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9781618858467ASinfulEducationPimentel Page 12

by Layna Pimentel

  Emily’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. It was not as if he had not seen her body, and it was not as if she had not seen or touched him before. He knelt before her, unlaced her boots and removed her stockings. He caressed her feet and rubbed her toes for a while until he slid his hands up her legs. His tenderness made him appealing, next to his sense of honor. Though, considering they were not even married yet, they were about to embark on a new scandal.

  “Mmm, how I have missed these legs.” His hands kept traveling up, until his fingers slid beneath the fabric shielding her sex. His touch made her delirious. “You are wet with anticipation, love. I like that. Now, let us remove the barrier, as you have no need for them now.”

  He tore the material, which shocked her thoroughly. Then, the earl rose and held out his hands to her. “Up, love. Now, we are going to rid you of those clothes, so I will be able to delight you without further delay.”

  His fingers made quick work of undoing her dress and stays, until all went tumbling into a pool on the floor. “Aphrodite’s beauty pales to yours.”

  Emily gravitated into his arms. With her chin tipped up and his head lowering, their lips met. The first sweep of his tongue brought back the memory of her slipping into his room at her brother’s house, and tonight he was all hers.

  * * * *

  Avonlea was ready to combust at any given moment, and the inn would go along with it if they did not slow things down. But Lord have mercy on his black soul. He would take her this night, before their scandalous, makeshift wedding, and before returning to London. The prospect of having her in his bed from this evening forward truly was a blessing in many guises.

  He plundered her mouth while he slid his palm along the curves of her backside. Heaven awaited him. Emily was finally his, and she held his heart. Love was a demmed ailment. Not only was he in love, he loved being in love with her. A secret he would have to keep from his companions.

  His hands followed along the contours of her bottom. He longed to take her from behind and hoped once they were settled, they could explore other positions of copulation.

  “I can see you are enjoying the attention as it is meant, love. Tell me, is there anything more beautiful than this moment?”

  “No, but a hot bath might be a close second.”

  He was shocked at her admission and could not help but laugh. “I suppose that answer will have to do.” He kissed her again, this time harder, as he caressed her. No matter what he did, his hands and mouth always ended up on her breasts. He loved them, and he wanted to taste them again. He slid down her body and slipped a nipple into his mouth, while he shifted his other hand to her mound.

  She moaned at his touch and nips. The sound drove him wild, his cock threatening to burst from his breeches. He had to stop, much to his dismay, to remove them. Ten, he straddled her and lowered his lips to hers to indulge in her sweetness. She mimicked every swipe of his tongue and moaned into his mouth. His heart quickened in anticipation of finalizing their union. “Are you ready, my love?”

  She mumbled something in the haze that was lust. He slipped his hand down her body to prepare her, only to plunge into her slow and deep.

  “Allow your body to adjust to my size, love.” He observed the wariness in her face and how her body tensed the moment he entered her. “I promise I won’t move a muscle until you are ready. Here, perhaps this will help.” He teased her folds until her nub was swollen with desire. He continued to rub and pinch with trembling fingers until her breath was ragged.

  How he wished his mouth could finish her off, but at that moment, her body tensed, and her soft cry echoed in the room around him. He continued his invasion until he was all the way in.

  Merciful heavens. She was tight, and his need to pump vigorously into her raged through his blood. He was ravenous. She made him feel like never before. Her eyes fluttered, and she gripped onto his forearms. “That is it, love, enjoy it. The first time isn’t what it will always be like. You will find the more we do this, the more pleasurable it will be.”

  “Thank you.”

  Her eyes welled with tears, so he stilled, waiting a moment before he continued to thrust. “Try not to move, sweeting…” But she shifted ever so slightly, and he began to pump into her again. The smell of her sex mixed with his sweat drove him mindless, until his own release exploded. His body vibrated and hummed with the aftershock. He swiped Emily’s runaway tear with his finger. “Are you all right, my love?”

