Have Gown, Need Groom

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Have Gown, Need Groom Page 16

by Rita Herron

  She’d started to say from one man’s bed to another, but caught herself. He found himself gritting his teeth at the idea of her in bed with that shrink, then silently cursed himself for feeling possessive. He had no right. “Are you planning to go back to him?”

  A slight shake of her head indicated no.

  “Then you have no reason to feel guilty.” He slowly lifted the hair from her neck, massaging the tension from her shoulders. She stiffened at first, then finally sighed and relaxed with the movement.

  Finally, she exhaled and faced him. He saw the fine hint of desire still lingering in her eyes, along with a twinge of embarrassment and a truckload of regret. She opened her mouth to speak just as a shrill beep burst into the silence.

  Her eyes widened, her hand automatically going to her waist. “My pager.” Lifting his sweater, she removed the small object from her belt and checked the number. “It’s the hospital, I’m not on call,” she said. “But there must be a real emergency.”

  Was it his imagination or had relief filled her voice?

  “I’d better get my cell phone.”

  He nodded curtly, the call a grim reminder of reality. Even if he wasn’t investigating her father, his job didn’t exactly invite close relationships. Of course, her job came with odd hours also.

  She made the call and turned to him, those blue eyes bright with emotions and questions. Questions he couldn’t answer. “I have to go,” she said softly. “Over a dozen people have been injured in an apartment fire. They need all the extra medical personnel they can get.”

  He nodded, quickly packed up the picnic and stored the basket in the back. They rode back to his place in silence, the wind whipping her hair around her face, the cloud of desire and confusion hovering between them. And when she left him at his apartment, he sat in the dark and stared at the blank drab walls, wondering what he was going to do about the sexy doctor.

  UNBIDDEN IMAGES flew into Hannah’s head as she drove to the hospital—images of Jake Tippins, naked and hot and whispering sweet erotic nothings into her ear. His husky voice murmured all the wicked things he’d like to do to her, and he pledged his love as he held her in his muscular arms. Oddly, he made her feel warm and cherished and safe….

  But even if the man was sexy and all alone, even if she did feel sorry for him and even if she did feel she owed him for getting shot protecting her father’s business, he was still a drifter. A man who had no obvious roots and claimed not to want any. A man who didn’t bother to unpack or get a steady job because he wanted to be able to skip town at the drop of a hat.

  A man who had brought her to ecstasy and taken nothing for himself.

  But Jake Tippins couldn’t be her destiny.

  Because, even in the middle of all her muddled thoughts, she knew one thing with excruciating clarity—roots, responsibility and family meant everything to Hannah.

  And the thought of loving someone else and having them walk out was too scary to even imagine.

  LATER THAT EVENING, Jake drove toward the dealership, planning to stake out DeLito. Blocking images of Hannah’s soft body in his arms took every ounce of strength he possessed. But he saw DeLito leave work, and reminded himself he needed to solve the case before he even considered letting things progress further with Hannah.

  Was he actually considering allowing their relationship to progress?

  DeLito stopped by his dumpy apartment first, and Jake had almost decided he was wasting his time when the man rushed back out to his car and took off. Jake followed, surprised when DeLito drove toward the northeastern parkway. Thirty minutes later, he wound through the mountains. Jake followed, his gut sensing that he was definitely onto something.

  Five miles down the highway, DeLito veered onto a dirt and gravel road through the countryside. Jake lagged behind, waiting till the dust settled behind Joey to follow. He crept slowly along the road, dodging potholes and mud-encrusted rocks, finally stopping behind a cluster of bushes in a wooded area near an old abandoned warehouse. Just the kind of place Jake had been searching for.

  Grabbing his camera and binoculars, he eased out of the Jeep, and crept through the woods to get a better view, half expecting, half dreading that he would see Wiley or Mimi appear. Instead, the same brassy blonde DeLito had met in the bar emerged from the dark shadows of the warehouse, holding a cigarette in one hand, an envelope in the other.

