Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales Page 85

by Laura Greenwood

  She wished she had a housecoat within reach, but the best she could do was grab her clothes from the floor and quickly dress. Hopping around on one foot at a time while stuffing her legs into her jeans, she didn’t bother with her bra as she got back into her T-shirt. “I’m going to take a shower and make some breakfast. You want anything while I’m still in a festive mood?”

  Frederick splayed himself out on the couch, knee up, his cock exposed while he rested his cheek against his fist, as though he were posing for a magazine. “I wouldn’t mind getting in the shower with you.”

  “I’m sure you wouldn’t.” She tossed her bra at him for good measure. “That’s all you get until later. I’ve got preparations to make.”

  “What preparations? I thought we weren’t having the big supper until tomorrow?”

  “We’re not, but I’ve still got stuff to do, and then there are the last-minute little things that I’m sure I’m forgetting. I have to double-check that we have enough cranberry sauce and ice cream to go with the pumpkin pie for tomorrow’s dessert, plus a thousand other things. When I remember what they are, I’m going to have to hurry and get them done.”

  Frederick sat up, looking at her with the calm smile he gave whenever he wanted her to know she was safe. She didn’t understand why she was getting that look until he spoke up.

  “You know, this is going to be a special Christmas regardless of how much or how little you do, right?”

  His words sucker-punched her in a way she didn’t think was possible. He reached for her, and she went to him, sliding her hand into his as though her body were working on autopilot.

  He kissed her knuckles before grinning up at her. “You’re standing in front of me after having just pranced around the room naked, and after I put all kinds of smiles on your face making love to you, and a little kiss on the hand is going to make you blush like that?”

  She had to look away from him. It was too much. Too much for her to think about, too much for her body to hold onto. “I’re so cheesy.”

  She pulled her hand from his, ignoring his stupid smile as she hurried from the room.

  Though, of course, she could feel his eyes watching her as she went.

  Even after months of living with both of her mates, there was a part of her that wasn’t entirely used to any of it yet.

  Somehow, she had won the lottery and got herself two super hot, super wealthy mates, both of whom were madly in love with her and who enjoyed teasing her on a regular basis.

  The beginning of their relationship had been plagued by some serious issues—one being the fact that that the men hadn’t gotten along well at first, and the other being Alex’s powerful enemies—but things were entirely different now.

  Now, they all lived together in a house both men had put their funds in on, since neither could agree on living in the other’s place. The best idea for them was buying a brand new house that didn’t feel like it was more one man’s or the other’s.

  The house was another aspect of her life that Katie wasn’t entirely used to. It was one thing to not have to live in an attic apartment anymore, but it was something else entirely to be partnered with people who could buy mansions at a whim.

  Even though the men didn’t agree with her on the term mansion.

  Katie had told them to get real. It had an indoor pool.

  And a shower in the master bathroom that was fit for a queen.

  She went back to the room she and her mates shared. She tried to be quiet while entering their room, in case Alex was sleeping.

  But he wasn’t there.

  A quick check in the en-suit bathroom showed he wasn’t there either, so she snuck herself into the shower to freshen up before dressing in something clean, then went on a proper search.

  She wasn’t sure why, but something settled into the bottom of her stomach, a certainty she needed to find out where he was.

  He was strong. He was a grown man and could handle himself in a fight. If something happened last night, she would have known it, so she doubted any evil people had sent goons to their home to grab him.

  She checked the pool.

  Nope. Not there either.

  The garage? Alex would occasionally work on his car in there.

  But he wasn’t there either.

  Now she actually was worried.

  Her cat senses were tingling, that was for damn sure.

  “Fred—” Katie turned and slammed into a wall that hadn’t previously been there a few seconds ago, and she screamed.

  Frederick fell back a couple of steps, his hands moving to his ears, though he laughed. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Did I sneak up on you, or what? Usually, you’re the one who sneaks up on us.”

  Even before he finished speaking, the smile on his face slowly melted away.

  “You okay? What’s the matter?”

  Katie’s heart slammed. She struggled to steady herself. Frederick was dressed in last night’s clothes, his hair still nicely messed up from last night.

  “N-Nothing. Sorry, you just...have you seen Alex?”

  “What? No, I haven’t. Why? Is he not around?”

  “No, and that normally wouldn’t bother me, but it’s daylight outside, think he might have been hurt that we didn’t invite him to join us last night?” It had been kind of spontaneous, so it wasn’t as though they had been purposely keeping away from him, but maybe he’d seen them and was hurt?

  Frederick didn’t seem to think so. “Nah, I don’t think so. I’m sure he’s around. Or maybe he stepped out for a bit before we woke up.” Vampires could go out in the daytime if they had the right protection.

  Katie told herself that it was true. Alex could handle himself. She was worrying over nothing.

  But flashes of that day when he’d allowed himself to be taken, to be kidnapped in her place so she could escape, came rushing back to her.

