Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun

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Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun Page 60

by W. A. R.

  “Alright, this is how this is going to go. I suggest that once I take the gags off, you don’t speak too loudly.” Rusty’s voice finally broke the irritable silence. She felt relieved. She had known that it was him, that this, all of this was planned, but it didn’t ease matters none when she had no idea where she was going. The sound of chains rattling against the glass doors caught her ears and she grimaced. Wherever they were, she knew that she was getting locked in.

  Rusty’s fingers moved deftly against the cloth, his fingertips brushing her hair as he removed her gag. As soon as it was gone from her mouth, she clamped her mouth shut and licked her lips, clenching and unclenching her jaw. Her mouth was dry and aching from biting down on the cloth. His footsteps moved from her and towards her left, where she knew someone else was sitting, in the same blindfold and gag that she was in. She groaned. She hoped it wasn’t Lacy, but judging by how light the footsteps had been, she knew that it had to be. Lacy still hadn’t decided what she wanted to do, if she still wanted to go with them or not, but she continued to train as if she were still going. Through all this Lacy had continued to sear Amber with a hatred that she was unaccustomed to, driving Amber continuously on edge. She wasn’t sure what her problem was but she was sure to address it soon. Amber sighed, moving her hands just the slightest, to see if she could weasel her way out of her bindings but it was to no avail. This had been the plan, after all.

  For the past week, since the horrendous debacle with Lacy’s hesitance and the realization that things were far more serious than they gave it credit for, they have all worked hard in their training, Miles, Buddy, and Lacy leaving the compound daily for hours at a time to perfect their aim with their guns while Amber struggled with her sword wielding wearing a blindfold. She was good, she knew with her eyesight, but she felt as if she relied too heavily on that sense. This was Adrian, an enemy willing to do anything to win, and she needed to be able to adjust. And so, she was working on doing just that. When they came back, they then sparred using knives, because truth was, they could all use it in some form or another, and even going into the fight with no weapons and just their hands. They practiced their shooting of their compound bows as well. In fact, they practiced in every single way they could. During all of this, while others were sparring, one would read up on information in the notebook she had. She didn’t mind of course, they needed to prepare their minds as well as their bodies, but she found their intensity odd. Still, they continued this way, quizzing one another, ignoring the pain and their body growing accustomed to the lack of sleep and becoming stronger with each sore muscle. They were determined, unable to relax, though they wanted to. The only relaxation Amber got was whenever they ate what little they did and when she would crawl into bed.

  She thought of Miles, how he had stayed resolutely by her side in her training, in his training. It was almost as if he watched her to ensure she got the rest she needed and ate whenever necessary. She was grateful for that, as she probably wouldn’t if he hadn’t been there to enforce it stealthily. She was also grateful for the presence of everyone else when this happened however. Constantly there was always something to do, something to learn, or someone around. Did she want to be alone with him? She wasn’t sure she could handle it if she were. And so, she stayed there and never said anything much, pretending everything was fine with her, though she was anything but fine because it was all that she could do without becoming a nervous wreck. Oh, how she wished for more…for the feel of his lips on hers, his skin sliding against hers and the intoxicating feel of his rough and calloused hands as they maneuvered over her body as if she were braille and he was reading her.

  Still, he was there, and he was with her and that was enough.

  This training, this rigorous practice that they had been conducting was like an addiction, and they knew that once they were inside the walls of the compound that they would not be able to do so anymore without showing the entirety of the skills that they possessed. That was something that they couldn’t risk. Yes, Amber was certain that at some point during their stay there, that Adrian would see her with her swords, or Miles with his knives and guns and the like; she understood that there would come a time when their fighting will become a necessity and their skills will be seen but until then they would bide their time, basking in his ignorance. That reasoning is what spurred them on to become the best that they could be. This included typical exercise conditioning as well….and then this…their current situation.

