Ieloharis Island: The Curse

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Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 24

by CB Colin


  The moon rose up and Mariuss announced her that she has to sleep. The boy came in her room, to be beside her.

  “I will bring you into the Nightmare. Who knew where you could land if you were waking up yourself.”

  “Mariuss. Stop scaring me.”

  “Ok, come on. Sweet dreams Angell, see you in the Nightmare.”

  Angell was nervous. Knowing for the beginning that wasn’t easy for her to fall asleep, and considering that she knew where she was about to go, the girl took a sleep pill and drank warm milk, and now everything was working, feeling her eyelids heavy. . She saw Mariuss’s light blue eyes, and felt asleep.

  She didn’t know if the crickets were singing, for sure they stopped doing that, and she could hear a wind with a strongly roar sound.

  “Angell! Come on!” Mariuss said.

  Angell opened her eyes. She was still on her bed, and she looked towards Mariuss, softly flinching. He had the hair golden blond, and on his fingers he was wearing some rings.

  “Angell, come on, wake up.”

  “Mariuss. I feel strange…” But she stopped because she saw that was dressed differently, much more differently. She was wearing the Rain Festival costume.

  “Mariuss… what the…”

  “We don’t have much time left Angell. We have to go to the cave, now!” Mariuss shouted, grabbing Angell’s hand.

  Angell automatically looked to the window, and around. She saw everything destroyed like in a war time. Outside, as much as she could see, the sky was red like was burning. The wind was strongly blowing, roaring. And Angell’s room was ruined, upside down. Was like it wasn’t occupied by centuries.

  “Mariuss. I am scared.”

  “Don’t be Angell, give me your hand, and let’s go. Here I have the necessary power to protect you.”

  “Ok, now I see why it’s called Nightmare.”

  “This is nothing, wait until you see the outside.” He said, and together the lowered the stairs. At one point, Angell woke up with her right foot in one of the wooden steps. Mariuss helped pulling it out.

  “Where is my mother?”

  “At your place where are you sleeping.”

  Mariuss conduct her outside, and neither good they touched the knob that the door felt off. They crossed the courtyard quickly, and sometimes a tile or a brick was fallen from the house.

  They reached the road, and Angell grabbed herself more strongly to Mariuss.

  “Do not be afraid Angell. Just ignore what you see around.”

  “TO IGNORE?” Angell yelled scared. “ Mariuss, if you didn’t noticed, the road is full of human bones! The forest is without a single leaf, the sky is cloudy with fire, from which sometimes a flame fall down on the ground. And the sea is… made of wine.”

  “Angell, that is not wine.” Mariuss said calm, looking towards the sea, which was ruby color.

  “It’s made from blood?”

  “Yes. Let’s go.”

  “Where we are going after all?”

  “We have to reach the care Angell. We have to destroy the prophecy.”

  “What prophecy Mariuss, I am so damn confused and you are not explain me a thing. Why we have to run?”

  “To not find us.”


  “Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise.” A voice was heard in their back.

  Angell and Mariuss turned and saw a bonny and tall woman. She was full dressed in the forget-me-not flowers, which were moving, the same way as the ones which Angell saw in the cave. The woman had an evil expression on her face, almond eyes, having them blue color. Her nose was ridiculous long, and her skin was like directly putted on her skeleton. The hair was falling free, being braid like a wipe.

  “From her.” Mariuss said whispering.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” Angell shouted at her, gain courage not knowing why.

  The woman softly laughed, showing some shark alike teeth. She watched the girl very smiling.

  “Don’t you recognize me, daughter of the rain?”


  “Angell, who do you think I am?”

  “A stupid cow?”

  “You made the pact with me, sweetie. I am the queen.”


  “Yes. I fulfill your wish, and from that reason I was free to come here, to continue the prophecy.”

  “The Forget-me-not queen?”

  “Bingo. Now, I want you to meet someone.”

  The queen took out a long sword, having its handle blue with sapphires. She snapped her fingers and for Angell’s surprised, the queen had in her long hand a paper. Not just any paper but the one with her wish.