  No matter how much she tried holding back those memories, they were always there. Teasing. Taunting. Reminding her that she couldn’t escape the fact that Alex had allowed himself to be hurt because of her.

  The flicker of worry in Frederick’s eyes melted away quickly. He put his hands on Katie’s shoulders. “He’s fine. I don’t know what he’s doing, but I know he’s all right.”

  She stared at him hard, trying to find out if he was just faking this confidence. It was difficult to tell. Both of her mates were surprisingly good at hiding how they felt from her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. If something was going on in this house that I needed to know about, if somebody broke in and did something, I would smell them.” Frederick tapped his nose. “Everyone likes to think werewolves have the best sense of smell.”

  “Don’t lizards smell with their tongues?”

  “Ha, ha, yeah, I get it. Come on, you promised me breakfast.” She did, and while there was a part of her that still worried for Alex, Frederick did have a point. If the vampires who wanted to hurt Alex tried to come back, Frederick would know it. He would smell anyone who came into this house.

  It was such an obvious way to make sure their home hadn’t been broken into that Katie was kind of ashamed of herself for not having figured it out herself.

  “So, do I get to open my present from you tonight?”

  They made it to the kitchen, and Katie smiled slyly as she pulled out the pans she would need for the pancakes. “We’ll see.”

  Frederick waited a few seconds before responding. “That’s it? Just we’ll see?”

  “That’s all you get.” Where did she put the flour again?

  “Come on! You’re not even going to give me a little hint?“

  Katie did not look back at him. She pretended to be busy searching for ingredients, which was only partly true. She wasn’t going to let either of her lovers know that she had overheard their conversation last night.

  She felt a little guilty, hearing that they were both planning on going so far out, that they were trying so hard
to impress her. It had brought a little competitiveness out of her as well.

  She had no idea if her gift was really going to rock their socks or not. She had only said as much last night because she didn’t want them thinking that she wasn’t putting in as much effort as they clearly were.

  “Strong and silent. Making me suffer. I like it.“

  Katie gave her lover a look. “You can try as much as you like, but you’re not going to get any hints out of me.“

  Frederick plopped onto one of the stools at the kitchen island and pressed both hands to his heart, an incredibly fake look of outrage on his face. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.” She didn’t remember picking up a spatula, but when she realized it was in her hand, she waved it at him. “Don’t think for one second that I’m going to crack under your begging, you—“

  Her words were cut off as Alex suddenly appeared. He stopped just short of stepping right into any direct sunlight coming in through the windows, hissing at it.

  Katie and Frederick moved quickly. They pulled down the blinds, blocking out most of the sunlight and making it safe for Alex to enter the room.

  “What the hell, man? Where did you come from?” Frederick demanded, clearly not having appreciated the mad dash.

  “I live here, too. Idiot.” Alex said with a little snapping of his teeth, but then he turned his attention to Katie, and she felt her stomach melt a little as he approached her.

  “A-are you okay? You stepped right into it for a second.” Not to mention that he’d had her worried about his whereabouts. She was too relieved to grill him on it, though, or to tell him that next time he should leave a note before he disappeared like that.

  Alex ignored her question as he wrapped her up into his arms, spinning her around with a hard dip and kissing her sweetly and firmly on the mouth. When he pulled her back up, her head was spinning—in a good way. Katie could swear that little yellow cheeping birds were twittering around her head.

  “What was that about?” Not that she had any complaints. As a matter of fact, she wouldn’t mind him doing that more often.

  Alex shrugged, stepping around her. “I’m merely in a happy mood. Frederick and I had a talk last night, and it gave me some inspiration.”

  Uh oh. “Inspiration? What kind?” Katie decided to play dumb with this. She didn’t want him knowing that she’d heard.

  Frederick, glaring a little, seemed just as curious. “Yes, what sort of inspiration?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Now, boys,” Katie said, barely holding back her amused smile. “It’s not a competition.” Though it was difficult to not be both impressed and flattered when they seemed determined to make it one.

  Of course, Alex had to look at her with a coy smile. “You say that now, but when I give you my gift, it will be clear who the best gift-giver is.”

  “Yeah, me,” Frederick said, jabbing his thumb into his own chest.

  “Come on, guys.”

  “I’ll be crowned best gift-giver. My second crown, since I’m also the best lover.” Alex sauntered over to the fridge and pulled out the pitcher containing some extra blood he kept handy. “Everyone knows vampires, the creatures of the night, are the most sensual beings.“

  “Oh yeah? Katie, what do you think?“

  She waved her hands and turned back to her mixing bowl of flour. “No. No, no, no. You guys are not going to drag me into that one. You’re both equally as good in bed.”

  “That means me,” Alex said. “She just doesn’t want to admit it because she is polite.”

  Katie ignored the vicious curse that growled from Frederick’s mouth. She was going to keep out of whatever banter they were getting into while she prepared breakfast and pretending she was above it.

  Acted as though the whole thing annoyed her.

  When in reality, Katie was ashamed to admit that she actually really loved it.

