Rookie Love

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Rookie Love Page 6

by Skye Turner

  “I learned quickly that I actually liked it though.”

  Cally is just looking at me with a shocked expression. Then, she laughs and shakes her head at me. “Seriously, you cook, too?”

  I grin and wink. “I do. I’m a Renaissance man!”

  She snorts and a blush covers her face. Grabbing something out of the freezer, she tosses it at me. “Think fast.” My lightening reflexes have me snagging the cold bag. She grins and claps. “Very nice. I guess you can play ball.”

  Something comes over me and I reach behind me to drop the shrimp into the sink to thaw. Then, I cross to her. Her eyes widen and she gasps. Stopping just in front of her, I lean down and line the tips of our noses up. “I’m very good with my hands.”

  She swallows and looks at me through her lashes. Our faces are so close. “I’ll just bet you are.”

  We just stare at each other as the sexual tension fills the room. It’s almost oppressive it’s so thick.

  She exhales and her warm breath caresses my lips. “What’s happening here, Jase? I’m extremely confused. I don’t have this kind of attraction to people. You unnerve me. Part of me wants to run from the room and hide and part of me just wants to tackle you.”

  My lips curve up in a smile and my heart races before I find the ability to answer her. I sigh and feel her shiver as my breath washes over her. “I don’t know what’s happening, Cally. I have no earthly idea.

  “This doesn’t happen for me either. And I’m not just saying that because I want to get you naked.” She squeaks. “I’m not someone who screws around. I don’t do casual hook-ups. I don’t go home with fans or people I meet while I’m out.

  “What I’m saying is that this is not my norm. I don’t meet a woman and have this crazy connection with extreme attraction and go to their house for dinner. Hell, I don’t even date.

  “Whatever unrest you’re feeling because this is out of the ordinary… I’m feeling it, too.” Leaning down, I brush her lips with mine. “And there are no tackles in baseball… that’s football…”

  She laughs and weaves her hands in my hair, holding my face in front of hers. She mutters, “Well, hell… there goes that. Sucks you aren’t a football player…”

  I groan, “The hell it does,” and capture her mouth. Her lips immediately part and she angles her head to more firmly press our faces together. Our tongues are dancing together in an age old rhythm. She presses her breasts against my chest and my hands travel down her back and cup her ass. Her moan echoes in my mouth. My blood is raging and all I want to do is lay her back on the counter and peel her jeans down her legs. But, I’m not.

  I’m not rushing this. If she wants this to get physical, then she’s going to have to tell me. I’m happy to follow along at whatever pace she sets. Though… my throbbing cock pressing against the apex of her thighs has other ideas.

  She breaks the kiss and gasps for air. My lips trail down her chin and neck before settling on her collarbone. Whisper soft kisses are pressed there and she moans again. Finally, she pulls my head back and looks down at me. Her mouth is swollen from my kiss, her cheeks are flushed with desire, and her eyes are glazed. She blinks and smiles at me. “Ok, if I don’t step away from you right now, I’m going to want to get naked.” My eyes widen and she smirks. “Yeah right that surprises you. You, Jase Stevens, are a man that it would be very easy to get lost in.” Leaning down, she presses a kiss to my mouth and then steps away. “Not that I’m not eager to experience your sexual prowess… I am… in fact, I’m seconds away from dragging you into my bedroom…”


  Is Cally saying these things to me or am I hallucinating?

  She smiles at me over her shoulder and my libido rages even more. “But… I said I was making you dinner. So… dinner I’ll be making. And you are going to help. I really do have something to talk to you about.” She looks me over and stops as she spots the erection that is not being concealed by my shorts. She licks her lips. “Dinner… my proposal… then… dessert.”

  Dear God… who is this woman and where has she been all my life?!


  If the steel rod pressing against the front of Jase’s shorts is any indication… my night is going to be a hell of a lot of interesting.

  I cannot believe he seems as hot for me as I am for him.

  What’s even MORE surprising is just how hot for him I really am.

  I have never in my life responded to anyone the way I respond to Jase.

