A Way West

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A Way West Page 14

by Peter Westaway

  Chapter Fourteen

  From: David Joyce

  To: Monica Martinelli

  Dear Monica, Monica I hope you are safe, and I know you have lots on your mind but I need to tell you what happened in court. I have finally given up fighting those children’s aid fuckers, in court anyway. Instead of trying to correct any of their many fuck ups they spend all their time still freaking that I have the nerve to call them names in my emails and on the phone. The judge I had this time at least let me talk, but he completely ignored every single good point I made. I am not sure I preferred that over the main judge telling me to sit down and shut up, he just pretended I said nothing. So I now have a restraining order against me towards that bitch social worker, and get this! Since I didn’t back down and told them to all go fuck themselves after court they are now applying for a restraining order against me for all of them and if Erica approves which I am sure they will convince her to do, it will say I can’t ever contact MY OWN DAUGHTER!!! Just because I tell the truth and call them all assholes!!! So fuck all of them!!! I am tired of fighting just to see my own kids so I am not going to try anymore.

  I am two thirds done that novel I told you about. It is going to make me very rich and very famous. I am just so glad that Moe is my best friend now. I know I have told you lot’s about her but I am sad you didn’t get to meet her before you left. It was less than a year ago that I emailed her and we are now really close. She loves her husband and kids so I know there is no chance I can ever be with her but I am crazy about her. I just love being her friend now and it feels strange for us as we were lovers so long ago. AND she loves my novel! I am so glad she convinced me to write it. I didn’t think I would like writing fiction but its fun. I think I agree with her that I am pretty good at it, and it just may be a real big best seller.

  The publishing world went nuts about Harry Potter, then that Vampire series, and now movie wise anyway, it is that Hunger Games future shit. Well me and Moe think that my novel will change the focus of all those young readers, they have had their share of fantasy, wizards, fake shit and it will be time for a good dose of reality. I am even putting Facebook chats and emails in it. AND I am making one of the characters fight with those children’s aid fuckers. I figure that is a great way to tell people that those fuckers do much more harm to any child than they ever help. I was thinking that I would write non-fiction some day to try to tell people my thoughts on things but it is obvious that I can still relate all those thoughts in a fiction, and fiction novels out sell non-fiction by about twenty times probably.

  So I am very excited about my future. And my sister can go screw herself. I know you love your mom but I am fed up with her judgemental self righteous attitude. And I did keep the secret from her of you doing this crazy move out west. But brother Bob out in Vancouver has actually been reaching out to me recently so I will shoot him a few bucks if I hit the big time. I know you never met your Uncle Bob but I bet he would love to meet you and Jeff so keep it in mind if you plan to ever get to Vancouver. That’s enough news for now so let me know how your big adventure is going, and give my love to Jeff, he’s an awesome guy, so tell him the two of you are going to get a very expensive wedding present from me when you guys tie the knot. A cheque for a cool million would look real good attached to the wedding cake! Love and hugs, Dave

  Shit! That isn’t good news about Uncle Dave and his kids. Monica thought things would eventually work out with him and her cousins but that crappy children’s aid seem to just keep making things worse. It is outrageous that our tax dollars finance that useless garbage that only seem to care about involving more shitty workers, lying lawyers and pathetic doctors that only all care about putting in their thirty hours of work a week and collect their fat pay cheques. It would be nice if that novel works out like he thinks though.

  Monica feels Jeff grab her shoulders and kiss her on the cheek, “You almost ready baby? We should get going.”

  “Ya just let me write a quick reply to Uncle Dave, he was in court trying to get visitation with Erica and those Children’s Aid assholes screwed him over again.” Monica plucks away at the keyboard.

  Issy gets out of her chair, “Ya I’m done with mine. I better go check on Pete,” and she heads to the door.

  “Okay I’ll see you in a bit.” Monica offers while Jeff follows Issy out.

