Steel Beauty hp-4

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Steel Beauty hp-4 Page 3

by Dana Marie Bell

  Belle stepped out of Max’s Durango with a little help from Simon, fully expecting to see a big, angry redhead sitting in the driver’s seat of the other vehicle. “That would be me.”

  The man smiled and bowed his head. “Luna. I’m David Maldonado, Rick’s Beta, and I’m here to escort you home.”

  Belle felt her face freeze. No one was in the driver’s seat. Oh, Rick, you’d better have a good reason for ditching me again.

  And this time she wasn’t going to buy “Your Alpha made me do it”.

  “Explain to me, again, why Rick couldn’t be here?” Belle stared out the window at the passing scenery, struck once again by the beauty of the rolling hills and mountains. She’d been in the Poconos once or twice before, for vacations, back in the day when she still took those. Back before things had gone horribly wrong. The Pocono Mountains were a ski and resort area in Northeastern Pennsylvania, a southern part of the Catskills mountain chain, and was roughly two hours away from Halle. Belle was pretty sure if it hadn’t been for Max telling Rick to stay away, Rick would have come to visit since two or so hours would have been no hardship on the Wolf Alpha. But she knew if he’d visited, he would have carted her off to the mountains with or without Jamie Howard’s approval.

  Ben sighed. “Gina, the current dominant female, is demanding full protocol when you arrive. This means that Rick has to be there, waiting for you.”

  Belle took a deep breath, already knowing she was going to hate Gina. Thank God Rick sent me that package. She’d read enough to know how important protocol was to the Wolves. “And what am I supposed to do?”

  “Wait for Rick to greet you and welcome you into the Pack. Have you read over any of the material he’s sent to you?”

  She had. She’d rather read stereo instructions, but she had. “Yes.”

  “Good.” The obvious relief in Dave’s voice would have been insulting if he hadn’t added, “We want to make sure that you’re as safe from Gina as you can possibly be, at least until you’re up to accepting challenges. Hopefully by then she’ll have given up on the idea of becoming Luna.”

  Belinda saw the skepticism on Ben’s face. “How many of the females currently follow Gina?”

  The two men exchanged an uneasy look. “The most powerful ones.”

  She turned to stare at Ben, who was driving the land yacht they’d picked her up in. She’d never been in a Suburban before, and hoped to hell this wasn’t Rick’s car. There was no way she’d feel comfortable driving it. “And the others?”

  Their silence was telling.

  “I see.” Bullies, bullies everywhere, and I can’t shift yet. Wonderful. Not for the first time, she resented Jamie’s insistence that the pins remain in her leg for another six months. If she didn’t leave them in she risked having a bad limp for the rest of her life. If she waited to have the pins removed, once she shifted the bones would heal completely, and she’d be mostly pain-free.

  “How soon can I expect Gina to challenge me?”

  The men stared out the front windshield, their silence uneasy.

  “Wonderful.” I gave up Frank’s burgers for this?

  Rick dressed in his best silk shirt and his darkest jeans. As he pulled on his black boots, he noticed his hands were shaking. “Fuck.” He took a deep breath, determined to meet his mate as a strong male, not a whimpering, shaking fool.

  Belle was the only person on the face of the planet capable of tying him into knots. He’d come to crave the sound of her voice before he fell asleep at night, the conversations they indulged in were his lifeline in a world where his Pack was still in transition. She’d by turns confused him, amused him, given him advice and been the verbal shoulder he leaned on, whether she knew it or not.

  And Gina, the bane of his existence, was determined to do everything in her power to see to it that, without her by his side, he could not run the Pack, despite his announcement of having found his Luna and mate in Belle.

  Rumor had it she’d been down in the Lodge’s archives, researching God-knows-what. He decided to have someone keep a closer eye on her. The woman was more trouble than she was worth, and if it hadn’t been for Dave he would have already exiled the evil bitch.

  When he’d first taken over, he’d been glad of the assistance she’d given him, grateful that someone was willing to take on the difficult task of controlling the Pack females. But Gina had taken things further than that, practically creating an Amazon Pack, and God help anyone she deemed weak or unworthy. By the time he’d figured out what was going on, he’d met Belle, and the balancing act had begun.

