War of the Worlds 2030

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War of the Worlds 2030 Page 11

by Stephen B. Pearl

  “Do what you have to.”

  “I approve of the choice, Ashley.” Tannal’s voice echoed through the room before Ji-Yeon lost all exterior senses.

  “You won’t be able to change anything, just feel what I felt, see what I saw,” explained Ashley.

  The mists vanished and Ji-Yeon stood in front of a strange door. A pale hand turned the knob, and she stepped in.

  “Richard,” called Ashley’s voice.

  “Down in a moment, Love. Are you ready to go?”

  “Just about.” She moved into the bathroom and gazed into the mirror. A pretty redhead stared back at her. She fiddled with her hair and Ji-Yeon tried to move, to pinch herself, but couldn’t. Leaving the washroom she saw a handsome, middle-aged man standing in the living room. A gentle warmth filled her chest and she smiled. Her gaze followed the line of his buttocks and she felt pleasure at the sight. Ji-Yeon’s mind tried to rebel but it was held prisoner.

  “Don’t fight me. It isn’t easy running two projections at the same time. Just experience this or we’ll be caught.” Ashley’s voice intruded.

  “We should hurry, the display is quite extensive,” said Richard.

  “I love the group of seven. It’s like they touched the spirit of the land and put it on canvas,” remarked Ashley.

  “Isn’t that the point of surrealism?”

  The discussion continued as they walked to Richard’s car and during the drive into LA.

  They reached the museum and went in. The pictures brought a sense of wonder; a feeling of beauty Ji-Yeon didn’t understand but had no choice but to feel.

  Hours later she and Richard sat at a table in the museum cafeteria, with buttered scones and tea.

  “Zane just couldn’t figure out why the cells weren’t accepting the adjustment. Then I asked him what he was feeding the rabbits he’s using in his study. The diet had a high level of chromium, which was reacting out with the enzyme he was using, binding it up so it couldn’t have an effect. I think he was ready to kiss me,” said Ashley.

  “Good thing he’s your brother. I’d be jealous of a younger man.” Richard smiled.

  “I have all the man in my life I want.” Ashley took his hand across the table.

  A middle-aged woman approached from the other side of the room. “I just had to say. You two are so adorable. I’ve watched you all morning. It is so nice to see a daughter be so affectionate to her father. My son hardly gives me the time of day.”

  Richard’s face darkened and Ji-Yeon felt a deep sadness well up from inside. Then something happened, courage and resolve that were like tempered steel chased up after the pain and pushed it down.

  “We, um, actually,” began Ashley.

  “Thank you. Ashley and I are very close. A great number of common interests,” interrupted Richard.

  “It’s so nice to see,” the woman returned to her table.

  “Richard, we could have—”

  “To what end, love?” A warm feeling pervaded her at the use of the title.

  Richard kept speaking. “This way she walks away happy and it doesn’t hurt us at all. Besides, it’s your fault for looking so young. I have to keep telling the undergrads that you’re not a first year.”

  “I just wish people wouldn’t assume.”

  “We know, Zane knows and soon we’ll tell the world. On that, have you thought about telling your parents about us?”

  “Goddess no. Dad only just got remarried and mom, well…She isn’t taking dad getting on with his life well. Let’s let it go a little longer.”

  “Of course, Pet.”

  The afternoon passed much as the morning. Ji-Yeon had never experienced a museum like this. A place of wonder filled with things to occupy the mind.

  Before the museum closed Ashley and Richard retrieved packages from his car and ducked into the washrooms. Ji-Yeon watched as Ashley changed into a burgundy evening gown. She stared at herself in the mirror, adding a hint of makeup and understated earrings.

  God, she is gorgeous, thought Ji-Yeon, while Ashley examined her appearance.

  Exiting the washroom she saw Richard in a blue suit.