  Michael had come up with this idea earlier in the week, on one of the many days in which they were dead on their feet, that the four newcomers to the compound and to Adrian’s horrible threat and existence, would need a test to ensure that they were ready. In this test, they would have to use their skills and what they know about one another’s strengths and weaknesses in order to survive, as well as having to use only the names and information or relationships given to them when communicating. He had discussed this with them, explaining that they would have to be logical, decisive, calm, and most of all, would have to endure the emotional and physical hardenings of it all. They had all readily agreed; their motto being that whatever practice they could get, they would gladly take. The rest of it, however, had all been a surprise for the four while Michael, Rusty, and Riley worked out a test of sorts for them. Hence the binding and leading and blindfolding, dragging them cooperatively to some unknown place with some unknown element of danger with some also unknown task before them. Ugh. Damn zombie apocalypse.

  “I am going to kick your ass, Rusty!” Lacy voice permeated her reverie as she assumed Rusty removed the gag. She grimaced. Of course she was going to be stuck with Lacy. She had to be stuck with her. This was going to be fantastic. She could almost hear Rusty roll his eyes.

  “Tone it down, Feistypants, unless you want to die within the next three point five seconds.” Rusty countered and Amber could hear metal clang and scrape against one another. Knives. He was holding knives.

  “I didn’t agree to this, asshole.” That’s right. She didn’t agree to this. Lacy didn’t agree to this at all. In fact, she had been so against the idea that she and Amber had gotten into an argument; Amber explaining how they needed the push to excel and Lacy telling her that she was out of her mind. This argument eventually led to Amber shaking her head and walking away from the matter, only to have Lacy follow her and shove her. Had Miles not intervened when he did and steer Amber another direction, Lacy would have been sporting a black eye under that blindfold.

  “Sara…” Amber stated, using her alias. “Shut up. You’re starting to sound like a two-year-old and it isn’t very becoming of you.” Amber stared straight ahead into the blankness of the blindfold, but she did hear Lacy move around as if trying to look where she had heard her voice from.

  “You stuck me with her?!”

  “My sentiments exactly. Now will you please be quiet so the man can tell us what we need to do?” she asked, her voice remaining calm, her focus ahead of her, taking in the sounds and movements around her. The smell of decomposing corpses rotting away and cooking in sunlight reached her stomach and she bit back the bile that threatened to rise. The smell had become stronger once they had entered the building and the more she sat in the darkness, the more the putrid stink permeated her senses. Lacy huffed at Amber’s rebuke but remained silent.

  “Alright. I will not tell you where we are. That is for you to find out on your own. I will not prepare you for anything that lies ahead. Michael and I will be hiding within the confines of the buildings that we are all in. Somewhere in these buildings are Patrick and Roman as well. For this test, this mission, you will be scouring the building searching for Michael and me. Once you find us, both of us, we will radio Riley, who will let us out.” He paused and Amber knew that he was looking at Lacy. “Do not even think about leaving. Every exit is locked until you find us. How you go about doing so is your decision.” Groans and the shuffling of feet sounded from somewhere. It was slightly distant, but also a bi
t too close for comfort while she was bound. She fidgeted nervously in her seat. Rusty moved, his feet shuffling against the carpet and suddenly there was a heavy weight and something cold against her fingertips. Quickly, he moved, presumably giving one to Lacy. “Good luck.” He stated and before she could even process what had happened, the sound of a door opening and clicking shut alerted her to his absence.

