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9781618858467ASinfulEducationPimentel Page 2

by Layna Pimentel

  But the question of the hour was whether her mother would ever approve of such happiness. The dreadful woman would niggle her way into Emily’s life, and somehow find a way to hinder progress. Were it not for the fact that her mama was her official guardian—for the time being—she would have found a way to stay and live here at Stoughton Hall with her brother, his wife, and the twins.

  Another nursemaid entered to collect the second twin, and Isabel rose with a stretch and yawn. She held out her hand to Emily. “Come now, my dear. You and I shall take a walk in the garden. I need to talk with you about some rumors I have heard and could use the fresh air.”

  Emily followed her sister-in-law out the side door and down the path where the roses lie.

  “So, it has come to my attention—well, at least the rumors—that the Duke of Downsbury has returned to town. The servants have been whispering about his intentions to find another duchess.”

  “What does any of that have to do with me?”

  “Well, my maid told me in confidence that she heard your mother discussing it with one of the servants when you were dropped off this week. Apparently, she’s kept up communication with his grace the entire time he was gone.”

  “I thought he had gone off to the continent?” Permanently, she had desperately hoped.

  “He had for a time, but he’s been back for a fortnight. I suspect your mother has been a busybody.”

  That was not a first. Her dear mama, up to no good, when she was probably knee-deep in sheep’s manure. Of course she has… Would she dream of doing anything else? Emily grumbled to herself.

  “What was that?”

  Heat seared Emily’s cheeks. She could not believe that she had spoken aloud. “Oh, nothing. Mama just has a tendency to interfere where she doesn’t belong, and knowing her, she’s plotting something devious.”

  Isabel giggled. “Between you and me, I am ecstatic at her desire to no longer live here. Albeit, it came at the cost of your departure. I know if Nathaniel could have you here, he would. I will broach the subject with him tonight. Surely, there is something he will be able to arrange.”

  To live here would be a miracle, but so long as her mother lived and breathed, there’d be no chance of her relinquishing Emily’s care to her brother. “So, what do you propose we do in the meanwhile? Plan a picnic and have some fun, much to her ire? Or should we host a dinner party and make her the guest of honor? We will invite some of her female companions and secretly make fun of them.”

  Isabel hooked her arm with Emily’s. “What a splendid idea. We could name the dishes after her and her friends.”

  Emily was lost in a fit of giggles when her brother approached.

  “Pray, what evil plot are you ladies conspiring?”

  “Absolutely nothing meant for your ears, my love.” Isabel unlatched her arm from Emily and wrapped it around her husband, kissing him feverishly.

  Emily adored them both, but seeing the two of them behaving like lovesick fools did nothing but make her stomach turn. There were things to be seen, and this was not one of them.

  “My, my, such an expose for a married woman. I do not think my dear sister wishes to be scandalized in such a manner.”

  Emily snorted in the most unladylike way. “My dear and unsuspecting brother, I dare say there isn’t much of anything you could do that would shock me.”

  “On the contrary, Emily, there is much in this existence you do not know as of yet. But with the right partner in life, the experience is limitless. Now, run along upstairs. I am sure I heard your name being called.” Nathaniel winked. “I would like a moment alone with my wife.”

  Of course he did. They were married, after all, and she was a guest in their house.

  Emily turned toward the estate and walked at a leisurely pace. She could not help but admire the stroke of luck her brother had when he and Isabel were reunited. While she was much younger at the time, only she knew of her brother sneaking off to meet with Isabel in clandestine. It was all so romantic and exciting…and so beyond protocol. If our father had ever known…

  “You could, of course, use this time to get ready!”

  “Ready for what?” she shouted back at Nathaniel.

  “A ball, of course. I will be escorting you fine ladies to Almack’s this evening.”

  Emily shook her head. Almack’s? Good Lord! What in heaven’s name am I going to wear?

  * * * *

  “Oh, Lord Avonlea, you are quite the dancer.” Lady Morton gushed all over him, her blush giving her unladylike intentions away. “Do you think my mama would notice if we slipped outside?”