  It’s extremely scary and yet thrilling.

  He doesn’t say anything. He just nods and then straightens. His hands reach down and he tries to inconspicuously shift his erection. I smirk and a flush covers his cheeks.

  Holy shit… A sexy man who blushes…

  That’s just about the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen.

  He coughs. “Sorry… In case you needed clarification, I’m a little affected by you, Cally.”

  I laugh and smile at him. “Noted.” I point to my beaded nipples that are poking through my bra and shirt. “Pretty sure it’s mutual.” His eyes stay glued to my chest and I chuckle. “Hey, eyes up here. You’re helping me cook, remember?!”

  He smirks and meets me gaze. His eyes seem to twinkle. “You told me to look. I was just following directions. Besides… I’m a man. Looking at perky boobs and nice asses, which you have, is kind of ingrained in my DNA.”

  I can’t help it, I laugh and gesture. “Oh my God… shut up. Look in that pantry right there and grab the Linguine noodles, would you? I need to salt the water for them so we can drop them in.”

  Jase grins at me and does as I ask. After getting the noodles, he chops the garlic clove and parsley as I cook the shrimp.

  We work together nicely and within twenty-five minutes dinner is ready.

  As we sit at the table, we chat. Jase tells me a little about playing for the Gris Gris and I tell him about working for the center basically my whole life.

  He takes the last bite of his second serving and leans back in his chair. “That was really good, Cally. Thank you. That was a restaurant caliber dinner.”

  I laugh at him. “Not hardly. It was just lemon and garlic shrimp pasta. It has like five ingredients.”

  He grins at me. “Yeah, well it doesn’t matter how many ingredients it has… it matters how you use them. My sister in law would go crazy for this.”

  He’s mentioned his family and his sister in law a few times, but we haven’t really talked about the personal stuff.

  Should I ask? Is that ok?

  “So, Stevens… You said your family had money, too. Do you mean like the political law family?”

  He looks up and stares at me, then, he nods. “I do mean the political law family. My grandfather founded Stevens Law Firm, my dad is one of the top dogs over there, my brother works there, but is thinking of going into politics. Even my asshole uncle Max, the sleazy politician, works there, but no one even talks to him.”

  I nod and mutter, “Yeah, I thought so.” He frowns and I grimace. “Sorry, I’m just not a big fan of politics. But hey, your sister in law… Does she run an event planning company?”

  His eyes widen and he nods. “Bradi? Yeah, she does. Do you know her?”

  I chuckle. “I do… she handles the events for the center. We hired her a few years back and she did such a phenomenal job, we signed a long term contract. Small world we live in.”

  Jase hums “It’s a Small World After All” and I laugh at him before standing. He follows suit and helps me clear the table and put the leftovers in a container. Again, we work in perfect sync.

  We chit chat a bit more and then as I load the last of the dishes into the dish washer, he asks. “So, this idea you had… the reason you wanted to see me tonight… What was it?”

  Glancing at him, I smile and say, “Let’s go into the living room so we can talk comfortably? I want to take my shoes off and kick back on the couch. My belly is full and I’m ready to relax a bit. Is that ok?”

p; Jase nods and gestures to the hall. “Lead the way.”

  Percy picks his head up to watch us leave, but stays on his pillow near the back door. I call out to him. “Just going into the living room, boy. You don’t have to come.” He lays back down and closes his sleepy eyes again.

  He’s so tired.

  Jase chuckles as he follows me down the hall. I ask, “What?”

  “Just you and Percy. The relationship is great. I wish I could have a dog. I’m jealous.”

  He smirks and reaches for my hand as he plops onto the couch and pulls me down beside him. I settle next to him, but leave about a foot and a half of space. After toeing my shoes off, I turn sideways and look at him. “Well, you’re helping at the center, so you can play with any of the animals you want to.”

  He shakes his head at me. “Nope… I’m not allowed to touch or go anywhere near the animals without an employee. Those were the rules. You were very adamant.” His lips are quirking.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I retort. “Yeah well, at the time, those were the rules. Now, you have a little more leeway.” Shoving his chest, I chuckle. “Smart ass!”

