Washington (ship), 156, 215n6
Wasp (ship), 125, 130, 133
Webber, John, 108
Wedderburn, Robert, 117
West Africans: formation of new social connections, 143; resistance at sea (see African rebels; Amistad rebellion); spiritual beliefs, 139. See also Africans
Weymouth (ship), 66
Whicker, John, 52
Whidah (ship), 79
Wild Sage, 58
Wilkes, John, 97; “Wilkes and Liberty,” 97
Wilkinson, Moses, 104
Williams, George, 22
Willson, George, 74
Wilmington, North Carolina, 108
Wilson, Isaac, 127
Windward Coast, 139
Winstanley, True Digger Gerrard, 42, 102
Winterbottom, Thomas, 143
Woodcock, William, 53
“Wooden World Turned Upside Down, The” (Frykman), 27
working class: absence of belief in “dignity of labor,” 44–45; capitalism’s dependence on, 5–7; class struggle involving the mobility of bonded laborers, 50; criticism of the wealthy by Barlow, 38–39; growth of, due to shipping industry, 41; patronage of Bowery Theatre, 154; plight of poor, 31–32, 40; sailors’ self-identification with “the poor,” 43
world economy. See capitalism
writ of habeas corpus, 98–99
writs of assistance, 103
“yarn’s” origin, 13–14. See also the sailor’s yarn
Zong (ship), 118, 127
Beacon Press
Boston, Massachusetts
Beacon Press books
are published under the auspices of
the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.
© 2014 by Marcus Rediker
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Printed in the United States of America
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Rediker, Marcus.
Outlaws of the Atlantic : sailors, pirates, and motley crews in the Age of Sail / Marcus Rediker.
page cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8070-3309-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 978-0-8070-3310-4 (ebook)
1. Merchant mariners—United States—History. 2. Merchant mariners—Great Britain—History. 3. Sailors—Atlantic Ocean Region—History. 4. Pirates—Atlantic Ocean Region—History. 5. Slave ships—History. 6. Merchant marine—United States—History. 7. Merchant marine—Great Britain—History. 8. Seafaring life—Atlantic Ocean—History. 9. Atlantic Ocean—Navigation—History. I. Title. II. Title: Sailors, pirates, and motley crews in the Age of Sail.
HD8039.S42U6644 2014
387.509163’0903—dc23 2014000486
Outlaws of the Atlantic Page 28