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Ground Floor: Toys and Games

Page 3

by Jorja Lovett

  “And how are we supposed to make money if we’re practically giving away stock?” The papers being shuffled on the desk was a sign he’d already started to lose interest.

  “We might take a hit in that department, yes, but it could potentially increase footfall across the other departments.” It was a simple promotion used the world over, but then Kelsey’s was in a world, and time, of its own.

  “One week?” The pause in paper rustling was Jamie’s first breakthrough in what seemed like centuries.

  “Yes, sir. One week and I guarantee you’ll see an increase in profits. After that we could run ads in the papers for discounts across the store. Or team up with other local businesses to offer deals.” He got carried away now that he actually had the old man’s ear.

  “One week is all I’m prepared to give you at the moment, until I see the figures for myself.” Kelsey’s stalwart rubbed his temples and frowned, suddenly looking very tired.

  Jamie might’ve only been awarded the tiniest opportunity to make his mark because his father's defenses were lower than usual, but he intended to take full advantage. “I won’t let you down.”

  What if I let him down? Jamie’s confident strides from the office gradually slowed as he reached the corridor. It wasn’t a huge risk, like, say, when he gambled away his trust fund on the turn of a card. But he’d promised profits and now he had to deliver. There was only one person he felt able to confide in, but after her freak out last night he wasn’t entirely sure he could count on her to help him.

  * * * *

  Jen yawned as she arranged the baby toys in height order.

  “I didn’t hear you come in last night. You have a late one here?” Kelly eyed her suspiciously. It was unheard of for Jen to stop out on her own, ever.

  “Not particularly. I couldn’t sleep, though.” Not when one tiny peck on the cheek from Jamie had sent her running from the car like a mad woman. A shudder racked through her at the memory. The kiss was a thank you, an innocent gesture her body had decided to completely misinterpret. Every goosebump on her flesh and every tingle he caused in places she didn’t want to think about, betrayed Lee’s memory.

  Just when she wondered how she could face Jamie Kelsey again without dying of embarrassment, he walked through the door. “Morning, ladies.”

  “Morning, Mr Kelsey.” Kelly visibly perked up at the arrival, obviously enjoying the boss’s attention more than her troubled sister.

  “Morning,” Jen acknowledged him but couldn’t quite make eye contact.

  However, that didn’t stop him approaching her. “Thanks for last night. Your help was greatly appreciated.”

  A quick look at the smirk on Kelly’s face confirmed she had indeed heard his gratitude and chose to interpret it in the seediest fashion possible.

  “No problem,” Jen lied.

  “I know this is a big ask, but is there any chance we could do it again tonight?” He looked at her with such hope, it weakened her resolve to stay away from him. It was entirely possible she’d blown last night’s events out of all proportion. Where she’d probably imagined a dangerous chemistry, he was more than likely just being himself. After all she had been warned he was a flirt.

  Kelly snorted.

  “What is it you need?” She wouldn’t commit herself to anything without knowing the exact details.

  “Dad has given the go ahead for an Easter promotion in the department. I know you’re the supervisor, Kelly, but Jen really seems to have a knack for merchandising. You don’t mind do you?” It seemed Jamie knew her sister well enough not to put her nose out of joint.

  “Fine by me. Feel free to do whatever you want with Jen.” Kelly would get a slap the minute Jamie left. For now a scowl in her direction would have to do.

  “Why can’t we do it now?” In public, during daylight hours when working with him might not feel so intimate.

  “Sorry. I’m going to have to chase up some extra stock and I have a meeting this afternoon with the accountant. I doubt we would get it finished by five. That’s not a problem is it? I swear I’ll get you home at a reasonable hour. I just need to do this.”

  She knew how much it meant to him for his father to agree to any changes in the store, and she was a sucker for those puppy dog eyes. “Same conditions apply though. Double time.” By focusing on the cash incentive she might just get through another night with the boss.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t ask you to do it for free.”