  The drive to the restaurant was once more filled with conversation. The restaurant was a little hole in the wall. Richard ordered in French and poured the wine. It was crisp, clean, biting the tongue. Ji-Yeon savored it as she listened to Richard.

  “The reverse engineering takes forever, but I’m making headway.

  “It is garnishing me a reputation. Your idea of me setting a day a week aside to do a lecture circuit is paying off. I’ve had job offers from Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton and half a dozen other universities. Edwin is praying I’ll take one. The university’s dean is offering to shine my shoes if I stay.” Richard grinned.

  “That’s great.” Ji-Yeon felt pure admiration. An almost hero worship, except it was tempered by an understanding of the man’s faults.

  The food arrived, each bite a blending of texture and flavor. She ate slowly, savoring it. A classical piece played over the sound system and the candlelight flickered. She caught Richard gazing at her and she could feel a blush color her cheeks.

  * * * *

  Ji-Yeon remembered how it was when she and her husband courted and let her memory become one with the projection.

  * * * *

  The meal done, they walked a block to a club where a muscular bouncer, dressed in a sports jacket and slacks, held back a line of people.

  “We’ll never get in. We can just go home,” suggested Ashley.

  “Nonsense. The night is young and you are beautiful. That dress looks magnificent on you. You deserve to dance,” Richard walked up to the bouncer.

  “Tell Mister Pennyworth that Richard Green is here, would you?” he asked.

  “Look, buddy, the lines there for a reason.”

  “So true. If I must borrow a cell phone and call Bobby I will. However, it would probably make both our lives easier if you simply contacted him for me.”

  The bouncer paused to think then picked up a phone inside the door, a minute later he lifted the rope.

  “You and the lady are to go right in, Doctor Green. A table is being prepared for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How’d you do that?” asked Ashley.

  “Bobby and I did our undergrad together. He was a business major. He was also something of a scoundrel. He had, let us say, relations with the girlfriend of the one of the football players. The football player didn’t appreciate it.

  I came across three defensive tackles preparing to use Bobby as a ball. I intervened.”

  “Against three football players?”

  “After I broke the chair over the first one’s neck there were only two to deal with. Surprise can be quite an equalizer. Although Janis never believed I got the black eye from walking into a wall. Bobby and I have been friends ever since.”

  A hostess met them at the door and led them to a table in front of the stage.

  “Richard.” A pale-skinned, rotund man with a round, red face pushed his way through the crowd that had gathered to await the first act.

  “Bobby,” replied Richard.

  Bobby stopped. “So good to see you. My friend, the man who cured cancer. Looks good on you. Who is this?” He indicated Ashley.

  “Miss Ashley Hinkly, please meet Bobby Pennyworth.”

  Ashley held out her hand and Bobby caught it up and kissed it. “The pleasure, my lady, is all mine. Richard always had an eye for beauty.”

  Ashley blushed and Richard took her hand reassuringly.

  “I must dash. The band is absolutely mad. Performers, always wanting the moon and expecting me to give it to them.” Bobby moved off through the crowd.

  “Don’t mind Bobby, he fancies himself a
lady’s man,” explained Richard as they took their seats.

  Soon the band came on. Music rolled over the crowd. Taking her hand, Richard led Ashley onto the dance floor.

  Much later they left the club and walked to his car.

  “Happy?” he asked.

  “This whole thing has been wonderful, but it’s not me.”

  “It’s not meant to be, Love. I love you, everything about you. This is a treat. Tomorrow we’ll go back to being ourselves.”

  Ashley snuggled in under his arm for the rest of the walk to the car. The drive home was pleasant.

  They stepped into Richard’s apartment.

  “I’m stiff from all that dancing,” remarked Ashley.

  “I’ll draw us a bath,” offered Richard, with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Hmm, sounds nice.”

  Ji-Yeon’s consciousness fought to break free.

  * * * *

  Stop it! I know it’s a bit much but the emotional intensity is essential to lock the memory loop, snapped Ashley’s thought.