  Almost instantly she gripped the knife and began sawing at the binds that held her at the wrists. She tilted it, pulling her hands tightly against them, pinching them to get a good angle. The blade slipped a cut her palm a little. She gasped at the surprise of it but continued, never faltering in her intentions. She could feel the rope loosen and she sighed a little in relief, ignoring the feeling of hot blood flowing into the crook of her hands. The sound of metal clanging against metal caught Amber’s attention and she paused, listening. Lacy gasped and whimpered. She had dropped her knife. Amber’s heartrate picked up a little faster, the sounds of shuffling feet and hunger-filled groans coming closer. She clenched her jaw and began sawing even more so at her binds. Lacy struggled and the hollow thump of her knees hitting the carpet reached Amber’s ears. Sniffles…whimpers. She was scared…terrified even. Finally, finally, the ropes came loose and she dropped the knife into the chair, standing and reaching up to remove her blindfold. The light assaulted her and she flinched against it, turning and reaching for the knife that she had left in the chair. Lacy lay in a collapsed heap on the floor, rubbing her face against the carpet, trying desperately to get the blindfold off. Her eyes adjusting to the light, she rushed forward, clutching the knife tightly. One hand held her hands still while the other sawed at her ropes. She quit moving having jumped at the first initial contact. Once she was free, however, both Amber and she stood, squinting against the light, taking in the layout of the room before them.

  Without a word, Lacy rushed at the double glass doors that indicated an exit. “You’re welcome.” Amber muttered. Lacy made no effort to reply.

  The sunlight shone through with an orange glow, reflecting the time of morning. The doors shook with the impact and she shook them, grunting. Amber stood motionless, tossing a glance over her shoulder, the sounds of Biters echoing in her mind as they shuffled closer. Amber walked over to where Lacy stood with her hands gripping the handle, head lowered, and she turned leaning against the locked door. The chains rattled with the movement, but remained closed. She crossed her arms and looked around the room. The glass door was cold against her back and she shivered involuntarily. There was a large desk with a computer to the right, an empty swivel chair and empty cushioned chairs. It was almost like a waiting room, with a door to the left behind the desk. It was the only door in the room. Keeping her heartrate under control, she turned and looked down at Lacy who was staring out of the doors angrily. What kind of building were they in?

  “Sara…we need to get out of here before we are trapped in here.” She turned and looked over to where the sounds of Biters grew louder, the only exit option that they had. “The door is over there. Come on.”

  “I don’t want to be in here with you.” She growled and Amber sighed, clenching her fist. The cut of her palm began to slow its bleeding. Amber rolled her eyes and turned, advancing towards the closed door.

  “Fine then. Don’t be.” She stated. This caught Lacy’s attention, causing her to turn around in surprise. Amber, heart racing, withdrew her swords and gripping them tightly, she reached for the doorknob. She didn’t know what lay beyond that door but what she did know that whatever kind of creature it was, Rusty had alerted them to their presence and they needed to move…fast. She wasn’t going to stand around and wait on Lacy to get over her own stubborn decisions. Fear and worry began to flow through her body at the vivid scenes that coursed through her. What surprises lay in wait behind that door?

  The wonderful thing about fear, it sends the adrenaline pumping, the eyes alert, and the sight better, all senses heightened; it releases chemicals to prevent the pain, and forces the blood to clot easier. The human body was amazing and if she could think for more than just the impending next fifteen seconds, she would have appreciated it. Instead, she was focused on the very near future and the curiosity of where Miles and Buddy could be. She wanted to find them…she needed to find them. Her breathing was unsteady and it almost felt as if every inhale were choking her. As quick as she could, and ignoring Lacy’s protest from behind her, she twisted the doorknob and slung the door open, taking two very large steps back. She took in the sunlight filtering in through three open doors in the hallway, three other doors closed in the darkened hallway. More groans were heard from the closed doors, soon followed by a banging as they met their restriction to the hallway. She saw their silhouettes in the dark against the dim lighting and she waited. Lacy came up behind her, urging her to step back but Amber shrugged her off, grinning as she did so. She was prepared for this. This wasn’t too bad. Sure, there were more than she expected, but that wasn’t too much of a hurdle to cross. Then they appeared, their hungry moans growing more desperate, their lifeless eyes searching for their prey. Two appeared to be in weathered nurse’s uniforms and the other two seemed to be in dress clothes…or, well, what used to be dress clothes, and the final two in gowns. She could easily identify the color of their hair, their skin, their clothes…they had been waiting patiently, decomposing at much less of a rate than those exposed to outside environmental factors. Amber noted how they moved, as if the longer they were out there, the more excited they became. She felt her breathing grow heavy and her mind took in the other five coming from the end of the hallway. With graduating quickness, they trudged through the now open door.

