Personal Training

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Personal Training Page 1

by M. L. Sapphire

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  1. Emma

  2. Chad

  3. Emma

  4. Chad

  5. Emma

  6. Chad

  7. Emma

  8. Chad

  9. Emma

  10. Chad

  11. Emma

  12. Chad

  13. Emma

  14. Chad

  15. Emma

  16. Chad

  17. Emma

  18. Chad

  19. Emma

  20. Chad

  21. Emma

  22. Chad

  23. Emma

  24. Chad

  25. Emma

  26. Chad

  27. Emma

  28. Emma - Epilogue

  Bonus Chapter

  Father Figure



  Title Page


  1. Emma

  2. Chad

  3. Emma

  4. Chad

  5. Emma

  6. Chad

  7. Emma

  8. Chad

  9. Emma

  10. Chad

  11. Emma

  12. Chad

  13. Emma

  14. Chad

  15. Emma

  16. Chad

  17. Emma

  18. Chad

  19. Emma

  20. Chad

  21. Emma

  22. Chad

  23. Emma

  24. Chad

  25. Emma

  26. Chad

  27. Emma

  28. Emma - Epilogue

  Bonus Chapter

  Father Figure


  Personal Training

  M.L. Sapphire

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  All characters are 18-years-old or older and consenting adults. These scenarios are fantasies and are not meant to be a guide for your sexual life.

  Copyright © 2017 M.L. Sapphire

  All rights reserved.



  “But what if nobody likes me?” I ask, frantically looking for my keys.

  “Emma, you're one of the most likable people I've ever met,” Claire assures me. “You're gonna be fine. Just be yourself and everyone will love you.”

  “That's easy for you to say, Ms. Bubbly. You're a social butterfly and always have been.”

  “We're not talking about me right now, Emma. This morning is all about you. You're nervous because it's your first day at your new job. It's normal.”

  “This isn't just my 'new job.' This is the first day of my career. I've been going to school for this for the past four years.”

  “Exactly. You've been preparing for today for four years. So it should be a piece of cake, right?”

  I'm running around our apartment like a chicken with its head cut off, looking for my keys. Today's my first day working as a registered dietitian, a nutrition expert that helps people reach their health goals. I managed to land a job at the most prestigious fitness center in the city: Fit World. It's a huge mega-gym that offers personal training, health coaching, and individualized nutrition plans – that's where I come in. I'll be helping people reach their goals by changing their diets.

  “Looking for these?” Claire asks. I look up and she's dangling my apartment keys from her pinkie.

  “Where were they?” I ask, snatching them from her hand.

  “The same place they always are: On top of your dresser,” she says and smiles.

  “I gotta go. My Uber is gonna be here any second.”


  With one foot out the door, I look back at my roommate.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You're gonna have a great day. I can't wait to hear all about it tonight. Good luck.”

  I do my best to muster a smile and reply, “Thanks.”

  My Uber's waiting for me outside. I get in and after saying hi to the driver, my mind goes right back into freak out mode. Anxiety is something I've always had an abundance of. I'm always worrying about things that don't need to be worried about. Even though I keep telling myself that everything's gonna be just fine, the knot in my stomach is telling me something quite different.

  We arrive in front of Fit World after what feels like the shortest car ride ever. I'm a few minutes early, as I always am. The parking lot is jam packed full of cars. Fit World is the most popular gym in the city. I can feel my heart beating in the back of my throat as I walk up to the door. These are the doors that I'll be walking through five days a week for the foreseeable future.

  I walk up to the front counter, my heart beating faster than a hummingbird's. Behind the counter is a fit, energetic young woman that looks like she spends four hours a day working on her body. I can't help but feel a bit self conscious around so many beautiful people. Everyone that works here looks amazing. I walk up to the counter and introduce myself.

  “Hi! I'm Emma Robinson. I'm the new dietitian here. Today's my first day.”

  The girl behind the counter doesn't say a word to me. She picks up the phone in front of her and dials an extension.

  “Julie, I have an Emma Robinson at the front desk. Says it's her first day as the new dietitian. Yup. Uh huh. Okay. Okay. Yup. I'll let her know.”

  “Ms. Robinson,” the girl says, looking up at me and pointing to the waiting area next to the front counter, “you can have a seat over there. Julie will come get you in a couple minutes.”

  “Thank you,” I say, finding a seat.

  Looking around, I can't help but be impressed. I've been here a few times before when interviewing for the job, but it's still impressive. All you can see is fitness equipment in every direction. Weights, machines, cardio equipment, and all the other fitness gear you could ever want is here. There are tanning booths, steam rooms, and even a juice bar that serves protein shakes and other healthy drinks. This place has it all.

