The End of Days

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The End of Days Page 4

by A. E. Watson

  He shakes his head. “It’s not you making me sick, it’s the earth. Something’s changing. I can feel it. And I’ve been having really weird dreams. Intense ones. I bet the other Van Helsings are the same. Maybe that’s where Dad went, to find them.”

  As if the moment of silence between us is the cue, the doors to our room fling open. Lila, the fire witch, comes storming in. “We have a major issue.” She draws back the heavy velvet curtains and wipes the dirty windows, letting in the gray light of day. “Look.”

  “Oh shit,” Wyatt mutters as he climbs from the bed, stalking across it in just his boxers. Lila folds her arms.

  “You know what this means, Van Helsing?” She points at the red water splattering the windows. It looks like it’s raining blood, but not as thick. Just red water.

  I have no idea what it means, but I assume it’s bad. The fire witch and the Van Helsing are both unimpressed.

  “So you’ve seen our little conundrum?” Constantine enters the room, leaning against the doorway. His dark eyes stay on me, like we're the only two people here.

  “What does it mean?” I give him a confused look.

  “The ten plagues of Egypt started with red water. The tides and rivers turned red.”

  “Okay.” I look at Lila. “I still don't get it. Wasn't that about the Jews being mistreated by the pharaoh?”

  Lila laughs. “It’s been the sign of many a bad time, sin eater. This means something is starting. Something is coming.” Her eyes are fiery and her smile cruel. I know none of this is directed at me, just the situation.

  “Does this mean that the war is starting? Is there prophecy we can check out?”

  “Perhaps.” Constantine looks annoyed now too. “We need to go to Michael. If my sister has an army of vampires helping Lucifer, who’s in full devil form and has his Antichrist, then we need to be ready.” He shakes his head. “We have to take into consideration that Lucifer will call the lower angels.”


  Wyatt winces and walks to me, sitting back on the bed. “There are the seraphim who never leave Heaven. They are the highest order of angels. Then there are the archangels. They’re in charge of all lower angels. Then there are the lower angels who are sent to guide mankind or test us. They’re meant to be messengers. But their loyalty can be swayed. They don't really think for themselves. God’s seraphim are meant to rule them.”

  “So why would they betray God?”

  Lila sighs. “Because Lucifer wasn't an archangel. He was a seraph, same as Lillith. They are the highest order of angels. Meant to guard the garden and Heaven and keep the balance.”

  My eyes lower. “So Lucifer could technically convince them to fight against me, a human, so to speak.”

  “Right. And when the lower angels are convinced mankind has gone against God, they will fight to restore the balance, which can mean possession. They can be anyone.” Lila’s dark eyes flit to Constantine. “Anyone with a soul may be possessed.”

  “So you and I are in the clear, Rayne.” Constantine chuckles bitterly but there is no mistaking the look in his eyes. It’s worry.

  Wyatt bites his lip and thinks for a moment before giving me a look. “Constantine’s right, we need to see Michael—”

  “Rayne needs to see Michael alone,” Constantine cuts him off.

  Wyatt’s eyes darken as he lowers his brow. “No.”

  I reach for Wyatt. “He’s right. I have to go alone and win them over. They’re going to be angry about the garden being sealed. Michael needs to see me as an ally.”

  “Not a chance. He’s a pervert and a weirdo. His idea of cleansing angels so they can get into the garden was demented. He wanted to take over the garden and abandon mankind to the hell Lucifer has created. He doesn't even believe we’re going to win. You aren’t going.” He has that tone I hate, the one where I have a hard time discerning if he’s my husband or my father.

  “We aren’t talking about this right now,” I snap.

  “We don't need to talk about it. I’ve spoken.”

  His attitude and possessiveness grate on my nerves. “I’ll decide for myself, Wyatt.” I narrow my gaze and get up off the bed, walking to the bathroom and closing the door.

  “Rayne, try to remember that you’re new to this. This has been my life for hundreds of years. I know better than you do!” he shouts at the door, thumping on it. “You’re not going without me!”

