Billionaire Boss Bear: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Bad Bears Book 1)

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Billionaire Boss Bear: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Bad Bears Book 1) Page 9

by Natalie Kristen

  Karina stalked forward and Renee could see that she was dressed in skinny jeans and designer boots. Her blond hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail.

  “Why am I doing this?” Karina cooed and stopped pacing. She bent down so that her face was level with Renee’s. “I’m doing this for love.”

  “Love!” Renee cried. “’re crazy.”

  Karina gripped Renee’s face roughly and hissed, “I won’t let you have Zack. You don’t deserve him!”

  Renee opened her mouth to speak but Karina cut her off. “What did you do to him, bitch? You must have used a dark spell on him, bewitched him and messed up his mind...”


  “Zack is mine! He would have married me! We were so good together...”

  Renee watched Karina storm around the room, yelling at the walls in frustration. “Why did you have to snatch him from me? Why! There are so many men in the city! Go find your own! Zack belongs to me. Me! Do you understand?”

  Renee gulped. Nothing she said would appease Karina.

  “I’m going to have to get rid of you,” Karina said in an oddly calm voice. “You leave me no choice, Renee. It’s all your fault. You should have stayed away from Zack.”

  “Zack isn’t yours,” Renee said quietly. “He doesn’t love you, Karina. You deserve a man who loves you with all his heart. You don’t...”

  “Shut up! I don’t want to hear your lies! Zack loves me!” Karina screamed. “He loves me, only me! Bitch!”

  She backhanded Renee and kicked her viciously in the side. “I’ll kill you, bitch! It’s all because of you. You came between us. You dirty whore!”

  Renee curled into a tight ball to protect herself as Karina continued kicking and cursing her. The woman was on a rampage. She seemed to have lost all control.

  “Karina! Stop it!” a male voice ordered sharply.


  Renee froze when she saw a tall, imposing man step into the shack behind Karina. She shook her head slowly as he approached her.

  No, couldn’t be…

  The man crouched in front of Renee and smiled. “Miss Goodwin, it’s lovely to see you again.”

  Renee let out a strangled cry and shook her head. Her confusion gave way to horror. “Mr Pratt...” she wheezed. “No...”

  Trafford Pratt reached out and touched her cheek. Renee jerked back, recoiling from his touch. She looked up at Trafford and Karina. “ two...”

  Trafford shrugged nonchalantly. “Karina is a distant cousin of mine. But we keep in touch. And we call in favors now and then.”

  Trafford glanced at his seething cousin and shook his head. “Karina’s tantrums can be really violent. She kicked another cousin’s teeth out once when we were kids.”

  Karina glared at Trafford. “Well, what are you waiting for? You want her, don’t you?”

  Trafford’s easy smile infuriated Karina. She marched over to Renee and spat, “Both Zack and Trafford seem enthralled by you. You have a way with men, don’t you? You’re nothing but a slut, a whore!”

  “Karina,” Trafford said sternly. “That’s enough.”

  Karina scoffed. “Just do it and get it over with, Trafford, so we can both get what we want. I want Zack and you want his fat, slutty PA.”

  As Karina gave Renee a hostile look, her lips curved suddenly and she laughed. “Ah, I see what you’re up to, cousin,” Karina cackled “This one has lots of meat on her bones. There should be enough of her to go around.”

  Renee shrank back when she saw Trafford’s eyes glow and turn feral.

  Smirking, Karina crouched in front of her. “My cousin went to great lengths to get you. Trafford is a major shareholder of that car service company. That’s how he could send that driver to you. My cousin is very quick and resourceful, and he never stops until he gets what he wants. And he wants you, real bad,” Karina whispered.

  “Let me give you a survival tip,” Karina went on. “Trafford wants to have some fun with you. After that, he’ll probably just get rid of you. But...if you please him and his pack well, he may let you live.” Karina canted her head and said, “Now aren’t you going to thank me for the tip, you ungrateful little slut?”

  “His p-pack?” Renee stuttered just as the door opened quietly.

