Mine Would Be You

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Mine Would Be You Page 14

by Danielle Jamie

  I let out a low growl as she breaks away from my mouth to scream out in ecstasy while I thrust up into her and she grinds fiercely against me.

  My hands cup her ass as I begin directing her movements. I can feel her warm, velvety perfection squeezing my dick and pulsating around it as her orgasm builds.

  “Oh—God! Ohhhh…God!” is all I hear over and over again as she comes hard around me.

  She was right; we just set a brand new record.

  I’m glad she’s orgasmed, because I’m so fucking turned on right now there’s no way in hell I’m going to last very long.

  Leaving one hand on her ass, I bring the other to the nape of her neck and slide it into her hair, fisting her long, curly locks in my fingers. I tug on her hair, forcing her head to tilt back slightly. I stare up into her eyes, which are twinkling in the nighttime sky with heavy lids and long lashes fluttering before me.

  “Fuck, Emelyn. Do you know what you do to me?”

  I don’t give her time to answer. Instead, I brush my lips lightly against hers before working my mouth down to her neck. I let go and allow myself to get lost in her, going adrift in the feeling of her riding my dick, chasing her next orgasm and mine.

  This time, we come together as I bury my face in the crook of her neck and thrust inside of her until every drop of cum is deep within her.

  We sit there for a few moments, breathing heavy, mixing the sounds of us coming down from our climaxes, blending with the nighttime lullaby that we’ve listened to so many times before.

  “I love you,” I finally say into her hair as I press an array of kisses along her neck and face before finally finding her lips.

  I feel her fingers caressing my cheeks before cupping my face and steadying me as her lips pull away from mine. My lips are throbbing from kissing her so hard and are at the point of feeling numb, but still, I find myself wanting to do nothing but kiss her some more.

  My eyes take in her red swollen lips before shifting up to her lust-filled gaze, and I know immediately she’s thinking the same thing.

  “I never thought I’d have this with you ever again,” she says shyly before licking her lips and continuing, “but now that I do, I know deep in my heart this is where we’re supposed to be. There’s no one else who can love me like you do, Lawson. And I hope you feel the same way, because even after all this time—I still love you, too.”

  “You have no idea just how much I love you. But I’m going to show you every single day to the point that I drive you crazy,” I swear.

  Her contagious laughter fills the night air as her fingers run through my hair. Leaning down, she kisses my forehead before resting her head against mine. “If we’re being honest with one another, I need you to know I’m scared, Lawson. We had a fairytale kind of love, and still it ended with me brokenhearted. I can’t go through that again.”

  Hearing her confession makes my heart ache in my chest. I hate that she’s scared I’m going to hurt her again, but I’m glad she’s being honest with me.

  I hug her tighter and say my words nice and slow, so I make sure she hears every single one I speak. “I don’t expect us to get back to what we had over night. It’s going to take time, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes. And just so you know, the past will never repeat itself. I don’t take second chances lightly, baby. Believe me, I’m going to spend every waking moment making sure I never lose you ever again.”

  Sitting up, she stares down at me, flashing a playful smile. “Enough with this heavy stuff. What do you say we take a page out of the past and go skinny-dipping so we can clean ourselves up before we ride back to your place?”

  “Mmm…I love that idea.” I squeeze her ass and nip at her neck as she starts to climb off of me.

  I follow suit and get to work stripping beside her as she pulls her dress over her head and tosses it onto the grass, followed by her boots. Before I can finish getting my shirt off, she’s running buck-ass naked and giggling uncontrollably as she sprints down the grassy hill towards the pond. I hear the splash as I toss my shirt onto the ground and take off running after her.

  I cannonball into the water and pop up to find her floating in the water a few inches in front of me. Her hair is wet and clinging to her breasts as they float beautiful on top of the water.

  “Here’s to making new memories,” I whisper as I swim towards her, snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her against me.

  “To new memories.”

  We seal the promise with another set-the-world-on-fire kiss, followed by slow, passionate, lovemaking on the grassy hill under a sea of stars.


  August 29th 2008

  The night is hot and muggy, true to a broiling and humid southern summer night. Emelyn, my sister Delilah, and their best friend Lily moved into their dorms less than two weeks ago, and I can’t even put into words how it feels having my girl close to me again. Whenever I want her, she’s only a phone call away.

  Tonight, my cell rang at almost midnight. I was chilling with my boys at our frat house, playing video games, when I got the call. It was Emelyn. She said she couldn’t sleep, was missing me, and wanted to go to our new ‘spot’. It’s our secret place I brought her to a few times since I came to college. It’s hard getting privacy in a frat house, so after some searching and chatting with a few guys, I found us our perfect spot.

  Pulling up to her dorm, I send a text to her phone, telling her I’m out front. Within seconds, I see her burst through the double doors and sprint towards my ‘99 Silverado.

