Adrianna's Storm

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Adrianna's Storm Page 3

by Sasha Parker

  "Have a great time, call me when you get there. Here, this is your bonus for bringing in so many new clients and doing the show for me," Julie told her and when Ari opened her mouth, she said, "How many times do I need to tell you not to argue? Remember, be naughty." Julie winked at her as Ari shook her head and hugged her.

  Both women stood on the sidewalk while Ari got in the cab and waved good-bye. She was so lucky to have friends like them. She sat back in the cab, headed to her loft, and smiled with excitement over her coming trip. Peace and quiet were in her future, well, at least as much she can get with her sisters around. She couldn't wait.

  The man sat in his chair behind his desk with his hands steepled together. Everything was coming along nicely. He had discretely made some inquiries and had finally found what he sought. Time was of the essence now, he had to get to them before Litha or all his plans would be ruined and he would never have the power he wanted.

  He smiled evilly as he thought about how things had gone so far. It had taken him a while to do it, but he had gotten rid of the parents. That ensured the girls would go to the old crone and he would be able to keep an eye on them.

  He could just see the old woman's face when she found out he was still alive and that he had would have what he sought. The time was finally here for him to get what was due him, what should have been his all along. He was drawn out of his musings by a knock on the door to his office.

  "Come," he said.

  One of his lackeys came in and bowed. "Sir, we have located the chalice. Deter has it and is on his way back in."

  The man rubbed his hands together. "Excellent, Thomas. And the athame?"

  Thomas backed up a step. "We have been unable to locate it. We are following every lead."

  The man slammed his hands down on the desk and stood. "Find it. I need it."

  "Yes, S-sir. We are on it."

  The man dismissed him with a wave of his hand and Thomas all but fled the office. Damn, the man thought, he had to have the athame or this was all for nothing. He hadn't sacrificed all he had to lose now. Not when the power he wanted was so close. No, he wouldn't lose, they would, and they would pay dearly. Once again he sat behind his desk and smiled.

  Ari's plane landed and she headed over to baggage claim to find her suitcases. As she stepped onto the escalator, she felt as if someone was watching her. The feeling was strong enough that she covertly glanced around her to see if she could spot someone. When she could find no one taking an interest in her, she continued toward the carrousels that were winding around the large section of the airport that was baggage claim.

  As she stood at carrousel number two waiting for them to unload the baggage, she again had an uneasy feeling. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she looked around the large room, pretending to be bored. She still couldn't see anyone that looked out of place until her glance landed on him. Her tongue almost fell out of her mouth as she watched him stalk, yes stalk, toward her. He was just over six foot tall, his body lithe and fit. He moved like water, flowing instead of walking. His hair was long brown, secured at the nape of his neck. She felt her panties get damp just by watching him. Their eyes met in a clash, his were a warm brown and very slumberous. When his serious expression broke into a grin that made him look more like a god instead of a man, she realized she was staring and looked away.

  She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he walked toward her and then passed her to stand further down at the same carrousel. She hadn't seen him on her flight but maybe she had missed him. Doubt that. She could see the jeans he was wearing were snug and fit him like a glove. His t-shirt was tight on him, defining his strong arms and muscular chest. She could imagine running her hands over his torso while she ran her tongue over his...her thoughts were interrupted suddenly when the carrousel started to move with a loud buzzing noise.

  Bags started falling down a chute and landing on the belt going round and round. She saw one of her bags come down and pulled it off quickly. Then she waited for her second bag. She waited and waited. Most everyone had gotten their bags except for her, a family of four, and Mr. Hottie. She was almost ready to give up and go to report her bag lost when more bags started to drop down. The family got theirs and walked away as she saw her second bag fall onto to the belt. Just as she went to reach for it, a strong masculine hand grabbed for it as well. She turned to tell whomever it was to let go of her bag and saw it was Mr. Hottie. He pulled her bag off and set it down between them.

  "Sorry, I thought it was my bag, luv." God, he had to have a great voice too didn't he. He had that sexy, Irish lilt that always drove Ari crazy. Ari even glanced around, sure she would find a beautiful, blonde bombshell coming in the door to greet him.

  She didn't see anyone and realized he was waiting for a response. "Th-that's okay, but its mine."

  He glanced back at the empty carrousel and shrugged. "Ach, well, I guess mine is gone again. Not the first time. Can I help you out with yours?"

  Ari didn't think it was a good idea to go anywhere with a strange man, but this guy, well she would go anywhere. Her gut instinct told her he was okay but she still was cautious. "I'm just going over to the rental car kiosk to pick up a car. I would appreciate the help."

  He smiled a big smile, picked up her bags and gestured for her to walk ahead of him. She did so, making sure she swung her ass just enough to get his attention and not so much that she looked like a hooker.

  He strode up to walk beside her and asked, "Is this trip for work or for pleasure?"

  Ari smiled at the corny line and answered, "I grew up here. I'm back to visit family."

  "How nice for you. It's always good to go home," he said as they reached the kiosk.

  Ari nodded. "Thank you so much for your help, Mr...?" She held out her hand.