  I'm waiting for Julie to come get me. She's my new boss and the woman that hired me. In my interview, Julie seemed easy enough to get along with, if not a bit high strung. Everyone around here seems to be very Type A. I'm already questioning whether or not I'm gonna fit in.

  “Emma!” I hear from behind me.

  I turn to look over my shoulder but by the time I do, Julie's already standing in front of me.

  “Julie, hi!” I say, hopping out of my seat.

  Julie looks at her watch then up at me and says, “You're early. I like that. It says a lot about your character. You ready to get to work?”

  “Yes, I am!” I reply, trying to match her level of intensity.

  “Great! Okay, follow me. I'm gonna take you to your shiny new office. The office isn't new. It's new to you, though. That's what I mean. You excited?”

  “I am, but I'm also a bit...”

  Julie cuts me off and says, “Good! You should be excited. You know, I interviewed twenty-six different dietitians for this position. It wasn't easy deciding. You're the one I went with, obviously. Keep that in mind at all times. I'm not trying to rattle you but, if you don't work out, there are twenty-five others that would be happy to take your place.”

  “I'll keep that in mind,” I say. “So what was it that set me apart from everyone else?”

  “You really wanna know?” Julie asks, stopping outside what I assume is my new office.

  “Yes. Yes I do.”

ou didn't kiss my ass like the other twenty-five applicants. There's such a thing as being too eager. I didn't want someone who's gonna come in here and just suck up to me day in, day out. I wanted someone who would come here, do the job to the best of his or her ability, and go home. No drama, no bullshit. That's why I picked you, Emma. You seem like a no bullshit kinda woman. Oh, and I found your whole fat-to-fit story to be inspiring. I think a lot of your clients will, too.”

  “Well, thank you.”

  “You asked. It's the truth. Okay, here we are. Here's your new office. This is where you'll be meeting with your clients. As you can see, this place is packed. It's always packed. You're gonna have plenty of work to do. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call or come see me. My extension is written next to the phone. All the extensions are. Front desk, the personal trainers, my office – all of them.”

  I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed and I haven't even met with my first client yet. My office is much nicer than I was expecting. It's bigger, too. Through my window, I can see the main floor of the gym with rows and rows of fitness equipment. There are tons of people everywhere using the machines. Of the four walls that make up my office, the front wall is made out of glass. It's a giant window that gives me a magnificent view of the gym. Fortunately, there are also large blinds that will give me privacy when I'm with a client. Or, you know, when I get overwhelmed and need to hide out for a while.

  “Well, thank you, Julie,” I say. “For everything. What am I doing today? Is there an orientation or something like that?”

  She shoots me a look and says, “There was. It just ended. You can look your client schedule up on the computer. Here,” Julie says, handing me a piece of paper. “Here's your login information. Everything is done on computers now. Billing, meal plans, client updates, and everything else. Log in using your name and the password I just gave you on the computer. You can also download the Fit World app and access everything there, logging in under the employee section. Click the thing that says 'schedule' and it'll tell you when your first client will be here. I looked at your schedule for today already and, if I remember correctly, your first client will be here at eight thirty.”

  I look at the clock hanging on the wall in my office. It's a few minutes after eight. That gives me a little while to settle in and get familiar with the computer and my new office. My heart is starting to beat more like a human's and less like a rodent's. I'm still a bit overwhelmed but, for the first time so far this morning, I feel like I can do this.

  “Thank you, Julie. For everything.”

  “Yes. You're quite welcome. Make me proud, Emma. I know that you're the best woman for the job. You might be a little green, but you'll get the hang of things in no time. I'll let you get settled in. Welcome to Fit World.”

  Before I can reply, Julie's already walking back to her office. I shut the door and have a seat at my new desk. My chair is super comfortable. That's a big plus. Out the window, I see dozens and dozens of sweaty people getting their morning workouts in. People of all shapes and sizes, ages and genders. It really is a great view. Out on the main floor, it's really loud. Between the electronic dance music blaring through the gym, the sound of weights clanging around, and people yelling motivating phrases like “You got this, bro!” “Come on, man. One more rep!” and “Quit being a pussy and push!” you can barely hear yourself think out there. In here, though, it's nice and quiet – just the way I want it.

  I log into the computer and check out my schedule for the day. My first client, a nineteen-year-old woman, will be here shortly. I open my bag and take out the few things that I brought with me. The most important of which is my bachelor's degree in nutrition. After considering the pros and cons of hanging it on each wall, I decide to put it up right behind me. I take a few steps back and stare at it for a moment. A smile gradually appears on my face. This is it. This is what I've been busting my ass in school for. This, right here. I've been wanting this for the past four years. Now that I've finally got it, I can't help but smile.