  * * * *

  Richard went upstairs and Ashley peeled off the evening gown and removed her jewelry. She traced her hands along her sides and massaged her small, perfect breasts. She climbed the stairs, stopping only long enough to pull several condoms from Richard’s drawer, before moving onto the bathroom. Richard was bent over the tub. He’d removed his jacket and tie. She tossed the condoms on the counter and embraced him from behind, trailing her fingers over his bulge.

  “Guess who?” she whispered.

  Richard turned in her embrace. “Beauty.”




  “Ashley, and I was right on all three.”

  She kissed him and their tongues intertwined. Her fingers fumbled with his shirt buttons. Breaking the kiss, he quickly threw the clothes into the hall.

  Ashley ran her fingers through the warm water in the tub and slipped in. “This is delicious.”

  Richard slipped in behind her and she leaned back into him. His arms embraced her and they lay like that for a long time, enjoying the closeness.

  Bending her knees Ashley shuffled forward and dunked herself. Her hair flowed around Richard’s penis. She kissed its head before surfacing.

  Ji-Yeon’s mind was awash in emotion not her own: Warmth, contentment, love, security, and a growing passion.

  She sat up. “Wash my hair for me?”

  Warm lips kissed the nape of her neck. “Shampoo.”

  She passed him the bottle. Strong fingers massaged her scalp; soothing and exciting at the same time. Lather built and soon those hands were spreading it over her shoulders. They stroked her breasts, using the suds as a lubricant. She closed her eyes, allowing the hands free reign as they caressed her. A bar of soap was drawn over her torso. A finger stroked her clitoris, eliciting a small moan. She turned her head and a languid tongue-entwining kiss followed.

  Reaching behind herself she grasped Richard’s erection.

  “Ah,” a voice sounded in her ear.

  “Like that do you?” She kissed him then dunked herself removing the shampoo and soap.

  “Your turn,” she added after surfacing. She stepped out of the tub while Richard dunked himself then she climbed in behind him.

  His back was solid muscle and she couldn’t help but scrape her fingernails along the line of his shoulders.

  “You don’t even know the meaning of the word fair, do you?” remarked Richard.

  “Would you want me to?” She reached around him and grasped his erection.

  “Gods no!”

  Grabbing the shampoo she poured out a generous portion and began rubbing it into his scalp. Soon her hands were running over his body. The act of pleasuring him excited her almost as much as when she had been the recipient.

  “Stand up,” she ordered.

  Richard stood and with meticulous care she washed his genitals and lathered the anal cleft. She gently masturbated him using the soap as a lubricant.

  “Your turn.” Richard helped her to stand and they fell together kissing. They parted and he soaped her lower body, caressing stimulating. The water started draining from the tub and Richard turned on the shower. Warm water beat down on them, washing away the soap. Richard stood caressing her then lifting the shower-massage off the clip he set it to beat. At first he only played it over her skin then he slowly made circles around her vulva before directing the spray against her clitoris.

  “Haaa huuu ahhhh, Richard. Oh, Goddess, ha ha ha.” Richard directed the spray away.

  “Liked that did you?” His smile was pure lust.

  “Oh, Richard.” She kissed him, her body pressed tight against his, their arms entwined. Somehow the water was turned off. Richard took a towel from the rack and began drying her. The roughness of the towel became a caress. He drew it over her sex then knelt using his tongue. She bent her knees, allowing him wider access. He embraced her slender leg, bringing his fingers to her slit. As his tongue massaged her clitoris his fingers probed her vagina.

  “Stop, unless you want me to come here and now,” she gasped.

  “Not done teasing yet!” Richard stood and passed her the towel.

  “You.” The single word carried a thousand promises and a thousand threats. She began patting him down. She ran her tongue over his nipples, eliciting a gasp. His hands ran through her damp hair. She went lower, pulling back his foreskin. She licked the head of his penis then kissed its back lovingly.

  “Comb my hair?” she asked.