  "Just call me Reilly, luv. It was a pleasure to bask in your beauty, Miss or is it Mrs.?" he said slyly as he took her hand in both of his. She felt a tingle run up her arm. He turned her hand over and kissed her palm.

  "It's Miss. You can call me Adrianna," she said with a full smile. She pulled her hand back but could still feel the burn of his kiss in her palm. She noticed when he leaned down to kiss her hand that a medallion twinkled in the sunlight. It was obviously old and had some sort of ancient writing on it. It mesmerized her for a moment until she felt his lips on her palm.

  He nodded and turned to walk away. "Until we meet again, go n-eírí an bóthar leat." May the road rise with you. With that parting old Irish saying, blessing her trip, he left.

  She watched him walk away, admiring the nice sway of his ass. Yep, he had just the right amount of sway. Her appreciation was interrupted by the agent behind the desk asking her if she was there to pick up a car. She turned to her and nodded as she dug in her bag for her identification.

  Reilly walked out of the airport and saw Lachlan parked just outside in the pickup lane. He hopped in the SUV and as soon as he closed the door, Lachlan took off. They needed to get down the lane a bit before Adrianna came out.

  "Well?" Lachlan demanded. He was abrupt and all business.

  Reilly smiled. "She is so beautiful. She will be a pleasure to protect, hopefully up close."

  Lachlan shook his head. "You need to keep your mind on our assignment, brother," he warned.

  "Oh, I'm keepin' my mind right on it, brother, don't you worry," Reilly said with a leer.

  Lachlan took the bait. "What is she like?"

  "She has long, wavy hair and a body that was made for us. She also is tall, not so tiny you have to bend in half to kiss her full, luscious lips." Reilly was the lover of the two when it came to women. Lachlan was the serious one of the two.

  Lachlan didn't say anymore as he indicated Adrianna passing them in her rental car. Their assignment was clear. Follow the woman, Adrianna Kirkpatrick, and ensure that no harm came to her. They did their job well and wouldn't fail. They knew and understood the importance of this woman.

  Reilly sat back in his seat with a s
mile on his face. They would do this assignment, but he knew what his brother had yet to discover. She was to be theirs. He knew it from the moment he had touched her hand. Not to mention his medallion warming against his skin, which was the indication that he had found his future wife. Now he just needed his brother to realize it and to convince Adrianna. No problem, he thought ruefully.

  Chapter Four

  She headed home to Castle Belenus, named for her grandmother's lineage. Although her grandmother had married, they lived in her family home, as was the tradition. Her mother and father would have one day inherited the castle and lived out their days there. As the miles passed by her, she felt the tension ease from her body. It always felt this way when she returned to the glen. There was a mystical feeling about the place. Not that all of Ireland wasn't steeped in magic and mystical beings. She somehow could feel that magic whenever she was in the glen.

  She smiled and waved at a few people as she entered the quaint village. The main street stretched the length of about three city blocks and lined with small brick buildings. In the center of the village was the church, a modest church with a beautiful steeple. As she drove through, she saw Dougan's Pub, a place she and her sisters had tried many times to sneak in. Tommy Dougan, who owned the pub with his wife, Breanna, had always been kind and escorted them out. Then when the girls had become of age to drink, he and his wife had always made sure they didn't overdo it and got home safely.

  She passed the grocery where Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell had been in business for over forty years. Whenever they went in, Mrs. O'Donnell had given them bits of candy and always asked after the family. The whole town had been so wonderful to Ari and her family, looking out for one another was important to the people of the glen.

  She headed out of the village toward home. She saw Castle Belenus standing proud, welcoming her back. It was made of stone, browned with age and had several turrets that were part of the original structure. Over the years, her family had added and it was now immense in size. It had two tall towers on the east and west sides, and three floors high, surrounded by dense forest on both sides and in the back beyond the garden.

  When she pulled up on the circular drive in front of the main doors, she slowly got out. She stretched her back and looked around the grounds. Mamo had a large flower garden all around the front and it was in full blossom for spring. Ari took a deep breath, taking in the wonderful aromas of the flowers and then turned as she heard a squeal from behind her.

  Calli came running up to embrace her and almost knocked her down. She laughed and hugged her sister back. When they broke apart, she took a long look at her little sister and realized that time had flew by. Her baby sister wasn't a baby anymore. She would be turning twenty-one in a matter of days and that made Ari feel old. Calli grabbed her makeup case and carry-on from the back of the rental while Ari grabbed her big suitcase from the trunk.

  "I am so glad you are here. I thought for sure you were going to cancel," Calli said as they walked to the main doors.

  "What, and miss my baby sister's big birthday? I don't think so," Ari answered.

  Calli shrugged. "With all the publicity and clients you got over Fashion week, well, I didn't know."

  Ari stopped her with a hand on her arm and Calli turned to her. "Honey, I wouldn't have missed this for the world. I love you bits."

  Calli smiled at the saying their mother had used when they were little and Ari had kept in tradition. All the girls said it to each other, never to anyone else. It was their secret phrase of love.