  Her eyes widened in horror. It was her kidnapper. The stocky driver of the car entered the shack and stood behind Trafford.

  “Alpha,” the driver said.

  Trafford smiled and gestured at the driver, “You’ve met Yakob. He drove you here.”

  At a command from Trafford, Yakob dropped on all fours and shifted into a hyena.

  “No...” Renee whimpered.

  Karina said in a bored tone, “Trafford is the Alpha of a powerful hyena pack. You should be honored that he wants you.”

  “Please...let me go,” Renee whispered.

  Karina raised her hand to slap Renee but Trafford stopped her. “You want to go, Renee?” he asked calmly.


  Trafford nodded. “All right.”

  Renee stared at Trafford suspiciously. She knew he wouldn’t let her go so easily. There had to be a catch.

  This was a trap. She could feel it in her bones.

  Trafford flicked out a claw and smiled. “I’ll give you a chance,” he said. “I’ll cut the ropes, so you can run.” He sliced the ropes and whispered, “Run, Renee. Run as fast as you can. Go.”

  The ropes fell away and Renee scrambled up. “Go on,” Trafford said, stepping back with an indulgent smile. “I’ll give you a head start.”

  Renee stood up and staggered towards the door. Karina was watching her with amusement and anticipation. The show was just beginning.

  Renee knew that they weren’t really letting her go. They were just toying with her.

  At Trafford’s side, Yakob snarled and crouched, ready to pounce on her. Renee bit down a scream. How many of them were there? Were there more hyenas outside, lying in wait for her?

  She was outnumbered and she didn’t have a weapon with her.

  She couldn’t take them on.

  Running was the only option.

  Renee wrenched the door open and stumbled out into the dark woods. She looked around wildly. The abandoned little shack was surrounded by trees, and Renee didn’t know which way to run. The trees and shadows all looked menacing and forbidding.

  But there was no time to hesitate. She had to get away.

  Swallowing a panicked cry, Renee started running. She darted between the trees and looked over her shoulder as she ran. She saw nothing but moving shadows and gnarled, twisting branches, reaching for her like skeletal fingers.

  Dashing away her tears, she kept running, hoping to get away from those terrible monsters.

  She heard laughter through the woods. The demented, maniacal laughter echoed all around her.

  The hyenas were laughing at her.

  They were coming for her.

  Trafford was the Alpha, and he had sent his pack after her. It was a test, a horrific, bloody game.

  Renee tried to muffle her sobs. The beasts were hot on her trail. The scent of her fear would lead the ravenous monsters right to her.

  Renee heard the excited yelps of the hyenas as they closed in on her.

  She could see demonic eyes glowing between the trees, and she could almost feel their scorching breaths upon her neck.

  She tripped over a twisting tree root and fell heavily to the ground. Raising her head, Renee let out a terrified, desperate scream.

  The pack would be upon her any second now.


  “Help!” Renee screamed hoarsely, knowing there was no one to hear her.

  The first hyena appeared between the trees. Renee snatched up a broken branch from the forest floor and backed away. She whirled round when she heard low growls and snarls all around her.

  She was surrounded by Trafford’s pack.

  The hyenas circled her. There were more than a d
ozen of them.

  Renee swung the branch wildly and cried, “Stay away! Get away from me!”

  Renee’s scream was drowned out by a deafening roar. Another roar followed, and Renee squinted into the swaying shadows in dread.

  “Oh God,” she wheezed. What other violent, bloodthirsty beast had she attracted from the forest?

  Renee reeled back and pressed her back against a tree when a huge, grizzly bear exploded from the shadows and charged at the hyenas.

  The bear tore mercilessly into the pack of hyenas. It swiped at the hyenas and flung them in all directions. Renee stifled a scream when a hyena smashed into the tree behind her and landed at her feet. She stared in horror at the twitching, twisted body and scrambled away.

  The bear turned and looked straight at Renee. Its startling blue eyes were so familiar.

  “Zack!” she gasped.

  She had never seen Zack shift fully into his bear before. His bear was a formidable, magnificent creature, with thick golden fur and razor sharp, gleaming fangs and claws.