  Jamie’s comment drew another childish guffaw from Kelly at the counter.

  “I’ll see you later then.” Now that she’d committed to the project she would have to keep her wits about her and remember this was nothing more than a boost to her coffers. Any inappropriate overtures were entirely in her head, and most certainly a side effect of her recent loss.

  Jamie whistled as he left, clearly on a high from his father’s recognition of his position here.

  “Honestly, I thought you were supposed to be the more mature sister.” Jen turned to Kelly once he was no longer in sight.

  She stuck out her tongue. “What were you and the boss man up to here last night? Did you help him test out the bed department? Or perhaps he let you ride his elevator all the way to the top floor?”

  Jen rolled her eyes, trying to be offended by the innuendo but ultimately undone by her sister’s exaggerated winking. “I helped Jamie with the window display, that’s all.”

  “Ooh, Jamie, is it? On first name terms are we?”

  Okay, the teasing was starting to get on Jen’s nerves now.

  “It’s not like that, Kelly. We’re friends. I’m still grieving for Lee, you know.” It irked her that since she started working here she had to remind herself of that.

  “That doesn’t mean you couldn’t have a bit of fun if you wanted.” Kelly shrugged.

  “I lost my husband. Have some respect.” The pain of his death would never leave Jen, even if those around her believed she should move on.

  “Lee was a great guy, we all loved him. But it wasn’t a real marriage and I’m sure he didn’t expect you to die a virgin either.” It was a totally taboo subject that Kelly had no business bringing up in the middle of the shop.

  “You’re out of line, sis.” Jen folded her arms across her chest, defensive at the mere mention of her unconventional marriage.

  “I’m sick of tiptoeing around the subject. You gave up everything to care for your best friend, that’s admirable, but no one expects you to remain celibate forever. Jamie’s the perfect rebound guy. A bit of fun with no commitment. I’m sure he could teach you everything you’ve missed out on, and then you can start the next chapter of your life—as a normal, hot-blooded woman.” She only spoke the truth but Kelly was a fraction away from a slap.

  Instead, Jen walked away to let the tears fall in the privacy of the ladies’ toilets. She’d loved Lee with all her heart, but she’d never experienced the racing pulse or the butterflies in her stomach the way she did when Jamie was around. The nature of Lee’s illness meant they’d never gone further than a kiss and a cuddle. Sometimes she wondered if that might have been more out of comfort and loneliness. In their insular world of patient and carer, they’d only ever had each other. It had been enough then but now with Jamie’s every touch driving her crazy she knew her body craved more. Maybe Kelly was right. It was time to move on.

  Chapter Five

  “I’ve had posters and fliers printed, so I’ll make a start on sticking those around the store. Could you bring the offers to the front of the department and make some sort of display to show them off?” Jamie buzzed through the store apparently displaying the same surge of adrenaline Jen was currently experiencing.

  “Sure.” She couldn’t get Kelly’s words out of her head. It was like a green light to act totally rash and do something so out of character she wanted to throw up just thinking about it.

  “I thought we could do an Easter egg hunt too. I’m going to hang pictures of different colored eggs around th
e shop floor. The kids will have a sheet of paper to write down where they found them and they can hand in their answers to receive a small prize. It will make sure each section gets extra exposure.” As much as his attention seemed concentrated on one particular part of the store, he’d obviously thought hard about seeing the benefits elsewhere too.

  “Sounds good.” She tried to be enthusiastic about his plans but her mind was definitely elsewhere. Somewhere exciting and deliciously bad.

  “Is there something wrong, Jen? I’ll help if I can. After all you’ve saved my ass twice here already.” He gave her the opening to confide exactly what she was thinking. Faced with actually voicing it aloud, her bravado deserted her.

  “It was just something my sister said. It doesn’t matter.” By all accounts this was a man with a formidable reputation in the bedroom and he’d be well within his rights to laugh in her face.