  If he ever wanted his Pack to acknowledge his mate as Luna, he could do nothing to interfere with how she dealt with the females. All he could do was deny Gina’s every request, refuse to see her, and defer all of her questions to “the future Luna”.

  To say Gina was pissed would be an understatement. A number of the weaker females had shown up bruised and bloodied at the Lodge’s clinic in recent weeks. Ben was rapidly running out of patience; if Rick didn’t get Belle installed soon, certain female heads were going to roll, and damn the consequences.

  He stomped into the living room of his apartment, making sure his boots were firmly on his feet. He plucked his heavy leather jacket out of the closet and put it on, ready to face whatever his Luna had in store for him.

  He only hoped Dave and Ben had been able to make her understand the situation. His playful kitty could be stubborn at times. He headed into the elevator and punched the button for the lobby. He had most of his shaking under control by the time the elevator stopped.

  The doors opened. Immediately he wished they would shut.

  “Hello, Rick.”

  His Wolf growled as the Pack’s dominant female sauntered up to him, daring to stroke his arm possessively.

  “When is your little mate due to arrive?”

  “The Luna will be arriving shortly. Take your place with the other females.”

  Her eyes narrowed angrily, but the smile never left her lips. “I look forward to meeting your mate, Rick.”

  She tried to loop her arm through his, not at all deterred when he pushed her hand off. “I’m sure she and I will get along just fine.”

  She blew him a kiss, laughing huskily as she glided out the front doors of the lodge.

  “God, I hate that woman.”


  He turned, not surprised to see Graciela Mendoza hovering by the elevator. She was sporting yet another bruise on her cheek. He could see red finger marks, recent, around one slender wrist. Her expression was sullen and defiant. “Please tell me the Luna is going to eat that puta for breakfast.”

  Rick nearly choked. He’d never heard Chela curse before.


  He sighed as Chela’s head dropped, her shoulders hunching inward. Her small defiance appeared to be over. “Go outside and wait for the Luna, Chela.”

  Her curt nod was swiftly followed by her jerky exit. Not even her breeze touched him as she gave him a wide berth.

  He followed her out, determined to keep Gina away from his mate, at least until he had a chance to properly mark her as his.

  After that, unfortunately, she was on her own.

  Chapter Two

  Belle stared as they pulled up to Rick’s “home”. “Wait. It’s a lodge?” Rick had failed to mention that during their long conversations. Everything they spoke of had revolved around Pack, Pride, her injuries, and whatever else had popped into their heads.

  You’d think the fact that the man owns a freakin’ ski lodge would have come up in conversation at some point during the last two months…

  Ben was grinning with pride as Dave nodded. “Yup. We’re not as popular as some of the bigger lodges around here, but we’re one of the best.” He carefully maneuvered the tank Belle was beginning to think of as Big Bertha up the driveway. It was plowed and sanded, something Belle was grateful for. “We cater mostly to people who don’t want the experience of the larger runs, and cro
wds, but still want a relaxing week of skiing.”

  “What are the facilities?”

  Dave’s brows rose at her professional interest. “Two ski runs, one bunny, one intermediate. We have a four-star restaurant we’re hoping will someday become five. We have a spa on-site. There are rooms in the main lodge, as well as cabins that can be rented on the west side of the mountain. The east side is reserved for the Pack and their families, all of whom work for the lodge.”

  She stifled a laugh as the lodge’s sign came into view. “Red Wolf Ski Lodge and Spa, hmm?”

  Ben grinned. “Like it?” He chuckled when she snorted. “Most of the big ski resorts around here shift into water parks for the summer, but people mostly come here from New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia for the skiing. Recently we upgraded some of our facilities to be more wheelchair accessible.

  “We have a full gym, a day spa, babysitting services offered by some of the Pack females, and even a small golf course. All of it sits on about three thousand acres, a third of which is forested. Hiking and horseback riding are popular in the spring in this area. We just warn the humans to beware of wild animals. Right now, our only guests are shifters; Rick arranged it that way because…well, you’ll see.”