  He grins and turns to face me on the couch. “Ok, so what is this proposition you have for me? Should I be worried? Does it involve you and me shedding any clothes, because if so… I’m down for that.”

  I burst out laughing and fall against the cushions. When I can finally breathe again, I look at him. “You’re a mess. And no… well, not this proposition… but as soon as we’ve covered this one… I’m open to other arguments.”

  Chapter Nine


  Joking around with Cally is exhilarating. I can’t believe how comfortable I feel around her. Especially since just about six or so hours ago, she was all in my face and not a fan of mine… at all.

  It was so effortless helping her ready a simple, yet delicious meal and then cleaning up. The rhythm that we’ve somehow found is reminiscent to a couple who’s been together forever…

  Not that we’re a couple.

  Now, we’re exchanging double-edged banter that is comfortable, yet sexy, and it feels seamless.

  What is this proposition that she wants to go over with me? I’m guessing it’s something to do with the center.

  Weaving her hand with mine, like it’s the most natural thing in the world, I ask her. “Ok, hit me. What is your brain spinning?”

  She releases the breath that I didn’t know she was holding and just starts talking. “Ok, well you seem to really like animals and today you were amazing with Bandit and Noche. You’re also a public figure and a local celebrity who is probably about to go pro, which means even more celebrity.

  “As you know we’re non-profit and rely on donations and the two main events that your sister-in-law does for us for funds to keep the center up and running. BUT… I have an idea that if we use you to help promote the center… maybe a commercial and a few print ads… perhaps a billboard or ten… we can help get some of the animals adopted into loving forever homes even faster.

  “We do amazing and have a very high adoption rate, but I think that if you agree to help… we can get even more… so… what do you think?

  “Do I need to talk to your manager or agent or publicist or something? Would that even be allowed? I mean if you even want to…”

  I had no idea a person could speak so fast. I caught all of that. I think.

  I smirk and lean back. “You want to use my mug to push animal adoptions?”

  She frowns and exclaims. “What? No. I mean, well, yes. I suppose so.” She bats her eyes at me and grins. “It is a very appealing mug you know. Slap that on a billboard with a cat and a dog… people will rush to adopt. Or, I hope they will.”

  I chuckle and reach over to tuck an escaped lock of her hair behind her ear. Her breath hitches as my fingers brush against her ear and cheek. I smile.

  She sighs, “Yeah, if we put that smile in advertisements… the center would be empty.”

  My brow arches. “You want to use me for my smile?”

  She nods and waves her hand around to encompass me. “Oh, not just your smile… I want to use all of that.”

  A husky groan escapes me. “Sure. Whatever you need. You can use me whenever and however you want…”

  She gasps and her voice is breathy as she says, “Really? However I want? For the center… or for me…”

  Pressing my palms against the cushions of the couch, I lean over. She leans back as I encroach on her space, but I’m not deterred. Looking down into her beautiful face, I hiss. “Both…”

  My head closes the distance and my mouth presses to hers. She moans, lays backwards, and wraps her hands around my shoulders to pull me over her. Using my hands, I’m able to position myself. My hips settle against hers as our tongues duck and weave.

  Her hands travel over my back and shoulders before slipping under the hem of my shirt. Her skin against mine is electric as she glides her fingertips over the muscles tightly bunched there. My hands are pressed firmly on the couch on either side of her so I don’t crush her with my weight, but my raging cock is nesting between her thighs. She moans and rubs against me.

  It’s sweet torture and stars appear behind my lids. We continue to kiss as her touch tentatively explores me. My blood is racing to my cock and every second her hands are on me it seems like it hardens even more. I’m surprised it’s not spearing through her and embedding itself in the couch it’s so damn rigid.