  The Biter closest to Amber stopped, tilting his head back and inhaling groggily. Amber grimaced as its dry skin cracked and pulled, tearing just below the ear. The creature growled and immediately Amber moved, launching forward and swinging her arm around, burying her sword into the creature’s ear, rendering it dead before it even had a chance to move at her. This caught the attention of the others and they surged forward, reaching for her. Amber stepped forward with meaning and resolve, lifting her swords high. She swung down with her right, burying the sword into the top of its deteriorating skull before jerking it free and turning to the one on her left, swinging in a wide arc, meeting the creature’s neck and slicing through it like a knife through butter. She stepped forward, her eyes on the Biter farthest away and as she turned, taking out the Biter on her left, she advanced into the narrow hallways, the Biter dropping behind her. She maneuvered her arms and swords as if they were a part of her anatomy. She lunged forward, burying her sword to the hilt in the creature’s skull, above the eyes. She pulled it free with ease before turning to watch as the head of the other Biter rolled across the floor and the body crumpled into a heap. Lacy stood in the waiting room, astonished, watching with surprise as the other seven Biters advanced her.

  “Are you going to help or are you going to just stand there?” Amber asked, turning to focus on the fight at hand. Her blades sliced through the air, the sound of metal hitting bone and flesh drowning out even the sound of her pounding heartbeat in her ears. Lacy remained still and silent, watching as Amber took them down one by one. Amber turned to her as three more advanced on her. Her eyes were flashing wildly. “Sara! Come help me!” she called out and suddenly, Lacy narrowed her eyes at Amber.

  “I’m sorry…I don’t speak desperate.” she said ruefully and Amber clenched her teeth together, turning back to swing at the Biters. Her breathing was beginning to hurt, and her focus was becoming distant. She realized, however, that at that moment, there were no more after the three that were coming for her…at least not what she could see along the hallway. Yes, more could be heard, but there were none to be seen. She twisted, taking out one with a sharp, slicing blow to the side of its head, but when she did, the last one pushed against her. Her back slammed against the wall and she had to think fast, pushing back with clenched fists against its bloated chest. S
he then lifted her right hand above her head. After slamming her sword down on the top of the head of the last Biter, she jerked back and turned to Lacy, who stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed and watching. Amber began to sweat, the air no longer cool against her skin. She was furious.

  “We are supposed to be a team. That means that when one of us needs help, we help them.”

  Lacy shrugged. “You seemed to have it under control.”

  Amber reached back and replaced her swords in their scabbard before hastily approaching her. She was desperately trying to reign in her temper. She didn’t need to lose it then. “Yeah.” She conceded, trying not to fight. She felt the anger within her build to a dangerous level. “I had it. Let’s go find Rusty, Michael, and the others. The sooner we are out of here, the better.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Lacy stated. Amber turned on her heel and began marching down the now empty hallway, the sounds of other Biters coming their way in the distance.

  Minutes of nothing but fighting and searching occurred before they came to the end, having knocked on every closed door on their way, hearing nothing but the groans and desperate scratching against the wood as they hungered for their prey on the other side of the door. Amber would then open every door and take down whatever Biter was trapped before searching the room. Every other room they passed with open doors, Amber maneuvered somewhat easily, the effort minimal to moderate considering there was only one to four at a time. Every Biter was either what used to be a nurse or possibly fragile older people. It made her question if this was a nursing home or not. It appeared to be. Her adrenaline was still heightened, but not as much, having grown less tense in response to becoming accustomed to the situation, the surprise no longer evident and the fact that Miles and Buddy were somewhere looking for them having made its debut in her head. Occasionally they heard grunts from other hallways, almost human from a distance. As they moved forward through the one hallway, they came to a three-way division, all ways leading to more split paths and Amber swallowed. They were going to have to come to an agreement.


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