  Jake raised his camera and photographed the couple, adrenaline surging through him. The out-of-the-way warehouse would be the perfect spot to hide the stolen cars in transit to the dealerships. They might even have facilities inside to paint the hot vehicles and change the license plates. As soon as DeLito and the woman left, he’d check out the place. Then he’d call in the location and get a search warrant. Tomorrow they’d search the place, maybe even tie up this case.

  Now, he simply had to figure out whether or not Wiley was involved—and if his daughters knew about his side business. The memory of Hannah’s lips burned through his brain and he doused it with cold reality. The case would be over soon, he’d be history, her former fiancé would probably return, and he’d kiss Hannah Hartwell good-bye forever.

  IT WAS ONLY TEN when Hannah returned from the hospital. Weary from work and from anxiety over her attraction to Jake, she let herself in the house, made a cup of tea and changed into a pair of silky pajamas. The bride doll stared back at her from atop the hope chest, clearly reminding her of her broken engagement. And the reason for it. She had to talk to someone.

  Would Grammy Rose still be awake? Remembering her grandmother’s penchant for late-night movies, she decided to call anyway. If she didn’t get some advice, she wouldn’t sleep a wink tonight.

  Settling on top of her bed, she pressed her fingers to her lips again, the heat of Jake’s kiss and her wanton reaction to it lingering with an intensity that startled her.

  The phone rang three, four times before her grandmother answered. “Hello.”

  “Grammy, it’s me, Hannah.”

  “Mercy child, is everything all right? You sound plumb out of sorts.”

  Perhaps her grandmother was psychic. “I am tired,” Hannah said, leaning against the bank of pillows covering her headboard. Tired of living in la-la land.

  She explained about Jake. “I don’t understand how I could feel so drawn to him, Grammy. He’s not at all the type of man to settle down. He’s so wrong for me.”

  “Are you sure about that, hon? Maybe you only think he’s wrong for you. Maybe he’s exactly what you need.”

  Hadn’t Dr. McCoy made a similar comment?

  Hannah still refused to believe it. “What? A drifter who barely even unpacks when he moves to a new town? A man who sells used cars today and will be doing God knows what tomorrow?”

  Her grandmother clucked. “So, this is about his job and your dad, huh?”

  “No.” Hannah twined a strand of hair around her fingers and sighed. “Not exactly. I just don’t see us together. Except well…you know.”

  “I do know, hon,” her grandmother said without preamble.


  “I may be old but I’m not dead, child.” Grammy Rose chuckled. “In fact, a good healthy love life keeps you young. I do believe it’s kept my wrinkles to a minimum.”


  “And it’s good exercise, keeps the heart pumping.” Her grandmother laughed again and Hannah laughed along with her.

  Grammy Rose’s voice softened, “If you dreamt about the man while wearing the heirloom ring, then he’s your destiny. Might as well quit fighting it.” Her grandmother sounded as if she really believed the silly folk legend. “Just follow your heart, hon.”

  “But what if my heart is confused because of this…this chemistry stuff? What if it’s not love, just—”


  “Infatuation. I am on the rebound from breaking up with Seth.”

  “Life is full of surprises, Hannah. Some are good, some not so, but we learn from all of th
em. Love doesn’t come with guarantees, but I do believe that legend has some truth to it. And I saw the way he kissed you—mercy me, child.”

  That kiss!

  “But Grammy, hot kisses don’t make a marriage.”

  “No, but trust and love do.”

  “But Jake told me he didn’t want to settle down, didn’t want a family. You heard him at Thanksgiving. He doesn’t even want a pet.”

  “I also saw the hunger in his eyes, not just for you but for the whole family. He enjoyed the Hartwell bunch. A man like that doesn’t really want to be alone, hon.”

  “Then why would he say he did?”

  “Some men aren’t good with words. Sometimes they say one thing while they really want something else because they’re afraid to get involved. Men get their hearts broken just like we do.”

  Could Jake be afraid?

