Friends in High Places

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Friends in High Places Page 12

by Toni DeMaio

  “Now, don’t get mad at me, Gia, but she visits me in my dreams and I’ve been so worried about you and somehow she already knows what Uncle Mario has been doing.”

  “You told Kat’s sister! How could you! You promised you wouldn’t tell. You have no idea what he’s going to do…you have no idea!” she was trembling worse than ever and sobbing again.

  “I’m sorry, Gia, but I didn’t tell! I didn’t. She just knows things. She brought it up to me and that’s why I was trying to get you to go with me to tell Kat. I know we can trust Kat and Angel said she would take us to her mom’s house and we would be safe there… She said her mom and Kat will make sure the family believes us.”

  She just shook her head, “Oh, Tori! You have no idea what you’ve done. He’s a monster, you’ll see!”

  And then Uncle Mario was pounding on the door and we both jumped and held each other tighter.

  “Open up you brats!” Uncle Mario bellowed, “I told you, Gia. I told you what was going to happen to Sal if you didn’t play the game with me. I warned you!”

  “No!” Gia shrieked, “Please! We won’t tell! Please don’t hurt Sal!”

  My whole body went cold and I began to shake too. “He wouldn’t!”

  Gia nodded as if she’d never stop, “He would. You’ll see.”

  “You better listen to her, Tori, before something happens to Anthony, too.”

  Now I was shaking as hard as Gia.

  “I’ve searched this whole house and it’s locked up tighter than a drum so I don’t know who opened that door and threw that cross at me, but I better never find out it was one of your little friends,”Uncle Mario said in his soft voice, scarier than a shout, as if he was telling us something wonderful was going to happen. “You better pray I don’t find that out! I’d hate to see something bad happen to both of those sweet little boys, but you girls will leave me no choice if you tell.”

  I found myself saying, “You don’t have to worry about me, Uncle Mario, I won’t say anything. Just promise us you’ll leave the boys alone.”

  His laugh disgusted me. “Well, maybe there’s a good explanation for the door popping open like that. Maybe it wasn’t hung right in the first place and I didn’t pull it all the way closed when I came in there. Maybe that’s why it swung open. And maybe the cross just fell down when you were making all that fuss. I don’t know, but I’m going to give you girls the benefit of the doubt…this one time. It’s late and Lisa will be home soon so you both better get back to sleep. You know church comes early in the morning.”

  I heard him pacing around outside the door. “No worries for now, though,” he said as if he was trying to convince himself. “Just as long as we all understand each other, we can pick up where we left off next week. You’re staying over next Saturday night, right Tori?”

  I swallowed hard. “Sure, Uncle Mario, I’ll be back next Saturday.”

  “Good Girl,” he said, “We’ll have a party. It’s gonna be fun, you’ll see. You just need to relax into the game. I’ll even let you each have a glass or two of wine, that’ll help. Trust me…we’re gonna have a really good time together. And this is going to help you girls when you get older, too. I’ll teach you how to make your boyfriends happy, too. You’ll both thank me someday.”

  “What a nut-job,” I whispered.

  “Oh, yeah,” Gia whispered back looking totally lost, yet strangely accepting of the situation. Uncle Mario had broken her down but he would never break me. He’d have to kill me first and I wasn’t about to give him the chance to hurt either of us or our little brothers ever again.

  We waited until we heard his bedroom door close, then we washed our faces and crept back down the hall to Gia’s room, but we couldn’t fall asleep until we heard Aunt Lisa come in.

  I was grateful Angel had stopped him that time but I was beginning to see how right she had been when she told me we were in over our heads. And I knew now why Gia was so afraid to tell, but I also knew it had to be done. I hoped Angel would come back to my dreams soon because this time I’d do everything she told me to do. Uncle Mario had to be stopped, and punished, and Aunt Lisa needed to know the monster she had married. I’d make sure neither one of us was ever alone with him again.

  Later, as I drifted off to sleep, I heard Angel’s voice whisper in my ear, “Don’t worry, Tori. It’s safe to sleep. I’m always close by.”