  “Go away. I’m not listening to you.”

  “You will listen to me,” he growls.

  “Oh really?” Hating being told what to do by him, I fling the door open. Constantine and Lila are gone from the room and we’re alone. “You will not tell me what to do. You can offer advice, but I make my choices for myself.” I don't know if we should be as upset as we are, but I can’t seem to bring the anger down. It came so fast and easily.

  “Oh, you think you can tell me how things are going to go, and I’ll sit by and let you make mistakes?” He’s seething and I am leaning in, provoking him. It’s the strangest feeling.

  “Yeah, I do think that.” I dare him with my gaze and stance.

  “We don't have time for your schoolgirl games. You will listen to me or I will make—”

  “Make? You’ll make me listen? Really? Are you going to hit me again?”

  He flinches and then his eyes widen. “I said I was—!”

  “Stop!” I shout back, catching a glimpse of the water hitting the window. It steals all my focus and rage. “Oh my God. It’s getting worse.” The bloody coloring gets darker, like the rain is thicker. “Look,” I whisper.

  He turns, his eyes following mine. “What?” The situation is diffused as we are both deflated as quickly as we were made angry.

  “The rain looks like actual blood now.”

  “Great.” He huffs a breath and gives me a worried look. “Why don't you trust me?”

  “I do. I just also trust Constantine. If he says something is a good idea, it usually is.”

  “Why?” He reaches for me, gripping my hands in his. “He wants us apart, don't you see that? He wants to come between us.”

  “I don't see that, Wyatt.” I shake my head. “I see him always being there for me, time and time again. His loyalty is without a doubt as strong as yours or mine. Sometimes his reasoning or motives are selfish, but most of the time he’s just doing what I’ve asked him to do. He wants me to be happy.”

  “With him.”

  “No. Just in general.” I pull my hands from his, cupping his scruffy face. “My happiness is with you. He knows that. He’s told me so. Stop doing this. We don't need to fight each other. We need to find our allies and kill my father. You go and get your dad and sister, bring them to our side, and show them that we need all the help we can get. Convince the fire witches to let them stay; if they won’t we’ll go to Europe. I will go and find Michael and convince him to fight with us and ensure the lower angels in his kingdom are on our side. Same as the air witches, I’ll make sure they side with us.”

  He sighs and relents as the fight drains from him. “Fine. But if one of them touches you, I will know and I will kill all of them.”

  “I know.” I stand up on my tiptoes and press my lips against his. It feels forced, but it’s better than letting this separate us. We have been apart for too long.

  Chapter Four

  Constantine gives me a look. “The moment you arrive, meet with Michael and arrange for them to send a legion of air witches and lower angels to help us find and kill the vampires. Maybe there’s still a chance Lucifer doesn’t have his Antichrist. But either way, letting him build an army any bigger than what he has is a mistake.”

  “Where is the army? What am I actually telling Michael? I’m going up there with no information, and he’s pissed I closed the garden.”

  He tilts his head to the side. “We’ll find them. Stella isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and Michelle is considerably less intelligent. It’s only a matter of time before the witches sense the o
verwhelming evil coming from their destruction. That army is feeding and creating new vampires all the time—trust me, they will leave a dark mark.”

  “He will want to know what I know. What do I know? I know they built an army and we think Michelle is the Antichrist. Oh, and Lucifer is free to float about as a spirit, possessing weak people and convincing them to do terrible things.”

  “Just tell him that we require a means to contact him and that we want his word an army will join us when we need it. And beg for him and his air witches to start looking for the vampire army. The more eyes the better.” He winks and sits in the chair next to the mirror. “I’ll stay here and put a little spark under the fire witches’ bottoms to see if we can’t turn up some results. Their ancestral magic should be able to track my silly little sister. Lila is looking for a spell using my blood to track her. She says it’s some old spell she hasn't seen in a while.”

