Mafia Bride

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Mafia Bride Page 7

by Burns, Rachel

  The men drank coffee.

  She let words like Mexico run through her head.

  She would never be able to run once they were in Mexico.

  He had said that they would be home this evening.

  Would the officers at border control believe her that she was an American if she could somehow get away and make it to the border?

  How was he going to get her across the border in the first place?

  Chapter 11

  There was no chance for Anna to get away, not at the border or anywhere else. Antonio held her tightly all day and whispered praises in her ear, telling her that she was being so good for him.

  They crossed the border without anyone glancing at her and drove to an airport. A private jet was waiting. Antonio didn’t hold on to her as tightly anymore. He felt safe that she couldn’t get away now, she mused.

  She read a book during the flight. The men discussed some more stuff in Italian.

  She decided to ask him if she could learn Italian, but did she want to know what they were saying?

  She looked at the new men who had joined them at the airport. They glanced over at her every now and then. She wasn’t sure how to act. These men weren’t worth getting into trouble with Antonio, so she ignored them completely.

  She concentrated on her book, but she could still feel their stares.

  A woman brought them something to eat, and Antonio sat with Anna as they ate. He whispered that she was being very good, and that she would be sleeping in her own bed tonight. He was so confident that this would all work out.

  “Are there any other women at your coffee plantation?” she asked him.

  He nodded. “Mexican women. They will take care of you.”

  “Don’t the other men have wives too?” She wanted to have other women who she could talk to. Was this the normal way for a mafia man to find his wife?

  “They have homes of their own. Sometimes they visit. You will have friends. Don’t worry, darling.” After they had finished eating, he went back to the men.

  They glanced over at her as they talked. She was sure that they were asking him about her.

  Antonio answered very calmly and relaxed. The men appeared to be mad, and Vinnie appeared to be ready for anything.

  She kept quiet. It was a trait that seemed to be serving her well.

  They were in cars again. She was in one with Antonio, Vinnie and another man who was talking non-stop.

  Another man had been mad that he couldn’t ride with them because of her. She had hung her head as they argued.

  Antonio had quickly put a stop to that by pushing her into the car. He had gotten in and sat down next to her and then said something to the men who quickly climbed in.

  She stared out of the window, noting the changes in scenery. Everything was a fresh green color here, and the earth was a reddish brown color. They had quickly left paved roads in exchange for red dirt roads. The car was definitely going up a large hill or mountainside. She had never seen a mountain before.

  About a half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a huge house. The house was like a museum or a palace.

  So this was to be her cage, she thought. Would she die in the house and be buried nearby? Would she be old or young when she died?

  Now that she was so far from home, she doubted that she would ever get away from him. If he held her often, then that might not be a problem. Anna had a strong need to be comforted and held, especially since her father died.

  Antonio glanced over at Anna. He wondered if she would be impressed. He’d had Vinnie call ahead so the staff would be prepared for her.

  Antonio had told them to prepare the room next to his for her. He hoped that she would have flowers waiting for her. He wanted her to be happy with him.

  Antonio had been careful not to let the others see what a weakness he had for her. After they were married, he would openly spoil her. He would also make sure that she was protected. No one would be able to take her hostage or hold her for ransom.

  His manager got out of the car first. Antonio had only been gone a couple of days, and already there were problems he had to take care of immediately. He was disappointed because he wanted to take Anna to her room and sleep with her.

  Vinnie got out and scanned the area with his eyes to make sure everything was safe. Then Antonio got out and held his hand out to Anna. She was shaking and telling herself not to be nervous.

  Antonio smiled to himself. All the women that he had ever brought here were had been impressed and intimidated, but they had pretended not to be. Anna was more honest than them. She was quite plainly scared, but she was impressed too.

  Her jaw fell open, and her eyes gazed at the walls that made up the entrance of his house with admiration. Blooming flowers cascaded down the walls and over the archways. It was like a castle in a fairy tale.

  He proudly escorted her through the open double doors and into the courtyard. He watched her eyes widened. The fountain was on, and the water was splashing peacefully. The potted flowers were blooming. Everything was perfect for her. The servants were in uniform and lined up to meet her.

  Antonio slowly walked forward, giving Anna a chance to look around. He stopped in front of his personal butler. He greeted him in Spanish and introduced Anna.

  Anna smiled at Señor Raposa. Antonio moved on to a woman. He greeted her in Spanish, calling her Señora Raposa, but he told Anna that the woman could speak a little English too. Anna gave her a quick hello before Antonio moved on. He didn’t know some the names of his staff, only the key people.

  He brought Anna into his office. Two men were waiting for him there. He greeted them and introduced Anna. Anna said hello shyly.

  Antonio called for the head of the household. He told her something, and the woman laid an arm around Anna and ushered her out of the room. She led her to the stairs and walked her up the stairs as she babbled at her the whole time in Spanish. She brought Anna to a room with a very high bed. The bed was made up with white-laced bedding. It was very pretty.