  “I am.”

  “Then why the tears? Have I hurt you in any way? If so, for that I am sorry. I tried to be as gentle as I could.”

  “It was not you, my lord. This…us…it was rather beautiful, and I hope I met your expectations?”

  So, she is worried she did not perform accordingly? My sweet, sweet, love. If she only knew how perfect she really was. He had to be the luckiest gent alive. Regardless of how spirited she was, together they would make fine music, in or out of the bedroom.

  Charles pushed away from her and crossed the room to fetch the water basin and washcloth. When he returned to the bed, Emily had already covered herself with the sheet. “My lord, I can do that myself.”

  “Now, now, love, do not be shy. We are about to be married, and we have already consummated our union, so allow me the privilege of wiping you clean. I would be honored if you would permit me to care for you in every regard.”

  She blushed furiously and gave a worrisome smile as she tossed back the bedding. Tonight would be the first night of many more to come, and hopefully, she would bless their home with many children.

  How he wished his parents could see him now. His mother would beat him with her fan for the order of how they went about things, and his pa would probably pat him on the back for a job well done. Well, with the exception of stealing the duke’s betrothed. That actually may have angered him. In fact, he would not be surprised if the man was rolling in his grave.

  * * * *

  “Wake up, love. We must leave now.” Avonlea tapped her nose.

  Memories of their night together warmed her. She did not know how loving a man could be, how beautiful. And that man was about to become her husband. Every passing second was beginning to feel like a dream. “What time is it, my love?”

  “Early enough to make it to the blacksmith before we are apprehended.”

  “What do you speak of?”

  “Your brother sent a servant on horseback, checking all the inns along the way for us. Apparently, the duke is on the lookout for us, and he has also employed the assistance of the chief prosecutor. It is only a matter of time before we are caught. So, we must make haste.”

  Emily jumped out of bed, throwing on her gown haphazardly. “What do you suppose will happen if we are caught, Avonlea? Do you think they will imprison you? Lord, I hope they do not. I could be with child as we speak.” The very thought frightened her. Her, a mother. A child without a father. Good God! What have we done?

  He only smiled at her. “Do not worry about that, love. We will have time to sort these matters out. But once we are married, you will travel alone to London. Wycliffe will leave you in your brother’s care, and I will travel separately. We would not want to be found out only moments upon our arrival. We need time to orchestrate our announcement.”

  Indeed. Her mother would surely swoon, and the duke would go on a murderous rampage.

  They quietly descended the stairs in avoidance of waking the other patrons and slipped into the darkness inconspicuously. He held the carriage door open for her while Wycliffe tended to the horses. “Hop in, love, and get some rest. I will ride with Wycliffe in the front for a bit. We have need to discuss some alternative plans, if things go awry.”

  Emily pouted. She was hoping she would rest in his arms again, but it would seem fate made her wait until they were married.

  Realistically, by this time tomorrow, she would be back in this carriage, traveling alone to London. She shuddered to think who would be waiting for her at her brother’s home
. Surely, by now, he knew they would be married. Her family, once again, would be marred by scandal. And her mama would disown her and Nathaniel for his betrayal.

  Her mama’s only regret in life was she did not marry into great wealth. While Papa had done the honorable thing in protecting his best friend’s wife by marrying her, knowing full well she would never love him the way she did of her first husband, everyone knew her mother did not think much of the marquess.

  She aspired greatly to be elevated in society, and Father had refused to give in to any of the ton’s games and gossips. In some ways, she was glad her papa was no longer around. He would be disgraced with the way her mother carried about.

  In fact, he would have shipped her to the Americas for an extended stay. That would have learned her.

  Emily wrapped her arms around his neck, taking a moment to kiss him. Within a few hours, they would be married and back on the road, homeward bound. “I think I shall close my eyes for a bit longer, Charles.”

  “A most excellent idea, my dear. Do not worry, all will turn out.”

