Ieloharis Island: The Curse

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Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 11

by CB Colin

  Chapter VI

  Pajamas Girls Night

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  Angell also could easily find from the flowers, what others were doing on the island, like the flower was a spy transistor.

  A month just passed away and the wheatear was transforming uglier and colder, because the autumn season was nearly to end, coloring the nature with pastel colors like orange, yellow or red. The clouds grey and sorrow were shaken off smooth and boring late autumn rains to the ground.

  In a gloomy Wednesday morning, Angell woke up at 5 am to go into the sea, taking salty water in a green sprinkler, special for the Forget-me-not flower. Therefor the wheatear wasn’t in her favor and the sea water frozen her feet, but with hope in her soul for a better life, she was venturing in taking water, and who might be seeing her at that hour in the sea could easily say that the girl lost her mind.

  “Hello flower.” Angell said, going towards and watering her.

  All the time when the water was touching the flower petals, they were changing suddenly the color, erasing the blue and remaining only white like winter snow.

  “Good morning Angell.” The flower answered, even if Angell could only hear her mentally.

  The girl putted the sprinkle away, seeing a pinky line on the skyline, sign that the sun was preparing to climb the sky for another day. She kneels down right next to the flowers, thinking at Marvell, meditating at the boy with sparkle blue eyes. She made a big mistake against him, given the fact that she didn’t bother to at least explain him what happened. She was pretty shore that the rumors, which were circulating around, worst then a flu, approached Marvell’s ears as well and so that Angell was shuddering at only the fact that Marvell thought about her as a dirty slut, which slept with her father. She closed her eyes, like she just swallow something bad, and reopened them looking at the blue flowers.

  “Please tell me, where is Marvell?”

  “Marvell Marvollio is right now at a swamp nearby.”

  “At the Pond? I wonder what is doing there so early.” Angell said, more for her.

  “Angell Valentine Veriss, he calls you.”

  Angell turned frowned to the flower.

  “What do you mean, he calls me?”

  “He thinks about you. He wants to see you.”

  “But what, he cannot call?” Angell said, getting up.

  “I do not have the knowledge about what are you talking, but this man is thinking about you.”

  Angell didn’t say a word after that, watching the pinky line, which was starting to get thicker, becoming slowly a red line. Maybe wasn’t such a good idea to go at the Pound or…

  The girl head back to the house, observing Dingo on the porch, crunching a plastic toy. Angell smiled when she saw him very preoccupied to take the toy’s head off. She looked at the street with her hand on the knob. Maybe was better for her to talk with him after all.

  Therefore, the girl took away her hand from the knob and walked on feet, with her hands crossed, and exit the yard in the street. The road to the Pound wasn’t so far, so she didn’t take the car. She watched again the east, seeing that the sun just woke up after the mountains, with his little head, and was throwing the first rays on the Earth. Angell smiled to it, thinking that will be a nice and warm day, even beautiful, and she thought at the fact that she could spend it with Marvell.

  The way towards the Pound didn’t last much, only 10 minutes or so, time when Angell was thinking intensity how she will tackle the situation, already pretty tense. She frighten that Marvell will shout at her, was better for him to beat her instead. And her heart came in the neck. Marvell was seating down on the wet grass, in front of a muddy small lake, near a weeping willow (The Pound was made of willows, which were connected beautifully with the forest, like an oasis of willows in the middle off the oaks and beeches forest). Angell stopped, and she felt her feet blocked, like they wanted to turn away and run back home.

  “Why did you come here Angell?” Marvell said with his back on her, and the girl wasn’t surprised that he knew that she was there. She lost even the smallest trace of courage, her face went white. She started to rub her hands, looking on the ground. She really didn’t know what to say, was like she lost the ability to talk.

  Marvell got up in his feet in a jumping, turning to the girl. Angell remained shocked when she saw him changed. He had dark circles under his eyes, sign that the nights was spending thinking at Angell. The eyes, once sparkle blue, were now cold, darkest, lost blue.

  “Well, I am listening.”

  Even if they were close to one another, Angell was still looking in the ground, and Marvell putted his hands in the pockets. He was wearing a jeans jacket, opened.

  The girl looked at him with tears in her eyes, then she said like was very close to burst into tears.

  “I… I am sorry.”

  Therefore the girl turned away, running from the Pound, with the tears dripping on her cheeks. Was really hurting the fact that she was behaving cold and bad with him, that she was so diabolic. She was sorry for everything; because of her the nature of the things got broken, and went mad. Angell stopped running, walking slowly towards the house, in the forest, until she reached a paved road that came from the center. She walked on it, looking at the tall fir tree near the road, seeing how the sun shiny rays were playing among the green branches.