  She stared at the huge wood and stone building. It looked like a mountain cabin on steroids. It was long, two stories high, with a vaulted, dark grey rough barely visible under the snow. She could see the doors of the hotel rooms through the railings of the huge deck that ran all around the second story. “Where are the cabins?”

  Ben took one hand off the steering wheel and started pointing. “The cabins are around the back. If you follow the road to the right, it leads to them. Follow the road to the left, and it takes you to our banquet facilities.”

  She turned back to Dave. “Banquet facilities?”

  “Winter weddings are pretty popular up here. Wait until you see the room. With the fairy lights lit, it looks like a winter wonderland.”

  Ben flicked a glance at Dave. “Damn, Dave. You’re such a girl.”

  Belle covered her mouth before Dave could see her smile.


  “Fairy lights?”

  “Isn’t that what they’re called?”

  “Yeah, but… I mean, real men don’t say fairy lights . Call them Christmas lights, or, I dunno, string lights.”

  “Are you questioning my masculinity?”

  “All I’m saying is, if I see you dancing around in a tutu, I’m not gonna be surprised.”



  “I’m gonna kick your ass when we get out of the Pack meeting.”

  “You can try, Tinkerbell. You can try.”

  Belle leaned forward. “Dave?”

  “Hmm?” He stopped glaring at Ben long enough to turn towards her.

  Belle grinned and kept her voice low, but not so low Ben couldn’t hear her. “I think he likes you.”

  She sat back and waited for the explosion.

  “On, no. No way.” Ben’s face was beet red as he pulled up outside the lodge.

  Dave leaned over, an evil look on his face. One hand fumbled the door open behind him. “Admit it, sweetie. You want my ass.” He blew Ben a kiss before hopping out of the truck, sprinting for the front of the lodge before Ben could even turn the truck off.

  Ben scowled after the Beta as he exited the car. Belle smirked as he opened her door and held out his hand, his eyes still on the figure of the Pack Beta as he took his place next to Rick. The Pack Alpha stood surrounded by his people, men, women and children waiting to welcome her to her new home. A tall brunette woman stood next to Rick, too close for comfort in Belle’s opinion. The smirk on the taller woman’s face brought up her hackles. Her resemblance to Dave marked her as his sister, Gina.

  “Oh, c’mon, Ben. You have to admit, he got back at you.” Belle accepted Ben’s outstretched hand as he helped her out of the SUV.

  Ben’s jaw ticked as she watched him reach in and grab her cane. “Yes, he did.”

  She put her hand on his arm, suddenly concerned. “It was a joke, Ben.”

  He took a deep breath and bowed slightly. “I’m aware of that, Luna.” His expression was more relaxed as he handed her cane to her and threaded her free hand through his arm. “Dave doesn’t always know when to stop pushing.”

  Belle frowned thoughtfully as Ben assisted her to the Lodge. What the hell is going on there? She looked back and forth between the two men. Huh. Maybe Ben really does want Dave’s ass.

  Her speculation was abruptly halted as Rick stepped forward. That waist-length red hair was blowing freely in the wind. His ice blue eyes were glued to her face. The scar along his left cheek was pale against his wind-kissed skin. He was so hot she felt faint.

  Right. That’s why I left Frank’s burgers behind.

  No one would ever think to call Rick a handsome man. Tall, broad, intimidating, with hawk-like features, he radiated danger on a visceral level. Belle shivered under the intensity of Rick’s stare, her chin rising in unconscious defiance.

  Rick smiled, feral, hot, and possessive. He stood before her, tall and proud, looking down at her with burning satisfaction. “I welcome you, Mate and Luna, to your new den. May our cubs—”


  His smile faltered. She raised one brow, demanding he acknowledge the change.

  His expression warmed. “Children, be strong and healthy, nurtured by our Pack and Pride .” His smile turned to a grin as she regally nodded her acceptance of his phrasing of the old, traditional greeting.

  The growl of the dark-haired female right behind Rick did nothing to deter her from making sure that the Poconos Pack understood that they were now a mixed-race Pack.

