Power in Darkness

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Power in Darkness Page 4

by Krista Street

Okay then… I didn’t know how to respond to that.

  Everyone sat, and Mike soon busted out the latest baseball stats for the season. Since Jayden, Niles, and Zach all joined in the conversation, I figured they watched the sport too.

  I added a few comments here and there, but considering baseball wasn’t really my thing, I instead ate my food and sipped my beer.

  The evening passed quickly once I got over how uncomfortable I felt. Jayden and his friends proved to be good company and easy to talk to and laugh with.

  By the time twilight set in, I was sad to see them go, but I had a show the next day and needed a good night’s rest. The coming week, as I finished up my tour, would prove grueling. Besides, even though I hadn’t heard from Logan again, it was possible he was still coming. As for when, I still didn’t know.

  I pulled my cell phone from my pocket, hoping for a message from him.

  Jayden’s face dipped into shadows when he leaned my way. “Everything okay?”

  I smiled sheepishly. It was the third time I’d checked my phone in fifteen minutes. “Yeah. Everything’s fine. I’m just waiting to hear from somebody.”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  I nodded. “I thought he would have text by now.”

  Jayden leaned back in his chair and propped his elbow over the back of it. “What’s your boyfriend’s name? If you don’t mind my asking.”

  I tucked a strand of hair behind my ears as the evening air swirled around, thankful that the smoky smell from the grill had died down. Nighttime scents had taken its place along with the sound of chirping crickets. “His name’s Logan Smith. He’s a werewolf too.”

  “Logan Smith?” Niles’s head shot up. “Did you say Logan Smith?”


  Niles and Zach shared looks.

  In the darkening night, I couldn’t decipher it, but I watched the exchange with raised eyebrows. “Do you know him?”

  “No, we don’t know him,” Jayden cut in. “But everybody knows of him. Logan is pretty well-known in the werewolf community.”

  I figured that was because Logan was in the Supernatural Forces, or SF. “Oh, right. That makes sense.”

  “Well, it’s starting to get late,” Cecile said as she began to collect the dishes. “And Daria has to work tomorrow, so we might have to head in, but it was a pleasure to meet you all.”

  They all mumbled in agreement.

  I slipped my phone out of my pocket and glanced at it one more time. Still no messages. Where is he?

  “Daria?” Cecile asked. “Do you mind helping?”

  When Cecile handed me the condiments, I hastily set my phone on the table.

  Mike stood and tipped his Yankees cap in the werewolves’ direction. “Nice to meet you, fellas. I’m gonna go clean up the grill.”

  “Let me help you.” Zach joined Mike.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said to Jayden and Niles before following Cecile into the bus.

  “You need any help?” Jayden asked.

  “Nah. We got it.”

  Inside, Cecile clicked the lights on before we put the refrigerated items away. I filled the sink with hot, soapy water, and Cecile set to work on the dishes.

  “I’ll just tell them all goodnight then will be in.”

  Cecile dipped her hands into the suds. “Take your time.”

  I jogged back outside to collect the remaining items and say goodbye to my new friends. My phone was still on the picnic table. I glanced at it again before slipping it into my pocket. Ugh. Still nothing.

  Zach had returned from helping Mike, and Niles and Jayden seemed ready to go.

  I shoved my hands into my pockets. “Thanks for stopping by. I hope you guys have a good weekend.”

  Jayden’s shoulders fell. “I guess this is goodbye then.”

  “I know it’s not that late, but Cecile’s right. I have to work tomorrow, so we’re turning in. It was nice to meet you, though.”

  Despite the darkening sky, I still caught Jayden’s growing frown.

  He pulled me to the side. As before, his touch didn’t aggravate my light. “So … I don’t expect you to take me up on this, but if you’re ever in the area again, do you want to look me up?” He handed over a piece of paper with his phone number on it.

  I took it, but in the dark, I couldn’t make out the number. Logan would not be thrilled at me collecting numbers from random guys, but Jayden had been polite and civil ever since I’d met him … if a little flirty. “Sure. I’ll let you know if I’m ever back here.”