  Zack attacked the hyenas relentlessly. He slashed down viciously and tore out the throats of two hyenas with one powerful swipe.

  One of the hyenas stepped forward and let out a mocking laugh. This hyena was larger, bolder than the rest, and Renee recognized that cold, taunting laugh at once.

  Trafford Pratt faced Zack and bared his teeth in a leering grin. His remaining pack members stepped back as their Alpha challenged the enemy.

  Trafford prowled towards Zack and crouched. When Zack charged at him, Trafford flew forward and latched onto Zack’s back.

  Zack roared when Trafford bit into his neck. He reared up and managed to claw the hyena off his back.

  Renee swallowed an anguished cry when she saw that Zack’s golden fur was stained with blood.

  There were gashes down Trafford’s body but he was still fast and nimble on his feet.

  Trafford raised his head and gave a short bark. His pack members immediately backed away and receded into the shadows.

  Renee twisted round, trying to see where they were. The hyenas hadn’t left. She was sure of it. They were watching and waiting for their Alpha’s signal.

  Trafford let out a low growl and flew towards Zack. When Zack lunged forward to meet the attack, the rest of the hyenas emerged from the shadows and attacked Zack from all directions.

  The pack bit and clawed at the angry bear. They bit into his sides and held on like leeches.

  Zack thrashed and tried to shake them off. He reared up and Trafford shot forward like an arrow, gunning for Zack’s exposed throat.

  “No!” Renee screamed.

  There was a blur of golden fur as a second grizzly bear hurtled out from the woods and slashed at Trafford.

  Renee stared at the two large grizzly bears and saw that they had the same blue eyes and their fur was the exact same shade.

  “Dean...” Renee breathed. “Oh, thank God.”

  Together, Dean and Zack battled the savage hyena pack. The two bears stood back to back and they seemed to be able to anticipate each other’s moves.

  Swiftly, they whittled down the pack’s numbers, leaving only the strongest fighters.

  Zack zeroed in on Trafford, determined to take down his enemy, the bastard who was behind all this.

  As Dean fought the other hyenas, Zack focused his attack on Trafford. Trafford shook the blood out of his eyes and snarled. It was clear that only one of them would walk away from this battle alive.

  Renee didn’t even dare breathe or move a muscle as she watched the deadly clash between Zack and Trafford. She stiffened abruptly when she felt the point of a blade at her neck.

  “Shhh,” Karina whispered behind her. “I knew I’d have to finish you off myself. Don’t worry. I’ll make it quick.”


  Renee drew a sharp breath and tensed. “Karina,” she said through gritted teeth.

  She felt a smidgen of pity for Karina. It was painful to love someone who didn’t love you back. She understood Karina’s hurt and anger, but she never thought that Karina would be capable of murder.

  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

  Renee’s eyes widened when she felt the blade pressing deeper into her neck, drawing blood.

  Karina was really going to kill her. It wasn’t an empty threat. She would slit Renee’s throat without pity, without mercy.

  Her survival instinct kicked in. It was fight or flight. And Renee wasn’t going to run this time.

  She was going to fight for her life, her mate and her future. She wasn’t going to just lie down and die.

  Not when she had so much to live for.

  Renee’s hand jerked up and she closed her fist around Karina’s slender wrist. Swiftly and forcefully, she twisted the knife out of Karina’s hand.

  Karina cried out and kicked Renee in the ribs. As Renee fell back, Karina scrambled for the knife and snatched it up before Renee could reach it.

  With a snarl, Karina flew at Renee, her knife poised to plunge into Renee’s heart. Renee rolled away just in time, and Karina slammed into a tree.

  Zack turned and roared when he saw that Renee was in danger. But Trafford used the distraction to launch his attack. He lunged at Zack and his claws narrowly missed Zack’s eye. Blood dripped down Zack’s face. As he shook away the blood, Trafford bit hard into his hind leg.

  Zack roared. It was impossible to reach Renee. He had to focus on the fight, or Trafford would kill him.

