts the ignition. Neither one of us are ready to get out.

  “I think you’re being too hard on Aurora. I know that sounds funny coming from me, but she didn’t mean for this to happen.” There. That’s my good deed for the day.

  Dorian chuckles before removing his shades and looking into my eyes. “Aurora can’t be trusted, Gabriella.”

  “But you trust her, right?”

  “That’s because I know her. I know what she is.”

  “Well, enlighten me,” I say folding my arms in front of my chest. The more I know about Aurora, the better.

  Dorian sighs before angling his body towards mine. “Ok, Aurora is an Órexis.”

  Okay. Now what the hell does that mean? Though the name does sound familiar…

  “The meaning of that is desire” he continues. “Now the Órexes are known for their ability to manipulate the more carnal emotions. They thrive off sexual depravity. It’s what sustains them.”

  “Oh,” is all I can say in response. There really is a lot to learn about the Dark. Not to mention, the Light, whom I know virtually nothing about.

  “When I met Aurora, we were both very young and untamed. I was stubborn and eager to become a man. Aurora wanted to aide my efforts. She was incredibly opportunistic, you could say. We did a lot of bad things together, and I’ll admit we had a lot of fun. But Aurora was insatiable, just as she is today. She has no self-control. She is completely ruled by her desires.”


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