  “I think you miss so much Kristall Carter.”

  “You can keep him.” Angell said ironically.

  “Oh no, I am not that cruel, he misses you too.” She said malicious, and snapped her bonny fingers again, and instead of the paper, Kristall was standing straight with an evil smile on his face, having his eyes red like the blood color.

  “Let’s go Angell! We don’t have much time!”

  “Get them!”

  Kristall ran towards them, while Mariuss and Angell were running, wanting to enter the forest. Kristall grabbed Angell by her arm, and the girl screamed observing that she no longer was wearing the ring with the moonstone on it. Mariuss suddenly turned and with one of his rings, he casted Kristall away, with a while light jet, like the last one was catapulted from a cannon.

  “Smooth move. You will not get away that easy.” The queen said.

  “Come on Angell.” Mariuss said, dragging her in the forest.

  At Angell’s nose a rotting smell came and she started to cough.

  “God, what is that horrible smell?” She asked, but she found out the answer soon enough.

  Approaching the Pound, or whatever, where the Pound has to be, Angell noticed something moving slowly between the trees, and she discovered stupefied that were living corpses, moaning some husky sounds, which made goose bombs. At one of them, it could be seen the purple flesh, or at others even the bones.

  “Don’t be afraid Angell. They will not hurt you, they are blind.”

  “What… what they are doing here?”

  “They are trapped here.”

  “They cannot get out?”

  “No.” Mariuss said with sort of regretting in his voice, running further with Angell by hands, until they really reached the Pound. The muddy pound from the middle was full of human organs. Angell didn’t resist much longer, hugging a tree, starting to throw up.”

  “Angell! Are you ok?”

  “It’s horrible. Smells….”

  “I don’t smell anything.”


  “Yes, but even you are no longer a human, Angell.”

  “What? What am I?”

  “You are a spirit now. The humans cannot enter here.”

  “What do you mean… and how the hell I can touch things and sense smells?”

  “Because you are a soul, not a ghost. Let’s move further.”

  Therefore Mariuss took Angell’s hand again and together they exit the forest, right on time, because the walking corpse smell was unbearable. Mariuss stopped Angel, before they could enter the town center, where Angell could easily see the buildings destroyed, like a bomb exploded there and some lights which were crossing them.

  “Angell. The queen wants your soul. If she will manage to capture you, the prophecy will be completed and she will destroy the Ieloharis Island, do you understand? We must not let her!”

  “What prophecy?”

  “It is a long and old story. I think you know already the legend with the cursed flower, right?”

  “Yes, my mother told me about.”

  “Well, it’s true. But what humans do now know is that Forget-me-not was working on a prophecy. After she will capture 14 souls, the prophecy will be on. Being on, it will destroy the island, and the humans will die. This is her
aim, cleaning the island of humans.”

  “But what she wants from us?”

  “At the beginning, the island was created by the goddess Amara, because she won a tournament.”

  “What?” Angell got amazed.

  “I cannot tell you here. Kristall can appear in every minute. I will bring you in other place, where we are safe from the Nightmare. I will explain you there everything.”

  Angell nodded and Mariuss grabbed her hand to go together into the center, but Angell refused.

  “Mariuss. Are you the OldStory god?” Angell asked them.

  “I knew that you are a smart girl.” He said, smiling, and Angell saw his eyes were green, exactly the same color as she has.

  “Oh my God. I am… surprised. But…”

  “I told you that here isn’t a good place to talk. We will go somewhere where time does not exist. It’s stopped.”

  “By you.”

  Mariuss made a face, which remind Angell about the days when they were in the gang.

  “Yeah, yeah, by me. Let’s go.”

  Angell felt very weird. Mariuss was a god of time and stories. A town was having his name, and… she couldn’t understand a thing no longer. Might Mariuss, the one with black hair, thin, with brown eyes, having all the time jokes in his pocket, sometimes rude, was the same with the OldStory god, which ahd the eyes changing colors?

