Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales Page 41

by Laura Greenwood

  With Darius, it was different. His blood matched the vampirism in her own veins. As she understood it, even one drop could make her existence as half-human unstable.

  “Yes, please.” She practically quivered with the anticipation of finally being a full-blooded vamp. No more dhampir jokes. No more being second-guessed. And best of all, she could finally date another immortal without fear of someday being a burden.

  She held up a finger as she drew her phone out, shooting off a few quick messages. “I just need to call in a friend or two to help.”

  A few minutes later, the air pressure shifted around them. The doorbell rang.

  Darius turned a curious look her way as she bustled over to answer the door. A portal was just closing behind them, courtesy of Violet. As the coven master’s mate, she was often in close contact with the couple on her doorstep, Samuel and Melanie Rainey, the deputy and his wife. Melanie also just so happened to be the coven’s resident doctor.

  “You needed me urgently?” The woman gave Charlotte a quick once-over as she and Samuel stepped inside.

  “Sam, Mel, meet Darius…my father.” She saw the realization set in for them quickly.

  Samuel rushed forward to shake Darius’s hand enthusiastically and slap him on the shoulder. “Great to meet you, mate,” he said. “Here for the sights, or here to stay?”

  “I’m thinking of staying,” he answered.

  As Samuel started asking him questions for screening new members, Charlotte turned to his wife. “He offered me his blood,” she said in an undertone. “I was hoping you could monitor me? If that’s not too much to ask.”

  Melanie was usually as serious as a heart attack, so even the hint of cheer in her expression was like a shout of joy. “It would be a pleasure. I’ve never actually witnessed a dhampir’s turning.”

  “Am I about to be a science experiment, doc?” she asked with a hint of nerves. She was used to being most vampires’ only dhampir friend.

  “Definitely not. How about we lay you down and get this started?”

  Charlotte got herself changed in the bathroom into something comfortable to sleep in before gathering up her father and Melanie. He bit his wrist and offered the twin lines of blood to her. After taking the coppery drink, she barely remembered what came next. Her dreams were dark and warm, like a comforting blanket of peace.

  But waking traded that peace for vertigo the moment she swung herself out of bed. She reached up to steady her head too quickly, slapping her forehead instead.


  There was no question it’d worked. She still remembered the first time her blood activated its vampire side in her early twenties. Same deal. She would move too fast, break things like toothbrushes and doorknobs accidentally, and overwhelm her senses the moment she encountered light or noise.

  Merry Christmas! She forced herself to smile through the dizzy spell of standing up. This was what she wanted. And she’d gotten used to it before.

  She turned on the bathroom light with her eyes scrunched closed. Peeling them open one at a time, she murmured encouragement to herself as she glanced in the mirror.

  Tiny changes made themselves known in the shape of her brow and the bow of her lips. Just the beginning of a change she felt within herself, heading straight for full-blooded vampirehood.

  Would she be a fledgling? She wondered if she could skip the most dreaded part of the change, when the bloodlust was endless. Her belly felt full, and so did her mouth as she inspected the tips of her fangs. Debating whether they were longer or if that was just her, she checked the time on her phone and gasped.

  It was Christmas Eve, and she would miss the party if she didn’t rush.

  Chapter 10


  Armando bounced on the balls of his feet out in the cold, his head on a swivel as party guests filtered by. His message log with Charlotte contained far too many “hey’s” and question marks from him with nothing from her. If he didn’t want to seem desperate, well…

  One glance at a barrage of messages like that and he probably seemed that way. He wanted to talk to her, to know how she and her dad were getting along. If maybe she’d already accepted his blood and become a vampire. But what if something had happened to her during the change?

  Her car pulled up to the mansion after far too long, and his phone dinged with an incoming message. “I’m here!” the text read.

  Yeah, he knew. He waited as she and Darius walked to the front door. She was in a dress under a heavy coat, showing a peek of red at the collar. Red, good. He’d put on a red tie hoping they would match. Like they’d planned it.

  Darius wore a suit, looking like he was ready for an interview rather than a holiday event. If things went well, he’d join their coven and be able to move in close to know his daughter better.

  “Sorry for keeping you waiting,” Charlotte said, rushing forward and wobbling like she was in heels. Darius moved quickly to hold her arm before she face-planted.

  “It’s okay, amica. Is everything all right?” he asked. His gaze was on her shoes, which were sturdy and flat. When they embraced, she hugged him like a vice, far tighter than he was used to.

  “Everything’s great. Guess what,” she breathed in his ear.

  Oh, she could do that any day. His toes curled as he leaned into her. “What?”

  “He gave me his blood. I’m a vampire now.”

  He pulled back to look her over with a gasp. With her already halfway there, the change was going to be subtle. Maybe she’d slip right into it and smile with full-length fangs soon to startle those that weren’t paying attention. “That’s great news,” he breathed.

  Did she recognize that they were lifemates? Her brown eyes twinkled merrily in reflection of the festive strings of lights over the entryway. If not, he had a surprise for her at the end of the night.

