A Way West

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A Way West Page 7

by Peter Westaway

  Chapter Seven

  “Close the curtains!”

  “You’re the last one in the room I am going to listen to right now. If you got your way and Jeff smoked some of your pot we might have broke up! Wouldn’t that bother you?” Monica opens the other curtain and fills the room with intense sunlight.

  Pete is sitting up and shielding his eyes, “Huuhhh?”

  “Oh never mind. You guys aren’t ruining my morning, so wakey wakey. It’s nine already and I have a new plan.”

  Jeff moves for the first time. He pulls the pillow off his head and looks up, squinting at Monica. “What are you talking about?”

  Monica sits at his feet. “Weellll...I was thinking that I can put up with Pete, if he stops trying to get you high. Your punishment for almost smoking last night is that you are riding your bike today by yourself. I am going to go with Issy and Pete.”

  “I like that idea!” Issy had been watching from her pillow, she gets up on her elbows and nods her head sharply, “Ya!! I really like that idea.”

  Jeff buries his head back between his pillows.

  “Are you sure one of you doesn’t want to sit up front, it’s got to be frickin tight back there.” Pete had a couple of Bud left, so he has a morning road pop in his crotch. He had been rocking out to Sticky Fingers, his favourite Stones CD. It was another great cruising day. This trip is turning out to be the smartest thing he has ever done. He had turned the tunes down to check on the girls.

  “I told you. I offered Monica to sit up front but she prefers my company over yours. We’re cozy. Now leave the music low, so we don’t have to keep yelling to hear each other.”

  “I already turned the back speakers off.”

  Monica agrees with Issy, this is much cozier than the back of the bike. She puts her hand on the back of Pete’s seat in front of her and leans towards him, “Ya thanks Pete! We’re having fun. But it is funny that a big car like this has such a small back seat.”

  “This baby was built for style. Passengers don’t matter when you’re talking style.” Pete doesn’t mind keeping the music down for this subject. “My Uncle Bob had this stored away in his shop for eighteen years. Not a speck of rust on it but it needed lots of work. He gave it to me three years ago as long as I promised to restore it and get it on the road.” Pete pauses to take a quick swig of beer. “He ended up helping me lots. It’s only got 68,000 miles on it. It cost me over five thousand dollars and hundreds of hours but it’s worth it. I could sell it for a bundle if I really had to. But I don’t plan to ever have to.”

  “That’s cool. It is in really good shape for being older than my mom.” Monica had been still leaning forward trying to hear Pete above the wind and the music. Pete smiles and nods in satisfaction, he reaches forward to turn up his Mick Jagger.

  “A little lower pleeassse!” Issy yells.

  Pete complies and turns it down a bit. Issy turns to Monica, “So, where was I? Oh, ya I was telling you how that after they found Doug’s body every one freaked out bad. My uncle thought for sure that his old girl friend did it. He says she is a real nut job. An Emo chick. Cutting her arms up and everything. And all black. Everything. Make-up, clothes, tattoos. Doug got fed up with the act so he dumped her ass. She was still stalking him with emails and coming over all the time making up crap trying desperately to get him back. Then he didn’t come back from a party one night. Two weeks later, a retired couple walking their dog outside of Seattle found his body washed up on shore.”

  “Oh my God, that’s terrible. Were they able to prove the Emo chick did it?” Monica says to Issy as she was thinking that she had never even known anyone who had died before. The idea of a relative being murdered was just crazy.

  Issy is shaking her head, “No, Uncle Mick told the police all about his suspicions about her. The cops questioned her but they have no proof that she did it. There was no evidence on the body and she wasn’t seen with him the night he went missing. She wasn’t at the party. Her mom claims that she was home the whole night. They don’t have any other suspects so the case is still unsolved.”

  Up front Pete turns his music right down. “If that crazy bitch gives us any grief when we are out there, it will be her body that floats to shore next.”

  “Ya ya tough guy, I doubt we will even meet her.” Issy is shaking her head again, rolling her eyes at Monica. Issy then reaches at her feet into Pete’s case of beer. “Hey Pete there is only two beers left, do you mind if Monica and I have them?”

  “Ahhh...” Pete grabs his beer and gives it a little shake, “I am almost done this one and was hoping to have another.”

  “Pete you know I don’t like you driving if you have more than one.” Issy is handing one of the beers to Monica.

  “No thanks Issy, I don’t want one.” It’s Monica’s turn to shake her head.

  “There you go, hand it up here, I promise I will drive real careful.” Pete has his hand open and waiting.

  Issy slaps the beer into his hand and opens her own. “Well fine but I am having the last one.” She takes a swig.

  “What the hell is your boyfriend up to?” As soon as Pete says this Jeff is passing them on his bike at about a hundred miles an hour. “I am not about to try to keep up to him this time. It’s not as if he is going to leave us as long as we have his girlfriend.”

  Monica is watching Jeff’s bike disappear as it passes a transport truck up ahead. “My God if he keeps that up I won’t be getting back on that thing anytime soon.”

