Saving Avery

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Saving Avery Page 13

by Angela Snyder

  My phone rings again, and his eyes dart from me, to my phone and back to me. "Everything okay?" he asks.

  I switch the phone to vibrate and toss it into my purse. "It is now," I say with a smile.

  Grinning, he pulls on a pair of mirrored aviator shades and says, "Good. Let's go."



  The drive to the Manteo Waterfront on Roanoke Island only takes about fifteen minutes. Even though Avery's phone is not ringing, I can hear it vibrating every few minutes. She doesn't speak a word about it, but I know it's Nathan who is calling her. Her expression is a telltale sign of who is on the other end. She had the same look on her face before we left when she had just ended a call with him.

  Avery catches my gaze and gives me a rueful smile.

  "Want to talk about it?" I ask.

  "It's Nathan. He's been calling me nonstop ever since he left. I just didn't realize that until I went back to the house this morning since I didn't take my cell phone with me last night." She sighs. "His dad showed up on my doorstep a few minutes after I walked in. I feigned having the flu and told Nathan the same. Nevertheless, he won't stop calling me." She hesitates and frowns. "I gave him a little attitude and hung up on him earlier." She shakes her head gently and murmurs, "He's going to kill me when he gets back."

  I park the car and wrap my hands around the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. I know she didn't literally mean what she said, but even the figurative sense of it makes me terrified. If Nathan can put his hands on her, he most certainly could go too far one of these days.

  Avery reaches out and places a hand on my thigh. "I don't want to talk about him. You told me to live in the here and now, remember? It's just you and me. Nothing else and no one else matters in this moment."

  I smile as she repeats my words back to me. "You're right." I slowly release the steering wheel and pull her hand up to my lips. I kiss her skin softly and say, "Let's enjoy our day together."

  We make our way down to the dock where an older gentleman is standing in front of a sailboat and waiting for us with a warm smile. "You must be Max and Avery," he says, greeting us with handshakes. "My name's Lee, and I'll be your captain this evening." He holds his hand out to Avery. "Come aboard, young lady." He helps her onto the boat. I climb in next, and steady myself on the railing with Avery as the boat gently rocks in the water.

  As Lee makes some last minute checks, Avery and I explore the sailboat. It's a newer model, white with deep blue sails, almost the same color as Avery's dress. There is a table in the center with bench seats along each side of the boat leading back to the stern, cockpit and hatch for the cabin below. Avery takes a seat by the steering wheel and pats the cushion next to her. I sit down and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She nestles in close to me, and I breathe in her flowery scent as a cool breeze blows over us.

  Lee jumps onto the boat and asks, "All set?"

  I nod, and he steps behind the wheel in the cockpit. After a push of the button, the engine starts. He grabs the line connecting us to the dock to release the boat and maneuvers the vessel out onto the water. I can tell by Lee's mechanical movements that he's had a lot of experience.

  "How long have you been sailing?" I ask.

  "Oh, almost thirty-five years now." My uncle taught me how to sail." He turns the boat into the wind and kills the engine. The blue sails puff out with the force of the air, and the vessel cruises against the calm water of the sound.

  I look down at Avery. She looks enthralled with the beautiful view surrounding us. "Have you ever been on a sailboat?"

  She shakes her head. "I've been on a few yachts for parties, but they were either docked or moving very slowly. Nothing like this." She breathes in deeply as a gust of wind blows over us. "What about you?" she asks.

  "My dad owned a boat when I was young, and we went out on the water a lot. I loved being on and in the water way more than being on land. My dad used to joke and tell me that I was part fish."

  She smiles before turning her attention to the lighthouse that we're passing by. My gaze darts to the lighthouse and scenery, but it mostly stays affixed on Avery. Her walls are clearly down, and she seems to be really enjoying herself. Her being happy is quite a rare and precious sight to see, but it also makes my chest ache with a feeling I've never experienced before. I want her to always be happy. I never want her to hurt again, but deep down I know I can't truly protect her. After this week is over, things might revert back to the way they were; and I don't know if I can handle that. And I really don't know if I will allow it.

  She turns to me as if sensing my stare. "Max, what's wrong? You look upset."

  My knuckles gently stroke her cheek. "I just ---." My words trail off as my lips find hers. She's tense at first, but slowly loosens up in my arms, completely succumbing to me. I hold her close and kiss her fiercely. I'm afraid to tell her how I really feel, so I pour all of my emotions into that kiss. I desperately want her to know how much she means to me. When we part, she's breathless. "Avery." I swallow hard, trying to gather my courage. "These past few days with you have been some of the best of my life. I'm glad you're giving us a chance. And I'm glad that you're here with me now."

  Her fingertips graze the stubble of my jaw, and her eyes meet mine. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now, Max."

  I kiss her innocently, more aware this time that we have an audience. It's so damn easy to forget the rest of the world around us when I'm with her.

  Lee clears his throat and says, "I'm sure you two are starving." He opens the hatch to the cabin. "Why don't you go down to the cabin and have a look around for something to eat?" he asks me with a wink.