  They were walking towards the center and at one point, Angell felt the temperature, from hot lowering very much to cold. In center, the building were standing just about to collapse, and Angell discovered the floating lights. Weren’t lights at all but…

  “Gh… ghosts?” Angell asked, shaking of cold, and from her mouth the steam came out.

  “Yes. Lost spirits.”

  The phantoms were transparent, pale, floating over the ground, being blue light.

  “Angell!” A echo voiced said.

  The girl turned around to see who called her, and her heart came among her teeth. To her came, or better said, floated no one then Serena.

  “S… Serena?” Angell said full of happy, running to hug her, but she passed through her feeling like he just took a cold shower in a winter season.

  “Angell, I am a ghost.”

  “Serena. God I am so glad to see you.”

  “Angell, I knew you would come here, hey Mariuss.” Serena said, smiling to the god.

  “Serena, are you feeling well? You look a bit… pale.” Mariuss joked, and Serena glanced at him.

  “Very funny Mariuss. I’m dead”

  “I’m just kidding.”

  “I cannot believe it. Lania and Emell are missing.” Angell said happy.

  “Yes. Angell, I really missed you. But here I am trapped…”

  “I thought that you were in the flower’s cave.” Mariuss said thoughtfully.

  “Well, I really am there, or at least the soul is, my soul shadow, or what I am now like a ghost, remained blocked here.”

  “First corpses, not phantoms. Couldn’t get weirder?” Angell asked. “Serena, guess who Mariuss is…”

  “Yeah I know, don’t praise him, and otherwise will go directly into his head.” Serena joked.

  Angell smiled knowing that Serena and Mariuss were always fighting.

  “Yes, yes… ghost of Serena.” Mariuss said. “Angell, we don’t have time, we have to go now.” He said serious.

  “I thought that you were the Time God, Mariuss and…”

  “Yes, but I cannot control nothing around here. It is not my land. We are in Moonlight.”

  “It’s the Moonlight goddess’s land.” Angell ended.

  “Yes. We have to leave.”

  “Serena… I hope I will see you soon.”

  “We will see each other again, and that’s a promise.”

  Angell waved her hand in a good bye way, feeling her tears coming out. A yelling like the saws and horrible, heard from the other side of the center, and many phantoms started to scream, and Angell felt on the ground with her hand on the ears. She remembered the boy Villo scream, when she reached the cave. The same screaming, increased by many phantoms. Serena disappeared, and Mariuss took Angell away.


  “Not so fast!” Kristall said, having the queen sword in his hand. “OldStory, give me the Rain’s Daughter and you will be safe.” He said threaten.

  “Over my dead body Kristall!” Mariuss said, sending a white jet to him, but Kristall protected himself from it. Mariuss putted his hand on the ground, and from it some tree thick roots came, grabbing Kristall.

  “Come along Angell, we don’t have much time.” Mariuss said, grabbing her hand. “In another land, I don’t have much power.”

  “But Mariuss. In OldStory land it’s a long way to go. We used to go with the car there.”

  “Not quite. We will go throw a portal.” He said, running.

  Where the highway supposed to be, which was uniting all the towns from the island, was a blood rain, and Mariuss stopped Angell on tine before she would take a sanguine bath.

  “So… We have to cross the river to reach my land. This river divides the lands from the island.”

  “But how we suppose to pass it?”

  “Don’t worry about that Angell.”

  Mariuss stretched his hand over the river, and from the other side, from where the Pya Mountains could be seen, from the ground some rock pieces attached, and they form a bridge.

  “Wow Mariuss, you surprise me every day.”

  “No joking time Angell. Let’s pass.” He said, and together, they ran on the bridge. Angell couldn’t think at something then the river which was surrounding Sareville, to come from that blood river.

  “No you don’t!” Kristall said, coming to the shore, starting to smash the bridge, hitting with the sword.

  Angell was balancing and then she felt over the bridge, but Mariuss grabbed her hand on time.

  “Angell. If you fall into the river, I cannot save you anymore.”

  “WELL THANKS A LOT FOR THE INFORMATION!” Angell yelled sarcastic. “Pull me up!”