  Banging came from behind the bus as Mike locked the under-bus storage compartment. “I’m locking up, Dar. You coming?”

  I nodded. “Coming!” I turned back to Jayden. “See you later?”

  Jayden smiled. “I hope so.”

  “Bye,” I said to his friends. “Have a good night.”

  They waved their goodbyes, and I turned away.

  Once we’d stepped on board, Mike locked the bus up for the night, and the three of us got ready for bed. As I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, my phone vibrated. I pulled it from my pocket to see a text from a strange number.

  Cocking my head, I quickly finished brushing my teeth then opened it.

  Hey, babe. I’m in Montana. Sorry for not getting in touch sooner. I lost my phone in the airport in California. I swear the TSA stole it, so this is my new number. I’m at the park you said you were at. Where are you? I can’t find you, but I’m on the west side.

  A grin spread across my face as I hastily tapped in a reply. No wonder I hadn’t heard from Logan. We’re in the bus, just getting ready for bed, but I’m still dressed. Do you want me to find you since you can’t find us?

  Sure. I’m in a parking lot by a bunch of trees. Any chance you know what I’m talking about?

  My smile grew broader as tingles of excitement grew in my belly. I knew exactly where he was talking about. That was near the area where I’d run into Jayden the second time.

  Yep. It’s only a five-minute walk from the bus. I’ll run over there now, then I can show you where we’re parked. See you soon!

  I was in such a hurry to reach the front of the bus that I collided with Mike near the door.

  “Whoa, girl. What are you all excited about?”

  “Logan’s here!” I grinned and slammed the button to release the front door. “I’m going to meet him. I’ll be right back!”

  Mike just chuckled as I hopped down the bus steps.

  Evening air washed over my cheeks as I began to jog. Nighttime had fully set in, bringing with it the distant yips of coyotes. I ran through the grass, my excitement quickening my steps. It grew darker as I approached the trees, but my grin didn’t fade as I kept my eyes peeled for Logan.

  The park didn’t have security lights, but thanks to the moonlight, I made out a parked car in the parking lot. Probably a rental.

  “Logan?” I called.

  “Over here.”

  I twirled in the direction of his voice, squinting since I could only make out random dark shapes. “Where are you?”

  “Just over here.”

  I frowned. He sounded strange. I took a step closer. “Where?”

  A rustling sound came from the forest, and a figure emerged. Logan!

  Rushing forward, I said, “I’m so glad you’re here!” I was about to throw my arms around him when warning flags abruptly waved in my mind.

  I skidded to a stop. The outline of the man was slightly smaller than Logan’s large build, but it did look familiar. “Jayden?”

  Jayden lunged forward and grabbed my arm. I yelped as his fingers encircled my bicep, digging cruelly into my flesh.

  “What the hell, Jayden?” I tried to pull my arm back, but his grip held firm. I yanked my arm again to no avail. “Where’s Logan?”

  “Logan’s not here, but we are.”

  My heart slammed against my ribs as panic roared through me. My eyes widened as I recalled the text messages from my supposed boyfriend—and the new phone

  I swallowed tightly.

  Just because the person on the other end said he was Logan didn’t mean he actually was. But he called me babe and talked about his trip from California! Jayden couldn’t have known that!

  Jayden tsk-tsked. “Little girls shouldn’t leave their phones unlocked and sitting unattended on picnic tables. Especially when messages from their boyfriends pop up. Did you know that Logan just arrived at Bozeman’s airport? Huh, babe? It was too easy to retrieve your number, delete his message, then pretend to be your boyfriend.”

  Jayden grinned. In the moonlight, his teeth appeared longer than they had before. They glistened with saliva and looked sharper. Deadly.

  I shrank back, but his grip became steel. Sparks shot along my nerves before painful jolts slid down my arm as my light rushed out of its storage chest. Except that time, any sensation of Jayden being a potential mate vanished. What the hell’s happening?

  “Let me go, Jayden!” I tried to yank my arm back again.

  But he merely leaned down, his eyes glowing red. “Too bad your SF boyfriend is still thirty minutes away. We should be long gone by then.” He licked his lips and inhaled. “You smell so good, witch. Good enough to eat.”