  She looks as amazing as ever, with her hair tossed into a messy bun on top of her head, tiny mesh shorts, and a tank top. She is the most beautiful woman in my eyes, no matter if she’s all dolled up or dressed in her pajamas.

  “Hey, baby,” I greet her with an all-teeth smile as she pops open the old squeaky door and jumps up inside.

  I pull the armrest up, opening the middle seat so she can scoot over beside me. Immediately, my arms wrap around her, hugging her tightly to my side.

  “Thanks for coming.” Her voice is soft and sweet, making my heart beat fast against my chest. Cupping her face, I pull her to me for a short, delicious kiss.

  “Anytime, I told you, Emelyn. Whenever you need me, I’m only a phone call away.”

  Putting the truck into drive, we take off down the road with one destination in mind. The streets are quiet, with only a few night owls driving around town tonight, so we get through town in record time.

  Emelyn’s laying her head on my shoulder, singing softly with the radio as I turn off of the main road and onto an old dirt road that leads into the woods. It’s a bumpy ride, causing us to bounce around the cab of my truck. Finally, we get to our spot and I put the shifter into park, but leave the radio playing.

  “I’ll get the blankets,” she says eagerly as she climbs out of the truck and gets into the backseat to grab the old blankets stored behind the bench seat.

  I open the tailgate, climb up inside, and wait for Emelyn to come around so I can help pull her up into the bed of the truck.

  “It’s so damn hot back at our dorm. I thought for sure I was going to melt in my bed before dawn.” Emelyn says, making small talk as we lay the blankets out. I roll one up into a makeshift pillow and yank my cut off over my head, tossing it to the side of the truck before lying down and holding my hand up to her, beckoning for her to lie beside me.

  A small smile plays on her lips as she kicks off her flip-flops and takes my hand. We lie in the bed of the truck, staring up at the stars for what feels like forever, barely speaking. She’s the only person I can lounge around with and not speak a single word, but feel comfortable. Just being in her proximity is all I need.

  This is what we crave from one another—simply having each other. After two years of being in separate towns and only being able to be together on weekends, I love being able to see her and touch her every single day.

  We start off with innocent touches, me softly kissing her neck and rubbin
g circles on her hip with the pad of my thumb. Soon, it shifts to her rolling over to face me and slipping her knee in between my legs. Her hands find my hair, and in a blink of an eye, her lips are on mine and my hands are sliding down her body, coming to rest on her ass.

  It feels so right being here with her. In the middle of the woods, away from the world, wrapped in our cocoon of stars. There’s heat-lightening flashing through the sky with the threat of a late-night shower. But we ignore it, because the only thing on our minds right now is being together.

  Before we know it, we’re grinding against one another and breathing heavily as we get to work finishing undressing each other. Rolling her onto her back, I slip between her warm and welcoming thighs and press the head of my dick into her entrance, all the while never letting my mouth leave hers.

  The feeling of her lips on mine and her nails digging into my ass is enough to send my body into overdrive. We start off slowly and lovingly, and shift into pure hunger and lust for one another as we chase our orgasms.

  Nothing compares to the way I feel when I’m with her, especially here, at our special place. Making love to her under the stars surrounded by the sound of country music playing low and nature singing its nighttime melody to us is the perfect combination for the perfect night with the woman I plan on spending forever with.

  Some people want fancy hotel rooms, rose petals, and expensive gifts. My girl wants nothing but me, our special place, and the whispered promises I murmur into her ear as we make love under the moonlit, southern summer sky.

  We end the night with a midnight dip in the cool water sparkling with the reflection of the stars dancing on it before finally forcing ourselves to get back to the real world.

  The skies open up as a downpour appears out of nowhere, sending us running up the hill to the truck, naked as a jaybird, to retrieve our clothes. We jump inside and get dressed as we laugh hysterically. The sound of the rain pelting off of the windshield mixing with our laughter and the radio is seriously the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t take my eyes off hers. She’s so carefree and all mine.

  I think we spend twenty more minutes parked outside her dorm, telling each other goodbye with our tongues tangled together. It takes every ounce of willpower in me to allow her to climb out of the truck and run back up to her room.

  The only thing that makes it easier saying goodbye to her every night is knowing I’ll see her again tomorrow. It won’t be today or tomorrow, but I know one day we’ll graduate from this place, get married, and start the beginning of our perfect love story. That is something I cannot wait to happen.



  Present Time, Three Weeks Later

  Sitting in Delilah’s and my favorite spot at Coffee & Books Café, I stare down at my phone, willing my fingers to type. I need to text her right now, but I’m freaking the hell out, not sure I can find the strength to message her.

  Is this something you do over a text? Should I call her instead?