  This morning when I woke up, I found a single purple feather on the pillow next to me. I know it has to be from Angel. Maybe she wants to give me her blessing as I get to know Brian better, or maybe she just wants to remind me her love is always with me. Whatever her reason, it’s a precious gift and I will treasure it always.

  After my tea and yogurt I decided to get my angel cards out because I just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was about to happen.

  The story the cards told me just didn’t compute, and left me with more questions than answers. I shuffled, re-shuffled, and laid the cards out three times and each time they were the same.

  They say there is danger ahead for someone I care about. I’m to be help in this situation but I must be vigilant for the sign letting me know when to step in…and it will be soon. How upsetting; like waiting for a bomb to drop.

  And on top of all that, Kat isn’t happy with me for scheduling another lunch today with the two Brians because I didn’t think to ask her first; I had just assumed she would want to go to Mama Maria’s every chance she could get. Especially since the beautiful Isabella is in residence there…and possibly on the prowl for Gino.

  Turns out I was completely wrong. Kat is more concerned Gino will be discouraged if he thinks she’s dating Brian Jr. I probably should have thought of that myself, but frankly, when Brian Sr. called and suggested we all have lunch again, I was so excited, I just said yes without thinking it through.


  It was Kat and she didn’t sound happy. We had less than fifteen minutes left before the Brians were expected to come pick us up, but I figured I was in for it for the next few minutes.

  Kat found me on the sun porch. She dropped into the lounge chair facing me, gave me a dark look and drummed her fingers on the arm rests, but didn’t say a word.

  “What?” I asked. “I’m sorry…I really am, but I guess I got carried away when Brian Sr. called. I really like him, Kat, and I’m just anxious for the two of you to get to know each other. But clearly I should have considered how it might look to Gino before I answered for you.”

  Her eyes softened a bit and she sighed. “I get it, Mom. I do, and I’m glad you and Brian Sr. have hit it off so well. I think he’s great. And Brian Jr. is a really nice person, too. I don’t have a problem with him at all.”

  “You don’t?” I beamed at her, grateful for her endorsement of the two of them.

  “Of course I don’t…but you have to stop including me on these dates. I’m really concerned about sending the wrong message to Gino. Brian Jr. is perfectly fine, but if I still have a chance to be with Gino I don’t want to risk ruining it. You can understand that, can’t you?”

  “Yes, Sweetheart, I completely do, and I sincerely apologize. I promise this is the last time you’ll be included in our plans.”

  The bell on the front door jingled as the two Brian’s came in and I heard Franny greet them from the front desk.

  “Hello there, yourself, Franny!” Brian Sr. said, “Are our girls ready yet?”

  Kat sighed loudly again as we both got up to go to them. I’d really done it this time.


  Mama Maria’s was alive with amazing aromas, laughter, and, as always, a sense of fun; in fact the late Dean Martin was singing ‘Volare’ on the sound system as we came into the dining room, and he always did make me smile.

  Carmella was on hostess duty and I chatted with her a while about her son Giovanni’s latest star moves on our high schools’ winning football team. At the same time I watched Kat scan t
he room until she found the table where Gino sat with his kids surrounded by open school books…and Isabella, the self-proclaimed math whiz.

  Brian Jr. made polite conversation with Carmella, too, asking about Lisa and her family, as apparently, he and Lisa used to be quite an item in high school. From the look on his face, I didn’t think Kat had much reason to assume he was intent on pursuing her. It looked to me as if he still carried a torch for Lisa Rossi.

  “Tell Lisa, I’ll stop in later this evening, I follow the band you have here tonight,” Brian Jr. said as Carmella grabbed some menus and directed us toward a table by the window.

  It didn’t take another second before Tori spotted us and leaped up to run and hug Kat first, and then me. I was starting to love this little girl and I wondered if that had something to do with the fact that she was the double of my own daughter at that age. The resemblance was so exact, it bordered on uncanny.

  “Come and sit with us!” Tori insisted, as she grabbed my hand and one of Kat’s and dragged us all toward their table. Both Brian’s gamely agreed, and even before we got there, Gino and little Anthony had pulled another table up next to theirs, and were arranging chairs.