  Chapter 5

  I screamed and tried to rip my arm free from Jayden’s grip while kicking at his legs, but both proved useless.

  I mumbled a telekinetic spell under my breath, but Jayden slapped a hand over my face, making it hard to breathe, let alone fight. “No spells, witch.”

  Still, I tried. I punched, kicked, and pushed against him as hard as I could while my mind reeled. Jayden’s attacking me? Why the hell is he attacking me?

  But my fighting did no good.

  Jayden threw his head back and laughed, momentarily stopping my movements.

  My blood turned cold. He wasn’t the same person I’d met earlier. Any resemblance to the carefree, funny guy I’d met in the grocery store that morning had vanished.

  “Who are you?” My voice was muffled against his hand.

  Red light glowed in his eyes again, like embers coaxed to a flame. “Does it matter?” His voice grew deeper, more gravelly. He sounded almost inhuman.

  A cold shudder ran through me.

  I shook my head vigorously, but his palm wouldn’t budge. Flailing, I tried again to break free. I needed to run. Get help. Have someone save me. Fight back. Disappear. Something. Anything!

  Holy shit, I’m losing it! But this couldn’t be happening. Not again. How can I be attacked again within the span of a week?

  Growls came from my left. My mouth went dry. Two huge wolves emerged from the trees. Niles and Zach!

  I fought harder, even though my knees threatened to give out as my stomach heaved. They’re rogues! They’re fucking rogues! They have to be!

  I thrashed and fought, but Jayden’s grip only strengthened. Bile rose in the back of my throat, and I yanked my arm back as hard as I could while biting down on his hand.

  He yelped, and I managed to get out another half-cast spell before Jayden turned into a blur. His thick hand clamped over my mouth again, cutting off my magic, before he pinned me to him from behind. The feel of his chest rubbing against my back made sweat erupt across my entire body.

  Niles and Zach advanced, long canines bared, their stalking steps as silent as bat wings in the night. One of them whined, the sound anxious.

  “Shut up! I don’t care who S wants us hunting! I want her,” Jayden snarled.

  S? I fought more, not understanding any of what Jayden was saying.

  “I’ll move her into the woods. Then we can all enjoy this tasty morsel. I bet her flesh is divine.” Glee filled Jayden’s voice as horror consumed me.

  Tasty morsel? Does that mean he’s going to eat me? Or rape me?

  Sheer terror fueled my kicks, adrenaline rushing through me in waves, yet it did no good. Jayden’s hand stopped my spells, and my flailing movements did little against his Herculean strength. He picked me up as if I were as light as a feather then jogged into the woods.

  How can this be happening? This can’t be happening!

  The rough run jostled me in his arms. Niles and Zach followed us. Their eyes also glowed red as their tongues lolled out of their mouths. Excited whines erupted from their snouts, the earlier anxious-sounding ones gone.

  Uncomfortable jolts from Jayden’s touch traveled up my arms as the gravity of my situation took hold.

  Logan wasn’t there. I had no idea when he would be. I was on my own. Nobody was coming to save me.

  Jayden’s going to kill me!

  Tears sprouted in my eyes, blurring my vision. It was possible that I would never see Logan again or never see Cecile and Mike again. I was only twenty-one years old, yet my life could be over before it really began.

  A sob shook my chest, then another.

  “Are you crying, sweetheart?” Jayden chuckled against my ear. The feel of his hot breath near my skin made me shiver.

  How could I have been so wrong about him?

  He stopped running when we entered a clearing. Clouds moved in front of the moon, casting everything into darkness. The onslaught of energy from Jayden hadn’t abated. It felt like bugs crawled under my skin.

  “Please. Don’t do this!” I said against his hand.

  He removed his calloused palm and turned me in his arms. His eyes were glowing so brightly that they reminded me of bloodred rubies. “If you try to cast a spell again, witch, I’ll slash your throat.”

  He lifted his hand. From the tip of one fingernail, a claw emerged. It grew right before my eyes, turning into a sharp, razor-like blade two inches long.

  I gulped. “You tricked me, made me think you were nice.”

