My Darcy Mutates…

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My Darcy Mutates… Page 7

by Enid Wilson

  She felt his hands leave her body as he struggled to strip off his clothes, and she whimpered in protest. He caught her nipple in his teeth in response. She screamed in ecstasy and reached her peak in that instant, trembling violently and feeling a wave of honey-sweet sensation at her apex. Then she went limp, as if floating on a cloud.

  He quickly stripped off his clothes and returned to her. When he pressed his naked flesh against her hot skin, he felt that he had come home. He rubbed rhythmically against her, calling her urgently back from her bliss.

  His hands kneaded her, dispensing with her gown, awakening every inch of her gorgeous body. Her breathing quickened again, and she parted her thighs instinctively to welcome his body.

  He needed no additional encouragement. Guiding her legs to wrap around his waist, he pushed into her hot core with a forceful thrust, claiming her.

  She moaned aloud as his hard shaft tore through her maidenhead and continued inward to press against her inner muscles. Panting hard, she felt him drive deeper and deeper, until he had reached her very hilt. Then he pulled out quickly, almost to the entrance, creating a burning sensation on her skin, before pounding into her with vigor once again.

  She screamed in ecstasy as her inner muscles were stretched and rubbed by the passage of his throbbing manhood, in and out, on and on. Her hands dug into the muscles of his back, squeezing them hard when he was deep inside her and caressing them softly when he retreated to her entrance.

  His muscular torso pressed and tantalised her twin peaks as his body drove up and down against her own. His lips kissed her earlobe as her teeth bit into his shoulder. Sweat against sweat, moan against moan, kiss against kiss, they strove.

  He plunged into her for what seemed like ages, continuing long after she reached her peak of delight. Only when her fingernails traced his bottom and then teased at the juncture of his laboring thighs did he surrender and explode, crying out in utter satisfaction as he filled her with his seed. Completed, they trembled and convulsed together as one soul.


  Was Elibeth’s prayer in the Temple of Isis answered? Fortunately not.

  Her third husband, Darcymose, lived to an old age and blessed her with many children. He could be rough and wild at some times, yet gentle and deeply tender at others. Although she did not love him in the beginning, she soon learned of his good character and became happy in her love of her husband soon thereafter.

  As time went on, there could be seen in the gallery hall of Pemberlium many touching portraits and statues of their family, including children and grandchildren, revealing their marital delight and the warmth within their entire family, a happy history on display for the delight and inspiration of future generations.

  The Dragon Gentleman

  What if Mr. Darcy was cursed?

  Colonel Elizabeth Bennet surveyed the number of offerings with keen interest. Although her job was well remunerated, she still loved a bargain. She wanted to buy a robotic pet, this time. Since her sister Jane had married and moved out, she felt that her space station was a bit too quiet.

  “Eliza!” The high pitch voice of Lt. Colonel Bingley gave her a shudder. “Did you have a good Christmas break?”

  “Yes, great. And you, Lieutenant Colonel Bingley?” Elizabeth inquired politely, making a mental note of the fact that Caroline didn’t address her as ‘Colonel,’ as she should. On the other hand, Elizabeth’s sister Jane was now married to Caroline’s brother Charles, making them sisters-in-law.

  “Looking for a Christmas bargain? How about this miniature laser gun? It’s cheap enough to be within your budget,” Caroline said with a smirk.

  Elizabeth’s lips thinned. The lower-ranking officer came from a wealthy family, and she never let Elizabeth forget that her brother had ‘lowered’ himself to marry Jane.

  “I don’t need a gun, off duty.” Elizabeth said, and moved on as a robotic green dragon some ten feet in height caught her fancy.

  “What can this dragon do?” Colonel Bennet asked the captain in the sales ring.

  “This is Dragon Wickham, made of titanium alloy. It can fly, and it can also arrange laundry or papers, due to its colour differentiation IQ.”

  Elizabeth pressed the muzzle of the dragon and it spoke. “Good day, Sir.”

  “It’s not very intelligent. It can’t distinguish my gender,” Elizabeth remarked to the captain.