  Gino looked pleased to see us all, as he pulled a chair out for me, and then one for Kat. “You two guys can seat yourselves,” he said good-naturedly to the two Brians, then sat in his own chair which was conveniently next to the one he’d seated Kat in. To my way of thinking, she didn’t have a thing to worry about…yet.

  Isabella was even more stunning than I’d remembered her, and she was polite to everyone equally as she greeted us warmly; then insisted Tori return to their studies.

  “Bambina,” she chided, “We are almost finished. Just one more problem to solve and I guarantee you will make one hundred percent on your test. You are quick to learn, Vittoria, and I don’t think you will have very many further difficulties with your mathematical studies.”

  “I like the sound of that, Isabella!” Gino said, beaming at her. “I can’t thank you enough!”

  “I bet you can,” she flirted back, returning his grin and holding his eyes a moment longer than I thought necessary.

  Apparently Kat agreed with me. She frowned and stared down at her placemat, suddenly interested in the map of Italy pictured there.

  “So what do you recommend today, Gino? What did your mama make for the specials?” I asked.

  “I know how much you enjoy the lobster ravioli, Mrs. Donovan, but you might want to try the crab cakes with a side of penne pasta Florentine. They’re excellent!”

  Both Brians chimed in that they would take his suggestion, and we all ending up ordering that same thing.

  “Bring a large order of bruschetta with a warm loaf of that bread Isabella made this morning to start us off, and would you please put it on my tab.” Gino said to his sister, Sophia, who waited on us with the cheerful warmth you always get at Mama Maria’s.

  “Yeah,” Sophia laughed, like you have a tab, Mio Fratello!” She ruffled Gino’s curls, then hurried to put our order in.

  Gino and Isabella both laughed at the puzzled look on Brian Sr.’s face. “She isn’t swearing at me, I assure you, Brian!” he said, smoothing his hair back in place.

  “She refers to Gino as her brother. But it does sound questionable to the ear of the Americano, I’m sure,” Isabella assured us as she exchanged a familiar look with Gino and I wondered if perhaps Kat had more to worry about than I had first suspected.

  And Kat really didn’t look well. She seemed to grow paler by the moment, and she just wasn’t her usual cheerful self. I regretted my thoughtless actions in saying yes to this date today. I shouldn’t have included her, and I hoped I hadn’t messed things up with Gino after all.

  “I’m finished!” Tori shouted gleefully, closing her books and shoving them under her chair. “I’m free!”

  Kat laughed with her. “I was never good at math, either, when I was your age, then it finally clicked for me in college when I found out I was fine with it as long as there were dollar signs in front of the numbers, and look at me now. I’m a district bank manager.”

  “Remind me to switch banks on Monday, Dad,” Brian Jr. teased.

  Everyone laughed; then Gino spoke in her defense, admiration in the soft tones of his voice, “So your career is even more of an accomplishment than I thought it was!”

  Kat blushed and I hoped they were back on track.

  Isabella stood then and made her exit speech. “I must get back to my duties in the kitchen. We’re hosting a birthday party early this evening and my skills with cake decorating are needed.”

  “Then we know who to call when one of us has a birthday,” Brian Jr. said.

  “You can make my cake this August, Isabella, if you’re still here!” Tori said.

  “I absolutely will make your birthday cake, Bella! I plan to study through the summer this year. Now on what day in August will we be celebrating your birth?”

  “August 10th!” Tori beamed proudly. “I’ll be eleven and I can’t wait!”

  Brian Sr. and I laughed together at the innocence of youth, while I heard Kat gasp. I turned to see what could be wrong her, and watched in horror as her eyes rolled back in her head and she slumped sideways, nearly falling from her chair.

  Gino grabbed for her just in time; then gently eased her down to the floor.

  Tori yelped, her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide and frightened, while Anthony took off running toward the hostess station yelling, “Call 911, Aunt Carmella!”

  “Kat what’s wrong?” I asked, kneeling next to her, grateful her eyes were open again, although she was hyperventilating, and Gino shouted to Carmella to bring a paper bag.