  Two of the maids were hanging her clothes up in an old fashion wardrobe. The room also had a desk with a bouquet of flowers on it. The room was small but very homey. She looked around and asked herself if she would be locked in here.

  The women stared at Anna, looking her over. Anna had a feeling that they didn’t approve of her. She waited to see if they would say anything else to her or give her instructions.

  A maid unpacked Anna’s books. She picked up the one that had fallen in the bathtub and gave Anna an odd look.

  Anna wanted to apologize, but then she thought better of it. Francesco had given her the books. They were hers, and she didn’t need to explain anything to the staff.

  Anna thanked them when the unpacking was finished. They hadn’t been impressed with her clothes either. Anna was relieved as they left.

  They didn’t lock the door as they left. She had been listening for it.

  Anna went to the window and gazed out. She saw green covered hills that went on for many miles. She couldn’t see a city or even another house. There was nowhere for her to run away to.

  Anna looked at the hardwood floors and at the floral wallpaper and the bed. She was trying so hard not to cry. She went to her desk and searched through the drawers. They were empty.

  She went to the wardrobe. Only her clothes, and a few blankets were in there. She had nothing of her own that was truly hers. Her things were in her apartment, and she would never see them again. The items that she had been hanging onto for sentimental reasons were gone. She would never be able to look at the pictures she had of her father. Sadness gripped at her heart.

  She opened a door to a bathroom. The butler was in the bathroom, putting away Antonio’s toiletries. She closed the door and examined her room. She took three large steps, and she was facing the opposite wall.

  Anna went around the bed and started against the wall. Less than three steps, and she was at the opposite wall. She went to her desk and pul
led out the chair. It didn’t match to the desk, which was a dark wood and the chair out of a lighter wood. The wardrobe was also dark, but the bed was a middle colored wood. This room was very cozy, but she had a feeling as if it had been thrown together for her in the last couple of days.

  She opened her book to the page she had left off on, but she couldn’t concentrate. She worried about her apartment and her job.

  How long would it take for people to notice that she was missing? Probably a while.

  People often talked about finding someone dead in their apartment who had been dead for weeks. First, they would notice at her job that she didn’t show up. Then, they would try to call her, and after not reaching her, they would fire her. They wouldn’t go to the police. With her apartment, it would take months before they went in to look for her.

  Maybe not, the junk mail would pile up. The neighbors would complain.

  But no one would ever think to look for her here. She felt so hopeless.

  “Anna,” Antonio called out to her.

  She closed her book and turned in her chair to look at him.

  “So how do you like your room?” He appeared to be so pleased with himself.

  “It’s very nice, thank you.” She gave him a light smile.

  He removed his jacket and laid it over the back of her chair. “Come here to me, Anna.” He watched her closely.

  Should she fight him? What was the point, she thought, this room is so small that she couldn’t hide from him. She pulled her courage together and went to him.

  “Take off your clothes.” He gave her a devilish smile.

  This was always the problem. Once she was naked, he could push her down, spank her and stroke over her clitoris to get what he wanted. Basically, do whatever he wanted to get the desired results. But undressing felt as if she were actively helping him an accepting his invitation. She didn’t want to accept. She wanted to be free.

  Anna had the feeling that the walls were moving in even closer and pressing in on her.

  “The same rules apply as before. Trust me, if you scream, no one will come.” His eyes met hers.

  Those really weren’t the romantic words she needed to hear. Now she was more frightened than five seconds ago.

  Would he spank her to turn her on? What would everyone think about her?

  She didn’t want anyone to know that she had a problem. Something inside of her was mixed up, and her brain thought that pain was a turn on.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” It was the first thing that popped into her head.

  “The bathroom is right through there.” He pointed at the door still a little annoyed with her.

  “Your butler was in there when I checked before,” she explained.

  He raised an eyebrow. It was clear that he knew that she was stalling. He went to the door and opened it. “Well, he isn’t in there now.”

  Anna nodded and stepped forward. She did have to go, especially when she thought about what he wanted to do. She didn’t want to embarrass herself and suffer the punishment that something like that would bring with it.

  He followed her in and washed his face and hands while she went. If she’d had too much of a problem going, then he had planned on punishing her for lying.

  He watched her pull her pants and underwear down and then off. She got up and washed her hands before she started working on the buttons of her blouse.

  He was pleased that she wasn’t playing games with him. Once her blouse was off, he embraced her in his arms and opened her bra himself. He removed it and played with her breasts. He pressed her close to him and kissed her.

  Antonio lifted her up and set her down on the counter. It was the perfect height for this. She wasn’t the first girl he had set up here, but he knew he would enjoy her the most.

  He could see her reddened bottom in the mirror and her perfect breasts in front of him. He was already standing in between her legs. Her hands were resting on his shoulders rubbing them. He could feel the eagerness in her hands.

  Antonio opened his belt and then his trousers.