  Dean was surrounded by three hyenas. He fought tirelessly but the hyenas’ attack was well-synchronized. It was clear that they had a strategy for fighting and defeating larger opponents. The hyenas were fast and unpredictable. They kept changing tactics, making it almost impossible to predict their moves.

  “Die, you slut!” Karina screamed as she threw herself at Renee. There was murder in her eyes, and her face was contorted with hate and rage.

  Renee blocked her blows as they wrestled on the ground. Karina grabbed a fistful of Renee’s hair and yanked her head back. The knife glinted as Karina raised it high above her head.

  Renee reached up and grabbed Karina’s arm. Swearing, Karina used all her strength to push the knife down.

  The shivering blade descended inch by inch even as Renee struggled to push it away. Karina’s fury lent her superhuman strength. Renee tried to hold the crazed woman back but she was losing the fight.

  Karina’s lips curved in a cold, victorious smile. The blade was so close to Renee’s throat.

  Renee closed her eyes to block out the chilling vision.

  If she was going to die, she didn’t want her murderer’s face to be the last thing she saw.

  The sounds around her grew muted and muffled. She could still hear the sounds of the brutal battle between the two grizzly bears and the hyenas. She could hear Zack’s ferocious roars as he tore into his enemy. She could feel his love, his pride and faith in her. He believed that she wouldn’t give up.

  Renee snapped her eyes open and with a final burst of strength, shoved the blade away just before it plunged into her neck.

  Swiftly, she kicked Karina’s legs out from under her. Karina screamed like a banshee and thrust the knife forward, trying to stab into her side. Renee caught Karina’s wrist and managed to turn the blade away from her.

  With an angry, anguished scream, Renee grabbed the hilt of the knife and shoved forcefully.

  The violent thrust sent Karina stumbling backwards. Karina was still gripping the hilt tightly in her fist as she stared at Renee in shock.

  Slowly, she looked down and saw the knife buried in her own chest.


  Renee backed away, panting.

  With a gurgle, Karina crashed to the ground, still gripping the knife in her chest.


  Zack glanced over his shoulder and saw Karina fall dead at Renee’s feet. Renee slid down a tree, her face ashen and her eyes brimming with tears.

  But h
e couldn’t go to her. Trafford was intensifying his attack, determined to bring him down.

  Zack saw Dean snap the neck of a hyena and bare his bloodstained teeth at his enemies. His brother gave him a quick nod and turned back to finish the fight.

  The end was near.

  Zack faced Trafford and waited. He didn’t want to make any rash moves. He wasn’t going to let Trafford get in another blow, and he wasn’t going to let the bastard get away.

  Trafford laughed and prowled around Zack. The hyena stopped and crouched slowly. Trafford appeared to be preparing to pounce, but Zack knew that Trafford was a master at deception. He wouldn’t make his intentions known to his opponent.

  Sure enough, Trafford twisted round suddenly and lurched towards Renee.

  Renee looked up, dazed and exhausted. She screamed when she saw the hyena coming at her, its teeth and claws aiming for her throat.

  Zack exploded with fury and lunged at the devious, unscrupulous piece of shit. Instead of finishing the fight with him, Trafford was going after Renee. His mate!

  Renee moved just in time and Trafford’s claws missed her by inches. Zack charged forward and slashed at Trafford with his razor sharp claws. Blood spurted from the hyena’s body but Zack wasn’t done.

  Violently, he delivered a crushing blow to Trafford’s head with his massive paw. Trafford’s head snapped to the side, and he collapsed in a heap.

  Zack roared and clamped his jaws around Trafford’s neck, biting hard into his jugular. He could hear his own terrible roar echoing through the woods.

  Dropping Trafford’s body to the ground, Zack spun round and saw Dean fighting two hyenas. His maddened bear wasn’t satisfied with Trafford’s death. He wanted to kill every single hyena and wipe out the entire pack.

  Zack shoved his brother aside and faced the hyenas. He decapitated one hyena cleanly with his claws and turned his attention to the last hyena.

  The hyena backed away, its tail between its legs. Zack growled as the hyena shifted swiftly to human form. The stocky, bearded man held up both hands in surrender.


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