  Pete was already going a little over the speed limit so he only speeds up a few more miles an hour. The girls had stopped talking so he cranks his music. He is now listening to some Bruce Springsteen. He rarely listens to anything but classic rock.

  Meanwhile up ahead on the speeding motorcycle Jeff is not pleased with the recent developments. He doesn’t mind that Monica wants to ride in Pete’s car for a bit but he was kind of hoping that Issy would join him on the bike? He can’t help but feel a little jealous of Pete getting to enjoy the company of both babes, and he is now by himself. Risking his life by going so fast takes his mind off it momentarily but he knows he can’t break the speed limit by so much and not risk a speeding ticket, or worse, a tragic accident. And besides, he can’t see the Mustang behind him now and doesn’t want to lose track of them.

  He was pretty pissed off when Monica first jumped in the Mustang so he took off without discussing with Pete where they are going to stop next. What would he do if he lost track of them? Pete and Issy don’t have cell phones either so he would have no way of getting a hold of them. He slows right down and lets a couple of cars that he had just passed, pass him. He finally sees the Mustang approaching in his rear-view mirrors. He lets Pete catch right up to him and then he settles on a speed that he knows will keep them together. He has regained contact but is now starting to get pretty anxious that things aren’t as cozy as they were just the day before.

  This is getting ridiculous! They had been on the road for almost two hours and Jeff was getting a little fed up. They had just passed Jamestown, North Dakota and he sees a sign for an upcoming rest area. He glances over his right shoulder at the Mustang behind him. He turns his signal on and waves his arm to indicate he is pulling over.

  “Well this sure isn’t any fun anymore.” Jeff had his helmet under his arm and was approaching the Mustang as its three occupants were emerging.

  “Well that’s just too bad there Jeffy, things aren’t always going to go your way.” Monica gives him a little smart-alec grin.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Jeff then sees Pete toss his beer can in the trash can. “Oh great! And now you guys are already drinking. Sure Monica that’s real nice, you would rather go with Pete while he’s getting drunk than go with me.”

  “Oh can it Jeff! I’m not drinking and Pete’s had two of his light Yankee beers. Big deal, he doesn’t have any left.” Monica looks around for a comfortable spot to sit and heads to an inviting
piece of grass. Jeff settles in beside her, he watches Pete and Issy walking in the other direction together. “Just yesterday you were all upset we were travelling with these two, and now you are choosing them over me.”

  “Well I was wrong about Issy, I happen to really like her. And actually, Pete’s not too bad either. Look, I didn’t realize how boring and uncomfortable it would be spending so much time on the back of your bike. It’s a relief for me to be able to sit comfortably and talk with my new friend for a little while.”

  “It’s just not fair that all of a sudden I am by myself...would you mind if I ask Issy then if she wants to ride with me for a little while.”

  “Ummmm...” Monica isn’t too sure she likes that idea, she was enjoying Issy’s company, not to mention, having her horny little boyfriend being practically in Issy’s lap didn’t exactly thrill her.

  “Or I know! You said you wanted to drive when we got on an Interstate, so how about you ride the bike... I just want to be with you baby, that’s all.” He looks at her hopefully.

  She pauses for another second. “Ya okay that would be cool, I like that idea.”

  Jeff leans over and plants a kiss on her cheek. “Kay that’s more like it.” He gets up and offers his hand to help pull her up. He spreads his arms. “Can I have a hug now then?” She wraps her arms around him and gives him a quick kiss on his cheek.

  She releases him and heads to Issy who is returning with Pete. “Hey Issy you get to watch me racing around on the bike now!” Monica has a little triumphant smile on her face.

  “Hey there girl you be careful, the last thing I want to see is you crashing in front of me.”

  Monica is grabbing her helmet from the back of the Mustang. After doing up the strap she flips up the visor, “Don’t worry I handle this thing like a pro, you’ll see!”


  “Get your lazy ass out of bed!” Leo is yelling at Tony after he opens the door to his son’s room and has turned on the light.

  “Huh? Dad what are you doing? What’s the problem?” Tony is looking up, blinking and trying to focus on his dad at the door.

  “I’ll tell you what the problem is, it’s you. Now get up and put some clothes on and get your ass downstairs. Now!” And with that Leo turns and heads downstairs, but leaves the door wide open and the light on. “Your mother and I have been talking and we’ve decided to give you an ultimatum. If you don’t have a job, any paying job, by August First, you are going to have to move out. If you don’t want to do anything with your life that is your business. But I am not going to sit back and continue to support you.”

  Leo takes a gulp of his coffee. Tony had come down surprisingly quick, and was now sitting at the kitchen table across from his angry dad, and Victoria is sitting with them, sipping her own coffee. “Well dad I actually was thinking of going to college this fall.”

  “And just what were you thinking of studying at college?” Leo didn’t sound too convinced.

  “Well I like the idea of being a lawyer some day, so I was already looking into paralegal courses.”

  “Well that would be great if you actually did it. How would you pay for the tuition?” Leo is turning this new idea in his head.

