Say You'll Be Mine

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Say You'll Be Mine Page 1

by Carter Blake

  Say You’ll Be Mine

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Carter Blake

  Copyright (C) 2016 Carter Blake

  ISBN-13: 978-1542692977

  ISBN-10: 1542692970

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author's permission.

  Warning: This book is intended for readers 18 years and older due to bad language, violence, and explicit sex scenes.

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  Thank you for reading!

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Thank you for reading!

  I write over-the-top sexy romance with guaranteed happily ever afters. My books are a bit naughty and recommended for ages 18+

  Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to hear about my new releases first!

  Cheers, Carter

  P.S. You’re beautiful! Never forget it!

  “I'm a fighter. I believe in the eye-for-an-eye business. I'm no cheek turner. I got no respect for a man who won't hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.”

  –Muhammad Ali

  Chapter 1


  The day has finally arrived. The biggest day of my life. Because today I’m going to interview for a position as the head of PR for Future Pharmaceuticals, and I absolutely have to get it. Cause, if I don’t, if I manage to fuck it up, then all my plans, everything I’ve worked so hard for, will be flushed right down the toilet, along with any hope of revenge.

  That can’t happen. Everything depends on it.

  Future Pharmaceuticals is really my father’s company – or at least, he helped co found it – and he really should be there now, helping it grow into an even more successful enterprise. It isn’t fair that he got pushed out because of some petty argument over a woman.

  That’s something that I’ve never been able to let go of. Because I saw how much it destroyed him. Watched as my father sunk deeper and deeper into depression over the years.

  I hate the people who did that to him. Made him into the shell of the man he once was.

  I’ve always planned on taking things into my own hands. Making amends for what those people did to him.

  Now the day has arrived. I’m twenty-four years old, a graduate of Berkeley, and I have more qualifications then ninety percent of people who have been working ten years longer than me.

  It may sound arrogant, but I’ve worked my ass off to accomplish this one task.

  I glance at my reflection in the mirror, smoothing down my long, dark hair once more. I’m dressed in a way that’s professional, with a blazer and a pencil skirt, but also that’s provocative, just to ensure that I get the job.

  I’ve heard that John Montgomery – the man that pushed my Dad out of the business – has a son, Wesley, who now runs the place.

  Rumor is, the guy is something of a playboy, the sort who will do anything for a nice set of breasts. Which is why I have my shirt unbuttoned just enough to show a hint of my cleavage.

  I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to get this job, even if it means flirting with the enemy.

  “Right, Naomi,” I mutter to my reflection. “You can do this.”

  All I need to do is nail the interview.

  To say that Future Pharmaceuticals is tough to get into is an understatement, it’s damn near impossible. That’s why I can’t waste this opportunity. Because I don’t know if I’ll ever get another one.

  My palms are sweaty, and my fingers shake, betraying my nerves.

  I pick up my cell and dial my Dad, needing his advice, a few words of encouragement, before I go there.

  He knows the environment much better than I do, and I need his reassurance that I can do it.

  I have confidence in myself…mostly.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” he says when he answers, his voice tired and drained. It’s taken some convincing to get him onboard with my plan. I know he’s worried that I’m going to endanger myself in the process.

  “I’m just getting ready for my interview,” I tell him, glancing in the mirror once more, trying to rid my expression of any anxiety. “Do you have any advice for me?”

  “Just be yourself,” he replies, a tightness to his voice. “I’m sure that Wesley will adore you.” He grunts, then adds, “Just watch yourself with that one. If he’s anything like his father–”

  “I know, Dad.” I roll my eyes, slightly annoyed that he’s giving me nothing, but understanding all the same.

  If he’s worried that I’m about to fall for the charms of some idiotic playboy, he’s dead wrong. I’m a smart woman, not the sort of bimbo that I’m sure Wesley Montgomery is used to.

  Resisting will be easy.

  Because I know my ultimate goal.

  My Dad is the most important person in my life, and I’ll do everything and anything to make the people who hurt him pay.

  The two of us are close. We always have been. He had to raise me alone after my Mom died, and because of that I’ve always adored him, looked up to him like he’s the best person alive. Which he is.

  I want to make his life better, to make him happy. The way he always did me. And I’ve worked for that ever since he told me what John Montgomery did to him. My Dad is a good man, he didn’t deserve any of what happened to him, and now I’m going to ensure that his work wasn’t in vein.

  My goal is simple.

  Get into Future Pharmaceuticals and take back the formula that the Montgomery’s stole from my father.

  By the time my car pulls up outside the very white, pristine, glass covered building, I’m ready for what I’m about to do – kill this interview, no matter the cost.