  Mariuss pulled the girl up, and she tried to equilibrate on the collapsing bridge. Mariuss pulled Angell after him and wan on time, because Kristall gave all his power to the sword in the rock bridge, demolishing all. The two of them were already in OldStory land, gasping.

  “NO!” Kristall screamed.

  “Here nobody can touch us.” Mariuss said. “Let’s go.”

  Angell, entering between the mountains, saw that the landscape wasn’t like the one from Moonlight, where the clouds were burning, but night sky with host of stars, the moon being present on it. Some little lights were dancing in air, and Angell was beyond amazed. Both of them took a seat, on the crystalline lake’s sore, in which the moon was reflexing.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Mariuss, wow what a place!” Angell said astonished, taking a seat next to Mariuss.

  “Yes, I took care of it, everything with its place.”

  Angell saw that in every tree around, was book pages, on it was written on the old island language.”

  “Mariuss, what are does?” She asked, pointing to the trees.

  “They are the Genealogical Trees. Every single page, describes a life story.”

  “Prophecies?” Angell automatically asked.

  “No. The pages are writing alone, like a diary. The humans are writing their stories.”

  “Can I see it?” Angell asked curiously.

  “Do you want to see your page?” Mariuss asked.

  “Yes, of course!” Angell said very curious.

  “Ok then Angell, grab my hand.”

  Angell grabbed it, and with a softly snap sound, they disappeared and reappeared somewhere far away, or at least Angell thought so. Around was snow, and the wind was blowing softly. Far away the entire island could be seen. She saw a red huge cloud, which suggested that under it was the Moonlight town. A green cloud was above another town, not far, presuming that was Sunsh
ine. The red river, which was passing Moonlight coming to OldStory, was blue as it was reaching the sea.

  “Mariuss where are we?” Angell said, even if Angell had a hunch.

  “Where do you think we are Angell?” Mariuss said, smiling.

  “On a mountain or something.”

  “Yes. On the highest top of the island.”

  “We are in the Pure peak?” Angell said surprised.

  “Exactly. Come with me.”

  Mariuss took her hand and together they walked through the snow, and Angell didn’t feel cold, on the contrary, was very beautiful. The clear sky, filled with stars and the moon strongly shining, beyond the blue sea. Only in Moonlight side, she could see the bloody sea. They reached a huge tree, an old oak loaded with thousands of written pages.

  “This Angell is the first genealogical tree on the island. The page from the top belong to my niece, Sunshine’s daughter, Amallia, the first Rain’s Daughter and your great, great, great, great, great, and great grandmother. The first human on the island.”

  “Hold on. Are you saying that my ancestors are the gods? I am the Sunshine’s heir?”

  “Yes. We are relatives. Somehow, the difference only time can tell us. Sunshine made the first human; she gave birth to a half-god, to Amallia, the one which could control the weather. Once, the sun was burning the earth, Amallia was saving the vegetables by rain. She felt in love with Mariuss, a mortal which found the Ieloharis Island, navigating on the sea.

  “Your name…” Angell said.

  “Yes Angell. My human name is Mariuss, from the first human on the island. He felt in love with Amallia and so did she, they had five children. One of them raped his sister and because of that the island got populated by incest. The Mother Nature punished the humans, and also punishing us the gods, she sent us to sleep.”

  “Sleep, why do you mean?” Angell asked curiously, taking a seat on the snow. Mariuss did the same.

  “Meaning to disappear, of course not for real. Where you are Angell, it’s a hidden place of the island. We are still on the Ieloharis Island, but in another dimension, where are no humans. Here we rule. Here we bring souls, here we punish, her we work together to protect the people from the island. Before going to sleep, Sunshine made me promise that I will take care of her family. Her daughter, then her daughter’s daughter and so on, generations after generation, until I reached you.”

  Angell watched him amazed, not believing much that Mariuss could be that old while he seemed so childish.

  “I don’t know what to say Mariuss, its weird… Means that you were my mother’s friend as well?”

  “No Angell. Your mother doesn’t have a page in this oak. This is the first tree. In the top it’s Amallia’s page then her daughter’s, then her granddaughter’s. I don’t know why, but her heirs started to get born in different times, not one after another. You are the last heir Angell. Your heiress mother, to say like that, born around 1770 years.”