  Issy emerges from the mini mart, after paying for her half hour using the internet, and buying a couple of drinks for her and Pete. She hears Jimmy Page singing one of Pete’s favourite Zepplin tunes, if you count screaming in agony singing, that is. She comes up to Pete’s door and firmly slaps one of his cowboy boots that are both sticking out the window. The boots are quickly replaced by Pete’s smiling mug, behind the mirrored glasses of course. “C’mon Pete! Not everyone wants to hear that noise, have some respect for a change.”

  Pete turns the volume down, “It took you guys long enough, let’s get this show on the road.” He grabs the can of Mountain Dew that Issy passes him. “Thanks pumpkin.”

  Issy opens her Orange Crush and takes a swig. “Monica will be out in a minute. So, Suzanne sent me an email and she says that she saw Frosty last night and he still wants to try mailing you his weed. He’s desperate for the business. His dumbass cousin Andre fell off a roof and busted his leg bad. So their little roofing company is even more screwed now.”

  Pete finishes taking a long swallow from his drink. He slaps the top of his door and lets out a short howl, “Haa! Those crazy fucking Serbians! I guess you told him no thanks!” He looks over at Jeff checking over the Yamaha on the far side of the car, who was right behind Issy leaving the store. Pete looks back at Issy who is looking around checking out the new surroundings. “Go get Monica, we don’t have all day.”

  Just then Monica appears from the store, she jogs up to Pete and Issy. “Sorry I took so long, let’s head to that grocery store back there so we can stock up and do some more camping.”

  “Aw shit!” Jeff stands up by his bike, then for good measure adds, “Fuck!” He walks around the front end of the Mustang and joins Monica and Issy standing near Pete.

  “What’s wrong?” Monica says with obvious concern.

  Jeff kicks a small stone across the parking lot, “I just noticed a little puddle of gas on my engine and I found what looks like a small leak on my carb. Fuck! Everything was just rocking along, I knew it was too good to be true!” Jeff is bobbing his head a little pacing about aimlessly, kicking half heartedly at a couple of little stones on the asphalt, “Fuck fuck fuck.” He is saying quietly to himself while searching for the next stone to take out his apparent frustration.

  Monica rubs his shoulder and tries to comfort him. “Stay cool, I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

  SLAM! Pete is out of the car. “Oh chill dude, I am sure it isn’t serious.”

  Jeff stills himself, and looks at Pete, and whines, “Ya but every time I take my bike to the shop back home it seems to always cost me three hundred bucks. I bet down here I’ll get soaked even more.”

  Pete’s standing in front of Jeff now and gives him a playful push on the shoulder, “Are you frickin serious!? You claim to be some kind of bicycle mechanic but you don’t even do your own work on your Yamaha?”

  Jeff shakes his head a little dejectedly, “Nah, the few times I tried I just screwed it up worse and it costs me even more... I guess I am only comfortable working with the beautiful symmetry and grace of a bicycle and not these crude, messy internal combustion things.”

  Pete heads to the bike, “That’s a fine pile of poetic bullshit there Jeff. Let me have a look. I bet I could rebuild this whole thing with my eyes closed.”

  Relief starts to cross Jeff’s face, “You serious? You know how to fix motorcycles?”

  “No, I’ve never touched one in my life actually, but weren’t you paying any attention? I practically rebuilt my whole car, tranny and all, so this puny bike will be child’s play. Show me this big disaster.”

sp; Jeff points to the small puddle of gas on the engine and up to the carburetor where he thinks it’s leaking from. Pete leans down and looks at it for about five seconds.

  He stands up, takes his glasses off and flashes Jeff his big infectious smile, “Just what I was thinking, it’s a small gasket that’s leaking. We can probably get one for ten bucks, twenty max I am sure. It will probably take me a half hour to replace it and the only price you pay for my labour is you watch and learn so you can do it yourself next time.”