  Jayden laughed again. “It was too easy.”

  Niles and Zach stopped just behind him, slinking against his sides. I could finally tell them apart now. Niles was the bigger, leaner one, whereas Zach was the smaller but thicker one.

  Jayden set me on my feet. The ground swayed beneath me as my knees threatened to buckle.

  “Please don’t do this!” I cried desperately.

  As Jayden towered above me, dark energy rolled off him. “Boys, I think she’s scared.” He laughed again.

  Niles whined in excitement then opened his mouth, revealing razor-sharp teeth.

  Jayden loosened his grip for a moment. I stiffened when the horrible effects of Jayden’s touch stopped. But as soon as that clarity arrived, so did a flash of reason.

  Run, Daria! Run now!

  I tore free, shoving him hard before sprinting away.

  “Bitch!” Jayden yelled. “Get her!”

  A yelp of excitement came from behind me. Cold wind flew across my cheeks as my feet pounded the ground. I’d never been a fast runner, but the many hikes I did in my spare time had made my legs strong, and the adrenaline pumping through my veins made me faster.

  I muttered a spell, the words coming out choked as I struggled to breathe. But the spell failed, my cadence incorrect as I gasped in air.

  The forest grew closer as the edge of the clearing appeared. Just get away! Forget about spells! My hair whipped behind me. Almost there!

  Something jumped on my back.

  I flew forward and landed hard in the grass, knocking the wind out of me. Four paws pinned me to the earth. A growl came next before a mouth descended to my ear.

  My diaphragm kicked back into action, and I sucked in a lungful of air. A bloodcurdling scream tore from my mouth. It was filled with panic and was loud enough to wake the dead.

  I tried again to get the wolf off me, but he was too heavy.

  A hand clamped over my face, cutting off any oxygen while pinning me harder to the earth. “Now, now, sweetheart. We can’t be having that.” Jayden flipped me over onto my back.

  Niles and Zach closed in. They had me circled, and I was flat on the ground. Defenseless.


  “Well, boys. Let’s not put this off any longer. Let’s enjoy this deliciou
s morsel once and for all.”

  Before my very eyes, Jayden began to shift. Hair sprouted on the backs of his hands as his mouth elongated into a snout, though the blood red of his eyes stayed the same. The air around him began to shimmer as his form changed from that of a man to a wolf.

  His hand stayed on my mouth, rendering any spell casting impossible. The sensation of his skin changing from hand to paw, back and forth, caused bile to rise in my throat, making me want to gag.

  Niles and Zach came closer, their mouths opening as each of them prepared to lunge forward, their haunches bent like tightly coiled springs.

  They paused, ready, and it briefly registered that they were following Jayden’s lead, waiting for him to shift.

  I kept fighting, kept thrashing, but it did no good. Jayden held me, even while he shifted, as if I were a bug he played with on the sidewalk.

  Still, I didn’t stop. I fought and fought, despite my vision threatening to go dark from lack of oxygen.

  I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to see them bite me. Already, images of them tearing my flesh away, mouthful by mouthful, were filling my mind.

  This is it. I’m going to die.

  As Jayden shifted, increasing energy from him swirled into me. I’d never felt anything like it. It was evilness in its purest form, so very dark and black, as if the devil himself were before me.

  My stomach heaved.

  I flailed again, my vision dimming to a tunnel as unconsciousness loomed. I’m going to die. They’re going to kill me. Of that, I was certain.

  Absolute terror filled my core, slicing along my limbs and consuming me from the inside out. I’m going to die!

  Just as that gut-clenching, bone-deep realization hit home, something cracked deep within me, like a fissure in the earth.

  My eyes flashed opened, but my vision still threatened to go dark.

  Jayden’s hand fully turned to a paw, the less effective appendage allowing me to breathe better. I sucked in a lungful of air. What the hell?

  The fissure within me widened, like my insides were opening to a dark, hidden cave, then energy burst to the surface of my skin like a powerful earthquake.

  I screamed, and my back arched off the ground, displacing Jayden’s shifted paw, as swirling, immense power rose inside me like a burning inferno.


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