  He had her on his arm as they climbed the stairs to greet their boss and coven master, Alexander Rehnquist, who’d off and on tried to get Armando to wait inside so he wouldn’t freeze. Violet was burrowed neatly into his side for warmth, wearing a green dress down to her ankles and a jaunty little elf hat. Alex glanced between Armando and Charlotte, flashing a hint of his crooked smile, the one that could melt a woman within a few paces.

  He clapped Armando on the shoulder. “Time to come in, eh?”

  “Sorry, boss…” Armando glanced to Charlotte, who’d parted from him briefly.

  She was engaging in a lady ritual he was vaguely familiar with. “Cute hat,” she was saying.

  “I love your shoes!” Violet was saying back.

  Armando dropped his voice. “Did we miss the proposal?” He hoped, apparently in vain, that the women would miss this particular exchange.

  Both of them burrowed unerring attention into him. “What proposal?” Charlotte asked.

  “Business proposal, very boring, very dry,” Alex said quickly. “Besides, you came in with this man behind you. Who would you happen to be, good sir?” He addressed Darius.

  “Oh, this is my father.” Charlotte jumped to make introductions. Darius seemed nervous as he greeted Alex for the first time.

  “Family on a day like today. Joyous news. Why don’t you go inside? The feast should be starting any minute,” Alex suggested, giving Armando a pointed look and a jerk of his head. An obvious signal to go inside.

  He figured that meant the proposal hadn’t happened yet. Alex shooed Violet off too, meaning he had two suspicious women flanking him as they headed inside. Their host had dragged out all the furniture to make banquet seating both inside and out. The highest-ranking members sat inside—and for once, he was glad to be Head Enforcer, because that meant he had a place at those tables with Charlotte.

  “So, are you going to tell us?” Violet turned hopeful, shiny eyes his way.

  He cleared his throat, searching for any distraction. It wafted past his nose as the first course of the feast was being laid out. It was one time of year every vampire in the coven ate solid food
. Without the coven master and his deputy seated, Alex must’ve given the cue for it to start without them. “Doesn’t that smell good?” he said instead, hurrying to the table to sit. His name was on a card reserving two seats, while Violet split off to sit beside the head of the table.

  They were amongst coven leadership, all important men and woman and some of Alex’s close friends. Julian and Olivia were breaking bread alongside Violet, while other familiar faces toasted one another.

  His uncle glanced over and lifted a hand in greeting. He definitely seemed nervous, but it wasn’t time yet. The first course came and went with Charlotte giving him the side eye as he remained mum about his slip-up.

  Alex and Samuel joined them at the head of the table as Darius sat across from Charlotte in one of the only free spaces around. “How’d it go?” she asked.

  He was beaming. “You must have a good reputation around here.”

  “You’re in?” She clasped her hands, waiting on bated breath.

  “Yes! I’m going to look for jobs in the area after the holidays.”

  Armando didn’t mention that joining the coven wasn’t particularly hard. He knew his boss had a soft spot for his community of former rogues and outcasts. Instead, he toasted when they did. “To your new start,” he said.

  “I’ll drink to that.” The other man laughed.

  And so they did, into the late hours of the night as midnight approached. Food was set aside for good wine, and the gifts came out. As time passed, he noticed a party crasher. A very drunk one, if her goofy smile and new accessory were any indication. Izell wandered around with a ball of mistletoe strung to a stick, holding it over random couples’ heads and calling, “Kiss, kiss!”

  They watched for a while to have more Grandma stories to laugh about before Charlotte produced a slim wooden box tied with a bow. “I got you this from Faerie,” she explained as he opened it and pulled out…a wooden bread knife? He glanced to her in puzzlement. “Apparently, it is the perfect whittling knife despite the shape. Magic.”

  “Magic,” he agreed, marveling at the perfect grain in the blade and handle. It looked like it was carved from one piece of wood. Frankly, he wouldn’t think to use it to whittle when it seemed like it’d break the moment any pressure was put on it. But because the m-word, magic, was being tossed in with it, he’d give it a try.

  “I got you your dad?” It came out as a question despite himself. He was terrible with gifts, but when Charlotte and Darius exchanged a glance, he knew this one was perfectly welcome.

  “Thanks again,” she said, lacing her hand in his. She wasn’t miffed at his secret anymore, instead sharing the sweet expression he loved to see curling her lips. “Words really can’t capture my gratitude.”

  “Seeing you happy is its own reward,” he murmured, wanting to kiss her then and there. Maybe at the end of the night, when there were fewer eyes on them.

  Then again, most everyone was occupied by their gift-giving. Alex had opened a similar wooden box and was inspecting a vial of liquid as short and thin as his pinky. Violet whispered in his ear, and he gestured to her. She shook her head, motioning back to him. He covered his heart dramatically, whispering something that had her laughing. They shared a kiss of their own, the kind that didn’t mind that others were watching.

  Charlotte’s gaze jumped to Julian, who’d nearly knocked his chair over as he stood. “Oh, he put on the glove,” she remarked.