  Taking Avery's hand, I lead her down the stairs and into the spacious cabin below. The area has an open layout with a living room, small kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. It's decorated with various shades of blue and white that contrast nicely against the deep, rich wood of the teak furniture and cabinets. A bouquet of flowers sits in the center of the coffee table along with a smorgasbord of food, a bottle of wine and two flutes. Avery turns to me with a big smile on her face, and it takes my breath away. "Did you plan all of this?" she asks while sweeping her hand around the room.

  I nod. "Do you like it?"

  Her smile grows. "I love it." She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist. "This is the nicest and most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me, Max. Thank you."

  My arms envelop her, and I kiss the top of her head. "You're welcome." We stand like that for a few moments before I say, "Now, let's eat before my stomach decides to eat itself."

  "Okay," she agrees with a giggle.



  Max sits beside me, and we eat heartily while making small talk. He really went all out to make today romantic, and he has no idea how special that makes me feel. No one has truly cared about me for a long time, and it feels good to be wanted and to be taken care of.

  After we're completely stuffed from the delicious food, we sit back on the couch and sip our wine. "Are you enjoying yourself?" he asks.

  "Immensely." I turn to him and grin. "Are there any other surprises that you have planned for me this week?"

  "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" he teases.

  "Yes. I would actually."

  "Well, you'll just have to wait and see." He sets his glass down, and I repeat the action.

  My tongue darts out of my mouth to wet my lips, and he intently watches the movement. Before I can blink, his mouth is on mine. His fingers snake through my hair as he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. He swallows the groan that escapes my throat. Our tongues tangle together, and the sweet taste of wine invades my senses. My hands roam over his strong back, and I ache to feel his skin against mine.

  He breaks the kiss on the moan. From his expression, I can tell he's struggling with an inner battle. I've caught glimpses of the same expression off and on all evening, and I need to know what he's thinking. "Max, talk to me." My fingertips run t
hrough his thick hair. "What are you thinking about?"

  He sighs deeply. "I forget about the rest of the world when I'm with you. It's so easy to forget the situation you're in, but it's reality, Avery. You're with him, not me." He shakes his head slowly. "Not me."

  "Don't you think I would change that if I could?"

  "Then leave him. Be with me, Avery."

  Even though I knew Max had strong feelings for me before that moment, it was still a shock to hear the words come out of his mouth. He wants me, and I want him, but it's not that easy. Nothing in life is ever easy. "If only it were that simple, Max."

  "But why can't it be?"

  I groan and put my face in my hands. "You don't understand. No one ever understands." I stand and walk to the other side of the cabin with my back facing him.

  "There has to be something you can do, Avery." He doesn't speak for a few minutes. "What about a women's shelter? I know it's not ideal, but couldn't they protect you?"

  "I've tried that," I mutter. "He found me the same night. All three times," I state sadly.

  "What about a police station in another jurisdiction or another state?"

  "I've tried that. I've tried everything. Don't you get that?" I yell, exasperated. "Don't you think I have tried everything I could to try to leave him? Do you think it's easy for me to stay with him? Do you think I want to live like this?" I cry. He stands and reaches for me, but I take a few steps away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." My hands fidget nervously with my dress. "It's not you. It's this situation I'm in that I just can't get out of."

  "Let me help you, Avery," he says softly.

  I shake my head vehemently. "No, I can't ask you to do that."

  "You don't have to ask. I want to help you. Please," he pleads.

  I close my eyes. If Nathan ever found out that Max helped me, he would ruin him. No one understands the power the Mason family holds. Everyone is under their thumb. If they want to ruin someone's career, they will. I won't let Max risk everything he's worked so hard for. Even if he did help me, Nathan would find me. He always does. Then what would happen? He would most definitely hurt Max…maybe even kill him. I shake the thought from my head. "No," I say again. "I'm going to talk to my sister tomorrow and see if she will help me."

  "And if she won't?"

  I bite my lower lip as I think about that possibility; and, unfortunately, I know there's a big possibility Allison will not agree to help me. "Then maybe I can talk some sense into my father, or maybe she will help me talk some sense into him." Frustrated, I drop my hands to my side. "I don't know, Max. I just don't know what I'm going to do."

  He rakes his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry I brought it up. I feel like I'm constantly ruining our time together by bringing up things I shouldn't."

  I reach out and take his hand into mine. "You didn't ruin anything." Glancing out the window, I say, "The sun is starting to set. We should go enjoy it on the deck."

  He nods and follows me up the steps.

  As the sky turns different shades of red and orange and Max holds me in his arms, I close my eyes and wish that the day didn't have to come to an end. I would spend forever with Max if I could. The thought terrifies me and thrills me all at the same time. I'm falling too fast and too hard, but I can't stop my heart from wanting what it wants. Max would never hurt me, but it's not him I have to be worried about.


  After the sunset cruise on the water, we return to Max's SUV. I text Nathan back on the way home --- one text in response to his twenty or more. He's very angry with me, but I refuse to let it upset me. He's still in Seattle; and at this point, it feels like a million miles away.

  Max parks the vehicle outside of his house. He gets out, walks around to my side and opens the door for me. I place my hand in his, and he pulls me into his arms. "I know we both have to get up early tomorrow, but I would love for you to stay," he whispers in my ear.

