Billionaire Boss Bear: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Bad Bears Book 1)

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Billionaire Boss Bear: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Bad Bears Book 1) Page 4

by Natalie Kristen

  But she knew that the novelty would wear off. Zack liked excitement and variety, and he would tire of her soon enough.


  If this was just a temporary thing…

  Maybe, just maybe, it could work.

  Renee frowned. Could she handle it?

  A purely sexual relationship?

  There was no reason why they shouldn’t enjoy each other. They were both single and available. The sex was great. And she could use a little fun and excitement in her dull, boring life.

  And they weren’t flouting any company policy.

  But while she had fun, she needed to protect herself and her reputation as well. The fun times wouldn’t last forever.

  “Fine,” Renee said at last. “We can work together, and we can fuck.”

  Zack raised a brow.

  “But...we have to be discreet,” Renee said.

  “Discreet. You mean you don’t want anyone to know that we’re fucking.” He still spoke calmly, but his eyes hardened.

  Renee nodded. “It’s for the best.”

  “For you or for me?”

  “For everyone. Gossip can be vicious. And…the tabloids...”

  “I don’t care about the tabloids. I care about...”

  Renee thought he was about to say “you”. But he stopped abruptly and gritted his teeth.

  “It makes it easier and less awkward for...everyone in the office, don’t you think?” Renee soldiered on.

  “What we do is nobody else’s business.”

  “Precisely. So we should keep it private.” So I don’t have to see their pitying looks when you finally get rid of me.

  Zack stared at her for a long moment. “Fine. If that’s what you want.”

  “Yes. That’s what I want.”

  Without another word, Zack turned on his heel and walked out of her apartment. After he pulled the door closed behind him, Renee sank into a chair and buried her face in her trembling hands.

  It felt like they had just had a fight. But they weren’t even a couple.

  She had gotten what she wanted. So why did she feel so horrible?

  Any woman would have been so proud and flattered to be dating Zack Howell. Yet she had insisted that they keep their affair a secret. She bet that no woman had ever made Zack feel like a dirty little secret before.

  She wasn’t ashamed to be seen with him. But she knew that this...whatever this was, couldn’t possibly last.

  She needed to protect herself. She didn’t want to invite gossip and drama into her life.

  She could live in a dream for a while. If nobody knew about their affair, it would make it easier to just pretend that nothing ever happened between them when the dream ended.


  Renee sat beside her boss at the conference table and diligently took notes for the meeting. She gripped her pen tightly and tried not to be distracted. But she couldn’t help sneaking sidelong glances at Zack.

  She allowed herself to admire Zack’s handsome profile and her eyes trailed down his arms to his strong, large hands. She knew every inch of his body, intimately. They had been having sex every single day for the past week.

  It was insane and intense. Renee stared at the polished surface of the conference table and blushed. Zack had spread her out on this table just two nights ago and fucked her raw. They worked late almost every night. They invariably ended up tearing each other’s clothes off once they got the work done. They just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Renee had never experienced such consuming passion and hunger before. It was beginning to frighten her. And she was starting to doubt that she could walk away from this affair unscathed. Zack had kept his end of the promise, and he kept their affair secret. Would that really make it easier for her to pick up the pieces of herself once things cooled off between them?

  Renee tried to discipline her thoughts and her misbehaving, lusty body. When Zack leaned back and his arm brushed against hers, a jolt of molten heat coursed through her body and shot straight to her core. Renee crossed her legs tightly and inched her chair away so their elbows wouldn’t touch. Even the slightest contact sent her into heat.

  Her libido was spiraling out of control. Renee dug her nails hard into her palms and reminded herself that she was at an importing meeting with her boss. She had to stay focused and do her damn job.

  Getting distracted and addicted to Zack would be disastrous. She had to discipline her mind and tame her lust.

  Zack was meeting with Mr Trafford Pratt, the owner of another investment firm to negotiate a deal. They were both interested in a prime piece of real estate and if they were going to put in competing bids, they would end up driving the price up. The higher price would only benefit the sellers. Zack thought that if they could work together, they might be able to get a good price for the land. It would be a lucrative investment for both their firms. They could cooperate to develop the land and fetch a very high price for the development.