  Monica and Issy have joined them at the bike. Monica grabs Jeff’s hand and plants a happy kiss on his cheek, “We are sure all making a good team. What a shame we’ll be living hundreds of miles apart.”

  Jeff meets Monica’s gaze and then directs the only question at Pete that he can think of, “Do you have the right tools?”

  “Do you think I would take my machine across the country without a tool box and a few parts.” Pete scoffs, puts his glasses back on and heads back around the car, “So let’s first hit that grocery store for some grub, then find a Yammy dealer and we’ll fix your bike at the campsite.” Issy declares triumphantly, “The four of us cannot be stopped!”


  “ERRRoowwRRR!” AHHH! I...I...I “rrrRRROWWWRR!” I want it NOW! I need it! I really really need IT! “RROOWWWRR!” AHH! I cannot tolerate this intense desire I have. The heat emanating from my bowels is tormenting me. “RrroOWRR!” AHHH nothing seems to satiate this urge I have. Rubbing fiercely against my royal perch barely does anything to satisfy my hunger. My... My absolute insatiable thirst! For something. Why can’t I ever seem to understand what is happening? “RRrrrRRROOWWRRR!” ARRGH!

  This is driving me absolutely insane! “Oh my heavens Juniper, it drives me crazy every time you go in heat!” Victoria is standing at the entrance of the living room with her hands on her ample hips and shaking her head. “Honestly you silly cat, at times like this I am almost glad that Monica is gone so I can send you away to her and not have to tolerate any more of this silliness.” Victoria heads back to the kitchen to check on her roast in the oven. She has to admit it sure is nice to have Tony behaving human for a change and coming home from his new job and joining her and Leo for a normal family dinner. Maybe her prayers have been answered and he has even stopped doing those drugs that have caused them all so much grief. Wouldn’t that be a blessing? And Leo’s disposition has even improved these days.

  Now if only Monica would come back home, she would be so content with everything. Victoria opens the door of the oven and admires her large roast of beef slowly cooking to perfection. As she closes the oven door and straightens up she is wondering if it is time to start boiling the potatoes soon. Just then she hears the front door slam, and seconds later Tony appears at the kitchen entrance. He is sporting a grin from ear to ear. Victoria is certainly very happy to see such a sight. “Well you seem to be very pleased with yourself. I take it the job is still going well.”

  Tony then does something Victoria can’t remember him doing since he was an adorable, rambunctious three year old. He walks right up to her, grabs her lightly by both shoulders, and plants a firm kiss on her cheek. This is getting better and better! Now it’s Victoria’s turn to have a grin from ear to ear.

  As Tony opens the fridge door to look for some Pepsi, he proudly declares, “Mom, not only do I think I have found my true calling, I just may have found the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with!”

  Victoria sits down carefully at the kitchen table with her grin still firmly in place, and her eyes open wide, thoroughly enjoying her son coming alive for the first time in years. “I take it this girl is the older one at work that Samantha was telling me about.”

  Tony even poured his Pepsi this time into a large glass and sits opposite his beaming, attentive Mother, “Ya she’s amazing, her name is Sophia. She’s gorgeous, funny and real smart. And best of all I think she likes me to.”

  Victoria doesn’t want to ruin this moment, but she can’t help but ask, “Honey is she not a little too old for you?”

  Tony puts his glass down after gulping down almost half his drink, “Ah mom, it’s only by a few years. If it were the other way around, with me being 23 and her being 19 nobody would have a problem with it.” He has another quick swig of the Pepsi and continues, “We had lunch together today and we spent the whole time talking about how corrupt the justice system is. She seems to care as little about money as I do. Wouldn’t it be sweet if we both became lawyers and became crusaders against everything that stinks in our piece of crap legal system?”

  Victoria’s grin is only a little narrower, but her eyes are still wide, “My heavens! You are starting to sound like Monica with her quest to fight for animal rights. Whatever did I do to produce a couple of such young radicals. But that is very nice about this Sophia. I just hope you don’t get your heart broken.”


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