The Kringle Girls - Collection

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The Kringle Girls - Collection Page 9

by Lily Rede

  She pulled the truck up in front of the town’s little market and leaned over him to rummage in her backpack on the floor by his feet, the move brushing those epic tits against his thigh. Every muscle in his body tightened as her sweet, pumpkin pie scent swirled around her. Noelle sat up, holding her wallet, and grinned. She knew exactly how she affected every male of the species, and clearly enjoyed that power. Not for the first time, Will wondered if this was a good idea – he could move on, work construction in some anonymous company in some huge city. Better that than trying to ignore a woman his dick was starting to show some serious interest in, despite their brief acquaintance. He gave his thickening member a stern lecture, reminding it what happened when he caved to his base desires.

  “I want to get some food and snow chains, and then we’ll get gas and get the hell out of here. There’s a cabin about halfway there – we can stop there for the night.”

  “Where is this place, anyway?”

  “North,” she said with a grin, and hopped out of the car.

  Thirty minutes later they were on the road again, and Will was frowning over the puzzle that was Noelle Kringle. The run into town had proved surprisingly informative. Clearly she was popular – everyone knew her, which was not shocking given the size of the town. What was weird was that everyone seemed to embrace the “Santa’s daughter” story, and greeted her with well-wishes for her father’s journey and last-minute questions about the reindeer and the Naughty & Nice List. She answered them all with grace and laughter, paying particular attention to the kids that rushed up with messages for the reindeer.

  It was…odd. And refreshing. Will felt his icy inner shell crack just the tiniest bit and vowed to just get through the next couple of days. Once they were past the holidays, he was sure they’d fall into a normal working routine, and he could get back to being miserable for the rest of his life. For the first hour or so, while the beat up radio still had a signal, the cab was relatively quiet. Noelle was lost in thought, and Will took advantage of her distraction to watch her and wonder why such a vibrant, beautiful young would hide herself away in the middle of nowhere, tending to endangered reindeer.

  She was a knockout, and from the way she looked at him, and the affectionate teasing the locals gave her about behaving herself, she obviously liked men, and had no trouble seeking out a good time. Will’s brain immediately started whirring, thinking about having a good time with Noelle on a cold winter’s night. He frowned at the thought of her teasing and toying with the men who passed through town – bikers and truckers mostly – surprisingly annoyed. Did she smile at them? Tease them with her fabulous breasts and the swing of her hips as she walked? Will tried to shake it off. Her sexual history was none of his business, and besides, she wouldn’t be the first woman to use a convenient man to get what she wanted. That thought had him freezing – he was turning into a raging misogynist.

  Great. Just because Vanessa screwed you over, doesn’t mean that all women are going to do the same.

  The truth was that Will loved women. He loved everything about them – the feel, the smell, the taste. There was nothing sexier on this Earth than a beautiful woman with a sharp mind. The problem wasn’t with women. The problem was with Will. He had been a trusting soul, and laid his heart on his sleeve for a woman who decided to use him to sharpen her claws on. Will feared that being able to trust himself or anyone again was something he might never be able to do.

  “You look pretty serious over there. You’re not one of those people who gets all depressed every Christmas, are you?”

  Startled out of his reverie, Will tried to focus on the question.

  “What? No. Christmas is…fine. I don’t really have any family, so I never made a big deal about it.”

  “No parents?”

  “I never knew my dad, and Mom passed away a few years back. Cancer.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Her voice was low and soothing.


  “So you just ignore Christmas?”

  “Well, my ex used to drag me to every stupid high society party she could get into, so I kind of lost my taste for the whole holiday merriment thing.”

  “You were married?”

  “For a few years.”

  Noelle chewed her lower lip, frowning.

  “She must have been a total bitch.”

  Will was surprised by the rumble of laughter that worked its way out of his chest.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “If she wasn’t, you’d still be with her, instead of driving into the snowpocalypse with me.”