  She sank into her seat, leaned against the side, and closed her eyes. Soon, I will be Lady Avonlea. Soon.

  Later that day, they stood side-by-side, ready to take their vows.

  “Are you sure, you are here of your own will, lass? I will not marry you if you are both not consenting,” the blacksmith advised, arms crossed. His stance and tone making it quite clear he has had trouble before.

  Emily glanced over at her beloved and then back to the imposing man before them. The blacksmith’s long red hair and sharp blue eyes penetrated her soul. Those eyes have lain upon how many couples? How many vows have been exchanged in this same spot?

  While many would oppose these drastic measures at proving their point, necessity drove them to these lengths. “I assure you, sir, I am here of my own volition. In fact, I am more than happy to be wedding this man.”

  “In that case, let us get the both of you ready.” He turned to Lord Avonlea. “Do you have a ring?”

  Charles stuttered and finally mumbled, “No.”

  The blacksmith tisked then chuckled.

  “To be clear, sir, it was my intention to secure the finest gold for my wife once we return to London.”

  “That is what they all say. Young miss, if you will follow me, we will get you a proper bouquet. My wife will take you out to the meadow, and you can decide what be pleasing you.”

  The ceremony, as well as the ride back to London, was a blur of excitement. Once safely stopped at her bother’s estate, Wycliffe handed the reins to the stableboy and walked over to help Emily out of the carriage.

  “I hope the ride was not too hard, Lady Avonlea.”

  Emily smiled, appreciating the sound of her married name. Now, if only she had the chance to show her appreciation to her husband.

  Isabel rushed out to meet her and quickly folded her into an embrace. “You are back, and married, I hope?”

  “Yes, I am. Please tell me Mama is not here?”

  “No, she is not, and it is my understanding that Nathaniel has banned her from visiting.”

  It was a relief to know that her brother had finally stood up to their mother. And to think, I thought he did not have it in him. She would have to apologize sometime at a later date, when she was not too preoccupied with finding her husband. “Has Charles returned?”

  “Yes, he has.” Her sister-in-law then turned to Lord Wycliffe. “The men are in the library. Please go in and join them. They will be happy to know that Emily has returned intact.” Then, Isabel grabbed her hand and dragged her in toward the house. “Come, let me order some tea for us, and we can catch up some. I am sure you have all kinds of questions and things you would like to share, no?”

  “Of course, but I will be there in just a moment. I would like a few minutes to catch some air, before I return indoors. The long ride has stiffened me, and I would love to stretch out.”

  “But of course. I will send Duncan when everything is ready. Besides, I am sure your new husband is dying to see you.”

  Emily wandered into the side garden, which more often than not tempted folks driving by to stop and admire the array of roses, which Duncan maintained over the years. It was often the only place anyone in the house would run off to whenever her mother was in foul mood. Duncan, in most instances, hid her and Nathaniel there until the woman’s ire had passed.

  Usually, it would take hours, and neither she nor her brother would complain. Between them, Duncan, and their gardener, Mr. Smith, they spent hours learning all the different names of the varieties.

  She closed her eyes and took in the fragrant scent. It was so nice to be home once again. The sound of a carriage passing by and stopping seemed to fade into the background. Nothing could ruin this moment of bliss.

  “Grab her!” a voice said suddenly.

  Before she could react, someone pressed a cloth to her mouth from behind. She desperately tried to pull away, but whatever the god-awful smell was had her dozing off.

  Her head bobbed up and down as she was carried to a carriage. When she opened her eyes again, the Duke of Downsbury smiled. “Welcome home, dear. We have a wedding to prepare.”

  She fell into a dreamless slumber.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Emily? Tea has been ready for a quarter hour now. Where are you?” Charles heard the marchioness call out.

  And yet, he heard no response from his wife. Where is she? She could not have gone all that far, in such little time. “Excuse me, gentlemen. I would like to check on my wife. I have a bad feeling.”