  Mr Trafford Pratt was a suave, smooth businessman. He looked to be in his late thirties, and he cut an imposing figure with his jet black hair, sharp features and tall, lanky frame.

  His dark eyes were sharp and shrewd, and Renee was aware of his gaze on her. His answers to Zack’s questions were short and to the point, but Renee had the feeling that he was holding something back. He wasn’t telling Zack everything.

  Renee lowered her head and scribbled on her notepad. She jotted down the gist of what the two men discussed and added her own notes in the margin.

  Zack was leaning back in his chair, a slight smile on his face. His jacket was unbuttoned, and he looked relaxed. But Renee saw a muscle tick in his jaw.

  Trafford Pratt wasn’t going to give any commitment. He was just stringing Zack along. From his answers, Zack knew that Trafford wanted the land and he was going to go all out to get it. This meeting was a waste of time.

  Zack was a tough negotiator and he was quick to see opportunities and seize them. But he never played anyone out. Renee chanced a quick glance up at Trafford across the table. The man’s black eyes glittered as they locked on her.

  Renee swallowed and bent her head quickly. She didn’t have a good feeling about Trafford Pratt. The man was sly and scheming, and his eyes gleamed with greed and lust.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Trafford,” Zack said, pushing away from the table. He was done. If Trafford wasn’t willing to work with them, there was little more to discuss.

  Trafford stood up. “I’ll talk to my finance people and see what they say,” Trafford said, smiling. “Perhaps we can still work out a deal.”

  Zack shook his hand. “Sure.” His expression gave nothing away.


  As Trafford made conversation with Renee, Zack’s mobile phone chirped. Glancing down at his phone, Zack turned to Trafford and said, “Please excuse me, but I have to take this call. I’ll be back with you in a moment.”

  Once Zack stepped out of the conference room, Trafford’s smile became leering and lascivious.

  “Miss Goodwin, I’ve been wanting to speak to you in private.”

  Renee smiled uneasily.

  Trafford looked her up and down before making a sudden grab for her.

  Taken by surprise, Renee was momentarily too stunned to react. She felt Trafford’s large hands feeling down her body. He squeezed her breasts and buttocks hard and made a sound of appreciation.

  With a cry of shock and distress, Renee struggled and tried to push him away. But Trafford was too strong. He grabbed her and pinned her against the wall with his body.

  “Shhh,” he said, covering her mouth with his hand. Renee’s eyes widened in fear when she saw claws pushing out from his fingertips. Trafford Pratt was a shifter, a dangerous, ruthless predator. “Don’t make a sound and I won’t hurt you,” he growled.

  “What do you want?” she choked out.

  “Oh Renee.” Trafford smiled. “You are such a beautiful, exquisite female. I didn’t know Zack was keep
ing such a lovely creature by his side. You seem pretty loyal to your boss.”

  He leaned in and sniffed her. “I can smell him on you. But I’m sure Zack won’t mind sharing.”

  Trafford laughed when Renee flinched.

  “In fact, I think Zack and I will be able to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement,” he went on. Fondling her generous curves, he said, “There’s more than enough to go around.”

  Renee made a strangled sound against Trafford’s huge, clawed hand. She tried to knee him in the crotch but her aim was off. Trafford let out a low laugh and whistled.

  “Feisty little thing, aren’t you? I like it. I haven’t had a woman like you in a while.” Trafford licked his lips and she saw the tips of his fangs.

  Was he going to take a bite out of her?

  Trafford loomed over her, smirking. He moved his hand down her curves and smiled in satisfaction. “Absolutely delicious. Such a succulent, ripe female. Zack has good taste. We’re always wanting the same things. Some friendly competition never hurts.”

  When he lifted his hand off her mouth, Renee sucked in a lungful of air to scream.

  “I wouldn’t do that, sweetheart,” Trafford snarled in her ear. “I can destroy you utterly and completely. And I can and will destroy Zack Howell. Is that what you want?”