  She was right on both counts, and the snow was really coming down now.

  “Well, we’re stuck together for the moment, so you may as well tell me all about it.” Noelle smiled, beguiling, and Will felt a wave of dread swamp over him.


  NOELLE REALLY WANTED TO punch Will’s ex-wife. After hours of slow progress along the increasingly snowy road, she’d managed to drag the full story out of him, like pulling teeth – his frigid ex-wife’s manipulation, her greed, and the affair with his business partner that led to Will losing everything he’d worked so hard to build. No wonder the man was resistant to her light attempts at flirtation. After a while she’d cut it out, honestly fascinated with him. She’d given away more than she usually shared as well – her love of the mountains and the family business, her frustration with her father treating her like a child. She’d kept the Santa talk to a minimum – he’d be confronted with the truth in a matter of hours.

  I want him, said her libido. No surprise there. The twist in her heart was new, however. She liked him. She genuinely liked him, and that was a surprise.

  Probably shouldn’t sleep with him, she thought. They were going to be working together, side by side, with only the reindeer as company. He seemed determined to resist her advances, and based on his history, was wary as hell of all women.

  So that’s that. What a shame. Noelle couldn’t even muster up the satisfaction that her mother’s grand plan had failed so miserably.

  “Oh hell.”

  She snapped back to reality as the engine sputtered and the headlights flickered, and then went out. She quickly yanked the truck to the side of the road, skidding onto the shoulder as the engine died.

  “Fucking great,” she muttered. If Will said, “I told you so,” she was going to hit him. But he only glared at her, and it was almost as bad.

  “Now what?” he asked.

  “Well, I can’t fix it in the dark.”

  “Where are we?”

  Noelle scanned the dark, wooded road.

  “The cabin should be about a mile from here. We’ll go on foot and come back in the morning.”

  “It’s a blizzard out there. Are you sure?”

  Noelle nodded – of the two of them, he was the one to worry about. She had never had a problem with the cold, and could romp naked in the snow (and had) for hours on end without feeling chilly. Her own unique Kringle Girl perk. Grabbing her backpack and a sack of supplies, she hopped out of the car. Will slung his duffel bag over his shoulder and they headed out.

  It was more like three miles. Three miles of cold, wet snow, practically no visibility, and Noelle worried about Will, who was turning blue with every step. His jacket was no match for this kind of weather, and she realized that if he’d been drifting around the country, he wouldn’t be prepared for a harsh northern winter. By the time they spotted the little log cabin in the mountain clearing, he was shaking, and clutching his duffel bag with frozen fingers.

  Noelle found the key under the mat and propelled him inside. The interior was dark and musty with disuse – rustic, woodsy, and freezing. Noelle quickly discovered the source of the cold – a broken window in the small bedroom, which was covered in snow and branches. She shut the door and quickly rolled up a throw blanket from the couch to shove at the base, keeping the draft out.

  Will was standing where she’d left him, shivering, the duffel bag at his feet
. She was no expert, but he was probably going into shock.

  “Will. Come on, let’s get you warmed up.”

  He didn’t protest as she pushed him toward the tiny bathroom, tugging off his jacket to reveal a soaked shirt below. Noelle swiftly turned the shower on and the pipes shuddered, and then water rushed out, brown at first, then running clean. She heaved a sigh of relief as it warmed, and soon steam was filling the tiny space. Will still hadn’t said a word, and Noelle pulled off her own jacket and shoved him under the hot water, clothes and all.

  HOT. BLISSFULLY HOT. WILL nearly cried out as the hot water seeped through his wet clothing into his skin, and huge shudders overtook him as his body reacted to the sudden change in temperature. The first mile hadn’t been so bad, but the second was worse, and by the third he was gritting his teeth, focused on putting one foot in front of the other, worried about Noelle. He shouldn’t have bothered – through the whole trek she remained upbeat and encouraging, and didn’t seem to feel the bitter cold that sliced through his skin to fill his veins with ice.