  He noticed her flinch as he opened the belt. She had learned to respect his belt.

  That probably wasn’t a bad thing. A wife needed to know that her husband would punish her no matter how much he loved her.

  A punishment was a sign of love, showing her that he cared enough to discipline her.

  He let his trousers and boxers fall to the floor. He stared into her eyes for a moment before he carefully entered her. She was ready for him. She bit her lip as her face sweetly distorted, making her look as if she were in pain, but he knew better.

  He knew her.

  He held her and watched himself taking her in the mirror, but then he wanted to feel her under him. “Wrap your arms around me, baby, and hold on tightly.” He waited as she obeyed, and then he picked up his surprised fiancée and brought her to her bed.

  Antonio lay down on her, pinning her under him.

  “I love it when I feel as if I can’t get away. It makes me feel like a captured butterfly. I flap my wings and fly, but you hold my body in place as I flutter around you,” she told him what was going through her head.

  “You’re the prettiest butterfly I have ever seen. I’m never going to let you go.” He kissed her cheek and slammed his body against and into hers.

  His hands were wrapped around her head. His fingers were intertwined. If he rammed her head against the headboard, his fingers would protect her. He didn’t want her to cry again.

  Her life was going to be filled with happiness and laughter from now on. The only tears that she would shed would be when he punished her.

  Anna held her breath, and then she bit into her own fist to hide her cries as she came. Her shoulders pressed into the mattress, and her breasts lifted up, pressing into his face.

  Antonio took her faster. She was coming, and he wanted to come with her again.

  He vigorously took her until his seed spilled into her. She would be pregnant within the month. A baby would complete their family.

  He had made love to her for the first time in her new home.

  Chapter 12

  Antonio and Anna sat at the dining room table and didn’t talk. She gazed around the room, and he watched her. They waited for their food to be brought in.

  A few minutes later, the woman, who had shown Anna her room, brought in their plates. She sent them down and scrutinized Anna.

  Again, Anna thought that the woman didn’t like what she saw.

  Antonio began to eat. Anna didn’t recognize any of the food she saw. She put a little bite on her fork and brought it slowly to her mouth. Her mouth was immediately on fire. She drank her water, but the burning only got worse.

  Antonio watched her amused. “You will have to get used to that. This is how we eat our food around here, hot and spicy.”

  Anna already had tears in her eyes, but hearing him say that she was expected to eat this stuff every day made her worry. She hated spicy food. She never ate anything like this ever.

  Anna pushed her food around with her fork for the rest of the meal. He let her get away with it, but he wouldn’t tomorrow.

  Anna left the table hungry.

  He showed her the house. All the rooms were accessed through the rectangular shaped courtyard in the middle of the house. There were living rooms, a library, the kitchen, his office, the formal dining room and an informal one, offices for the staff and a room that was a greenhouse, which grew the fruits and vegetables that they ate. He had given her a meaningful look when he said that.

  There were five different staircases, which led upstairs. She would only be allowed to use two of them. The others were for guests or servants. He showed her his bedroom, which was a lot more spacious than hers. He explained that her room was for a baby or a small child, so the child could be near his or her parents.

  Anna looked out of the window and saw a pool and tennis courts and what looked liked a soccer field.

  “A soccer field?�
�� she asked confused.

  “Don’t say soccer, ever again. We call it football. Never anything else.” He was dead serious. “You may not leave the house. If you want to go outside, you can go in the courtyard. Have I made myself clear?”

  Anna nodded. She had expected as much. She felt lucky that she wouldn’t be locked in her room.

  “Anna, come away from the window,” he called to her.

  Antonio opened the buttons on her blouse and removed it. He liked it when she was bare-breasted. He removed his shirt and wrapped her in his arms.

  Antonio kissed her and removed the rest of their clothes. He made love to her on his bed and held her closely afterwards.

  He had a good feeling about their upcoming marriage. Tomorrow, he would call the Padre and explain the situation to him. He wanted her to be officially his as soon as possible. He hoped that she was already pregnant with his child.

  Anna fell asleep in his bed with his arm wrapped around her. She dreamt that she was running and running. Then she spread her wings and flew away. She circled in the air, not knowing where she should land.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning, Antonio woke his sleeping angel as gently as he could.

  Anna must be pregnant by now, he thought. He was giving that a lot of effort. Once she had a baby, she wouldn’t think about running away from him.

  He would spoil the baby too. He would show her how well he would protect her and their child. She needed a little something to do every day; a baby would keep her busy. They would have so many children that every room in the house would be filled.

  He showered her and washed her long hair. He used the sweet smelling shampoo he had told the servants to organize for her.

  Vinnie had been very embarrassed as he called the servants, telling them to get it for her, but it was worth it. She smelled just right.

  Antonio escorted Anna to her wardrobe as he picked out what she should wear. He was tired of seeing her in a blouse and pants. He wanted her in a dress today.


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