  “Maybe because you don’t look like a woman,” Caroline said, intruding upon the conversation. Elizabeth had to admit that her sister-in-law dressed more femininely and provocatively, in leather vest and matching skirt, laced together. The flesh of Caroline’s medically perfected breasts and hips was on display.

  Elizabeth was traditional. She had never gone through plastic surgery, and so her body was not in symmetry.

  Caroline pressed the muzzle of Dragon Wickham, and it greeted her by saying, “Lovely day, my dear.” She snickered at Elizabeth with a triumphant smile.

  “What is your intelligence makeup?” Elizabeth asked the dragon robot, sincerely interested. She wouldn’t allow the annoying Caroline to distract her.

  “Sir, I have an IQ of 138. I aim to serve, please and deliver for my master. Would you like a lick job on your tired legs?” Dragon Wickham inquired, and flapped its gigantic green wings as it circled around the two women.

  Elizabeth laughed. It had a wicked sense of humour that she found quite charming. After a few more questions, she decided that it’s not very smart but was great fun. She wrote her price down on her iComp, as she intended to bid for it.

  Caroline leaned forward and stole a glance at the figure Elizabeth had written, determined to bid for this robotic pet, too.

  She was furious that her brother had married Elizabeth’s sister, causing them to be related. Caroline was richer, prettier and taller. The fact that Elizabeth had been made a Colonel at the young age of 20 didn’t necessarily mean that she was smarter than Caroline.

  Ever since Colonel Bennet had overtaken Caroline’s rank earlier in the year, the latter had vowed to annoy her, whenever she had a chance. Now, Caroline was determined to buy up everything Elizabeth wanted.

  As her rival walked on, Caroline was distracted by some shimmering feathers. The rainbow-coloured headpiece would complement her black leather gear quite well...

  Elizabeth was happy she had managed to lose the annoying Caroline. She moved on and was looking at an e-Fan, a computerassisted cooling device, when someone addressed her.

  “Colonel, I’m a far better pet dragon than Wickham.” Elizabeth turned to see a small oriental dragon, gold in colour, sitting alone by the corner of the Intelligent Machine section.

  “How do you know my rank? You’re not considered a pet dragon anyway,” Elizabeth murmured.

  “With an IQ of 300, I’m classified as an Intelligent Machine. But I can be your pet robot.”

  This dragon was only about a foot long. Elizabeth thought it look too sad and serious for her liking, but she did like talking with a more intelligent pet, so she didn’t rule it out. At least, not yet. And she liked its deep, smooth voice, as well.

  “I knew your ranking because I’m equipped with a scanning device that enabled me to see your uniform and compare it to the information in my database.”

  Elizabeth nodded with approval.

  “What can you do, then?” she asked.

  “Everything Dragon Wickham can do and more.”

  Elizabeth was amused by the little dragon’s reply and teased it. “Do you have a personal vendetta against the giant dragon?”

  “We were made by the same manufacturer, at around the same time, but he’s always too charming for my tastes.”

  “It can serve, please and deliver,” Elizabeth stated, challenging the tiny dragon with its rival’s abilities.

  “He’s best able to please his masters with his bright green colour, gigantic size and silver tongue, for those who are into outward appearance,” the little dragon said dismissively.

you’re not into that?”

  “I’m deeper than that. I promise loyalty, honesty and responsibility to my masters.”

  Elizabeth nodded at this further sign of the tiny dragon’s intelligence.

  “You look rather lonely,” it observed. “I’m good with heart-to-heart chat, should you feel so inclined.”

  She raised her eyebrows. Perhaps it was too smart for her.

  “I compared your facial expression to my database, and deduced that you’re smart, decisive, lonely, pretty…”

  Her mouth curled up. Definitely too smart.

  “Can you fly?” she asked. “You don’t have wings like Dragon Wickham.”

  “I’m an oriental dragon. I use the strength of my long tail to fly.”

  She looked at it sceptically. It’s so tiny that she’s unsure how it defined a ‘long’ tail.

  But the dragon lifted off suddenly and landed on her shoulder. “Pick me, Colonel Bennet. You won’t regret it,” it whispered in her ear, blowing warm air against her earlobe, making her shiver pleasantly.