  He’d puzzle over that later. Right now he just wanted to spend the rest of his life under this life-giving spray of water, thawing out. Eyes closed, he barely noticed that Noelle had stripped away his wet shirt and started rubbing his chilled muscles, trying to speed up the process.

  I can’t believe I talked so much. Will couldn’t understand it. Her probing questions in the car had been annoying, but all of a sudden he found himself telling her everything – his misery over the last year, his fickle ex-wife, and all the stress he’d been carrying around. She liked to talk, but she was a good listener, too, and Will felt another crack or two in his armor as Noelle talked about her family and the lonely life she’d carved out for herself in her beloved mountains.

  The shudders were easing now, and Will’s tight shoulders started to relax as the heat seeped in. Noelle was still touching him, and he suddenly became aware that her impersonal rubbing had morphed into stroking, and there was nothing impersonal about it. She tested the width of his broad shoulders, shaped his pecs with warm palms, and circled his flat nipples with curious fingers before letting them slide down to explore the rigid muscles of his torso.

  Push her away, he ordered himself, but apparently the cold and the touch of Noelle’s hands had caused his mind to check out, leaving his big, dumb, cock running the show, and the throbbing member was more than happy to oblige, pressing up against the denim of his jeans in an eager bid for attention. Will cracked his eyes open and wished he hadn’t.

  She was still fully clothed, but soaking wet, her hair in long wet ribbons of flame down her back. The white shirt she wore was plastered against her body, doing nothing to conceal the lace bra that cupped her generous tits in a loving embrace. His eyes widened as he noted that her nipples were hard, her eyes darkened with heat, and she licked a drop of water from those pouty lips as her hands learned the contours of his body.


  Will opened his mouth to tell her that he was good, he could take it from here, but all that emerged was a groan. Her hands had found his cock, and she fucking purred as she traced his hard length through the wet denim, cupping his sac with her free hand. His hands flattened on the wall behind him, and he couldn’t help pressing up into her hand. She seemed to like that, because she squeezed, and Will felt a slap of lust so strong, it took everything he had not to come into her touch. Despite the soaked fabric between them, he wanted to give her everything he had, and then peel off her clothes and explore her creamy satin skin with his hands, his mouth, and his dick.

  No. He couldn’t do it. He knew how this would end. She’d fuck him and tire of him, and what little was left of his self-esteem and his heart would be ground into the dirt. Just like Vanessa.

  “Stop,” he choked out, and his cock nearly whined when she did as he asked, her fingers freezing on the button of his waistband.

  “Are you sure?” she breathed, stroking the arrow of hair under his navel as her other hand danced playful nails up his shaft to tap a mind-numbing rhythm into the fat crown. At least she couldn’t see how he throbbed for her under the fabric.

  “I’m sure.” He was lacking some crucial brain cells, but he was sure.

  She sighed, the regret clear in her voice, and with a last heat-filled visual caress, she shrugged and dropped her hands, stepping back out of the shower to rummage in a cupboard, emerging with a pile of towels. She stole two and left him one.

  “I’m going to go get a fire started. Take your time.”

  She’d gotten plenty started, Will thought to himself as her round little ass sashayed out of the bathroom. He didn’t bother to fight it, but freed his straining cock from its denim prison, taking it firmly in hand. A few brutal strokes, the memory of her excited little nipples pressing against wet lace, and he was coming, hard, his head falling back against the tile as jets of hot seed spilled over his hand before washing away down the drain.

  Stuck in a cabin with Noelle Kringle. I am so fucked.

  NOELLE HADN’T REALLY MEANT to go so far. She might be a hopeless flirt, but she didn’t make a habit of seducing men who didn’t want to be seduced. But there was something about Will that drew her – it wasn’t that he was damaged, or a challenge. It was something deeper. She felt a connection, and that worried her as much as it excited her. She shivered, though not from the cold.