  She remembered the few little things he’d said about his family, his mother. They’d all let him down. Just as her own mother had, a little voice whispered. Dr. McCoy’s words echoed in her head—he’d said she might be afraid because she’d been hurt before, because of her mother’s desertion. Maybe she and Jake were more alike than she’d ever imagined.

  “Honey, you have to listen to what he says with his heart.”

  What exactly did Jake feel? She had no clue. Except that he had said he wanted to love her. And he’d unselfishly given her that love in a physical way, the way men showed their feelings, without asking for anything in return.

  Hannah thanked her grandmother, then chatted a few more minutes and hung up. She made a fire in her bedroom, and studied the pearl on her finger, the tiny diamonds glittering in the dim moonlight. Suddenly a knock sounded at the door, and she jumped. She grabbed a robe and hurried to the door, wondering if it might be Mimi again. But, peering through the peephole, she saw Jake standing on her doorstep. Maybe silly dreams did come true, she thought, a tingle of excitement rippling through her. Maybe she simply had to open herself up to the possibilities. A strange feeling washed over her…acceptance maybe.

  Fate. Destiny. Whatever. She opened the door and invited him in.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jake had no idea why he’d come to Hannah’s. He’d talked to his superior, and the search warrant would be issued tomorrow. Although the warehouse had been locked and he couldn’t see inside, his instincts told him they would find damning evidence. Afterwards, he’d returned to the drab duplex, seen the handcrafted star Hannah had given him along with that rose that refused to die, and he’d driven straight to her place.

  Tomorrow she’d learn the truth about him, know that he’d lied, and she’d probably hate him. But he wanted to spend tonight with her, to pretend that none of the lies would matter. Foolish and irrational, he knew, but he’d been behaving uncharacteristically foolishly ever since he’d met her.

  “Jake, don’t you want to come in?”

  Hannah’s soft voice broke him from his stupor, and he nodded, his gaze locked with hers as he followed her to the den. Heat flared in the crystal-blue depths of her eyes, engulfing him in a spiraling staircase of desire. Soft light from a single lamp illuminated the room, highlighting her gold hair with streaks of pale yellow and shimmering on her pink pajamas as if they’d been dusted with gold. A faint hint of roses clung to the air, the sultry scent of Hannah’s bodywash. A fire crackled in the background, but he glanced around the room and noticed the den fireplace wasn’t lit. “I thought I heard wood burning.”

  “I made a fire in the bedroom,” Hannah said softly. “Why are you here, Jake?”

  “I…” Why? Because he’d be leaving soon and he wanted her just once before he left. Wanted to hold her and love her and drive away the emptiness he felt inside before she found out the truth and despised him. Wanted to know how it felt to be surrounded with her love. But he couldn’t tell her that or the truth or he might blow the case. Instead he told her part of the truth. “Because I want you. I couldn’t get you off my mind.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you, too,” Hannah said softly.

  A slow smile curved her luscious lips, sparking his arousal to life. But his hunger went far deeper than just holding her, possessing her body. He ached to feel her in his arms because she’d already climbed into his heart and embedded herself in the layers of his soul.

  The admission, although silent, cost him and panic tore at him. He backed away.

  “Don’t go, Jake.”

  The softly spoken request halted him midstride. He stared at her, willing her to change her mind. “You understand what I’m saying?”

  Desire riddled with acceptance lit her eyes. “Yes. I want you, too.”

  “You don’t have to do this because of earlier, because—”

  “I know.” She pulled him toward her, placed a hand over his heart. “And I’m not. I’m doing it because I want to give myself to you.”

  The second she voiced the words, he dragged her into his arms. Their mouths met, mated, tongues tangled and danced together, mimicking the intimacy they both desired. He threaded his hands in her hair, a guttural groan escaping him at the way she threw her head back, her smooth skin begging for his kisses. He lowered his mouth and tasted heaven in the sensitive skin of her neck, tasted fire in her burning skin, tasted love in every caress she offered him. Her hands dug into his shoulders, tearing at his shirt, clinging to him as he walked her backwards to the bedroom.