  I slip my heels on and walk confidently into the reception area, acting like I belong, knowing that what I really need to do is fake it until I make it. I need to act like I’m the most important person in the room, to make others believe it. Luckily, because I have such great shoes on, they clacker loudly on the floor, creating such a noise that everyone turns to look at me. I hold my head high, push my shoulders back, and glance around, drinking everything in.

  All of this…it should be my Dad’s…it isn’t fair that it was taken away.

  I hate that my father lost everything he worked so hard for, and then lost my Mom too. Sure, he’s always had me, but that can never be enough, not for anyone.

  “My name is Naomi Hayes,” I tell the receptionist, using my mother’s surname, so that no one can track me back to my Dad. He might have been written out of the history of the place, but it wouldn’t take someone long to find out about him. “I’m here for the interview for the PR position.”

  She shakes her bleach blonde head at me, and indicates to a seating area where there are already a whole se
lection of professional looking men and women waiting.

  My heart starts to pound heavily in anticipation, but I don’t allow the nerves to creep back in.

  It doesn’t matter how good they are, I need to be better. I might even need to go further than I originally planned to get this job, but I’ll do it.

  Now that I’m inside, I’m even more determined to see this through.

  Just do this. Whatever you need to do, just get it done.


  The interviewing process is intense, worse than I ever thought possible, and it leaves me emotionally exhausted as the end of the day arrives.

  Not only have I had to be interviewed by many different people on separate aspects of my knowledge, qualifications, and experience, I’ve also had to complete a set of tasks to prove that I can do the job. It started off as making a simple press release, and ended up as explaining a full public relations campaign for a new pharmaceutical launch.

  It’s absolutely crazy, utterly draining, and I’m starting to fear that I might not be able to do it after all. Sure, I’m still standing, whereas a lot of people have been sent home, but I’m still not sure that I have what it takes. A lot of the candidates are much more qualified than I am.

  “Okay,” the receptionist smiles at us all in turn. “Now it’s just the last part of the interview process. The boss, who I’m sure you all know, Wesley Montgomery, would like to speak to you all.”

  This is it, I think to myself, with my heart racing with excitement. This is my moment. I have to shine here, it’s absolutely essential.

  But as I look around at the other women who are left over, I still don’t know that I have it in me. They are all stunning, probably more overtly sexy than I am, and I’m scared that this idiot and his wandering eye will pick one of them over me.

  There’s a cute little red head with huge boobs, and a tall, skinny blonde that has picture perfect features. Montgomery’s eye could easily fall on either one of them, and then I’m screwed. Or they are – in the literal sense.

  Confidence, Naomi, I remind myself, straightening my back. I’m an attractive, highly qualified woman. There’s no reason he won’t pick me.

  “If you would like to take a seat, he will be here shortly,” The woman says before turning and walking out of the room.

  We sit in silence, none of us making any eye contact, as we wait the agonizing time for him to arrive.

  I start to get the impression that he’s trying to make an entrance, to intimidate us even further, which is confirmed as we start to hear the distinct sound of the helicopter above us.

  “Is that him?” someone asks in shock. “Is he serious? He’s come in on a helicopter, that’s…crazy!”

  The sad thing is she actually looks excited about it. I feel forced to roll my eyes at her stupidity, before standing up and excusing myself to go to the restroom. I just need a break from all of this, just to gather my thoughts, to get myself together before facing what will make or break me.

  Once I’m inside, door shut behind me, I glance at my reflection. Under the very harsh lighting, I look pale and drained. I pinch my cheeks and try to steel my expression. The last thing I need to do right now is reveal how utterly terrified I am, how desperate I am for this job, because as soon as this Wesley character senses that, I’ll be pushed right to the back of the queue.

  I pull out my phone and for the hundredth time, search his name online, just wanting to remind myself of his face.

  There’s no denying that he’s a good looking guy, with his tanned skin, dark hair and dark eyes, but I can barely see any of that. All I can see is hate.

  I despise his family for what they’ve done to mine, and that’s all it’ll ever be. No dimples or amazing cheekbones will be able to detract me from that. He can look like whatever he wants, he’s still part of the conspiracy to ruin my Dad’s life.

  Okay, so Wesley might not have been born at the time, just like me, but he must know some of it. He has to be aware of it, especially now that he’s in charge.

  Of course, I would much prefer to be getting my revenge on John, the man who actually did this, but he passed away a few years ago before I was ready to get involved with the company. There isn’t anything I can do about that. If I’d known that he was going to get cancer – the only thing his company hasn’t managed to find a drug for yet – then maybe I would have done things differently, but it doesn’t matter now. The time is here.

