Vasari, Giorgio 9–10, 71, 72, 76, 398, 465 on Bramante 195
on Bramantino 314
on Brunelleschi 70, 92, 94–5
collection: drawings by Leonardo and Verrocchio 78
on knot-pattern engravings 42
on Last Supper 297–8, 302, 404
on Leo X’s relationship with Leonardo 466–7
on Leonardo as musician 155–9
on Leonardo as technologist 145–6
on Leonardo’s beauty and grace 127
on Leonardo’s ‘capricious mixtures’ of paint 467
on Leonardo’s education and apprenticeship 53–4, 61, 78
on Leonardo’s lack of religion and late conversion 483, 499–500
on Leonardo’s lizard prank 43, 463–4
on Leonardo’s love of animals 43
on Leonardo’s perception of his own gifts 192
on Leonardo’s pupils in Milan 233
on Leonardo’s studies (preventing him from painting) 241
on Leonardo’s uncle 25
on Leonardo’s visit to Milan (1482) 166
on Filippo Lippi 301
Lives of the Artists 9–10, 71, 76, 398
second edition (1568) 13, 173–4, 411, 483;
portrait of Leonardo 13, 451
on lost works of Leonardo:
Adam and Eve and Medusa 104–5, 460
buckler 105–7
on Madonna of the Carnation 102
on Giuliano de’ Medici 461–2
on Melzi 411, 452
on Michelangelo 9, 354–5, 376, 377, 380–81
on Mona Lisa 333, 361–2, 363
omits Leda 396
omits Leonardo’s illegitimacy 27
on Pacioli 303
on Rustici 414–15
on Salai 116, 272, 273
on Segni 398
and Sforza Horse project 282, 283
on della Torre 443
on Toscanelli 70
on Verrocchio 9, 72, 81, 87, 103, 139
on Virgin and Child with St Anne 332–3
works 415
Last Judgement 98
Palazzo Vecchio fresco-cycle 391, 393–4, 485
Vatican 478 Codex Urbinas 5, 434
Leonardo, St Jerome see Leonardo (paintings and frescos)
Villa Belvedere 462–4
Venezia, Piero Borgi da 214
Venice 328–31, 435 Accademia:
Leonardo: drawing of hand 469;
drawing for San Lorenzo façade 484;
sketch for Last Supper 295, 296;
study for Virgin and Child with St Anne 334;
Vitruvian Man drawing see Leonardo (drawings and maps)
Colleoni statue 181, 249
engraving and printing in 40–42, 305–6, 329
Verrocchio, Andrea del 72–8, 131, 157, 165, 480 influences on 57, 85
inventory 75–6
Leonardo’s apprenticeship with see Leonardo (life)
portraits of 76–7, 86
Vasari on see Vasari, Giorgio
works 72, 74–5, 78, 82, 90–91, 100, 103, 172
Baptism of Christ (with additions by Leonardo) 50, 81, 103, 104, 172, 405, Pl. 7
bas-reliefs (attrib.) 81
cathedral orb and cross 94–5
Colleoni statue 181, 249
David 74–5, 175–6, 378
drawing of youth (also attrib. Leonardo) 121–2, 123
Fortaguerri monument 121, 124
Madonna and Child paintings 81, 85, 101–2, 124, 134;
Madonna of the Carnation see Leonardo (paintings and frescos);
Madonna and Child with Two Angels 80
Lorenzo de’ Medici 90
Medici commissions 90, 91, 92–3, 100, 102, 111, 139, 166
Mercato Vecchio clock 285
Pistoia altarpiece 124–5
Tobias and the Angel (with contributions by Leonardo) 88–9, 99, 108, Pl. 4
Venus and Cupid sketch (with additions attrib. to Leonardo) 111
Woman with a Bunch of Flowers 108–9, 110, 111, 201
Vesalius, Andreas 423
Vespucci, Agostino di 372, 414
Vespucci, Amerigo di 360
Vespucci, Matteo di 112
Vespucci, Piero di 194
Vezzosi, Alessandro 78
Vigevano 288, 291, 316, 317
Vilanis, Battista de 486, 498–9
Vinci (town and area) 17–18, 20–21, 22–3, 25, 28, 42, 48, 51–3, 385, 387 art in 56–7
olive industry 37–40
