The Seduced

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The Seduced Page 16

by Cheyenne McCray

  “Watch out, Tiernan!” she shouted.

  Heart pounding, instinct led her to jab her wand in the air from where she lay on the floor. Her glittering gold shield blazed from her wand and shot across the room. It surrounded Darkwolf and the desk he was standing next to.

  The warlock snarled and raised his hands. Purple light bled from his fingers to the shield. His magic rebounded and slammed into him.

  Darkwolf stumbled back, almost losing his balance. A surprised and furious expression crossed his face as he regained his footing. The black stone eye against his chest began to glow crimson, and the eye stared right at Copper as if it could see through her to her very soul.

  Copper’s heartbeat moved up from her chest to thrum in her throat. Now she had him where she wanted him. If it weren’t for Darkwolf she wouldn’t have been exiled to Otherworld.

  Not to mention all that Tiernan said Darkwolf had done to the witches. It was his fault the Fomorii had invaded Earth.

  It was his fault one of the Fomorii had killed her mother.

  “You son of a bitch!” she shouted, her wand still raised.

  “Release me, witch,” he growled. “Now!”

  Furious as she was, Copper’s body still protested and trembled as she rose. The wood floor was warm beneath her bare feet and her vine-and-leaf dress ruffled as it slid back down to her thighs.

  Despite her weakness from the intensity of the journey from Otherworld, she kept her wand aimed at Darkwolf. She maintained her focus on the shield the entire time. She felt a draw on the gray magic she used, as if something were pulling it from her.

  What was this pull on her gray magic? Did it come from Darkwolf and the eye?

  It almost seemed to drain her powers.

  She shook her head. No. Her gray magic was powerful and she was in full control of it.

  At the same moment she contained Darkwolf, she saw a beautiful, sophisticated-looking woman. She stood outside the shield on the other side of the desk, her hands clenched into fists and her eyes narrowed.

  “Shall I kill them now?” the woman asked without looking at Darkwolf.

  “Wait.” Darkwolf held up his hand as he studied Copper. He smiled, a confident smile. “We must contain her and use her when the time is right.”

  “As if!” Copper shouted.

  Darkwolf and the woman were at least ten feet from Copper and Tiernan. She didn’t have to look all around her to know that they were in some kind of enormous private library. It was filled with shelves and shelves of books, along with beautiful works of art. Behind Darkwolf was a floor-to-ceiling window with a view of the Bay Bridge and the surrounding city.

  We’re in San Francisco!

  Elation mingled with anger and fear, caused her chest to tighten.

  From the corner of her eye she saw Tiernan had made it to his feet, his sword drawn, and fury etched on his features. Zeph had hidden himself in Copper’s hair, and she could sense the familiar’s own anger.

  “You might as well surrender,” Copper said. “You’re not getting away from us.”

  To her surprise Darkwolf began to laugh. He leaned his hip against the desk between him and the woman, and his expression was one of amusement.

  He folded his arms across his chest and kept his gaze on Copper, ignoring Tiernan. “You were almost mine before, you’ll be mine now.”

  Copper felt her strength wavering, and the glitter of her shield grew faint before brightening again. “I owe you big time.”

  He glanced at the woman on the other side of the desk. As she started forward, he held up his hand. “I’ll handle this, Junga.”

  Copper swore she heard a deep growl rise up from the woman’s chest.

  “Junga.” Tiernan had drawn his sword and had it gripped with both hands as if prepared to slice the weapon through the woman. “That bitch is the Fomorii leader.”

  “Queen,” the elegant woman said, and as she spoke her fingers started to change. They elongated, turned a shade of royal blue. The nails grew and lengthened into claws.

  Copper’s throat constricted. She stiffened and her control on her magic began to falter. “That’s the demon that murdered my mother?”

  The woman’s teeth began to lengthen and her voice deepened. Copper couldn’t control a shudder. “Kanji, your mother’s killer, died at my claws when I took my rightful place as queen.”

  “But you would have killed Moondust,” Tiernan said to the demon-woman in a voice filled with rage. “If you had had the opportunity you would have.”