  Renee swallowed her scream. “Zack...” she whispered fearfully.

  She could feel Trafford’s hot breath on her neck. “Zack is smart, but he is too open and honest. And that makes him an easy target,” Trafford drawled. “If Zack stands in my way, he’ll have to go.”

  Trafford snapped his fingers. “He’s no match for me. Zack is a bear shifter, and bears tend to go it alone. Zack doesn’t have a pack to command. I do.” Trafford leaned in and hissed, “Once I give the order, Zack is as good as dead. Do you want me to do this, Renee?”

  Renee shook her head vehemently. “Leave him alone,” she whispered fiercely.

  “Ah, you care for him.” Trafford’s thin lips quirked up. “But he is only using you for sex. You do know that, don’t you? There’s no mate mark on you. You’re still free and available.”

  Renee swallowed her pain and looked away.

  “I’ll make it worth your while, Renee,” Trafford said. “I’ll treat you well. Submit to me, Renee. Give me what you’ve been giving Zack Howell. I want to have what Zack has. I will have you, Renee.”

  Renee balled her fists. “You will never have me, Mr Pratt,” she said, her voice clear and strong. “Now let me go.”

  Trafford’s eyes glowed menacingly. The smirk vanished from his face as his amusement turned to annoyance and anger.

  “I always get what I want, Renee,” he growled. “No one says no to me. No one. I want you, and I will have you. Don’t cross me, Renee,” he warned.

  “Get off me, don’t touch me!” Renee hissed, trying to shove him away. “And stay away from Zack!”

  Trafford let out a cold, cruel laugh as he caught her wrists. “You like pain, Renee? Go on. Fight me. I bet it’s making you wet.”

  He ground his erection against her and pushed his claws into her flesh. “You obviously enjoy pain, you little bitch.”

  Renee screamed just as Trafford pressed his mouth forcefully over hers and bit her.


  Zack was just finishing up the call with his Chief Financial Officer when he heard Renee’s muffled scream. He tore down the corridor and hurtled into the conference room.

  A blood red haze descended over his eyes when he saw Trafford forcing himself on Renee.

  With a roar, Zack grabbed Trafford and flung him away. Trafford stumbled back but regained his footing quickly enough. He straightened his jacket defiantly and smirked at Zack.

  Zack was about to charge at Trafford, but Renee held him back. “Don’t,” she whispered.

  He turned to her and saw that there was blood on her lips. Trafford had bitten her!

  Zack’s eyes glowed with deadly rage and golden fur rippled up his forearms. His bear was about to rip out of his skin. He was going to tear that piece of shit from limb to limb for hurting Renee!

  Zack lunged at Trafford but Trafford twisted away just before Zack’s fist reached him. Zack’s huge fist slammed into the wall and when he spun round, Trafford was already holding Renee in front of him.

  The bastard had his claws at her throat.

  “Calm down, Zack,” Trafford said.

  “Get your filthy paws off her!” Zack roared.

  Trafford tut-tutted. “There’s no need to get so worked up, Zack. She’s just a...”

  “Don’t touch her,” Zack snarled.

  Trafford gave a slow, taunting smile. “There’s really no need for us to come to blows over a piece of ass. In fact, I think we can come to a mutually satisfying arrangement. Tell you what. Let me have your pretty little PA for a couple of nights, and I’ll withdraw my bid for the land. We’ll both get what we want. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she is compensated for her services.”

  “I’ll fucking kill you,” Zack snarled.

  Renee’s eyes were showing too much white as she shook her head at him. “Zack, don’t...”

  Trafford shoved Renee away from him and faced Zack. “Now, Zack, let’s talk like men...”

  Zack grabbed Trafford and socked him hard across the jaw. Stunned, Trafford staggered back and hit the wall with a loud thud. Zack slashed his claws down, shredding Trafford’s cheek.

  Renee rushed forward and grabbed his arm before he could attack again. “Zack!” she cried. “No...”

  Zack was breathing hard, struggling to contain his enraged beast. If Renee hadn’t held him back, he would have spilled Trafford’s guts all over the conference room.