  My smile vanishes when the phone on my desk rings. I swiftly sit down in my comfy chair and reach for it, but pause. How should I answer? Don't overthink it, Emma. All you have to do is say your name.

  “Emma Robinson, registered dietitian.”

  “Ms. Robinson, your eight-thirty is here. Should I send her to you or are you gonna come get her?”

  I have no idea. What am I supposed to do? The computer said that this is my client's first session. She doesn't know where my office is. How could she? I didn't even know where it was until twenty minutes ago.

  “Ask her to have a seat in the waiting area. I'll be right out.”

  A wave of excitement crashes through me. My first client. My very first client. Hopefully, it'll be the first of many - thousands, maybe. This is what I've been studying for all throughout college. I can't wait to meet her. Shit, what was her name? I look it up on the computer, quickly. Megan - got it! I stand up, take a deep breath, remind myself that I can do this, and head out to the front desk.

  “Megan?” I call out.

  “I'm Megan!” a young woman shouts, getting up and walking over to me.

  “Hi! I'm Emma Robinson, registered dietitian. Let's go back to my office. Follow me!”

  She follows me to my office and we make small talk along the way. Megan reminds me of myself a little bit. Well, she reminds me of myself a few years ago. Megan seems a bit shy, but nice. She's seriously overweight, just like I used to be. We get to my office. I shut the door and close the blinds. With them both shut, you'd never know that there are hundreds of loud, sweaty people right outside the door.

  “Here, have a seat,” I say.

  “Thank you,” Megan replies.

  I sit at my desk and say, “So, Megan, tell me: Why are you here today?”

  “Isn't it obvious? I want to lose weight. I need to lose weight.”

  “Why do you wanna lose weight? If I know why you want to lose weight, I'll be better able to help you come up with a plan you can stick to.”

  “There are tons of reasons. My health, first of all. Being this fat can't be good for me. But really, I wanna lose weight so I'll look good. Guys don't even notice me. Other girls made fun of me all throughout school. I've always been fat and I hate it. I don't need to look like a supermodel. I just don't wanna be fat anymore.”

  As I sit here listening to Megan, I can't help but see a younger version of myself looking back at me. It was about four years ago that I, myself, sat in a dietitian's office, begging for help. I was fat my entire life. And like Megan, I got picked on in school, too. None of the boys paid any attention to me. I hated it. I understand everything this poor girl's going through and I hope I'm able to help her.

  “What would you say if I told you that four years ago, I was over a hundred pounds heavier than I am now?”

  “Get outta here – seriously?”

  “It's true. I was extremely overweight. And like you, it caused a bunch of problems for me all throughout school. By the time I was done with high school, I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to do something, anything. So, like you, I went to see a dietitian. She put me on a meal plan and helped me to stay on track. Two years later, I was over a hundred pounds lighter. That's why I decided to become a dietitian myself.”

  “Oh, wow!” she says. “That's amazing. Really. Good for you. I never would've guessed. You're so... well, just gorgeous. I know we just met, but I really feel like you get me. I wasn't sure what to think coming here, but you've already put my mind at ease, Emma.”

  “I'm glad. I know how hard it can be. Trust me. But you can do this. With my help, you're gonna start losing weight right away. Now, let's get to it! Tell me about your diet right now. Take me through a typical day of eating in Megan's life.”

  We go over Megan's current diet and I come up with an individualized nutrition plan for her. She seems eager to get started on it. I know what a battle it's gonna be for her ove
r the coming months. I also know that, if she sticks to it, it's gonna change her life for the better in every conceivable way.

  Our half-hour session comes to a close and I walk Megan back to the front desk. We set up another appointment and say goodbye. Once I get back to my office, I lean back in my chair and reflect on my very first client. It almost felt like it was meant to be. There are a lot of parallels between Megan's life and mine. I really hope that I'm able to help her.

  The next few hours fly by. Julie wasn't kidding – this place is hectic! I see one client after the next all morning long: an underweight man trying to bulk up, several men and women trying to lose weight, and a young woman who wanted me to put her on the best “ass building diet” possible. According to my schedule, I have from twelve-thirty until one-thirty to take my lunch break. After seeing my last client of the morning, I finish up my notes on the computer and get ready to leave for lunch. When I come out of my office, I can't believe my eyes.

  With the same cocky grin on his face that he had all throughout high school, I see Chad Taylor walking through the gym. Just when I'm starting to feel comfortable at my new job, in walks the biggest asshole I've ever met in my entire life. Chad went to the same high school as me. He was a macho jerk that was rumored to have fucked half the cheerleaders in our class. I can't imagine what he's doing here.


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