  “I had plenty of opportunity.” The woman’s face was beginning to turn into something hideous, and Copper heard the crack and pop of bone. “I intended to use the witch, not kill her.”

  Copper stared in horror as the being shifted into a demon with a blue hide, needlelike teeth, bulging blue eyes, and an earless head. The creature had long muscular arms that reached to the floor, like an ape’s.

  The Fomorii’s claws were tipped with something dark and filed sharp. The nails glinted like polished metal in the recessed lighting of the library. The demon was enormous, three times the width of the woman it had formerly been, and much taller.

  Copper gagged as the stench of rotten fish filled the room.

  Without warning, the Fomorii bounded across the library, straight for Tiernan.

  At the same time, Copper’s witchcraft faltered enough that Darkwolf’s next burst of magic shattered the shield’s hold on him.

  The Fomorii attacked Tiernan and his sword met the demon’s tough hide. He whirled in the confines of the enormous library and sliced his sword at the creature’s arm. Blood spurted, spraying Tiernan and everything around them. But the wound immediately began to heal even as Junga howled in pain and rage.

  He dodged and parried, barely avoiding the demon’s teeth and claws. Books flew across the room and shelves were ripped from the walls as they fought. Priceless works of art crashed to the floor and were crunched beneath his boots.

  Copper wanted to help Tiernan, but Darkwolf stalked her, the eye against his chest pulsating a furious red. Mouth dry and heart racing, she pointed her wand at him and a golden stream of spellfire shot from its tip.

  He merely flicked his wrist and the bolt slammed to the wood floor of the library, causing sparks to fly and the smell of burned wood to erupt. Apparently his magic worked a lot better when he wasn’t caught off guard.

  “You’ll need to do better than that.” Darkwolf spoke as if they were conducting a casual conversation. “Like Silver, you ride the edge of gray and are so close to the black. Your magic is darker than hers, yet your sister is probably closer to converting than you are.”

  “Silver would never turn to sorcery.” Copper felt the gray witchcraft building within her. It seemed more intense this time, far more powerful.

  He smiled, a sensual yet chilling smile, and held up his hand. Purple light began to emanate from him. “You have no idea how close Silver is to becoming mine.”

  “Ooooh!” Copper gritted her teeth and focused on pouring her witchcraft into her wand. She felt Zephyr’s power, but then the familiar shot from where he’d been hidden in her hair and straight toward the warlock.

  Darkwolf focused solely on Copper and she readied to counter his magic with her own.

  Before she could spell him, he cried out and slapped at his neck, then his face.

  Huge welts—ten, fifteen, more perhaps—began rising on his skin. Copper felt a rush of triumph as Zeph buzzed back to her and landed on her ear.

  Copper took advantage of Darkwolf’s distraction and blasted him with a bolt from her wand. Her power slammed into the warlock and he flew back, his head striking the wall so hard he dented the paneling and slumped to the floor.

  He shook his head as if to shake away the pain and dizziness and wobbled as he tried to get to his feet. The welts on his face distorted his features and made him look hideous rather than handsome.

  The entire time Copper and Darkwolf were going at it, Tiernan and the demo
n fought. Roars, shouts, and snarls continued to echo through the now decimated library.

  More growls came from the other side of the closed twin mahogany doors. With a flick of her wand she bound the demon Junga with gold ropes of power that caused the giant Fomorii to stumble forward and land on its face.

  Copper whirled and pointed her wand to the double doors and another rope of magic shot out of the tip and wrapped around the door handles to bind them shut.

  Something hard crashed against the door and wood splintered. Breathing heavily, Copper hurried to Tiernan’s side, where he stood beside the floor-to-ceiling window.

  Demons attacked the doors with such ferocity that they would doubtless break in within seconds.

  “Let me finish this bitch off.” Tiernan started toward the demon bound on the floor by Copper’s magic, his weapon raised to slice off its head—

  The library doors burst open. Fomorii poured into the room.

  Darkwolf got to his feet, his dark witchcraft blazing.