  Footsteps of the marquess and Wycliffe followed, and while he wanted to acknowledge their assistance, he kept walking with speed. Something was wrong, but what it was, he did not know. “My lady…have you seen her?” the earl questioned the marchioness.

  “No, I have not. I left her here by the garden and did not think I was gone that long. Truly, I have not the slightest clue where she is. I asked Duncan already, but he swears she never stepped foot in the house.”

  That is when he noticed a cloth on the grass. He picked up what he thought was Emily’s handkerchief and was not surprised to find the initials “R.W.” embroidered on one of the corners. He smelled something pungent wafting up from it. They had to have been watching the house and expecting her return. Ether. I am going to kill that man, if it is the very last thing I do! “They drugged her.”

  “Who?” the marchioness asked quizzically.

  Her husband jumped in. “Downsbury, I suspect, which means we do not have much time. Wycliffe, when did you say this man was due to arrive?”

  “To be frank, he should have ported three days ago. I will ride on to the docks and find out what the delay might be.”

  “There is no need just yet. There seems to be a rider approaching, as well as a carriage following behind. We might be in luck.”

  The horse and boy came to a screeching halt. “My lords, Lady Thompson, I send word that you are to be expecting a visitor shortly. Shall I fetch a runner for you, Lord Avonlea?”

  “I do not think that will be necessary. But stay on, as you might need to run for one.”

  “Also, my lords, my sister sent a message. Miss Thompson has arrived at the manor and is unwell. She suspects there is not much time before his grace marries her.”

  “Gregory, if you will follow my wife, she will make sure you are fed.” The marchioness held out her hand to the boy, who reluctantly took it and followed.

  Charles pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping the next bit of news would make up for Emily’s abduction. If they could only get the proof they needed, then Downsbury would be put away for good.

  The carriage slowed, and when it finally stopped at the end of the drive, a portly man, easily ten years older than he, stepped out and shouted an order to whomever was inside to wait until he came back. He walked toward him and Wycliffe while Nathaniel stood his ground and watched from afar.

  “Have you any news from the continen
t, Briggs?” The marquess queried.

  “I have, but I have incurred some unexpected expenses. I will need that squared away before we continue further.”

  “What kind of expenses are you talking about? I gave you sufficient money to take care of everything you needed and more.”

  “I require more, after being shackled to two whiny women for these past few weeks. Plus, there was their passage, and then there is the matter of my prisoner.”

  “Prisoner!” Avonlea, Wycliffe and Nathaniel exclaimed in unison, while they pushed their way to the carriage. Avonlea opened the door to find two women, and a foreign man sitting there with a gun pointed at him.

  “Nathaniel, you may want to have that boy find that runner now, and any connections you might have to have this one locked up, secretly.”

  “Briggs, who are these women and this man?”

  “The man is an associate of the Italian bastard you had me seek, and the women are the last ones sent to him to work in a brothel. There were others, of course, but he said it was too late. They were either sold or had not survived their first month. Another thing, he says the man we are seeking is already here but did not know where.”

  Two survivors were surely enough to discredit Downsbury and the chief prosecutor. If he waited too long, then the prosecutor would flee the country to avoid prosecution, which in the end may stall the duke’s own trial, and they could not have that.

  But if he went there now, without presenting these people to the chief magistrate, then he could very well kiss seeing Emily again goodbye. Married or not, their stunt in Scotland could be annulled, and he would be tossed into prison again, this time for tampering with evidence.

  Chapter Twelve

  Emily awoke in her chambers, her maid sitting at her side. Nausea overwhelmed her as she sat up, so she lay back again, only to have the young girl prop her pillows up.

  “I am so glad you are awake. The duke has been in a foul mood since the day you left. He has stopped in here numerous times to check on you. Apparently, he was worried the ether might have been too much. It has been rumored some never wake up.”


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