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Honor Page 8

by Jaxon, Andi

  “We’re going to my parents, I have my own room, and just about anything I would need there.”

  “Hmmm, have any fantasies to fulfill, Dollface?”

  My face flushes pink as I think of all the dirty things he can do to me in the hot tub at my parents’ house.

  “I always have fantasies, Cowboy. Do you plan to make them come true?”

  “Every single one, Dollface. Every one.”

  He leans down and captures my mouth in a searing kiss. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck attempting to deepen it.

  “Oh no, none of that. If we don’t stop now, there is nothing that will stop me from sinking into your pussy, again. We need to get on the road.”

  Logan gives me a soft kiss on the forehead before grabbing my bag off the bed and heading down the stairs to finish loading the truck.

  I walk around, double checking each room, and thinking back over the last week. We called Charlie and the Twins to let them know about our plans, they were on board. Although, once I told Charlie where exactly my parent's house was, he insisted on going to Legoland. I’ve been there more times than I could count, but the defeat in his voice when I said we couldn’t go broke my heart, so I gave in. Avery and Amber both told him, no, but he knows I am a softy, so he played me. We’ll have a blast together, maybe we can even convince the rest of the team to come along with us.

  I haven’t met the rest of their team yet. I’m not a wife this go around, so not really part of the crowd. Logan says they have a small, close-knit group of guys, but he and Charlie are the only ones spoken for.

  We made sure to invite his LT, he isn’t much older than them, but he has a little sister going to San Diego State University in the fall. LT, his name is Justin, is going to bring her along, since she doesn’t know anyone in the area yet. Justin is hoping that the Twins and I can keep an eye out for her while they’re gone since this will be her first time away from home.

  Then there is Newb, or Danny, who is a real character. Logan doesn’t want him to come, for no other reason than he’s a dumbass. He lets his mouth run at times and says stupid things, to the wrong people, mainly Logan. Logan is hoping that Danny decides to run his mouth to Avery and Amber. Those two will eat him alive, this is going to make an interesting weekend.

  I made sure to invite Jimmy this weekend as well, but he lives and breathes The Mission. I know he has some sort of life, but I don’t think he has ever spent a night away from that bar. Logan and the guys are going to bug him about coming, hopefully, talk some sense into him. He can at least come for one night to hang out with all of us.

  The rest of the team either has other plans, or Logan downright refused to invite them. From some of the stories he’s told me, I can’t say that I blame him. He invited who was important to him, who was important enough for me to meet.

  My thoughts are interrupted by a smack on the ass, “Let's get that fine ass of yours into the truck so we can get a move on, I don’t want your parent's first impression of me to be whatever story Charlie can think up.”

  I hadn’t even thought about what would happen if someone got there before we did. I follow Logan down the stairs and lock up before hopping into the truck.

  “They gave us free reign of the house, they won’t be there. Ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be. You love me, right?”

  The look in his eyes scares me. He looks so unsure of himself like if he closes his eyes at this moment, I will disappear.

  “Of course, I love you, Logan.”

  “Good, don’t forget that, alright?”

  He gives me a peck on the lips before starting the truck and pulling away from the curb.



  As we near Katie’s parent’s house, I can’t help but focus on the inevitable conversation we must have. It can’t be put off any longer. I hope that Charlie is right, and although she will be upset, she will understand my feelings for her are the truth because I do not know if I can survive any longer without her.

  As we pull into the end of the drive, I am greeted by the site of a wooden gate surrounded by stucco walls, painted in a soft gold. We get out of the car, and I grab our bags, while Katie opens the gate into a beautiful brick floored courtyard with a two-tiered fountain. There are wooden chairs on the porch and palm trees along the wall. It’s a beach bungalow in the city.

  As we walk into the courtyard, Charlie’s Jeep pulls into the spot right next to ours.

  “Damn, I was hoping to be able to trade stories with Pops before you got here! I’m sure he wants to hear all about the crazy things we’ve done before he decides whether you’re good enough for his little girl.”

  Charlie chuckles as he claps me on the shoulder, I look over to see Katie’s cheeks turning a delicious shade of pink before she responds.

  “Yeah, Hard-On. We would all love for you to tell us some stories. Let’s start with how you got your new call sign,” Katie says with a smirk.

  We all bust out laughing, I can’t help but beam with pride as I look at my girl. She’s going to fit in with us all quite nicely. Let’s hope that her meeting with the rest of the team goes as nicely as this.

  “Besides, my parents aren’t even coming this weekend. We have the house to ourselves. Avery and Amber, you know what that means?”

  The girls reply in unison, “Just make sure we change the sheets!”

  “Jujube, we have the perfect bed posts to tie you too. Hurry up and grab our shit so we can get this party started,” Avery says before grabbing Amber by the hand and leading her into the house.

  Charlie quickly grabs a handful of bags out of the back of his Jeep and rushes into the house. I can’t help but shake my head at my friend, but again, I can’t blame him either. Those two are spitfires so I can’t even imagine what they would be like behind closed doors.

  “Wish you were him right now?” Katie whispers.