  Angell made big eyes.

  “What do you mean? Amira isn’t my mother?”

  “Of course she is, but only biological. Your heiress mother was called Creselda.”

  “Like Amira’s aunt.”

  “Yes. Creselda, Amira’s aunt, is a descended of your heiress mother. Creselda’s sister, from the years of 1700, is the one which heirs her grandmother and her sister. You heir the other part.”

  Angell couldn’t explain a thing, remaining speechless.

  “But Mariuss, this means that you were in the human’s world, last time before me, in 1770, right?”


  “And after Creselda died? What did you do?”

  “I came here and I waited for you to get born. I knew that you were next, and that’s why I was the one which fulfill your parents wish, Angell.”

  “What? What wish?” She said.

  “Well, in the night when they procreated you, they stopped at the Pepromeno crossroad. That crossroad was created by my sister, Sunshine, for humans. Only Sunshine, being asleep, couldn’t fulfill the human’s wishes. And I was following the birth of the next decedent from Amallia. And when I saw what your parents did, I made their wish come true. You were born. But I had a bad feeling about the future; therefore I gave your mother a premonition about the future. Only she to see what will happen. And it did happen.”

  Angell remained silent, she was wondering if what the boy said was true, she found out more then she could ask for. Something came into her head.

  “You told me Mariuss, that your sister, Amara goddess, created the island. I know that she took a piece from the continent.”

  “No. The island was broke by Mother Nature, our mother, like a gift.”

  “You said something about a tournament.”

  “Yes. Was a god’s tournament, when the time was very young, to distinguish the stronger gods from the weakest ones. Amara was competing with Moonlight until the final, Sunshine’s twin sister. But Amara won, and Moonlight hated her since then. Amara promised her that they will share Mother’s Nature gift with her soul brothers. She with Sunshine, and me, OldStory. And the rest of the legend you know already.

  “Yes, but you created those legends, am I right?”

  “Yes, telling them to the people.”

  “But Mariuss, Vanilla was the Rain’s Daughter…”

  “Angell, Vanilla wasn’t a legacy. Otherwise I had to get along with her. The festival it’s held just like that, for fun, and you were specially chosen this time. The rain came.”

  Angell smiled, and somehow she was imagining Vanilla’s face, how would twist itself from anger that she wasn’t Amallia’s legacy.

  “And now what we shall do Mariuss?”

  “Now Angell, we wait. I still sense the danger. The flower’s cave is in Moonlight Land.”

  “Yes… and I had the bad luck to meet them, I was very stupid.”

  “You didn’t have bad luck. I knew where you were heading to, therefore I sent Villo after you.”

  “Yeah, about that, who killed him?”

  “Who do you think?”

  Angell remained with her mouth opened literately.


  “Yes, she did. Villo, like you, it’s a legacy, Mariuss’s heir, and you Amallia’s. Forget-me-not tricked him, killed him, but she couldn’t open the prophecy without the other legacy, means you, with you the 14 souls are. And you are the pyramid’s key.”

  “Why Forget-me-not wants to destroy the humans from the island?”

  “Angell. The flower wasn’t planning by herself all this things.”

  “Ah yes, she is helped by a god.”

  “Exactly, who do you think it is?”


  “Bingo. Sunshine’s twin sister hated the humans, just because she last that competition to become a supreme goddess of an island. She couldn’t give birth to humans, only her sister could, there for she hated them. She thought to make a plan, and a pact with the Amara’s cursed flower.”

  “And what was the pact?”

  “The pact was that Forget-me-not will open the prophecy. If she will succeed, Forget-me-not will rule the island, and the rest of the flowers will vanish. If not, the flower will be destroyed.”

  “God, that bitch!” Angell said, taking a fist full of snow.

  “Relax. Moonlight is sleeping, like the others. I remain the only one awake for the humans.”

  “And do you have a plan Mariuss?”

  “Well, first we need to wake up my sisters, besides Moonlight, to help us. And second we need to wake Moonlight to destroy her.”