  Reaching finally home, she stopped scared when saw, that Marvell was seating on the fence, with his hands in the pocket, looking smiling at her.

  “Why didn’t you take the shortcut?” He asked, smiling to her.

  Angell didn’t know how to react; she watched him lost with tears in her eyes. Marvell smiled with all his mouth.

  “Come here love.” He said, starching his hand.

  Angell smiled back and even laughed shortly, taking his hand, feeling his wefts on palm, and also Marvell specific warm, which Angell missed the most. Then the boy pulled her to him, taking her in his arms, and kissing the girl with so much passion. Then with his eyes closed, whispered to her.

  “I don’t want you to go. I love you Angell.”

  “I love you back Marvell, trust me.” She said with a strangled voice.

  “There, there, stop crying. Let’s wash away what happened.” He said looking in her eyes, petting her cheeks.

  Both of them started to laugh happily that they recovered one another from a heavy wandering road, and Angell pulled him in the courtyard, moment when Dingo abandoned his headless toy, barking like crazy, waving his tale with energy.

  “Hey driveller, how are you doing?” Marvell asked, letting himself licked by Dingo, who was more than happy.

  Angell laughed, and then she looked to her mother’s room window from the ground floor. The curtains weren’t pulled on, which was suggesting that Amira left the house early.

  Angell was thinking; maybe wasn’t such a good idea to call her, because was the risk that her mother will lie, and therefore only from one source she could find the truth.

  “Marvell, I have to go to the bathroom, do you want something to drink?” The girl said, thinking to go in the backyard without Marvell to know.

  “Yes, if you have juice or something like that.”

  “I have orange juice or elder.”

  “Elder thanks.”

  “Come inside.”

  Marvell was still playing with Dingo, and he enters the house. The dog wanted to come inside too, but Angell stopped him.

  “No, you are not allowed! First you take a bath then you can come in.”

  The dog watched her with reproach, standing on the porch. Angell shut the door behind them, and Dingo upset went back to his toy, this time wanting to let it without his arms.

  “You don’t let the puppy inside?” Marvell asked, walking with Angell in the kitchen.

  “Yes, but right now he is like a pig. My mother abhors when she see mud on the floor or on the couch from the living room. I remember once when she woke up in the morning and she yelled so loudl
y that I thought first that someone tried to murder her.”

  Marvell was laughing, imagining the puppy seating like a king on the sofa, and all around the room were mud trance of paws.

  Angell opened the fridge, watching outside the window, seeing the bushes in question, and Marvell took a seat on the table, taking his jacket off. He was wearing a white blouse, molded, that Angell couldn’t resist not admiring his muscle mass well contoured. Angell poured into a glass some elder juice, and then she kissed him on his lips.

  “Be right back.” She said.

  Angell went to her mother’s bathroom from the ground floor and opened the window (lucky it was big), jumping from it, then she ensured that Marvell wasn’t watching on the window in that moment, running easily towards the bushes. Dingo appeared behind her, pulling her skirt with his mouth, wanting to play.

  “Dingo! Not now! Go away!” She said whispering, and the puppy watched her how she managed to slip like a spy in the bushes to the Forget-me-not flowers.

  “Flower, please tell me, where is Amira Veriss?”

  The flower didn’t answered fast, Angell was frowning her eyebrows, but then she heard the flower’s thoughts.

  “My dear Angell Valentine Veriss, your mother is right now in the Sunshine town.”

  “I wonder why she is there.”

  “She is at her birth house”

  Angell made big eyes. Since when she found out the truth about her real grandparents, she never thought at Amira’s birth place before, which was in Sunshine town.

  Angell smiled to the flower, looking like an idiot because she didn’t know where the “eyes” were located, and went back to the bathroom, climbing the window. She heard a softly knocking on the door, then she immediately opened it.

  “Angell, are you alright? I think that I sat here and knock like for an hour.”

  “Yes, I am fine.” The girl said uncertain.

  “Good then.” Marvell smiled, not wanting to become suspicious.

  “Marvell I have a request.” Angell said, leaving the bathroom.

  “Tell me love.”

  “I want to go in Sunshine.”

  Marvell grew his eyes.


  “My mother is right now there.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I called her!” Said Angell, raising her hand up.

  “But I didn’t hear you talking to the pho…” Marvell said, being suspicious.

  “Are you coming or not? If not, I will go by myself.”

  “Ok, I am coming.” He said smiling.

  Angell rolled her eyes, and without Marvell to see, she bitted her lips.

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