  She struggled to sit up, but Gino insisted she lay flat as he yanked his sweater off, and placed it gently under her head. “Just relax, Kat,” he whispered, checking her forehead for a fever. The paramedics will be here in a few minutes.”

  “No,” Kat whispered, “Please. No. I’m fine. I’m just hungry. I haven’t eaten all day and I’m sure that’s all it is. I’m healthy as a horse.”

  “She really is,” I agreed, “It must be her blood sugar.”

  “Hold off on 911 Carmella and please bring us some orange juice,” Gino called to his sister.

  Carmella ran off to get it while both Brians rose and asked the other diners to stay back and give Kat some air.

  “She’s over-hungry,” Brian Sr. explained to the other concerned diners, “She’ll be fine in a minute.”

  Kat sat up slowly, breathed into the paper bag at Gino’s insistence and then sat back down at the table and drank the orange juice Carmella brought to her. In a matter of minutes I was glad to see the color return to her cheeks.

  “I think she’s fine now, Gino,” I assured him.

  “She’s okay, Sis, we won’t need the paramedics,” Gino called to Carmella who went back to the hostess station.

  Then Sophia brought our bruschetta and crusty bread and things returned to as close to normal as could be expected after something like that.

  Tori came around the table and again wiggled a chair in between Kat and her father, but this time I could see it was only because she was genuinely worried about Kat. Their relationship was deepening fast and I found it quite remarkable.

  “Kat,” Tori said in a low voice, “I’m worried about you. Do you think I could spend the night with you tonight? I don’t think you should be alone and if you’re feeling better we can do our art together like you said that time.”

  Kat beamed at Tori and honestly, she looked happier than I’d ever seen her look before. “Of course, Sweetheart!” she said, “I’d love that.”

  “That would be a great idea, Tori,” Gino cut in, “If you hadn’t already promised Gia you’d spend the night over there, and Sal has invited Anthony to sleep over there, too. Don’t you think you’ll be letting Gia down? And your Uncle Mario called me this morning to make sure you guys are coming tonight. He says he has a little party planned. W
e’re all concerned about Kat but I have a feeling she’ll be spending the night with her mom.”

  “That goes without saying,” I added quickly.

  Tori looked conflicted; then she turned to Kat and grabbed her hand, “I forgot about Gia, I was so worried about you, Kat. But… maybe you won’t mind if Gia comes too? She’s a lot of fun and she really wants to meet you. I’ve told her all about you.”

  “That’s too much to ask, Tori,” Gino cut in, “I think you should plan this for another time.”

  Kat looked so disappointed, I felt terrible for her…and then, I heard Angelica’s voice in my ear. I truly did! And she said, “Mom, you need to ask Tori, Gia, and both of their brothers to come to your place tonight. You must! It’s important that you do it right now.”

  So, without thinking about it another second, I said, “Gino, I insist all of the kids, the boys included, join Kat and me at my place tonight. We’ll have a party! Do you like to bake cookies, Kids?’”

  “Wow! Yes! Can we make chocolate chip, Mrs. Donovan?” Anthony asked.

  “We absolutely can! Are you in, Girls?”

  Both Kat and Tori beamed at me and nodded.

  Brian Sr. covered my hand with his big warm one. His eyes were warm and wise. “I’d like to wangle an invite to that party, Meri. I’ll bring some balloons and my famous lemonade if you say yes!”

  “Of course,” I said, so grateful to have him in my life. And you, Gino, can suggest Uncle Mario can come down here and have dinner with Lisa tonight instead of babysitting the kids, how about that? I bet he’d like a break from babysitting since he does it every weekend.”

  “Sure, I’ll call him in a minute,” Gino said.

  I felt a bit uneasy and so I stood and started for the front desk. “On second thought, I’m calling Lisa now so we can make definite plans to pick Gia and Sal up later this afternoon.”

  “That’s fine with me,” Gino said, smiling at both Kat and Tori, and I’m sure he approved of how happy everybody looked.

  Lisa said yes, and she seemed excited at my suggestion her husband join her for dinner at the restaurant that night, but as I slipped back into my seat at the table, and told everyone the good news, I heard Isabella call to Gino from the kitchen door.


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