  Copper threw up a magical wall between them and the warlock, and readied to create another in front of the Fomorii.

  Tiernan rammed the hilt of his sword against the top corner of the glass with enough force that it shattered outward but also showered the wood floor. Before Copper could throw up the second wall, he caught her by the waist with his free arm and jumped through the window.

  She screamed.

  A demon’s jagged teeth raked her bare foot as they sailed through the window. Pain seared her like fire. Even the broken shards of glass that tore at her skin were nothing compared to the pain of the demon’s bite.

  Her stomach pitched as they fell from the top floor of the home.

  Tiernan unfurled his wings as they dropped and then they were flying.

  Flying over San Francisco.


  Copper flung her arms around Tiernan’s neck as he soared higher and higher, and she almost lost her grip on her wand.

  Wind rushed through her hair and ruffled the leaves of her dress. Zephyr buzzed in her ear, sharing his delight. Copper’s head spun with the magnitude of what had just happened, and the fact that they were back in her city.

  She clung to Tiernan as she stared at the sights below. The Coit Tower. The Transamerica Building. Chinatown.

  She could see it all from the height he had taken them to. The Golden Gate Bridge, the foggy bay, Alcatraz, the Bay Bridge, Market Street, trolleys. Union Square—her hungry gaze took in everything.

  And the air—it smelled wonderful. Even the pollution coming from cars and buses didn’t bother her. It was home.

  I’m home!

  “Are you all right?” Tiernan held her tight as he pumped his powerful wings. He headed in the direction of Golden Gate Park.

  Copper laughed. “I’m wonderful. I’m home!”

  She didn’t care about the blood trickling from the glass wounds or the blood running down her foot or the burn from the demon’s teeth. Adrenaline still pumped through her body and she felt high from it and from the excitement of being back where she belonged.

  Tiernan gradually lowered, circling the Haight-Ashbury district, then began his descent. “Where are we?” Copper asked, as he came closer to what looked like a large apartment building.

  “Headquarters is here.” He dropped, causing her belly to bottom out.

  When their feet met the rooftop of the building, he kept his hands on her waist, steadying her. The roof was made into a little patio with lounge chairs and a small garden area near the stairwell. The flagstone floor felt cool beneath her bare feet.

  Copper’s head felt like it might float off, but she also felt supercharged, as if she could do anything. Even her bleeding foot with its open wounds from the demon’s teeth didn’t feel too bad.

  “You’re injured.” He frowned as he looked down at her. “I must get you to the witches immediately.”

  Tiernan scooped her into his arms and she gave a surprised cry. “I can walk. Really.”

  “I think not.” His tone told her this was one fight she wasn’t going to win.

  Instead she held on and pelted him with questions. “Is Silver here? What about the other witches? The Coven?”

  He opened the door to the stairwell. “All your answers lie within.”

  Zephyr tickled the curve of Copper’s ear as she let Tiernan carry her. She was so excited that had she been on her feet, she would have darted ahead of him—if she had had any idea where they were headed.

  Her heart raced, and as far as she was concerned Tiernan wasn’t moving fast enough. He opened a door to a hallway on the second floor and her heart beat even harder against her breastbone.

  Tiernan finally stopped in front of an apartment door at the end of the hallway, gently set her on her feet, and reached for the door handle. He paused and met her anxious gaze. From the other side of the door she heard muffled voices that sounded like they were arguing.

  He opened the door and she took a deep breath.


  Her sister stood in the middle of the room, her hands on her hips, as she glared up at a man who stood well over a foot taller than her.

  The man was clad much the same as Tiernan, including a sword belt, but he had dark hair to his shoulders and a shadow of a beard. At their feet was Silver’s python familiar, Polaris, and he seemed to be glaring at the man, too.

  All Copper really cared about was her sister. Silver was as beautiful as ever with her long silvery-blonde hair and her large gray eyes. She wore a silk blouse, short skirt, and heels as usual.

  Silver enjoyed dressing sexy when she wasn’t working with the Paranormal Special Forces. Copper was a more down-to-earth jeans type.