  This time there was no stopping. Firelight flickered orange and gold, casting shadows on the lace-draped bed, engulfing the room with the air of intimacy. Her scent sent passion tingling up his spine and he found the tiny buttons at the front of her silk pajamas and began to work them free. She dragged her hands through his hair, planting hot kisses on his forehead, his jaw, his mouth, the fire in her unleashing a demon of desire, out of control. Then he pushed her pajama top away, cupped the soft weight of her breasts in his hand, stroked her nipples to hardened buds with his fingertips. She moaned, clawing at his shirt until he released her enough to discard the garment. Her eyes darkened with hunger as she came toward him, but he held her at arm’s length, wanting to look at her.


  He heard the hesitancy in her voice and sweet hunger seared through him, making his muscles and body taut with desire. And restraint. “You’re so beautiful, Hannah. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so perfect.”

  She started to speak, but he silenced her with his mouth, plunging his tongue inside to taste her as he covered her breasts with his hands. She arched into him and he slid his hands to the waistband of her pajamas pushing the fabric down her hips to the floor. She stepped out of them, revealing a pair of pale pink bikini panties, a scrap so feminine and tiny his imagination soared, painting an erotic picture of her naked.

  He licked her neck, nibbling down the curve of her shoulder, all the way to her breasts where he gently bit the tips of her ripe nipples before taking one in his mouth. She moaned again, her legs buckling, and he picked her up and carried her to her bed, pausing to look into her eyes.

  “You’re sure?”

  She looped her arms around his neck and kissed his neck, her voice a husky whisper in the darkness, “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you, Jake.”

  His arousal surged against her hip as he pushed the comforter aside and gently laid her on the bed. With one quick motion, he unbuckled his pants and slid them down his hips, taking his boxers with them. Her eyes widened slightly as she took in his size. A hint of fear, of awe…he wasn’t sure which. But passion overrode her anxiety and she reached for him.

  His arms and hands found her, his lips tasted every delicious inch of her body until she was writhing beneath him, begging him to fill her. He reached inside the pocket of his jeans, pulled out a foil packet, ripped it open with his teeth and sheathed himself.

  She watched the movement, her eyes ablaze with hunger. Then he lifted himself above her, nudged her legs apart with his knee and pressed himself into her.

p; His heart raced, then stopped when he felt a small resistance. “Hannah?” God, she wasn’t a…

  “Jake, please, I want you.”

  Cupping her face with his hands, he held himself in check, studied her face, saw the yearning, the love shining in her eyes, and surrendered to her unbidden request. Lowering his head to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, he tasted the salt of her skin, the heady scent of arousal and his muscles clenched, fighting for control. Wanting to give her pleasure, he lowered his head one more time to suckle at her breasts before plunging into her.

  She cried out softly and he stilled, hating that he’d hurt her, but moved by the fact that he was her first. Gently, he lifted his head and looked into her eyes, shaken by the emotions he saw glittering in the expressive depths.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she whispered, frantic now with the onset of her release.

  He smiled, male pride warring with tenderness as he began to rock inside her. He teased her unmercifully with his tongue, drove her to madness with his body, tortured her with the soft whisper of his breath in her ear.

  Until she exploded. She clawed at his naked back, hugged his aching sex within her, trembling with the force of a sated woman. And her soft cries and moans of rapture sounded so deep and heartfelt that his own passion blazed through him.

  HANNAH SNUGGLED into Jake’s arms, more content than she’d ever been in her life. Loving Jake had seemed so natural, so oddly tender and potent at the same time, so full of emotions and sensations that she had actually seen fireworks exploding behind her eyes.

  Had he felt the same way?

  He cradled her against him, his breathing finally steadying, his legs entwined with hers. Sweat dampened the coarse hair on his chest, and the faint scent of sex lingered in the air. One of his hands stroked her back in a tender caress. She noticed a long puckered scar along his upper thigh and wondered how he’d gotten it.


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