  “I am pretty sure I will qualify for some kind of student loan.” Tony then gets up to get his own coffee.

  Leo watches his son and then takes another gulp of his coffee. Victoria brightens up and says, “I would be so happy if you did that Anthony, you are so bright and could be a great lawyer, or even you just being a paralegal would be wonderful. What made you think of that as a career?”

  Tony heads back to his seat, “Well I went to court with Stephen last week when he was there pleading guilty to that pissy little possession charge the pigs gave him. I really enjoyed watching some of the other cases and I realized that I would really like the idea of arguing in front those judges to fight for some justice for the little guy. Our system is so fucking corrupt.”

  “Tony! Just because you are finally saying something that we want to hear doesn’t mean you can use that language around here.” Leo glares at his son. Victoria is liking this turn of events. “Well how about trying to get some kind of job this summer in the industry. I am sure Samantha next door would give you some help with that. You know she always thought the world of you. Maybe they could use somebody to help at her firm.” She pauses and looks at her husband. “And if this means Tony is going to stay with us could you please stop this nonsense about putting the house up for sale?” Out of the corner of her eye she notices Juniper wandering into the room.

  Where is MY food? Catserver? It knows better than to let me starve. These ridiculous catservers, they are all the same! Intolerably insolent! Just when I thought this new one was learning to do its job properly. And now it dares to leave my receptacle empty? After my morning nap? How dare it! I need some energy! And I need it NOW! I thought I was finally making some progress on figuring out why these pathetic catservers hold so much power over myself. But I now enter my food chamber and find that my food receptacle is empty?! “Meeooww!” Catserver!... What? It actually understood my command? Is it finally learning to understand my utterance? It’s about time that it puts my food in its receptacle. Hmmm, not bad, not too bad at all. I was so famished. This constant contemplation of my considerable concerns is such hard work. I will have to spend much more time contemplating these strange creatures and why they are not as obedient and subservient as they are meant to be.


  This is so cool! Monica can’t believe how smooth this highway is. It’s as if they have better quality asphalt in the States than they do in Canada. She has to remind herself to stop trying to watch Issy smiling in the Mustang in her rear-view mirror. She found the top fifth gear on the bike shortly after she got back on the highway this time, and has settled on going about sixty-five miles an hour. She feels the comfort of having Jeff wrapping his arms around her waist and likes having Pete and Issy hanging back only about fifty feet behind them. It is kind of boring though looking at the farmer’s fields going by. She is like Jeff and prefers the forests that they had back in the area of the Great Lakes. But this sure was more fun than being on the back of the bike. She approaches another transport truck and turns her left signal on and with a quick left shoulder check she moves into the passing lane and twists the throttle a little to pass the truck. With a quick check in her right mirror to make sure that Pete is following, she then glances at the long truck she is passing. She smiles when she notices that the truck says Canadian Tire, and wonders what it is doing down here. After passing it she moves back into the right lane and is pleased to see Pete and his Mustang settle in behind her.

  “So. Pete, how much of much of your weed do you have left?” Issy is back in the front seat and looking at Pete.

  “I don’t know, not much. Why?” He keeps his eye on the bike in front of him.

  “Well, it would be pretty cool if we actually did give the shit up, don’t you think? We won’t have any connections when we get to Seattle, so this is a really good time for us to give it up once and for all before we meet any new dealers out there.”

  “Ya I guess... Hey, I know it’s important to you pumpkin.” He gives her a quick glance and a weak smile. “But it’s not as if we’re smoking crack or crystal meth or anything scary like that, so what’s the big deal?”

  “Aww, c’mon Pete, that’s not what you were saying before we left. You were promising that you would quit. I really want to put it behind us. I know it’s not a big deal compared to harder drugs, but like Jeff was saying last night, it sucks the motivation out of us. You know damn well I want us to have a nice, normal, GOOD life together in the future. Not just party party party, until we get old and DIE!” She stares at her Pete. Pete says nothing and keeps his eyes forward. “Well I will never be able to control what you do, but I am giving it up whether you do or not. And don’t expect me to stay with you if you
don’t stop real damn soon.” But Pete still doesn’t respond or even look at her.

  But one minute later he speaks, “Holy shit, that little Monica is pulling the same crap that her boyfriend was.” Issy looks up and sees what he was talking about. The bike is pulling away and is disappearing around the side of a huge motorhome that is far ahead of them. Pete picks up speed and gets in the passing lane. As he soon passes the same motorhome they both notice that the bike is far ahead and disappearing in the distance. Issy gets a little nervous thinking that Monica wasn’t being very smart to drive so fast. Pete is glad that the subject has been changed and cranks his music. Peter Gabriel’s “Shock the Monkey” pulsates out of the speakers. He starts to wish he had another beer in his crotch. As the tune is finishing they see a big problem. A real big problem.

  A state trooper is right in front of them at the side of the highway, and with a squealing of its tires it is pulling onto the Interstate. They hear his siren start up as they see the cherries on the roof light up and they both know very well that it is Monica that has attracted his attention.


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