  Angell watched him scared, like he just said that everything was piece of cake.

  “I am afraid, Mariuss.”

  “It’s normal to be. Don’t worry Angell. Everything will come back to normal. Good. I feel that Forget-me-not and Kristall stopped searching us. They are very small, in front of the gods like Moonlight.”

  “But you cannot destroy her?”

  “No, she ha
s the sword of Moonlight.”

  “Oh God, this thing it’s so damn complicated.”

  “Let’s go now. I have to wake my sisters.” Mariuss said, and both got up. He stretched his hand, and the girl grabbed him, and with a snap they disappeared.

  The appeared on a cliff, and in their front was Amara’s sea. Wasn’t peacefully, or blue, or any other way, but frozen. Until the horizon, the sea was looking like a white blanket. The sky was grey, and the sun pale, softly snowing.

  “Where are we?” Angell asked.

  “We are at the edge of the island. Here Amara sleeps.”

  “Ok, the goddess is sleeping, right? Not the sea.”

  “Both of them. Look!”

  Mariuss raised his hands up in the air, closing his eyes. All of the sudden a wind started to blow hard, transforming in a blizzard. A huge earthquake started, scaring Angell, which grabbed Mariuss’s cloths. From the middle of the iced blanket, pieces of ice exploded in the air, like someone just put a bomb there. A huge water vortex came, spinning up until the sky, and the sea defrost itself, becoming blue. The vortex stabbed the sky, like it was a fake ceiling, and he started to change its color in clear blue. The sun was shining strongly. Mariuss brought down his arms, and the vortex felt down in the water, like a waterfall. Up, floating, above the water, was a woman. Angell couldn’t see her well, but she knew that was Amara.

  “OldStory, what is wrong? I hope that is something important.” She said with an authority coive, and Angell looked at her weird, because the goddess’s voice was very familiar.

  “Yes sister. Forget-me-not started the plan. I have with me the last soul she needs it, if she will kidnap the Rain’s Daughter, the humanity can be destroyed.”

  Amara floated towards them, and the much she was approaching, the much Angell remained shocked. With softly curly black hair, braided in a queue, having beautiful brown eyes and her face was angelic. Amara was looking alike…

  “Mother?” Angell asked automatically.

  “Angell, do you see your mother?” Mariuss asked.

  “Of course. Don’t you see her?”

  “I see Amallia.”

  “What? You don’t see Amira? Look closer.”

  Mariuss shortly laughed, in the same time with Amara or Amira after the girl’s says.

  “What is so hilarious? Don’t tell me now that my mother is a supreme goddess of the island that I will throw myself in the sea.” She said.

  “Angell, I am not your mother. Let me explain you better. My name is Amara, I am the supreme goddess of the island, and I was born without a face. Even I do not know what my real face is.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You see, my face reflex with the soul of the person which looks at me. In your soul, seems to be that your mother is the most important person, like my little brother here, which is Amallia.”

  Angell remained perplexed at Amara’s affirmation, but then she calmed herself. She didn’t think that she could take another shock. As Amara was getting closer, Angell could see at her the same changing eyes like Mariuss, having a golden phrase on them.

  “Wow, I didn’t know about that legend.”

  “Do you think that I was a chatterbox to tell everyone all the truth Angell?” Mariuss asked.

  “Yeah well…” She said a little embarrassed.

  “Good, leave this discussion OldStory, we have other important things to do. So Forget-me-not is on the move. I curse the day I created that flower.”

  “Is not your fault Amara, its Moonlight’s fault because she influenced her.”

  “Yes, well, we have to wake Sunshine."

  Angell giggled, trying to masked it in a coughing, but didn’t manage to fool, because Amara and Mariuss, or OldStory, automatically looked at her.

  “It is something amuses you Angell?” Amara said with a harsh voice.

  “Oh no, is just… it is a little funny that… you know, the towns came to life.”

  “Angell, the towns are named by us.”

  “I know Mariuss but…”

  “We don’t have time Angell, let’s go and wake her up.”