  Trafford stood up and touched his bloody cheek. His eyes flashed with hate and cold fury.

  “You’ll regret this, Zack,” he said. “It’s not wise to make an enemy out of me.”

  Renee was still clinging to his arm, tugging him back. Some of his staff, including the receptionist, rushed into the room before backing out again.

  The situation was highly charged, and one wrong step could be fatal.

  Renee was caught between two rampaging, lethal shifters. Renee’s colleagues made eye contact with her, and she gave them a quick shake of her head. Step back, she mouthed to them.

  Zack leashed his beast to stop himself from committing murder. If he killed Trafford now, he would simply be putting Renee in even greater danger.

  His pack would avenge him, and those animals would hurt Renee to hurt him.

  “Get out of my office,” Zack growled.


  Trafford slid his eyes away from Zack and looked directly at Renee. He chuckled when he saw her take an involuntary step back and blink back tears.

  “So feisty yet so sweet and vulnerable,” Trafford said. “And the scent of your fear is so fucking delicious.”

  “Get out,” Zack snarled. “Before I kill you.”

  Zack sheathed his claws and clenched his fists so hard his knuckles cracked. He was this close to ripping Trafford’s heart out with his bare hands.

  He turned and glimpsed his receptionist’s pale face at the door among the crowd.

  “Andrew, please escort Mr Pratt out,” Zack snarled.

  “Y-yes, sir!” Andrew stammered breathlessly. “This way please, Mr Pratt.”

  Trafford didn’t even glance at the frightened receptionist. He strode to the door and paused. “I look forward to seeing you again, Renee,” Trafford said. “We will meet again.” It was a promise and a threat. “Until then, I’ll be thinking of you.”

  Zack felt Renee’s shaking, clammy hands on his arm. She held on to him as Trafford sauntered out the door with Andrew.

  “Don’t,” she whispered tearfully. “Please, Zack, don’t go after him. I don’t want to cause any trouble...”

  “He hurt you,” Zack growled.

  “He’s a jerk,” Rene said. “He’s just a pompous jerk. He’s not wor
th your time, Zack. Forget about him.” She shook her head and said, “I’m not hurt, Zack. Really.” She cleaned away the blood on her lips with a tissue and insisted, “I’m fine.”

  “He assaulted you, Renee,” Zack said, gripping her shoulders. “I won’t let him get away...”

  “Please,” Renee pleaded. “I don’t want to make a police report. Just drop it. I don’t want to cause a scene...”


  “Please, Zack,” she whispered. “I...I’ve already forgotten about it,” she lied and forced a smile to her face.

  Zack blew out a rough breath and tried to pull her to him but she resisted. She glanced at her worried colleagues at the door and smiled bravely at them. “I’m okay,” she told them. “Let’s all forget about this unfortunate incident. We should get back to work.”

  Zack watched her march out of the conference room. Amid anxious murmurs and whispers, the rest of the staff dispersed and made their way back to their workstations.

  Renee was sitting at her desk, her fingers flying over the keyboard. Her back was ramrod straight and her jaw was tightly clenched. She gave him a curt nod as he came up to her. Without waiting for him to speak, she turned back to her work and glared determinedly at her computer screen. She wasn’t going to talk and she wanted him to just let the matter drop.

  “Zack, you ready?”

  Zack turned to see his CFO, Matthew Saks, rushing towards him, briefcase in hand. “I’ve got all the papers here. Let’s go, boss,” Matthew said, patting his briefcase.

  Renee stopped typing and stood up. “You have a meeting now?” she asked, glancing at his schedule.

  “Something just cropped up. I informed Zack just now,” Matthew answered.

  Zack nodded. He had stepped out of the conference room earlier to take his CFO’s urgent call. Their business partners were willing to meet them in an hour’s time. Something unforeseen had happened, and they would have to act quickly to avoid massive losses.

  “Matthew and I will be meeting with Vox Capital Partners. I should be back in the office by mid-afternoon,” Zack informed Renee.


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