  Opening my eyes, I see she’s just as aroused as I am. Her lids are flickering and almost as if she knows I’m looking at her, she opens them. Her hazel eyes meet my brown ones and we continue to kiss as we look into each other’s eyes. I’ve never kissed anyone like this before. I would have thought it would be creepy, but it’s not. It’s sexy as hell. I’m actively watching her want burns wildfire hot in her eyes. I’m certain my own is like looking in a mirror.

  Her knees bend and she wraps her ankles around my waist so she can rub more sensuously against me.

  The ability for rational thought is rapidly escaping me. It’s taking almost more strength than I possess to keep my hands on the couch and not strip her naked and explore every inch of her body with my hands and mouth.

  Cally’s lips leaves mine and she sucks on my tongue… hard, before licking along my jaw and sucking my ear lobe into her mouth.

  I can’t prevent the animalistic moan that escapes me. Her hands slide under the waistband of my shorts and boxer briefs and she grabs my ass and yanks me tighter against her. My wrists give out and I fall on top of her.

  Her tongue is tracing the shell of my ear before she sucks the lobe into her mouth and nips it with her teeth.

  Pulling back, I stare at her and concentrate to be able to see her clearly.

  I’m so horny…

  Her gaze is wild.

  Groaning, I say, “Cally… I want you so badly. If we are going to stop, we need to stop now. I’m holding on by a thread here. I do not want to pressure you at all, but you’re killing me. I’m ok with this not going any further, but if we are going to stop… it needs to happen now.”


  “If we’re going to stop, we need to stop now.”

  I don’t WANT to stop. I’ve never in my life been so turned on before. I’ve never wanted a man the way I want Jase. I’m not a virgin, but I’m not that experienced either…

  What if I’m not very good? Is this his way of saying he doesn’t want to sleep with me?

  Yeah, Cally, because a man that is NOT into having sex with you reacts like this.

  I don’t want to stop…

  Looking at him, I take a deep breath and wriggle underneath him. He rolls to the side so that I can slide out. I stand. He sighs, lays his head back on the couch, and throws his arm over his eyes. He takes a deep breath.

  Glancing down at him, I can’t stop my hungry gaze from traveling over him. He’s so sexy. And he’s actually nice which makes him one hundred times sexier. He’s sexy, but doesn’t act like
he knows it. He’s kind and respectful. He is fantastic with animals… any man who is that kind to animals…

  His hair is sticking out from my hands pulling it. His jaw has the first signs of stubble and the light scruff is mouthwatering. His chest is rapidly rising and falling and the muscles of his arms and pecs are evident. His shirt is raised over his abs and the “v” is showing until it disappears into the gaping waistband of his shorts. His cock is hard… so hard… and blatantly standing at attention. His legs are also taunt, muscled and covered with light hair.

  Oh yes… I want him.

  I don’t want to stop… I want to race forward.

  Jase is the total package and I want a home run!

  Bending down, I grip his forearm where it’s resting over his eyes. He jumps at my touch and peeks over his arm. He mutters, “Just give me a bit.”

  I yank his arm and is falls to his sides, then as he stares at me in uncertainty, I reach for the hem of my shirt and raise it. After clearing my head, I drop it to the floor and reach for his hand. “I don’t want to stop, Jase. I want you… come with me?”

  His jaw drops and he asks, “What? You want me? Cally, I want you… so bad… but if I come with you… we don’t have to.

  “Really, it’s ok…”

  I can see the look in his eyes. He’s worshiping my body with his hungry gaze and I can see him fighting with himself. I can’t make him come, but I can make him understand that I want him and that it’s his move.

  Letting go of his hand, I reach for the clasp of my jeans. The clasp echoes as it releases and Jase’s eyes follow the denim as it slides down my legs and pools on the floor. Using my toes, I kick them off. I’m standing in front of him in nothing but my simple pink cotton bra and hip hugger panties. He swallows. Standing back up to my full height, I turn. As I’m walking out of the room, I call over my shoulder. “I want you, Jase. If you really do want me… I’m yours for the claiming. I’ll be in my bedroom… The bed is large and comfortable. If you want me like I want you… come on. If not… that’s ok, too.”


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