  Traditions were extremely important in their family; their grandmother was a stickler for many of them. One of them being when a young woman turned twenty-one. It was a big moment, according to family tradition. Their grandmother had told them that this year was extra special because the youngest was coming of age. They were holding a big party to celebrate. Everyone in the village was invited, and then Mamo would have a smaller event with just the girls later that evening.

  Calli was very excited as it put the spotlight on her for a change instead of her sisters. Ari knew it was hard to be the youngest in some ways and could sympathize with Calli. Most people would say that being the youngest they were spoiled. Sometimes being the youngest meant that you were always last. Mamo and Ari had never made Calli feel that way. She would do everything in her power to make sure Calli's day was extra special.

  They entered the foyer and Calli ran over to ring a bell on the wall. Whenever anyone came home to the castle, it was considered good luck to ring the bell and let the fairies know they had arrived. She told Ari she would put her bags in her room and went up the stairs. Ari glanced around and shook her head—nothing had changed. Not that she expected it to. Traditions and all that. She was standing in the large foyer, off to her right was a receiving room, which was fancy for living room. To her left there was a music room. In front of her was a hall that led to the library, office, and kitchens. She picked up her case and went up the stairs to her room.

  As she got to the top of the stairs, Calli approached her. "Erin and Kira are due in tomorrow. Sheela called and said she would be a day late—something about retakes and the director being an ass. Mamo is out in the back garden, tending her babies."

  Ari shook her head. Their grandmother was a real nature lover; she had the large garden out front and one in the back. Their grandfather had also had a greenhouse built on the back part of the property where she tended to her 'special babies'.

  "I'm going to go find her to say hello and then I think I'm going to take a nap. I'm lagged," Ari told Calli.

  "Okay, see you at dinner. I have a lunch date and will be back soon. Luvs you," Calli said and then went down the stairs and out the main doors.

  Ari wondered whom she had a lunch date with; she never liked thinking of her baby sister with a man. She was not going there in her head. She headed out the back French doors off the kitchen and stared out over the land. It was vast and green with rolling hills in the background. To her left was her Mamo's greenhouse, to her right the large pool house that her grandparents had built when Ari was just a baby.

  It was a large glass structure, which held an indoor pool and changing rooms. There was even a Jacuzzi big enough for ten in the back corner. The wonderful thing about the building was their grandfather had made sure there were skylights strategically placed throughout so it seemed as if there was really no roof. It was enclosed due to the severe weather changes there and thus allowing them to swim all year long.

  Ari turned in the direction of the greenhouse and when she arrived at the door, she knocked twice as they had always been instructed to do. Mamo had liked her solitude in the greenhouse but had never turned the girls away if they knocked.

  The door swung open and there stood Mamo. Coni was just over five feet tall, a little thing, and even though age was taking its toll on her, she was still a striking woman. Her hair had turned white years ago and she always wore it up in a bun. She was still trim and even well-toned as she was always working in her gardens or in the greenhouse.

  "A leanbh," she grabbed Ari in a tight hug. Hearing the loving endearment her grandmother always called her told Ari she was truly home now.

  She wrapped her arms around her grandmother. "I've missed you, Mamo."

  "I have missed you, too." Her grandmother pulled back and gave her the once over, her shrewd eyes missing nothing. "How are you? I can see you need some rest."

  Ari loved the lilt in her grandmother's voice, the girls still had a touch of it and they could really put it on when they wanted. "Yes, I'm tired. I just flew thousands of miles to get here," she said with a laugh.

  Her grandmother clucked. "I left you a platter of snacks in the fridge. You go on in and rest yourself. I have some more work to do and then will see you for dinner."

  "Yes, ma'am," Ari said dutifully and headed back to the castle.

  She headed up the staircase and went directly to her room to lay down. When she entered the room, she was always swept
back to her childhood. Even though she had changed the room as she had grown up, she could still remember when she was young and would sit on the big king size four-poster bed and talk to her friends on the phone or cuddle her sisters. A few years ago, her grandmother had had the room painted to a light, mint green that Ari had picked out on one of her visits.

  Ari had kept her old posters and they were in her walk-in closet, but the walls were now adorned with pictures of her sisters and the land around her. One summer, she had the idea of being a photographer, taking dozens of landscape shots around the property. Her grandmother had taken several of them and blown them up, had them framed and placed on her walls. Ari was always drawn to the one where she had captured a small whirlwind, it was sweeping the leaves of fall around and around, surrounded by trees.

  She laid down on her bed with the forest green down comforter and sank into its softness. She smiled, taking one more look around the room. She was home. She was so tired from the trip and the past few months of working that it didn't take long before she fell into a deep slumber.

  Chapter Five

  A noise from somewhere in the castle woke Ari and she checked the time on the bedside table. It was almost time for dinner, she had enough time to get a shower and change before going down. She got up, grabbed her toiletry bag, and stumbled into the adjoining bath. After her shower, she changed into a pair of capris and a light top. After pulling her hair into a ponytail, she headed down to the kitchen. Calli and her grandmother were there, setting the table and putting out food.

  "Just in time," Calli said and then went to grab the glasses off the counter.

  "I got them, you grab the drinks," Ari told her and they settled into the routine of setting up.


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