  All these crazy thoughts went through her mind in just a matter of seconds.

  Silver jabbed one finger at the man’s chest as she was saying, “I am going and that’s—”

  She glanced at the doorway and her face went pale. For a moment she didn’t speak.

  “Copper?” Silver’s eyes widened as she dropped her hands to her sides. “Copper?”

  Tears came out of nowhere, rolling down Copper’s face as she nodded. She couldn’t speak. Instead, she ran toward her sister and flung her arms around Silver’s neck, almost hitting her with the wand, and held her tight.

  Zeph buzzed his annoyance at just about being crushed between the two, but Copper couldn’t begin to think about the little familiar.

  She felt her sister’s tears against her neck as Silver said, “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it!”

  “Goddess, I’ve missed you,” Copper said in a choked whisper. Silver still smelled of lilies, a scent that brought back so many memories and had a comforting effect. “I love you so much.”

  They pulled away but continued holding on to one another.

  “You’re really here.” Silver stared with amazement at Copper as tears continued to leak from her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re standing right in front of me! That I can touch you.”

  “Me, too.” Copper reached up and brushed Silver’s tears from one cheek. “It’s been so long. I’d begun to think I’d never get back.”

  “This is like a dream.” Silver shook her head, as if not sure Copper was real.

  Copper rubbed her thumb along her sister’s cheek, wiping away more tears. “It’s real,” she whispered. “I’m real. You’re real.”

  While the sisters hugged and cried and laughed, Copper heard Tiernan explain about their ending up within the Fomorii lair and their escape.

  From the corner of her eye she saw the dark-haired man’s face harden and his jaw tense. “We must gather our brothers and sisters and go at once. Perhaps we can catch them before they escape.”

  Tiernan nodded. “My thoughts as well.”

  “You stay with Copper,” Tiernan ordered Silver.

  “Well, no kidding,” Copper snapped at him. Then, “Arrogant jerk,” as he closed the door behind them.

  Silver hugged Copper again. “I have no
intention of letting you go. Ever.”

  Copper laughed. “Not even to go to the bathroom?”

  Silver rolled her eyes, then shook her head with a smile. “I’ve missed your sense of humor.”

  Polaris, Silver’s familiar, wrapped his body around Copper’s bare feet, just avoiding her injury, and she felt the mental warmth of his own pleasure that she was back. Zephyr buzzed from Copper’s ear and landed on Silver’s shoulder.

  “It’s good to have you back, too,” Silver told the little bee familiar.

  After another quick hug, Copper and Silver separated. Copper didn’t bother to brush away her own tears.

  Silver’s expression of mingled joy and shock turned to one of dismay as she noticed all the blood and scratches. “What happened to you? Are you okay? We need to treat these wounds.” Her expression was still one of disbelief as she looked into Copper’s eyes. “I feel like you’re going to disappear again.”

  “I’m fine.” Copper smiled. “I’m here for good, and I’ll tell you everything that happened.”

  Copper stepped over Polaris and let Silver lead her to the kitchen of the apartment. It was bigger than the one she and Silver had lived in before Copper ended up in Otherworld, but not by much. The furniture and the decor were the same, and that told her Silver lived here now instead of in the apartment above Moon Song.

  Zephyr landed on the edge of Silver’s pewter cauldron that perched in the middle of a table. Silver pushed Copper onto a chair beside it, then immediately started rummaging through cabinets and pulling out small jars, a little bottle, and grabbed a soft cloth and some cotton balls.

  “Where on earth have you been?” she asked as she returned with everything. The jars and bottle hit the table with a thump as she set them down.

  Copper managed a smile as she set her wand next to the jars. “I haven’t exactly been on earth.”

  Silver paused in the act of opening the bottle. “What?”

  With a shrug that was more casual than she felt, Copper said, “It’s a long story.”

  “I think we have time now for you to tell me everything.” Silver finished opening the bottle and Copper caught the strong scent of tea tree oil. “Well, time enough to get started.”


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