  “What’s your name?” she asked, a bit unsettled by its action.

  “Dragon Darcy. And I’m a male dragon.”

  She nodded. It – he – was strangely arrogant, but interesting enough, and so she wrote down a figure, half of what she was prepared to pay for Dragon Wickham.

  Dragon Darcy then flew back to his stand and gave her a serious gaze.

  At the end of the day, Caroline bought the huge Dragon Wickham and brought him back to her space station with a smug grin. Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders, untroubled at being outbid by Caroline.

  On reflection, Elizabeth had decided that Dragon Darcy was quite special, and had purchased him. She seldom saw any oriental dragons. Most pet robots were western dragons.

  “Welcome to Longbourn.” Elizabeth talked to Darcy.

  “It’s comfortable, despite its size.”

  She arched her eyebrows, not sure that she should accept such a condescending tone from her pet.

  “Let me pack up your sister’s things. You can redecorate the station to your taste,” Darcy said, and flew off to attend to the chore.

  “You’re too smart for your own good!” Elizabeth called after him. But she smiled. She and Jane did indeed have different tastes, so the decoration in the station was a compromise. Since Jane had moved out, she had intended for some time to revamp the decorating scheme to one that was more to her taste. It seemed that Darcy’s database was extremely discerning. He could read her emotions, or perhaps even her thoughts.

  He turned and brushed his mouth, with its delicate whiskers and beard, against her cheek. “You would be bored to death with me in two days if I weren’t so smart.”

  She laughed out loud and pushed him away.

  So the majestic tiny Dragon Darcy settled in at Longbourn, welcoming Elizabeth home after her hard day at work. He was handy in domestic chores like cooking, washing, repairing the plumbing and many more. He also became her confidante, offering her views and opinions on topics ranging from climate change, power struggles to the annoyance of her mother.

  “What did Mrs. Bennet do this time?” Dragon Darcy greeted the Colonel. He could see that her eyes were flashing with frustration.

  “She fixed me up with a blind date.”

  “You don’t want to find a husband?”

  “Colonel Collins is a toad, and I’ve suffered through two hours of his silly conversation.”

  “Too slimy?”

  “Stupid, like a lap dog to his commanding officer.”

  “I thought obedience was a recommended quality in the army,” he argued.

  “Obedience is one thing. Smoothing the senior’s ego is another.”

  “Flattery gets people into better places.”

  “Unfortunately, yes. And Mother said that if I don’t settle down now, I won’t find any man willing to marry me when I reach the rank of General. What a stupid notion! It’s the 30th century. A woman doesn’t need a man to make her life full anymore. I can use vibrators, or buy a man-whore robot to satisfy myself. And there are clinics, if I want children.”

  “True, but the journey of falling in love and finding a soul mate is worth it,” he countered.

  “What do you know about love?” she demanded.

  “I know more than you might think,” he replied in a wistful tone of longing.

  “Ah, your intelligent database again,” she said, and shook her head.

  “Let’s forget about this slimy toad. I’ll draw you a bath.”

  As Elizabeth lay in the lavender-scented bubbles, she felt the stress of the blind date and the frustration with her mother disappear. She was glad of Darcy’s attention to detail.

  “Thanks, Darcy,” she said and closed her eyes.

  “Don’t mention it.” He flew in and out of the water, dipping and lifting the bubbles, messing it around the bathroom and all over her hair.

  “Stop it!” she protested, and laughed.

  He flew near her and used his whiskers and beard to nuzzle her nose.

  “Naughty!” She grabbed him by the waist, preventing him from flying off. Suddenly their eyes met, and they gazed at each other intently.

  “Thank you, Darcy, for cheering me up. I love you,” she said, then pulled the dragon toward her and kissed his nose.


  Suddenly, she felt the scales on Darcy’s body vibrate, and she lost her grip on the tiny dragon. Her eyes widened as she saw Dragon Darcy’s skin burst open as the foot-long dragon began to grow larger. His body elongated alarmingly, both in length and in girth.