  Richard was leaning against the sink counter.

  He picked up a comb. She moved in front of him, pressing her backside into his groin. He gently pulled the comb through her damp hair with one hand, while the other stroked her vaginal cleft.

  She could feel her juices building. Richard threw the comb down, spun her around and kissed her hard.

  She grabbed a condom and pushed away from him. Putting it in place took only seconds then she threw her arms around his neck and hopped, wrapping her legs around his waist. His lips crushed hers, and she felt the head of his penis at her opening. The kiss broke.

  “I love you. Gods, how I love you,” he whispered, as he carried her into the bedroom and lay her on the bed.

  “Come to me, my love. I need you,” whispered Ashley. Richard entered her. The teasing already had her on edge. They drove against each other, panting. Ashley gasped, her orgasm rolling over her like a tidal wave. Her mind exploded and lights danced before her eyes. She gazed up at Richard and her heart filled to bursting.

  * * * *

  Ji-Yeon wanted to feel guilt. In a sense she had cheated on her husband but the sense of contentment, satisfaction, joy was too absolute. Ji-Yeon wanted to weep, in part for the sheer beauty of what she felt, in part for this most wonderful and intimate of gifts Ashley, a stranger, had shared with her.

  Now I have to leave, Ashley’s thought echoed through her mind.

  That was beautiful. Thank you. In the physical world tears welled in Ji-Yeon’s eyes.

  I’ll try to update you before the repetition drives you mad, promised Ashley.

  Ji-Yeon stood in front of a strange condo’s door. A pale hand turned the knob, and she stepped in.

  “Richard,” called Ashley’s voice.

  “Down in a moment, Love. Are you ready to go?”

  * * * *

  Edwin forced himself to a steady pace as he walked from the old embassy.

  “My God, he took Ji-Yeon,” said the tall woman.

  “Be happy he didn’t take you,” he whispered.

  “Mayor. How are you going to meet quota?”

  “Pull workers off the farms and the smelters. Lengthen the workday for all remaining slaves. Lo
wer the working age to three.”

  “Sir, the workers are already dropping from exhaustion. The farms are understaffed. If we remove workers there won’t be enough to handle the harvest. We’ll starve this winter. The smelters are barely keeping quota as it is. Next quarter we’ll be short of metal and…”

  “Be bloody quiet! I can’t bleeding afford to care about the next bloody quarter. I’m too smegging busy keeping my skin intact through this one.” He led the way into the old city hall. It was almost deserted. A single man in a collaborator’s coverall moved down the corridor, a bundle of papers in his arms. Edwin entered his office with the woman in tow.

  “Come here, lovey. I need relief,” he half-snarled.

  “My husband,” objected the woman.

  “Could be in the bio-mind tomorrow, with one word from me!”

  With a face filled with despair she untied her blouse and moved towards the mayor.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Perilous Love

  “It was awful! I feel so guilty and…Oh, God, Kate. It…she was pretty but…I didn’t even like it. How am I going to tell Jerry I cheated on him, with a woman! A cheap, one-night stand I picked up in a gay bar. Oh, God; I’ve never even done one-night stands with men.” Mary sat on the cyber couch in the upload chamber. Kate stood beside her.

  “Listen to me. I didn’t realize things were so bad. It’s the upload monitoring. It’s not your fault.” Kate put a companionate hand on the plump woman’s shoulder. Mary flinched then accepted the comfort.

  “I didn’t like it. I swear it. She was so. I like how men feel.”

  “It’s just the upload.”

  “What am I going to tell Jerry?”


  “What? I can’t keep this secret. I betrayed him.” Mary looked up astonished.

  “You got confused. Zane got into your head. You’re not going to go back to the bar and pick up another floozy are you?”

  “No. Definitely not! The, yuk! I don’t know how men can stand to do things. The taste, yuk!”

  “You see, you’re heterosexual. Now don’t punish Jerry for an accident.”


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