  “Fine.” I sigh and turn, leaving by jumping from a window in the hall. The wind is cold as my wings burst from my back into the bitter breeze. Ignoring it, I twirl in the air like I was born flying and soar for the clouds.

  It’s a trip I don't like. I still don't love the heights, but I refuse to look down. Not that you can see much now. The clouds and rain are thick. I press my lips shut so none of the bloody rain gets in my mouth, only opening it when I am high above the clouds. The world is tucked in beneath the clouds. Normally, I think of it as blankets over a child but now it’s more like the clouds are smothering the earth.

  When I get to the white city in the sky, a couple of male angels fly to me, greeting me mid air. They do not speak but discern who I am with a look. Then they turn back, escorting me into the city.

  I fly for the palace, knowing exactly where Michael will be—the ivory tower that looks like something from Tolkien, where the elves might have lived.

  Another blond male greets me on the steps as I land. I recognize him instantly as the angel I cleansed when I was here before. His eyes are still crystal blue and he smells clean. “Well, if it isn’t the sin eater. To what do we owe such a great honor? And what is that smell?” He wrinkles his nose.

  “It’s the rain. I need to see Michael,” I demand, giving him none of the manners I was raised with. Willow would slap me around if she heard me talk like that, but his kiss is still on my lips and I remember it being the tastiest meal I’ve ever eaten. It’s a memory I don't like.

  “He’s not here. And he’s not happy with you, sin eater. The way you ran out of here and went straight for the garden, it didn't make him happy.”

  “He can kiss my ass,” I snap, pretending I’m like Mona.

  “I’m sure he would be delighted at the thought—”

  “That's quite enough out of you.” I fold my arms. “Take me to a room where I can clean up while I sit and wait for him.” I roll my eyes at the smarmy jerk.

  “As my lady wishes.” He offers a subtle bow. I’d like to kill him. There’s a strong desire to taste his death. He turns and walks inside and I follow. He takes me to a room, gesturing toward the large white chair in the corner by the window. “Please, use the lavatory here. I’ll send word you have come for an audience and have some girls bring fresh clothing.” He leaves me.

  I almost gag just being here. Something about the whole place makes me feel like I need a shower, even without the bloody rain coating my body. It could be the inbreeding. That sort of seems like the wrong way to build an army. And keeping everyone so pure, it’s creepy.

  Girls enter the room, bringing buckets of water for me to bathe in. They fill the small round tub in the corner of the stark bathroom for me and then leave a bundle of linens and clothing.

  They look like the Village of the Damned kids all grown up.

  But the water feels nice and warm and the soap smells like lavender and Willow. A tear draws in my eye as the scent takes me home. To our home. It’s a place I will miss always. Maybe it’s Heaven. Familiar places and smells and people.

  I clean quickly and get out, dressing before Michael comes. I don't relish the thought of him seeing me naked. He’s weird. The whole place is creepy, even if the castle is nice. It’s clean, warm, and safe—somewhat.

  Maybe because of those things this is the place my sisters will come for me. I curl into the chair and close my eyes, listening to the soft music, so distant I hardly hear it. It’s more like I know it’s there than hearing it.

  I’m still and quiet for a moment, trying to figure out where I know the tune from and then it’s gone, replaced by Mona laughing.

  I open my eyes to see a gate. I’m on the other side.

  “I did it!” She pumps her fist in the air and nods. “I am the smartest person alive.”

  “What?” I scowl and glance around. I still smell the palace and feel the weird cloud air on me, but I’m here. There are birds and squirrels and dirt and the sun is on my face, not like the gray world I live in on the other side of the gate.

  “I got your sisters to bring you here. Pretty smart, huh?” Mona waggles her eyebrows.

  “You don't look old anymore.” I point at her beautiful gown and stunning face.

  “We probably have like a second. We need to focus, and not on me being old.” She rushes me, wrapping her arms around my neck and smelling me. “I missed you, Rayne.”

  She’s real and solid and smells exactly like she should. I moan into her, “I missed you too. I wish you didn't have to leave, but I’m glad you’re safe.”