  “Of course it matters, if you’re upset. I hope my interference here isn’t causing you any hassle.” Jen got the impression he’d heard Kelly’s sly comments after all.

  “Oh, no. I can take most of what she says with a pinch of salt. It’s just…she’s made me realize something about myself and I’m not sure what to do about it.” She fidgeted with her top button, unbuttoning and fastening it again.

  “Dare I ask what that is?” Jamie’s eyes darkened as he watched her, turning her nipples hard as diamonds beneath his intense gaze. “I, umm…” She stared at the hideous red and gold patterned carpet beneath their feet as though it was suddenly the most fascinating thing in the room. “Let’s just say she thinks I need a little TLC.”

  “I would say she’s a wise woman. From what I know of you, Jen, you’re an incredibly giving woman. And I’m a heel for taking advantage of you.” Jamie tilted her chin up so she had no option but to look at him.

  “You’re not taking advantage of me. Quite the opposite. You’ve made me feel needed again.” Until now she hadn’t realized how much that meant to her. She was powerless as the tears began to fall.

  “What are you crying for, you eejit? Come here.” Jamie wiped the tear away with the pad of his thumb, only to see another fall in its place. It dented his pride to stand helpless as she worked through unknown demons.

  The rogue tear slipped onto her top lip and with the best of intentions he kissed it away. Her lips were soft beneath his and salted with sorrow. He wanted to kiss all her troubles away but he feared he would only add to them. He broke away from her and took a step back.

  The look of trust and longing she gave him rendered him incapable of the sage words of advice he was desperately searching for to soothe her pain. In another totally unexpected move, Jen took a step forward and reignited the kiss.

  Stunned into submission, he let her take the lead, albeit a timid one at first. She traced her tongue across his bottom lip before dipping inside his mouth to court his. He didn’t understand what was going on but neither did he intend fighting it. So much for turning over a new leaf. His father would have a field day if he knew one flash of a sexy thigh had thrown his feckless son’s business plans out the window. Since the first moment he’d seen Jen White stripping in the street, he’d wanted this to happen. Whatever the hell this was.

  Flashes of light went off behind his closed lids as she weaved her hands into his hair and deepened the kiss. Abstinence had been the keyword to his recovery in all his vices, but he was still a man—with a hot woman clinging to him like a second skin. He slipped his hands around her waist and she leaned closer into him. The soft swell of her breasts pressed against his chest, and set other parts of him to stone.

  “What do you want from me, Jen?” he rested against her neck, taking a breath. A friend? A lover? He needed to know before they went any further.

  “Take me home with you,” she whispered into his ear, and sent him spiraling out of control. This was unfamiliar territory. He wanted her, of that there was no question. But Jen was a woman who deserved the best and he wasn’t sure he was the man to give it to her.

  It took some non-verbal persuading to get Jamie onside with her plans. His reluctance didn’t fit with the playboy image of him seducing half the staff to suddenly get cold feet. Maybe it was her. A man of his experience could probably spot her baggage from a mile away. She might not know what was going on in his head but the ever growing bulge in his trousers said she was still in with a chance.

  Spontaneity wasn’t her strong point. Every moment she’d spent with Lee was timed around hospital appointments and medication. But with the first brave move already made on his lips she followed up with a light stroke along his crotch. She molded her hand around his erection, marveling at the length and hardness outlined through the fabric of his trousers.

  Jamie’s groan startled her from her gentle exploration. “Jen, if you’re going to keep doing that we’re not even going to make it as far as the car.”

  “Sorry.” She didn’t know the etiquette for this sort of thing and it probably showed.

  “If you’re sure this is what you want, let’s go.” He took her hand and led her into her erotic dream come true.

  * * * *

  Only when she was sitting in the front seat of his car speeding through the streets did she start to have second thoughts. To some, losing her virginity to the boss’s son only days after starting a new job might seem like a rash thing to do. Jen looked at Jamie’s face for some reassurance, a mask of determination as they weaved through the early evening traffic. He’d been too kind to her these past days to suddenly turn around now and hurt her. Besides, tonight was nothing more than a step back into the real world. Her transition from the bubble she’d lived in since high school into being a woman. It didn’t seem right to leave him oblivious to all the facts.