  “Darlin, I have everything I have ever wanted and more right here.”

  I wrap my arms around her and kiss her deeply. I can’t help but pour all my feelings into this kiss because I don’t know if this will be our last.

  “Logan, what is going on with you?”

  Katie looks deep into my eyes as she cups my face.

  “Nothing. I just love you so damn much, Katie.”

  She looks at me skeptically, I know she can tell there’s something wrong. Even in this short amount of time, this woman knows me inside and out. Thankfully, she lets it go.

  “Let’s get our things into the house. I want to see what my parents have gotten for us. They said they had the service come and stock the kitchen and bar. There should be at least something for us to grill tonight.”

  I follow Katie inside and take in the first floor, this place is huge. Big picture windows and skylights in every room make the place bright and cheery. Light hardwood floors allow the open floor plan to flow seamlessly. It’s the perfect place for the team to relax before the upcoming mission. I can picture this becoming a habit before every mission if things work out after I tell her my secret.

  “Don’t think so hard, you might give yourself wrinkles.”

  I’m startled from my thoughts by the fridge closing, and Amber standing in front of me.

  “I just have a lot on my mind. Worried about the upcoming mission and all.”

  “Logan, you can’t bullshit me. I may not know you very well, but I can tell when someone is lying to me. I also know that you want to speak to Avery and me. I’m assuming it has something to do with Katie.”

  I try to school my face so that the fear I feel doesn’t show. I’m not ready to be having this conversation, let alone in the kitchen where anyone, including Katie, can come walking in at any moment.

  “Do you really think this is the best time for this? Last time I checked, you and your friend had my buddy tied to a bed.”

  “Oh, I’m aware of my priorities at the moment. He is not going anywhere, don’t you worry. I can say my peace and be
done. Whatever it is, tell her. Secrets ruin relationships. I know you love her just by the way you look at her. Tell her you love her and your secret. She is going to find out eventually, it’s best if she finds out from you.”

  With that, she turns on her heels and heads back towards the back of the house.

  “Thanks, I’ll tell her, I promise,” I assure her.

  “You do that. I like you, Logan. I would hate to have to cut your dick off,” she hollers over her shoulder.

  Now, I’m not as confident as I was when it comes to Amber. She seems to be the most laid-back of Katie’s friends, but it appears when it comes down to it, just like Avery, she will do anything to protect Katie.

  Just before she leaves the room, I notice what she came to the kitchen for.

  “Hey Amber, make sure you leave some whip cream for dessert.”

  She gives me a devious smile before saying, “I make no promises.”

  I can’t help but chuckle in response,

  “Promise to take pictures? I would love to have photographic evidence to show the guys.”

  “You got it!” She gives me a wink before entering the bedroom.



  The party is in full swing, the beer is flowing. The twins even managed to get the guys to play a few rounds of volleyball. I don’t think it took a lot of convincing on their part, a few promises to Charlie, and he was basically ripping the other guy's clothes off to play. Everyone has been getting along nicely, and honestly, it seems like one big happy family. Almost too good to be true in all honesty.

  Logan has been acting strange all day. Stealing glances at me when he thinks I am not looking and holding on to me like I’m going to disappear. It’s starting to freak me out.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Jimmy startles me from my thoughts. I am so glad that he decided to come after all. I need someone with a level head to talk to. Something is going on, and I need to know what the hell it is before I go nuts.

  “Damn it, Jimmy you scared the shit out of me! You SEALs always sneaking around. You should come with bells or something.”

  He just chuckles at me in response before taking a seat in the lawn chair beside me and handing me a beer.

  ‘What’s on your mind, Katie? I can see the smoke a mile away.”

  “You are freaking hilarious, Jimmy. Honestly, I feel like everyone is keeping something from me. Something huge. Do you think I am just being paranoid?”

  I turn my head to look at him, but he is looking out across the beach. Jimmy seems to also be deep in thought, about what I have no idea.

  “You know something, don’t you? I’m begging you, Jimmy tell me!”

  I try desperately to hide the panic in my voice as I grip the arms of the chair as an anchor.

  “Katie, calm down. No one is hiding anything from you. You remember how Ryan used to get before a mission?”

  Jimmy takes my face between his hands so he can keep my eyes focused on his. I think back all those years ago, to how Ryan would withdraw into himself before a mission. He would be less affectionate toward me and not want to spend time with our friends and family. He said he needed to focus on the job and get into the right mindset.

  “Yes, of course, I do. That was nothing like this. Logan is acting like I am going to disappear if I am even out of his sight. Ryan wanted nothing to do with me. It was like I never existed to him.”

  Jimmy just shakes his head at me before he answers,

  “Everyone processes things differently. I’m not saying that Ryan didn’t love you, but he loved you differently than Logan does. Logan cannot live without you. It seems to me that Ryan was trying to make sure that you would learn to live without him.”

  I gasp in surprise at Jimmy’s words. It’s shocking how you can be loved by two men but love them so differently.

  A single tear trails down my cheek as I respond, “You think he would be okay with this? With how much I love Logan, I mean?”