  “You aren’t though.” She pulls back. “Something’s wrong. The forest is going crazy. The animals here can sense something. And the dude with the white eyes—he came to me and said I had to reach you. It was his idea to use the witch mirrors.”

  “The man-stag dude talked to you?”

  “Yeah.” She nods. “He came in my dream and told me I had to find the old witch mirrors and use my connection with you to talk to you. I had to warn you about the coin.”

  “Yeah, I figured that two sides of the same coin thing out.” I wince. “I think it’s Michelle. She’s two sides of one coin—boy and girl in one body.”

  “That doesn't sound right.” Mona scowls, looking so much like Blair Waldorf that I can’t fight my smile.

  “Well, what else is there? I mean, I guess the Antichrist might not be born yet.”

  “He’s born. Lucifer can’t have any more kids now that you cut his head off.” She winks.

  “Well, he could possess someone,” I offer with a weak smile.

  “I suppose, but that would take forever.” Her eyebrows furrow. “Whatever it is, I think there’s betrayal coming your way. I need you to understand that you aren’t safe anywhere or with anyone. It’s much worse this time than ever before. The stag guy made it sound like he has been trying to help you from the start, but you aren’t listening to him.”

  “He isn’t talking to me anymore. I haven’t seen him since I was here last time.”

  She cocks an eyebrow. “Well, you haven’t been sleeping. Your sisters don't trust the fire witches and they don't trust Wyatt. They’re forcing you to stay awake to keep you safe.”

  “They’re making me crazy.” I look around. “Am I sleeping now?”

  “Of course.” She says it like I’m being an idiot. “Anyway, I need you to be on your toes, dude. They think something super bad is coming. Likely in the form of your father. He’s such a douche.”

  “Right.” My eyes dart about the serene forest. “Has my mom managed to float on in here?”

  “No. The evil queen hasn't either. Gill is being crazy overprotective of us.” Her slim fingers rest on her stomach.

  “Oh my God.” I step forward, touching her stomach without any permission. “You’re having a baby?”

  A smile and tears burst at the same time. “I am. I never imagined I would be the college dropout who has a kid at twenty-one but here I am.” She sniffles and laughs. “Mom would be so proud.”

  We both laugh as I wrap myself around her again. “Congratulatio
ns.” There’s a selfish place inside me that envies every moment she is graced with. They are all moments I will never see. But maybe she is the gift of vicarious happiness. Maybe I am meant to be happy for her and savor the little things she is allowed that I have been robbed of.

  “Take care of yourself, Rayne. My baby will need a godmother.”

  I pull back and smile, trying so hard not to show my feelings on the certain death I am facing. “Of course. I love you.”

  She nods, tears still leaking silently from her eyes. “I love you too. Don't let them trick you. And stay sharp. And be skeptical. You don't know where the truth is lurking in all this but someone is against you. And it’s not just your dad. I know that much. You’re about to be betrayed in the worst way. It’s what the animals are saying.”


  “And watch out for me.” She waves and I realize I am slowly being pulled away from her. “I’ll be coming to see you, as the evil queen.” She laughs and wipes her face.

  “Okay.” I wave again and then blink. All of it fades away. I am in a bed, wrapped in warm blankets, in a room that smells like vanilla and lavender.

  It takes all my strength to sit up as I realize I am still in the ivory palace. My mind is buzzing with the dream I have just had. It’s impossible but I remember it, clearly.

  “You’re awake.”

  I turn to see Michael sitting in a chair in the corner. He’s dressed all in white. It matches his gleaming smile and sets off his sparkling blue eyes.

  “I was wondering how long something like you sleeps. I suppose I now have my answer.”

  “How long have I been here?” My stomach growls as he stands and walks to the bed.

  “Four days. I kept watch over you as the dead took you.” He sits on the bed, creeping me out. “I suppose you are starved.”

  I nod, not sure what to do about the fact I have been here for days and Wyatt and Constantine are likely to be psychotic at this point.


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