  There was a time when both men would have tried to kill each other. A time when the words they spoke were the prelude to a fight.

  Instead, she now had two lovers who were playfully jabbing at each other. Who were competing for her affections when they both knew they already had her.

  It was so…domestic.

  Her hands paused the mixing of the flour.

  The voices of her mates seemed so far away, but the warmth filling her belly and then rising up her chest comforted her like a heated blanket.

  Like when she was sandwiched between her two lovers under the covers in their bed.

  Katie smiled. She went back to mixing.

  The funny thing was that they didn’t need to give her a damn thing. This house, their love, and even their stupid bickering was the best gift they could have given her.

  Her only fear was that what she gave to them wouldn’t compare to whatever they each were giving her.

  Katie cringed at the sound of something shattering. Time to get back to the real world. The bickering was getting a little too heated when they started destroying things.

  Which was fine. Breaking up their fights usually involved getting out of her clothes and having a lot more fun.

  At least she hadn’t turned on the stove yet. Katie turned around to face both men, getting their attention by pulling her shirt right off, exposing her breasts.

  “Boys,” Katie said, her voice low, her lips quirked in a smile. “Am I going to have to teach you another lesson?”

  Both men looked at her, then at each other, then back at her.

  As one, as though there has never been any disagreement in the first place, they spoke up.


  Chapter 4

  Chapter Four

  Katie couldn’t help but feel a little bit like a goddess whenever they looked at her like that. She didn’t have to do much to have them pay attention to her.

  A little twist of her hip, shoulders back to perk out her breasts, and they stood at attention.

  It never got old. No one had ever looked at her the way they did. No one ever kissed and touched her the way these two amazing men did.

  As though they couldn’t wait. As though each time was a gift.

  Just like right now. Even though she was being somewhat manipulative, it was for the greater good after all. It stopped their bickering and put their focus to better use.

  The heat of their mouths on her collarbone, her throat, her chest, and her jaw was almost too much to handle. Katie inhaled a gasping breath as their hands moved. Sliding across her body, making her hot, making it difficult to take in every breath as she soon fell into it and was swept away.

  So good. This was exactly what she needed. It was nice being with Frederick or Alex one at a time, but then there were the times like this.

  The times when she needed both of them.

  It completed their circle and made her whole.

  “I don’t think we’re getting breakfast anytime soon,” Frederick said. He was already pulling himself back out of the clothes he had worn the night before, a grin on his face.

  “Fine by me.” Alex was followed suit. Stripping out of his jacket and sweater, revealing the perfect form of his pale abdomen.

  Somehow, it was so much sexier when they were shirtless, with their pants still on. Belts partially undone.

  Why? Katie couldn’t figure that out, but all she knew was that it was sensual as hell, and she loved it.

  Her hands needed to move, but she didn’t know where to put them. That was another fun part about it. Double the fun, as it were. She wanted to touch both of them. She needed to touch them.

  And so she did. The more she touched, the more she realized she needed more.

  She felt a little selfish at times, for not being able to give them the same amount of attention and care that they gave to her. Not that they had ever complained, but Katie always made a point to do her absolute best to give as good as she received.

  She hoped it was enough.

  Enough to deserve them.

  They pu
shed her up against the kitchen island, their combined strength making her weak to resist them.

  So help her, she loved it even more when they did that. She knew they would never take it too far. She knew she could trust them, but she still loved it when they took command. When they made her feel powerless.

  Because it was a safe kind of powerless. The kind she would trust only them with.

  Despite their earlier bickering, as Alex eased Katie out of her jeans and Frederick kissed her on the mouth, they did a fantastic job of sharing her. This was never a time for arguments between them. There was no shoving or harsh looks. Each was content to serve whichever part of her they could get to.

  For Alex, it meant pressing his lips to the top of her feet, and Katie was so glad she’d taken the time to get that pedicure done.

  Frederick’s hands pressed into her shoulders, easing away any tense muscles that were there.

  She moaned. Alex’s hands felt so good as they slid up and down her calves. His mouth was hot as he kissed her ankle. He was a vampire. He wasn’t supposed to feel so hot. Neither was Frederick, for that matter.

  But two cold-blooded shifters somehow always managed to make her feel like she was on fire whenever they made love to her.

  Frederick, not content with just giving her a shoulder massage, pressed his mouth and his teeth to the side of Katie’s throat. As if that was where her sweet spot was, her spine arched as he sucked and bit.

  Alex stopped kissing her ankle, looking up at them with interested eyes before the corner of his mouth pulled up in a cocky little smirk. “Taking pointers from me, are you?”

  Frederick lifted his middle finger to the man in response and continued on with what he was doing.

  But Alex had a reason to feel proud. Frederick had seen, more than once what happened to Katie whenever Alex played with her throat.

  It was as though her body was now trained to react in the way it did, shocks of electricity shooting through her as she felt the scrape of sharp teeth against sensitive flesh.


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