  Her hand wandered further down his chest. The Earl of Bridgeton cleared his throat as he gently lifted it, holding it in his own for a moment. “My dear Miss Morton, while you are making it abundantly clear you take me for some randy rogue, I will do the honorable thing and depart once I have returned you to the company of your mother. I assure you, your advances have not gone unnoticed. I do not have any intention in misleading you to a courtship beyond this dance floor. Now, come along, we should not tarry.”

  Your mother, after all, is potentially waiting for us to be caught in some sort of moment of passion. And there is no way in damnation I would entertain that thought in this lifetime, or the next.

  She started to protest, but instead whimpered at his intentions made clear.

  He crossed the floor and delivered the eager girl to her mother.

  “Did you kids have a great dance?” her mother questioned the young Lady Morton, whilst giving him a wary glance.

  “I did, Mama, and he promised me another before the evening is out.”

  He opened his mouth to correct Lady Morton when her mother cut the words from him. “Outstanding! Lord Avonlea, you are beginning to exceed my expectations. Very well, you have my permission to collect Elizabeth for the quadrille.”

  All Avonlea could do was nod. He bowed and took his leave, heading in the direction of where the other gentlemen waited for their ladies to finish chirping.

  That is when he noticed the Marquess of Stoughton.

  Diverting his course, he strode toward the seat next to Nathaniel. “It has been far too long, Nathaniel. How are your marchioness and the offspring faring?”

  “It has. You should stop by and see, or you can ask the marchioness yourself. I think I see her heading this way with my sister. I am sure you remember Emily?”

  Avonlea gave his chum a wry look. Nathaniel was not exactly known for his humor, but Avonlea knew of his dry sense of fun. “Yes, I remember her. I was, after all, the one who caught her in your library when she swooned, after the duke learned of his duchess’ fate.”

  “Ah! I hope you do not plan on bringing up that business again?”

  “Absolutely not, but I also hear he’s back in town. You would think he would have had enough sensibility to leave London life behind. Do you think he’ll make an appearance tonight?”

  The marquess snorted. “Here? At Almack’s? I think not. I am sure he would not dare set foot in here.”

  One could not be too sure about that. The man had connections everywhere and would not hesitate to pull out all the stops to get what he wanted. He did not possess an ounce of scruples and did not give a farthing for the worth of a life. His honor had come into question, too, after disappearing from the duel with Nathaniel last year.

  Avonlea dreaded the moment when he would have to address the duke the next time his grace was present, and in his high opinion, he desperately hoped that would be no time soon. As the ladies approached them, the singular, emerald vision before him caught his breath.

  Fiery red ringlets fell past Emily’s shoulders. Piercing blue eyes shimmered in the candlelit ambiance of the room. Her gown accentuated her delicate size, and the brilliant shade of green with a gold sash completed the heavenly image. Suddenly, the earl longed to hold her again.

  Avonlea’s blood rushed to his loins, need filling him. Damn. Out of all the ladies here tonight, Emily makes
me burn. A rosy blush swept across her cheeks, darkening the little specks of freckles. His thoughts were interrupted when somone tapped his arm.

  “My lord, have you suddenly become deaf and mute?”

  “Lady Thompson, I offer my apologies.” He bowed and took her hand, pressing his lips to the tender skin on the back. “It has been too long, my lady.”

  “It has, my lord. Do say you will join us soon for dinner. I can have Duncan assemble a dinner party in no time, and if I were the wagering type, I would say you would have a grand time. Please say you will join us on Saturday. Besides, I have it on good authority that Emily will be dining with us as well.”

  He turned to observe Nathanial’s approval splashed across his face in the form of a grin. The marquess crossed his arms and now leaned against the wall. “Do you intend to keep my wife waiting?”

  “Forgive me.” The earl returned his gaze to the marchioness, who now smiled as if she had ensnared him in a trap. “You have my word I will attend your dinner on Saturday.”