  “I think he had hoped for it,” Jimmy responds as he reaches over to give me a hug.

  I grab on to Jimmy and begin to sob. Jimmy just gave me the forgiveness that I didn’t even know I was looking for. Ryan loved me with his whole heart, and I loved him, but never how I love Logan.

  My love for Logan is an all-consuming fire that neither one of us can extinguish. But my biggest fear is that one of us is going to get burned, I’m just begging that it won’t be me because this time, I don’t think I would survive.


  My heart breaks for Katie when I hear her sobbing into Jimmy’s embrace on the patio. I knew that our relationship would be hard on her, especially with me also being a SEAL, but the extent of the guilt that she was feeling, I could only imagine.

  I look over to see Jimmy staring at me over Katie’s head. That sneaky devil, I should have known he had something up his sleeve when he sat down to have a conversation with me a little while ago.

  “Cowboy, have a minute?” Jimmy says as I am making burgers on the grill.

  “I always have time for you, old man.”

  I plate the last few burgers on the grill and am met by a very stoic looking Jimmy. I am suddenly afraid of where this conversation may be going, but damn if I am going to let him know that.

  “Alright man, what can I do for you?”

  I grab a beer and motion to Jimmy if he wants one. He shakes his head ’yes’ in response before continuing,

  “When are you going to tell her?”

  I let out of deep sigh, knowing exactly where he is going with this conversation, and I can’t bring myself to come up with any excuses.

  “This weekend. I promise. There is no excuse other than I have been afraid she will leave me when she knows that truth.”

  Jimmy gives me a hard look before taking a swig of his beer. We continue to stare at one another, not saying a word. It seems that he must find what he is looking for in my eyes because he stands and claps me on the shoulder,

  “Make sure you do that. If you don’t, I will. It would be better for her to hear it from the man she loves.”

  With that, he exits the way he came. I can’t help but stand and watch his exit. I don’t know why everyone is so invested in me telling Katie. There has to be some reason, so I decide to follow him. If I can just get him to tell me why it is such a big deal, maybe it will get me to man up sooner rather than later.

  I heard it all, the feelings of guilt and panic in her voice. All those feelings were because of me. I can be the end of them as well. Katie needs to forgive herself before she would be able to forgive me. Now that she has, it’s time for me to be the man that she needs me to be and tell her the truth.



  Damn, that feels good!

  I can’t help but moan as I sink down into the hot tub. We had an amazing weekend hanging out and relaxing with the team. Jimmy decided to head back last night after dinner, god forbid he stays away from the bar for more than a few hours. Justin and Emma hung out for most of the day, but Emma said she had some studying to do so they left a few hours ago. Danny stuck around so he can head to Legoland with us before we head back to San Diego tomorrow.

  I sink down into the water, and another moan slips between my lips.

  “I thought I was the only one that could make you moan like that.”

  I roll my head to the side to see Logan standing in all his glory beside the hot tub. His tan skin and rippling abs reflect the lights along the pathway leading to the cabana.

  “Looking lonely in there, ma’am, mind if I join you?”

  He stalks toward me and pretends to tip his imaginary cowboy hat. I can’t help but admire my own personal cowboy and think about how he is all mine.

  “I wouldn’t mind some company, but you have to pay the toll.”

  I try to keep a straight face as the last bit comes out of my mouth. I have always wanted to know what it was like to have sex in this hot tub, who better to fulfill my fantasies
than Logan?

  “What might that be?” he says, brushing my lips with his before climbing into the hot tub.

  “A kiss.”

  “Oh, is that all? Well, come and get it.”

  Standing up, I strip off my bikini and drop it over the side. I stand still for a moment, letting the cool air turn my nipples into hard pebbles. Logan lets out a growl and grabs onto my wrist, pulling me onto his lap.

  “Seems like more than a kiss to me, Darlin.”

  “It’s not a kiss on my mouth…” I whisper into his ear.

  Logan freezes, his entire body tense before he drags his mouth to my ear.

  “Hmm…You want me to kiss your pussy, baby? Suck on your clit? Fuck you with my tongue?”

  All I can do is whimper and nod my head.

  With his hands on my hips, he moves me off his lap and stands up. Lifting me up to sit on the corner, one leg on either side, so I’m spread wide for him. Kneeling on the seat, he’s directly in line with my pussy.

  He drags the tip of his tongue through my slit until he makes it back to my clit, swirling his tongue a few times before sucking it into his mouth. The suction is powerful causing an intense feeling, unlike anything I have ever felt.

  Logan drags a finger through my juices before pressing a finger into my ass causing me to cum with such intensity. I’m too far gone to care if everyone in the house, and probably the neighbors, can hear me. My hips ride his face until my legs begin to shake to the point I’m not sure I can remain upright.

  Logan looks like a predator ready to claim his prey. He stands, exits the hot tub, and scoops me up.

  “Dollface, I’m not done with you yet,” he growls as we head inside.


  Seeing Katie laid bare for me is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. I know that I have to tell her in the morning, but tonight, I will make sure that she knows how much she means to me. In every kiss and caress of her skin, she will feel my love for her.


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