  By the time he had grown to roughly six feet, Elizabeth had scrambled out of the bath tub and plastered herself against the wall, too shocked to utter a word.

  Then Darcy’s tail seemed to lose the strength to hold his bigger body aloft, and he dropped into the bubble bath with a big splash.

  “Darcy, are you alright?” Elizabeth cried out and hurried to the edge of the tub.

  The water stirred and whirled at high speed, and the bubbles became murky. She was preparing to dip her hands into the water in search of her pet robot when his head abruptly emerged from under the bubbles.

  He shook off the water and looked at Elizabeth.

  She gaped at him, astonished. Dragon Darcy was no longer a dragon.

  “Elizabeth,” he said, in his normal deep voice.

  “Darcy? Is this…you?”


  “But how could you turn into…a man?”

  “I was cursed, nearly two hundred years ago.” He blinked away the water and pushed himself up from the tub. “Rather like the prince and the frog.”

  “Cursed? By whom?”

  “Witch Catherine de Bourgh.”

  Elizabeth gaped. “Truly? Why?”

  “I refused to marry her sickly daughter. I was hoping to marry for love.”

  “You poor thing!” she exclaimed.

  But he was not a poor thing at all. Elizabeth’s mouth still showed a tendency to hang open, for he was an exquisite specimen of a male human being. Around six feet five inches tall, he had broad shoulders, a hard six-pack, a pert butt and masculine legs, not to mention an extremely well-endowed manhood.

  He also sported a beard and long hair. As he brushed the scales from his body, she couldn’t drag her gaze away from his naked form.

  He stopped midway through brushing away the scales on his shaft when he caught her looking at him with sparkling eyes.

  “You broke the curse when you kissed me and said that you loved me. I’m all yours from now on,” he said with a grin.

  “All mine?”

  “Yes. Your pet, your servant, your man-whore…and your husband, if you will have me.”

  She was speechless but tempted. She licked her lips and gazed at him intensely.

  Darcy took over decisively. Picking her up, he carried her to the bedroom. “I haven’t slept with a woman for two hundred years. I have a lot to catch up on, if you’re willing,”
Darcy said, and with that he lowered his mouth and kissed her tenderly.

  At the young age of twenty, Elizabeth had not yet slept with a man, so she was nervous. But she reminded herself that she had known him for half a year. She genuinely liked him, his arrogance, intelligence, sensitivity and all. Since he said he would be hers from now on, who was she to pass on such a chance to use him for a bit of fun?

  She ran her fingers along his neck, then smoothed her palms over his shoulders and back, then down to his tightly muscled bottom. Occasionally, she still encountered a scale or two, tangible reminders to her that he had so recently been a dragon. But as Darcy trailed hot, wet kisses from her ear to her collarbone, and down to her breasts, she shivered with anticipation.

  His tongue was magical. He licked and twirled around her aureole, first on one breast, then on the other, making them peak. Then his teeth gently pulled at the hardened nipples. She felt a mixture of pain and pleasure race down to the apex of her thighs.

  She moaned aloud as he used his fingers to caress her nub and folds. When he pushed a finger into her core, then two, thrusting in and out, preparing her for what was to come later, she screamed to her climax within minutes.

  He didn’t stop there. While her heart was still pumping fast, her inner muscles still pulsing, she felt him move lower to worship her sex with his mouth.

  In an instant, she was burning again. She twisted and thrust her sensitised body to avoid his magical mouth but he held her hips to still her. His tongue lapped up her juice and pushed into her core. In between thrusts of his tongue, his lips nipped at her hidden bud, rubbing it to swollen ripeness.

  Her moans became louder and louder until he drove her over the edge with his hard, clever tongue. Her body jerked up and down as the ecstasy of orgasm exploded in her body.

  Only then did he slide his thick shaft into her, in a single mighty thrust. Her body was swimming in the afterglow of two climaxes, And she felt no pain at all when he broke through her barrier.

  Knowing that he had stretched and strained her inner muscles, he held still, allowing her to grow used to the presence of his burning, throbbing rod within her, while his hands and mouth returned to tease and pleasure her lips and breasts.


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