origin of name 40
wicker baskets 40–42
Vinci (da) family 17–30, 28, 29–30 Leonardo’s forebears 21–2
Leonardo’s mother see Buti, Caterina
properties 17–19, 21–4, 38
puns on name 40
Vinci, Albiera da see Amadori, Albiera di Giovanni
Vinci, Alessandra da 465
Vinci, Antonio da (Leonardo’s grandfather) 22–4, 28, 33, 38, 51, 62, 384 record of Leonardo’s birth 19–21
Vinci, Antonio di Ser Piero da (Leonardo’s half-brother) 107
Vinci, Domenico da (Leonardo’s half-brother) 385
Vinci, Francesco da (Leonardo’s uncle) 25, 29–30, 104, 385, 387, 412–14
Vinci, Giovanni da 22
Vinci, Ser Giuliano da (Leonardo’s half-brother) 413, 464–5
Vinci, Leonardo da see Leonardo da Vinci
Vinci, Lucia da (Leonardo’s grandmother) 23, 36, 56
Vinci, Ser Piero da (Leonardo’s father) 19, 20, 61–3, 66–7, 73, 140, 493 in the 1500s 331, 332, 356
birth and early career 23, 24–5, 26–7, 28, 29–30, 33
buckler episode 105–7
death and will of 384–5, 387, 412
first wife see Amadori, Albiera
legitimate children 19, 107, 331, 384, 387, 412, 499
and Leonardo’s apprenticeship 61, 67, 74, 78
and San Donato monastery 168
second and third marriages 62, 107
Vinci, Ser Piero da (‘the elder’) 22
Vinci, Violante (Leonardo’s aunt) 23, 25, 57, 125
Visconti family 186, 251, 264, 269, 289, 325, 330
Visconti, Galeazzo 496
Visconti, Gasparé 306–7, 386–7
Vitelli, Vitellozzo 345, 350, 352
Vitruvius 55, 202, 224, 245–7, 262, 309, 406, 433
Warhol, Andy 370
Washington, DC, National Gallery: anon. Madonna of the Pomegranate (Dreyfus Madonna) 102
Leonardo, Ginevra de’ Benci see Leonardo (paintings and frescos)
Webster, John 489
Wedekind, Frank 368
Wilde, Oscar 369
Wilson, Laurie 470
Windsor Castle, Royal Library: anon.: announcing angel (sketch by a pupil) 468–9, 472
sketch of nude young woman (attrib. Leonardo pupil) 441
Tovaglia villa (copy of Leonardo drawing) 334–5
Leonardo drawings and manuscripts 4
Alpine scenes 277
anatomical 4, 163, 207, 242–5, 279, 420, 441, 481–3
bear’s hind-leg 279
cats with dragon 46
Dante on fame 184
David (after Michelangelo) 382
‘The Deluge’ (notes) 475–6
elephant-musician 260
emblems 436–7
geometrical designs and anatomical studies with list of names 438
grotesques 261–4, Pl. 18
on harmonious proportions 245
horse analysis 249
infant in profile 199–200
Madonna and child with infant St John (1470s) 136
Lorenzo de’ Medici (?) 168
military chariot with horses 44
mother and baby with word-lists 136
Pointing Lady 493, 501
portable cannon (c. 1484) 190
portraits of young men (Salai?) 273–4
property between rivers 387
rebuses or picture-puzzles (sheets of) 218–19, 25
riddles using musical notation 159
St John the Baptist (silverpoint) 124
studies: Adoration 175–6;
Battle of Anghiari 469;
costumes and profile of Orpheus 434;
hands 109–11;
Last Supper 293–7, 302;
Leda 429, 440–41;
Madonna of the Yardwinder or Mona Lisa (red chalk) 363;
Sforza Horse 249, 281
‘The sun does not move’ 432
Val di Chiana map 351–2
Melzi: copies of Leonardo drawings 410
portrait of Leonardo (attrib.) 12–13, 410, 451–3, Pl. 15
view from Clos Lucé (attrib.) 488, 497
Witelo 269
Yeats, W. B. 368
Zacchia, Lorenzo 391–2
Zenale, Bernardo 196, 309
Zola, Emile 368
Zöllner, Frank 367
Zoroastro see Masini, Tommaso di Giovanni
Leonardo Da Vinci Page 79