  “A wise choice, my lord. I would hate to resort to drastic measures to secure your presence.”

  And what in the world is that supposed to mean? Did she mean to have me drugged and dragged to Stoughton Hall? “My lady, I assure you, no force will be needed. I will be there.”

  “Most excellent, my lord. Then, I suppose you’ll be pleased to know that we will have one of the loveliest young ladies London society is privelged to have joining us, too. Oh, Nathaniel, dinner will be wonderful!”

  Avonlea smiled at Emily, trying to contain a light-hearted laughter. “What is the matter, my lady? You appear quite flushed.” He had seen a rosy blush sweep across her cheeks when the marchioness referred to her as “one of the loveliest young ladies…” and here she was being coy.

  “I am quite well, my lord. Thank you for your concern.” She had risen up on her toes to whisper something into the marchioness’ ear and then returned her attention to him and the marquess. “If you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to step away for only a moment. Nathaniel, my lord.”

  He bowed and watched how her hips innocently swayed. Lord, the woman…girl…Christ! He could not think while he was around her. Avonlea watched her every step of the way until she joined a group of women her age.

  “Ahem,” the marchioness teased, “I suppose that means you are pleased with who will be joining us on Saturday?”

  “Indeed, my lady, indeed.” My night could not have gone better. “Well, my lady, I must be going. I look forward to dinner this weekend.” He turned to Nathaniel and reached out to shake his hand when another touched his shoulder.

  “There you are my lord! I have been looking all over for you. My dear Eloise has been waiting for some time, and you have not yet collected her for the quadrille. I must say, I am quite put out.”

  Of course, you are… “My apologies, my lady. I shall rectify the situation at once, but I must also warn you, I do have to leave right after. I mean no offense by my quick departure.”

  “I will think nothing of it. I am so glad for your attentions, sir. I feared after last season’s debacle, my poor Eloise would never make it this season, and you have by far exceeded our expectations.”

  Avonlea choked on his spit. “Ma’am, I should be clear as to what my meaning is. That is to dance and nothing more. While I hold you and your daughter in high regard, I do not have any intention of pursuing this friendship beyond the hall.”

  The woman stopped and turned to face him. Her face quite red, the matron appeared she would detonate at any given moment. She licked her lips and opened her fan, moving the air between them as if giving him a warning signal.

  “My goodness, my lord, that is quite unfortunate. I could not imagine how any young lady would feel inclined to entertain you given your inability… Ah! Excuse me, I do think I see Lord Broxton’s nephew.”

  Lady Morton had turned on her heels and abandoned him, leaving him to question what inability she implied. Unbelievable.

  “What was that all about, Charles?” the marquess asked.

  The earl shook his head and exhaled loudly. “That, my friend, is a disappointed and scorned matron. To be frank, they should have warnings posted at these functions. They are all quite the same.” No matter how the bread is sliced.

  * * * *

  “You should have seen his face, Emily. I swear it—the man is smitten with you.” Emily’s sister-in-law gloated. “Oooh, and did I mention how unruly Lady Morton was behaving last night. Something about his manners and being a cad. That her precious Eloise was made for royalty, and the earl was not worthy of the gift her daughter was.”

  She gasped, Cecily echoing the reaction beside her. Suddenly, the world was cast in a different light.

  Once upon a time, she never would have dreamed that one of her brother’s friends would have paid her any mind. Her heart fluttered to hear that Lord Avonlea certainly noticed her. He had always been handsome, in a rakish sort of way, and the ladies had always wanted to be in his good graces and company. Though, she had always wondered if he had ever seen her as more than a girl, as his friend’s sister.

  Emily had ventured off with the marchioness after breakfast for a walk of the grounds, meeting up with her bosom companion, Miss Cecily Turner, for a picnic.

  “I, for one, am jealous.” Cecily stated dryly. “The earl is a dream. Imagine the babies that man will produce. Goodness, he is simply made for sin.”

  “Cecily!” Isabel scolded.