  A thrill runs through me as I nod.

  He pulls back with a grin on his face and leads me inside his house. We spend the rest of the night watching TV and talking until I end up falling asleep in his lap.

  When I wake up the next morning and we part ways so we can both get ready for the day, I am more determined than ever to talk to my sister.

  During my lunch break, I call my sister and ask her to meet me at a diner nearby. I really need to talk to her about divorcing Nathan, and I just hope that she'll be more understanding than our father.

  "Thanks for meeting me here," I say.

  "Sure, Avery." My younger sister is bouncing my niece Sophia on her knee. Sophia just turned two and is cute as a button with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "So what's up? You sounded depressed on the phone."

  I stare down at my half eaten turkey sandwich. "I talked with Dad yesterday." If I would tell anyone about my secrets, it would be my sister. We haven't really been close over the past few years, but we were when we were younger. We had to be once we lost our mom.

  "About what?" she prompts, sounding impatient.

  "About leaving Nathan."

  Allison stops bouncing Sophia and gapes at me with wide eyes and open mouth. "What?" she gasps. "Avery, you can't do that!"

  Frowning, I ask, "Why not?"

  "Think about everything you're giving up. Nathan is a plastic surgeon with more money than everyone in this entire restaurant put together. Not to mention he's like sex on a stick. Do you know how many women dream of marrying a doctor and living the life you do?"

  They wouldn't if they knew the truth, I think to myself. And since when does Allison think of Nathan as sex on a stick? Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I ask her, "What if I told you that everything isn't as perfect as everyone likes to think it is between us?"

  She rolls her eyes. "Then fix it."

  "You sound just like dad," I grumble.

  "Well, at least he's the voice of reason. Leaving Nathan would be stupid." She starts bouncing Sophia again on her knee.

  "Since when are you on Team Nathan?"

  "I'm not on anyone's team!" she says, defensively. "You just don't know how good you have it," she mutters with bitterness lacing her tone.

  I know Allison isn't exactly happy in her marriage right now. She has told me numerous times about Todd barely touching her since Sophia was born. She thinks Todd is cheating on her, and I'm beginning to wonder if she's doing the same thing to him. Allison had been so depressed over the whole thing, but now she seems different. She seems happy even though her marriage is falling apart behind closed doors.

  "So what are you going to do?" she asks.

  Sighing, I finally say, "I don't know."

  "Nathan would give you the world. Who wouldn't want that?"

  This conversation isn't going like I had envisioned. I can't even count on my own sister for help. With all of the courage I can muster, I reach across the table and grab her hand. When her eyes meet mine, I whisper, "He hits me, Allison."

  She stares at me for a few moments, not speaking. "So what? Todd has laid his hands on me a time or two. A lot of couples go through that, and then they regret what they did." She takes a sip of her iced tea. "Kiss and make up," she suggests.

  "You don't understand. I mean he really hurts me. He hits me a lot, Allison. He's mentally and physically abusive."

  She rolls her eyes. "Marriage isn't perfect, Avery," she says with a condescending tone. "There are women out there who have it a lot worse than you."

  I pull my hand back and stare at her in disbelief. I just confided in her, and she's making me feel like I'm the one who's done something wrong. "Thanks for meeting me for lunch, but I should get back to the hospital."

  "You don't even work there," she scoffs. "Why would you want to volunteer when you can stay home and do nothing?"

  "Because I like doing it. It's rewarding in so many ways," I state. God! She is like a horrifying mixture of my father and Nathan combined. "Being a trophy wife is not rewarding, believe it or not," I say sarcast

  "Women would kill to be in your shoes, Avery. Me included," she says in all seriousness.

  I narrow my eyes at my sister. "The grass isn't always greener, Allison. Just remember that."

  She huffs in disagreement. "Well, in your case, I think it is," she retorts.

  Holding back my emotions, I stand and put a twenty-dollar bill on the table to cover my sandwich, coffee and tip. I give Sophia a kiss on the head. With a glance to my sister, I say, "I'll talk to you later." Then I turn to leave.

  I'm halfway through the diner when Allison calls my name. When I look back at her, she says, "Think about what I said."

  I give her a curt nod. What she said is already forgotten, because it doesn't help me in the situation I am in whatsoever. I need to find a way to get away from Nathan…before it's too late.



  I'm anxiously awaiting Avery to return from lunch with her sister. My eyes are glued on the glass window in front of me, and I can barely sit still as my knee bounces up and down under the cafeteria table.

  "Dr. Harrison?"

  I look up at the waitress. She has a worried look on her face, and I wonder how long she's been standing there. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?"

  "I asked if you wanted anything else…more than once," she says with a small smile.

  I glance down at my half eaten sandwich and plate full of chips. I'm too nervous to eat. "No, thank you." I stare out the window and sigh. "I'll just take the check."

  "Sure thing." She leaves and comes back a minute or two later with the bill. I leave my money and a tip on the table and head for the exit. Just as I'm on the way out, Avery is walking in the automatic door at the entrance. The look on her face tells me it's not good news. She looks like she's trying not to cry. I walk over to her, but keep a safe distance. "Not good news I take it?"


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