  No…no, I definitely need to text her. I can’t say this out loud in a café full of people, especially in this damn town. Word travels faster than a freaking bullet train.

  Things with Lawson have been so amazing. Every weekend for the last two weeks, we’ve gotten together once at his place, and then last week at mine. I’m supposed to drive to Tuscaloosa tonight to spend the weekend with him, but now I’m freaking out, wondering if I should just write him and say I’m not feeling well and I’ll see him next weekend.

  Frig it. I type the text at lightning speed and hit send before I have a chance to chicken out.

  Meet me at my apartment in fifteen minutes.

  Sliding off of the high barstool-style cast-iron chair, I discard my empty paper coffee cup into the trash and head out to my car. Just as I’m sliding into the driver’s seat, my phone goes off.

  I don’t want Jason Aldean to finish singing to me today. Success! Just a text instead of a call. I grab my phone and immediately check my new message.

  Okay, I’ll head over right now. What’s wrong? Is everything all right? I thought you were getting ready to head to Lawson’s for the weekend? He didn’t mess things up already, did he?

  If I wasn’t on the verge of tears right now, I’d probably laugh at her bold question. She loves busting Lawson’s balls, but right now, the issue is all me.

  Lawson and I are fine. Just hurry up. I’m on my way home right now.

  The entire drive to my place, my stomach is in knots and I swear I’m going to upchuck all over my damn car I’m so nervous. I am pulling into my driveway just as Delilah is too.

  I quickly climb out and, pressing the lock button, I run up to my door and get to work unlocking it.

  “Dammit, woman, what the hell is going on with you? You’re seriously freaking me out!” Delilah bitches as she stomps up my driveway and into my house.

  The second my front door is slammed shut, I toss my keys onto the coffee table and plop down on the couch. I fall back against it and stare up at my best friend, who’s standing in front of me with her hands resting on her hips. She looks as freaked out as I feel right now.

  I decide I need to just blurt it out and get it over with.

  “I think I’m pregnant.”

  I feel nauseous even saying the word. By the look of shock on Delilah’s face, I think it’s safe to say she’s a little taken aback too.

  “Say what now?” She begins pacing in front of me, looking only slightly panicked, while I, on the other hand, feel as if I’m going to pass out as an anxiety attack threatens to strike at any moment.

  “I’m not a hundred percent sure, because I haven’t taken a test yet. But I’m always on time. Like same time, same day. Every. Single. Month. I’m now a week late.”

  “Wow. Okay.” Freezing in front of me, Delilah stares down at me with a look in her eyes that says the wheels are turning in her head. She looks up towards the ceiling as she exhales a shaky breath. “Lord, help us. Here I thought I’d be the first one to say I’m pregnant out of the two of us, seeing as I’m the one who just got married!” she shouts with a hint of hysteria in her voice as she throws her hands in the air and whips her attention back down to me.

  I drop my face in my hands and will my head to stop spinning. I’m having a serious freak out right now.




  Ahh, hell.

  “Emelyn!” I hear Delilah’s voice fill with panic as I suddenly feel faint. Before I know what’s happening, everything goes black, and then the next thing I know, I’m waking up lying on my back on the couch with my best friend screaming in my face, threatening to dump a glass of water on my face.

  “What the heck happened?” I ask as I blink up at her. I feel dazed and a little out of it.

  Letting out a loud huff, she sits down on my coffee table beside me. “What happened is you gave me a freaking heart attack! You fainted just now!”

  Sitting up slowly, I lie back against the couch and try to focus on my breathing. Thankfully, being a nurse, I’m not scared like some people may be after fainting.

  “Sorry for scaring you. I think I’m okay now. I had a mild freak out is all.”

  “If you call fainting and scaring the shit out of me a mild freak out, I’d hate to see a full-on freak out, girlfriend.”

  Closing my eyes, I try to focus on my breathing and calming my racing pulse. “What am I going to do?” I ask finally, opening my eyes as I feel a sense of calm settling over me.

  Delilah climbs to her feet, stomps into my kitchen, yanks my refrigerator open, grabs a bottle of water, and then marches straight back to me, shoving it in my face. “First thing you’re going to do is drink this water, and the second thing is call my brother and tell him you’re not coming tonight. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you drive an hour and a half to his place after you just fainted.”

  I know she’s right, but I hate knowing I’m not going to see him now.
I’ve been looking forward to it all week.

  Leaning over, I grab my purse off of the coffee table and dig my phone out. I can’t talk to him right now or he’ll sense something is up, so I decide to text him really quick.

  I hate to do this, but I have to cancel our plans this weekend.

  I’m not feeling well. So raincheck?

  “There. I texted him. He’s going to freak out. I just know it. We’ve been apart pretty much four years, Delilah! Now we’re finally getting to a good place together, taking things slow, trying to do this right, and then I go and get myself knocked up!”


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