  “I’m a virgin.” Three little words, which sent the car flying across two lanes of traffic to come to an abrupt halt in a poky side street.


  “I haven’t had sex before.” She didn’t feel so empowered now he was scowling at her, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

  “So, why now? Why me?” Some men might have been honored to take a girl’s virginity but Jamie looked offended, if anything.

  “I didn’t plan this. You’ve made me feel things I’ve never felt before, and well, life’s too short not to act on them.” If this was nothing more than a fling she saw no need to go into details of her past.

  “You want sex lessons?” He arched an eyebrow at her. Okay he wasn’t taking her seriously but at least he hadn’t ditched her on the side of the road.

  She tutted. “I wouldn’t exactly put it like that. I’m not even sure you’re qualified to teach.”

  “Don’t you worry. I have enough references to paper my apartment with.” He wiggled an eyebrow right back at her.

  Her laugh broke the build-up of tension inside the car. “I just didn’t want you to think I was trying to trick you or something. I’m being honest with you here.”

  “I appreciate it and I’ll be up front with you in return. I’m not looking for a girlfriend. Virgin or not, you won’t change my mind about that.” He started the engine again. “Now, my place or yours?”

  He left the decision entirely in her hands, on her conscience. “Yours.”

  Chapter Six

  Jen had half-expected some old crumbling mansion in the country. Instead, they came to a halt outside a modern apartment block close to the city center. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, given his choice of transport was a non-descript silver hatchback and not some flashy sports car. His modest lifestyle only made him all the more endearing. The heir to Kelsey’s Department Store could surely afford a more luxurious standard of living if he chose—unless the store was in more trouble than she could have imagined. She preferred to think material goods weren’t important to him. It put them on a more even footing.

  When he turned off the engine, a shiver of anticipation ran up her spine. “Nice place,” she said because ‘What do we do now?’ wou
ld’ve sounded even more lame.

  “All bought and paid for with my own hard earned cash.” He puffed out his chest with the same pride she saw every time he made his mark in the store.

  “I hope I can do the same one day.” The money she earned caring for Lee had barely covered her travel expenses, so she’d never been able to save for a place of her own. They’d known Lee was never going to survive the cancer either, so living together as a married couple had never been an option. The most she could hope for now was enough money to move out from her family’s constant scrutiny.

  “I’m sure you can do anything you put your mind to, Jen. You seem like a very determined woman.” Jamie unclipped his seat belt and reached over to do the same to hers. Her breath hitched as he entered her personal space, filling her lungs with the spicy scent of horny male.

  He followed the trail of the belt across her breast with his hand, the fleeting touch firming her nipples into telltale points against her shirt. He brushed his thumb across one nub and sent a shot of arousal hurtling south to pool between her thighs. She mashed her head back into the headrest and crossed her legs.

  “Relax.” With his mouth pressed to hers, he started a slow kiss that put her at ease. There was no pressure, no rush as he moved his hands from the danger zone to cup her face. Making out in the car didn’t seem quite as scary as going into his apartment, so she let go and simply enjoyed the kiss. They moved their bodies closer together, and Jen tasted a little bit more of him every time she met his tongue with hers. Their breath slowly steamed up the windows in their passion fueled perusal of each other’s lips.

  Jamie slipped a hand between her legs, inching slowly under her skirt. She freaked, clenching her thigh muscles together to halt his progress.

  “Do you want me to stop?” His dilated pupils were almost black with desire as he checked for confirmation.

  She took a breather, away from his intoxicating lips, to think about it. As she urged her body to chill out, she unclamped her thighs and took a deep breath. The nerve endings on her skin were so sensitive it was impossible to ignore the touch of his hand sliding along her inner thigh. A trickle of her juices dampened her panties.


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