  Angell felt a little embarrassed that she laughed, therefore she took Mariuss’s hand and all three of them disappeared.

  Angell woke for her surprise at the Pepromeno crossroad. She looked up and saw that green cloud, which as making everything around greenish.

  “Very eco or toxic.” The girl said.

  “Well said toxic. Sunshine Land it’s intoxicated.”

  “What did this thing happened?”

  “Well, here, considering that the sun is sleeping, its twilight, could passed the burning sun, creatures which intoxicated this land.” Amara said.

  Angell nodded, looking around at the spread green color all around her. But she shocked herself when she saw on the ground huge golden birds.

  “What are those?” The girl asked?”

  “The Thunder Birds, or the Golden Birds, are the creation of our sister. You see, Sunshine was sending these golden birds in the land of the mortals, when someone was in trouble.” Amara said with sadness. “They were killed.”

  “And this green what is actually?” Angell asked.

  “Emerald Dust! They breathe it and it’s toxic for them. I am pretty sure that it’s Moonlight’s hand!” Mariuss said revolted, and Angell agreed with him.

  “Good, it’s the moment to make a little light here. OldStory, raise your hands.”

  Amara and Mariuss raised their hands in the air, moment when Angell looked up, seeing a hole in the green could, which was growing by the minute, and the golden sun rays were landing exactly on the crossroad. From the rays, a strongly light exploded and a woman stood straight in front of them. Angell felt in her knees being more then astonished. The Sunshine goddess was dressed in white and from her back to huge golden bird wings were opening. The green cloud from above them disappeared, and the sun rays were bathing everything around and every single thunder bird were moving, watching unclear around. When the sun shined, all Sunshine was extraordinary lighten. Sunshine came to them very happy. She had her hair golden blond, long until her hips. Her eyes were yellow, having that ieloharian language written on them.

  “My brothers!” She said, and Angell saw her wings disappearing, only then she realized that she was still standing on her knees.

  “Oh My Mother Nature… Angell Valentine Veriss.” The goddess said, and the girl blushed when Sunshine directly addressed to her. The goddess had an amazing calm voice.

  “Angell, you don’t have to bow in front of me. I am just a simple goddess.” Sunshine said, getting Angell up from the ground.

  “Sunshine dear, we have serious issues.” Amara said.

  “I know sister. We have to stop that Moonlight bitch until will not be too late.”

  Sunshine was effectively radiating, Mariuss grabbed again Angell’s hand and together, all of them disappeared. Angell woke up again in the middle of the Moonlight, where none of the phantoms were around.

  “What are we doing here?” Angell got scared.

  “Don’t worry my child, you will not be harm.” Sunshine said, and Angell had the strange feeling that a mother spoke to her like Amira.

  “OldStory, you have to protect her.”

  “Look who just woke up.” A cold and ironic voice said behind them.

  Angell hide herself after Mariuss, when she saw the Forget-me-not queen, looking so dreadful, a next to her was Kristall standing.

  “Forget-me-not! If you will not surrender now, we will destroy you.” Amara said, getting closer. “We want to wake our beloved sister.” She continued with sarcasm, referring to Moonlight.

  “My mistress will not wake up for you, she will only when the humanity will disappear.”

  Angell had an odd presuming about that. The queen’s evil eyes were watching her.

  “I suggest you go back to bed, and hand over the Rain’s Daughter.”

  “Over my dead body!” Mariuss yelled, and shoot a
green light jet from his ring. In his help, Amara came who made a water tornado, and like a firefighter’s hose, the water pushed the queen away three meters high. Kristall disappeared.

  Angell walked slowly backwards, watching the battle between the gods and the queen, being very scared. Forget-me-not made a pile of blue fire, throwing it to them, hitting Amara.

  “Hello Angell.” A voice said behind her.

  Angell turned around and frozen. Was Kristall, holding the Moonlight’s sword in his hand.

  “OLDSTORY! PROTECT HER!” Sunshine shouted, but was too late for that because Kristall, with a quickly gesture, kidnaped Angell and disappeared with her for the gods shock.


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