  You can do this, I tell myself. It’s going to be fine. Forget about everyone else. Just focus on Wesley, it’s only him that needs to be impressed after all…

  Chapter 2


  “See you, Sarah,” I call out loudly, over the sound of the roaring helicopter as it lands on the top of the Future Pharmaceuticals office building.

  I’m pretty sure that I can hear her yelling out behind me, telling me that her name is actually Sara – no h – but I don’t give a shit about that. We’ve had our fun, I got some amazing, freaky sex, and she got a trip to Hawaii out of it. There’s no need to know one another’s names anymore because we won’t ever see each other again.

  There isn’t any reason for our paths to cross in the future, I made sure of that before we got involved. I’m not keen on awkward meetings, so I do whatever I can to avoid them.

  She’ll get the hint eventually, I’m sure of it. She’ll be annoyed at first – because they always are. But soon enough, all that she’ll remember is the gifts and the incredible sex, and it will become a fun memory for her.

  Stepping through the steel door, into the building, my mind switches to business mode. My last PR manager walked out in a huff over some stupid office dispute, so I need a new one and the interviewees are in today.

  They’ve already been through the rigorous interview process to ensure that they can keep up with the fast paced nature of the business, now it’s up to me to make the final decision.

  That’s the responsibility my Dad left with me when he was on his deathbed, and I’m determined to make him proud.

  Sure, there might be elements of my life that he didn’t ever approve of, such as the long list of women that stagger in and out of my life, but I knew the man was proud of me, because I’m damn good at what I do.

  Everything that I do.

  “Amber,” I call out happily to my sexy assistant. “The interviews going well?”

  As she moves closer to me, swaying her hips in that fitted pantsuit which hugs her ass, I can already feel my cock twitching. I might have only just had sex in the helicopter with Sarah not that long ago, but I’d have to be blind not to notice those curves.

  Maybe it’s just because she’s married, and that I’ve never been able to make her look my way. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t had her yet. Maybe if she would just let me into her panties, everything would be okay. But of course she never will, and it’s about time that I accepted that.

  Plus, I’m not one to sleep with married women. I do have my standards.

  “They’re all waiting for you. Well the final five are anyway. Here are all of their CV’s.”

  She hands me a stack of paper that I already know I won’t look through. Someone else has already done that, and judged these people as worthy.

  What I want to judge is if I believe people will be able to fit in with my expectations and what the company stands for. I take that very seriously, and I believe it helps with the low staff turnover. It’s very rare that we have to do something like this, which is why we go all out for it.

  “Some have flown through the tasks, others have scraped through, do you want some more information about that?”

  “No. You know what I’m like. I’ll know the right person as soon as I see them.”

  As we walk through the building, and Amber gives me the information that I’ve just told her I don’t need, I feel really proud of my parents. They started this company all those years back, and got it up off the ground almost totally by themselves. Sure, Mom had to ta
ke a step back when she had me, but I know that she played a huge role in the beginning.

  “I’m going to wait in my office. Send them in one by one.”

  Amber nods, then disappears down the hall.

  Each candidate that walks through my doors has me bored, which is always a terrible sign. If they don’t excite me right away, then I cannot see how they will interest the rest of the world, which is basically their job. Sure, they need to manage the reputation of Future Pharmaceuticals, but I will need them to create fascinating launches and events that keep people interested in what we’re doing. It’s the only way to keep on top of the ever changing competitive world these days.

  But then a raven haired beauty wanders into my office, with a real don’t care expression, who has me sitting up straighter in my seat and paying more attention. Of course, I would never hire someone simply because they’re hot, that would be business suicide, but even if this one turns out to be crap, I might have to ask her out for dinner.

  “Naomi Hayes,” she says slowly, extending her hand out to me. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  As our hands connect, and I feel a frisson of excitement racing through me.


  I sit back and fold my hands together and shoot her a curious look. There’s something in those dark green eyes, something that I want to explore.

  She looks like a woman who’s been hardened by external circumstances, by some past pain, and that has me wanting her even more.

  Most women are so easy for me, it makes me love a challenge, and I have the feeling that she is definitely that. Maybe not sexually, but emotionally. I don’t usually have any interest in the emotional part, but with Naomi Hayes, I have an inkling to.

  I decide to ditch the usual questions, and to ask her something a little more interesting.

  “So, let’s say I hire you. And I want you to organize a gala within a week, how would you go about it?” This is a seemingly impossible task, but if she gives me any kind of answer I’ll respect the living hell out of her – especially as I actually want her to do that.


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