  “Pshaw. I have only stated what everyone else is thinking. See what I mean?” She pointed at Emily. “If Lady Thompson was not thinking of it, would she be blushing?”

  Emily, despite the heat that coursed through her veins from embarrassment,—or was it really just that?—knew that Isabel’s friend was right. His lordship, the Earl of Bridgeton, certainly oozed an air that most men in his circle did not possess—charm. Well, that and an incredibly toned body given the size of his masculine…err…well-formed legs and backside.

  Heavens! I really should not be giving such thought into the male anatomy, much less his. Mother would have an apoplectic fit if she knew. Nevertheless, the man turns the heads of every female. Why should I be any different?

  “Isabel, I have to admit, Miss Turner does raise a valid point. Good heavens, the man is simply…” A shadow cast over them as she was about to continue. She looked up, only to gaze upon the object of their fiendish and scandalous discussion.

  “Ladies, I do hope I am not interrupting an important debate?” Lord Avonlea asked, who was joined by her brother a few moments later.

  Emily and her companions shook their heads. “Certainly not, my lords. Is anything amiss?”

  “Not at all. It just so happens my mother is riding with my aunt, and I am in need of practicing my evasion tactics. Besides, t’would be bad form, if your brother and I noticed you and did not stop to visit with you. That is, if you do not mind. If you are expecting anyone else…”

  Without even realizing her hand had left her side, Emily reached out to his leg. “You are welcome to join us, my lords. Here, there is enough room on the blanket as well.”

  For the briefest of moments, her heart stopped when she touched him. He stared down at her and their gazes held for a moment. He sat next to her, and as he righted himself, Emily handed him a sandwhich that Duncan had prepared. “Would you care for a bite, my lord?”

  “I would indeed. You are most kind.”

  “’Tis our pleasure, my lord.”

  “Nathaniel, why are you still standing?” Emily queried, ready to pass him a biscuit.

  “No, my dear. I think I shall head on back home. I did promise Isabel I would be home on time this afternoon.”

  I am perfectly fine with that. I would not care for you watch how foolishly I behave around this fine specimen of a man. “Pity. I was looking forward to discussing dinner plans on Saturday.”

  “If you are at all concerned with what is going to be served, I can assure you that Isa
bel is quite capable of handling the arrangements. Do you doubt cooks ability in serving all of us?”

  Emily gasped at the horror of how she must have spoken. “My apologies, Nathaniel, I meant no offense.”

  He chuckled at her. Heat seared her cheeks with embarrassment. Her brother certainly knew how to jest with her. She glanced over at lord Avonlea and found him smiling at their banter, while her companions fluttered their fans, hiding their amusement.

  How in the world will I deal with having dinner near him on Saturday? I cannot think straight, nor can I have a conversation that does not include a vivid image of him charming me. I am simply besotted. If Mama every found out— Perhaps the only place for me is the nunnery.

  Chapter Two

  “So tell me, Lord Avonlea, have you heard the news yet?” The marchioness raised her eyebrows, sipping on her wine.

  He imagined she was making reference to the Duke of Downsbury’s return. The very thought of the man made him gag.

  Nathaniel cleared his throat, obviously hoping to deter his relentless wife, but the woman continued.

  “His grace, the useless and deplorable Duke of Downsbury, has returned to town, and he is apparently still in the marriage mart, something I hear you have in common with him.”

  Christ. His mother had certainly spread the word he was looking for a wife. He looked up to find Emily glaring at him. She pursed her lips, a crimson flush sweeping across her cheeks. When their eyes met, she turned away. “Yes, I have heard he has returned, and while I disapprove of his being permitted to find a new bride so soon, it is hardly a matter any one of us can control.”

  “Here, here,” Nathaniel muttered.

  Emily cleared her throat. “I, for one, am appalled at his lack of insensitivity. How does one not mourn the loss of their spouse? When two people enter the sacred union of marriage, they become partners for life. How dreadful, that even if their marriage wasn’t as it should be, he could not at least put on airs.”

  “That may be the case, but we still have no business to involve ourselves.”


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