  An old-fashioned leather piece, he noted, which glowed and molded to the shape of his hand as he stared at it. The whole party was staring too as a pop sounded. His fine suit was replaced in a blink by a full suit of armor. “Wow, cool.” He sounded years younger as he looked down at himself.

  “So that’s what the guy meant,” Olivia announced, admiring him from her seat.

  Julian took a glance around. “Well, now that I have everyone’s attention…do you think my clothes will come back if I take it off?” he asked.

  “Take it off!” called Samuel, grinning from ear to ear.

  As he took off the gauntlet, Armando hoped his uncle wasn’t about to pop into a birthday suit or something. Now that would change the party atmosphere in a hurry. Luckily, the armor left like it’d never been molded to his form, and his suit was back. He offered Olivia a hand up.

  Armando nudged Charlotte urgently. She wasn’t the only one who gasped when Julian went down on one knee and presented a ring to his lifemate. A feminine sigh preceded polite applause as Olivia fanned herself and nodded, too choked up to say yes except for a squeak of noise.

  He turned to Charlotte, admiring the glimmer in her eyes. Just wait, he thought. That could be us in a year.

  “Okay, that was worth the secret,” she admitted, flashing him a smile.

  “He’s been a mess for days,” Armando confided. “I’m shocked Olivia didn’t notice.”

  Charlotte whispered behind a hand. “Actually, she thought he was developing an anxiety disorder.” They shared a laugh at that.

  He leaned back in his chair, pondering over when best to break his news to Charlotte. The party was winding down around them with that burst of excitement. At any point, he could just reach over and press his lips to hers. It was possible her transformation was enough along that she’d recognize the sparks and butterflies feeling of kissing a lifemate.

  A ball of mistletoe was wiggled over them. “Kiss, kiss!” Izell giggled.

  Here Grandma was, helping him out again. He didn’t need more encouragement than that. Turning to Charlotte, he drew her closer for a brush of their lips. No static this time, just warmth lingering in his chest when they parted after a long moment.

  She pressed her fingers to her lips, realization setting in as she gasped again. “Armando, um…”

  “Yes?” He couldn’t help a grin. He’d been waiting for this moment for so long.

  Her hands cupped her mouth. “Are we lifemates?” she asked in a shocked whisper.

  “It’s about time you noticed.” He winked, laughing when she cried out and wrapped her arms around him.

  And there were tears. He smoothed his hand down her back, puzzled by the twin trails rolling down her face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, blotting at her eyes with a napkin.

  “I wanted it to be a surprise. Are you surprised?” He offered his most winning smile.

  “Am I…?” She leaned away from him, fanning her face. “This is the best day of my life. You really waited for me for a whole year?”

  And he would’ve waited longer if he had to. His chest felt full that she finally knew because she’d found out the right way. “I sure did. And now I have a question for you.”

  She gave him an expectant look as he drew out the moment. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked, clasping his hands.

  Charlotte giggled and kissed him again, her answer in the way her lips lingered. But in case of any doubt, she breathed a yes just between the two of them.

  “We’re getting better at that,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder. “Merry Christmas, Armando.”

  “Merry Christmas, ragazza. To many more.”

  “Many, many more,” she agreed.

  * * *

  The End

  About the Author

  Elise Hennessy has developed a life-long passion for reading that inspires her imagination. She holds a master’s degree in journalism and enjoys the process of telling stories. Now, she teaches future generations to love books too.

  She focuses on writing tales of paranormal romance and young adult fantasy. Elise lives in Texas with her family and is owned by two cats.

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  * * *

  Read More of Elise’s Books

  Blood Curse (Blood Legacy Series Prequel)

  Dream Walker (Blood Legacy Series Book 1)

  The Winter Key (Blood Legacy Series Book 2)

  Queen’s Return (Blood Legacy Ser
ies Book 3)

  Mistletoe And Vampires

  Renee Hewett

  About Mistletoe and Vampires

  It’s Christmas Eve, and Mila Bernabe has nowhere to be, no one to see.

  So when her handsome customer needs his order delivered, she offers to do it, even if it’s not in her job description. It’s only when she pulls up to his dark and foreboding mansion that she realizes she might be in over her head.

  Now, like Alice, who fell into Wonderland, Mila is about to enter a strange world, unlike anything she’s ever experienced before.

  Chapter 1

  The rush of customers wasn’t showing any sign of slowing. Such was last-minute shopping on Christmas Eve.

  But as the sun set, her heart sped, and her eyes stayed on alert. Would he show up tonight?


  Her sexy customer.

  Tall, dark hair, slightly brooding. Over the year, Mila had built a rapport with him, to the point where he’d even started to smile around her.

  And boy, was his smile ever one to make a girl swoon.

  It wasn’t uncommon for sales associates to crush over customers, but Mila swore she’d felt more than just a flirtation between them. He’d never asked her out, but she wasn’t giving up hope.

  It wasn’t exactly a secret, either. If she didn’t see him enter the store, one of her coworkers would alert her, take over her tasks and let her assist him. She figured they were just trying to set her up. They were always bothering her to find a date.

  But she wasn’t interested in anyone else. None of the guys she went out with from her dating app made her heart thud like Finn did.


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