  Hard, hot, and hung. Her pussy clenched as she remembered the thick length of him under her hand. Bad Noelle. She reminded herself that being bad was what got her into this mess in the first place, and with a sigh, pushed aside the lust coursing through her body.

  The fire started without too much trouble, and Noelle set to work making the place habitable. The electricity was out, but there were candles galore, and a sturdy hurricane lamp. The cabin itself belonged to a friend of the family who used it the few times a year he could tear himself away from the city to go fishing in the nearby lake. Noelle dug out the cocoa and sandwiches from her supply sack and set a kettle to heat. Stripping off her wet clothes, she set them by the fire to dry. She didn’t have any of her own – her closet up at the village was packed full, so why bother packing?

  Noelle’s naughty little inner imp did a jig as she reached for Will’s duffel bag. Surely he had something she could wear.

  WILL STEPPED OUT OF the bathroom, warm and mostly dry, with a towel cinched firmly around his waist, and stopped short. Noelle had transformed the place. Flames crackled merrily in the fireplace, candles glowed everywhere, and a pile of blankets and pillows beckoned invitingly from the overstuffed couch.

  “The bedroom’s snowed in, so we’re going to have to camp out here. Sandwich?”

  Will turned to the little kitchen area and nearly swallowed his tongue.

  She was wearing his shirt.

  Only his shirt.

  The sight of Noelle wrapped in soft blue flannel that teased him with glimpses of her creamy, toned thighs was enough to have his spent cock stirring under the towel. He didn’t need to see her lacy white underthings spread out to dry by the fire to know that she was naked under his shirt – her unbound breasts swelled against the front, and there wasn’t a hint of panty line against the curve of those womanly hips. And he was really looking.

  “Hello? Earth to Will? If you don’t want it, I’m going to eat them both.”

  Numb, Will dropped his clothes in a pile by the fire. She’d spread the rest of his damp possessions alongside hers to dry. He joined her in the kitchen area, accepting the sandwich and a cup of cocoa. Her hair was still drying, but Will still caught a whiff of pumpkin pie.

  Does she always smell like that? Hot and spicy and sweet? Does she taste as good?

  He squelched the image of topping her sweet pussy with whipped cream and eating his fill, instead taking a hefty bite of his sandwich, which he chewed without tasting.

  “Sorry, I had to borrow your shirt. Everything else in your duffel bag was wet.”

  “It’s fine.”

>   Carrying her plate and mug, she headed for the fireplace, sitting down on the floor with her legs tucked under her, and started finger-combing her hair into submission.

  Will sank into the armchair next to her and stared at the fire.

  “Feeling better?” Noelle asked.


  If by “better” you mean horny and irritated, definitely.

  “Are you mad at me? About the shower?” she continued, genuinely curious.

  “No. Yes. I don’t know.”

  He inhaled the rest of his sandwich, chasing it with a hefty swig of cocoa before setting the mug down on the coffee table. He could feel her eyes on him, practically stroking his bare torso with hot blue licks of flame.

  “Noelle…look, this isn’t a good idea. Even if you weren’t my boss, we’re still going to be working together.”

  “I understand,” she said, polishing off her sandwich and delicately dusting the crumbs away.

  But he couldn’t let it drop.

  “My head’s not in the best place right now, and you don’t want to get involved with a guy like me, I promise…”

  The tinkle of her laughter surprised him.

  “Your wife turned out to be a total soul-sucking bitch. So what? You’ve had a crappy year, but it’s over now. New job, new life, new path. There isn’t anything wrong with you that a good night’s sleep and a blow job wouldn’t fix.”

  Will felt his body go tight in a combination of anger, frustration, and pure lust.

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “Sure it is. You can’t let your guard down, and you probably haven’t had sex since your ex cheated on you, so now you’re a seething cauldron of horny frustration. How often do you jerk off?”


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