  Rick continued, his gaze never leaving hers. “May your strength be our strength. May your courage be our beacon on moonless nights. May your wisdom guide our paws to the right trail.” Rick took her hand as the rest of the Pack knelt on the porch. All except Gina, who smirked and crossed her arms.

  When Rick turned and saw Gina standing there, he snarled.

  “You can’t force me to accept a crippled cat as my Luna, Rick.”

  Belle took a step forward, heedless of the warning hand Rick laid on her arm. “Are you challenging me?”

  Gina smirked. “Yes.”

  Belle smiled sweetly. “According to Protocol, you must withhold challenge until the injury that prevents me from shifting is resolved.”

  The smirk fell off Gina’s face. “What?”

  “As the injury was sustained in defense of my Pridemate, it is considered a badge of honor. Therefore, you have no choice but to withhold challenge until I can shift and face you on an equal footing.”

  “Just because you decided to save the fur of some worthless pussy I can’t challenge you. Is that what you’re saying?” Gina took two angry steps forward before a voice stopped her.

  “The Luna has correctly cited protocol.”

  Belle looked up to see a bruised, battered female step forward. Her dark brown eyes were full of loathing as she stared at Gina.

  Gina growled and turned on the smaller woman. “Excuse me?” Some of the other Pack females took places by her side, five in total, all of them growling at the now cowering woman.

  “Gina.” Belle closed her eyes as Rick’s deep, commanding voice flowed over her in a sensuous caress.

  She opened them to find the Pack bowing before him as he stood on the bottom step. He towered over Gina, a soft mist whirling around his feet. Belle felt that soft mist touch her ankles and nearly groaned at the erotic sensation.

  The Pack female was desperately clutching her head and trying to stand. Rick’s expression was cold as he stared down at her. “You demanded full protocol. Now you will abide by full protocol. Are we clear?”

  Gina growled, but Rick stood unmoving. The females surrounding Gina tugged on her, and Gina bowed, acquiescing to her Alpha.

  Rick backed up and slipped his arm around Belle
. He addressed the Pack, his power flowing over them, an intimate caress against all of her senses. “I introduce you to my mate, Belinda Campbell, your new Luna.”

  She wasn’t certain who let loose the first howl, but it was swiftly followed by another, then another, until the entire Pack, other than Gina and her band, were welcoming her with their song.

  Belle grinned, lifted her face, and showed them why Pumas were called mountain screamers.

  She tried to hide it, but he could tell his little mate was stunned at the look of the lobby. “We tried to go for a Northwest feel for the lodge without losing the urban touch. Do you like it?”

  He watched as she turned in place, taking in the red leather club chairs, the geometric red, brown and tan rug, and the dark leather sofa. Dark walnut end tables were scattered between the chairs with tall wrought iron lamps providing reading light. Huge wrought iron chandeliers illuminated the space. Dark walnut exposed beams were a rich contrast to the creamy yellow walls and the pale fieldstone floors. The check-in desk was the same dark wood touched with rich golden accents, as were the elevator doors across the lobby.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Rick couldn’t stop from beaming at her. “Thanks. I helped decorate it.” His smile dimmed as he remembered the frequent arguments he’d had with the old Pack Alpha over renovating the dying Red Wolf Lodge. The old man had refused to see what was right in front of his face. If they lost the Lodge, the Pack would be forced to move, something Rick wouldn’t tolerate. Rick had eventually been forced to challenge him, even though it grieved him to do it.

  The old Alpha had put up a hell of a fight. Rick reached up and touched the scar on his cheek. To him it was a badge of honor, and a salute to the man who’d held their Pack together for nearly thirty-five years.

  Now the old Wolf was sunning his days away in a house in Arizona, his mate by his side. Rick couldn’t wait to take Belle out to meet the old coot. His grandfather was going to love her.

  “Where’s our cabin?”

  He blinked and looked down at his mate. Her shoulder length blonde hair sparkled from the beginnings of a fresh fall of snow. He missed the longer length she’d had the last time he saw her. He hoped she was willing to grow it back out. “We don’t have a cabin. We live in the Lodge.”


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