Lady Guardians: Ride For Free

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Lady Guardians: Ride For Free Page 8

by Hadley Raydeen

  His eyes cleared from the dazed expression and he focused on me. “Yeah, man, go do what you have to do with your woman. Tell Starr I'll be over as soon as I can. I want to talk to the doctors again about my dad and make sure he is stable.”

  “I mean I understand that, but—” I tried, but Bear Jones walked over to us. His focus was solely on me. His scowl was deep only darkened by the superficial wounds from the gunfight we’d all been a part of earlier tonight. His injuries were obviously nothing life-threatening enough to keep him admitted to the hospital like Stephanie and Luther.

  He came straight to me squaring off, and I stood toe-for-toe even though he had a few good inches on me. “The man said to go on. He's seeing about his family. You go and see about yours, Guardian.”

  He said the name with such contempt I almost wanted to laugh in his face. His no good club wasn't even half of what mine was. With everything we did in this community, and for the people, they could not say the same. Trafficking young women in and out to men who were supposed to be upstanding citizens in this city to do God-knows-what. The thought made me absolutely sick. Someone would have to be accountable for it, either Luther or these stupid Dogs. Someone would pay. I’d make damn sure of that. But for now...

  I looked from the giant man to Eli, and he shook his head.

  “Look, Z, I'm sorry, man. I don't mean to say it like that.” He cast a wary glance at Bear. “But, give me a minute, okay? Let me make sure my dad is stable, and then, I'll be over to see about Star and Steph. I promise.”

  “Okay,” I mumbled as I turned and glared at Bear one last, long time before I walked off in the direction I knew my family was in.

  Free cut me off mid-walk staring me down; the expression on his face hard and unwavering. I paused only a minute before I reached out and embraced the man I considered like a second father. Even though my birth father was still alive, I was closer to this man. My father was more about finances and how to be more affluent. But Free taught me how to be a man. Thinking he may be dead tore me apart. I was damn near thirty years old and the thought of being without that father-like mentoring was just unbearable. I wonder if that is how Eli felt right now. But, how could he think of that man lying in the hospital room as anything other than a monster? Hell, the bastard had been in jail all of Elias’ adult life.

  I couldn’t think about that right now. I’d try to understand Elias later.

  Now, Free was back, here in front of me, tangible, able to be seen and heard. I took that moment to hug him hard.

  “Damn, son. Can a man breathe?” He coughed out his all too familiar chuckle as he clapped my back once, then twice.

  I finally let him go, stepping back. “Free. It's so damn good to see you, Prez. I thought for sure you were a goner. They had us all thinking you were dead. It was… a rough, dark time, let me tell you. But, I did everything you said, I swear. I was there for Ky and Star, and I made sure your daughters were okay, as best I could. It was bad, Free.” I shook my head and looked him in the eye. His face was solemn as he nodded.

  “I know it was. I want to thank you for all you did, Zach. I knew there was no better man to make sure my girls were okay. I knew you would see after Ky…” He raised a brow. “But you took Star under your wing, too.” I knew my face was red. I was hot as hell and sweating under his watchful eye.

  He continued. “Some things got out of hand.”

  I nodded. That was an understatement. Who knew all that shit would go down at the Hellhound’s clubhouse? “We are going to have to think about our defense; how we will stand guard against these Dogs, especially with Luther hanging in the balance. No one knows if he's going to survive or not...we're going to have to watch our back even more and do what we have to do.”

  I listened to him intently. I didn't know exactly what ‘do what we have to do’ meant, but I was hoping he would explain and it didn’t involve any more guns. Though I was licensed to carry, I didn’t want to have to use it unless absolutely necessary.

  “So, what the hell is going on, Free? Do we know what really caused any of this? Do we have any intel at all? Are we to believe Stephanie is really involved with Luther again? Why would she do that to Buck? Why would she do it to the Guardians? Makes no damn sense, man.”

  I thought I saw Free cringe. But as quick as it came, it vanished. I didn't think he still had feelings for Stephanie. They’d been over before Starla was even born and she’d be twenty-nine this year. He seemed so damn happy with Stella and Ky. I must be reading something into it more than what it is.

  He shook his head once. “I don't know what that is all about but I sure the hell will get to the bottom of it,” he barked. “We will have answers, if not tonight, then definitely soon. Somebody will answer for this, and I expect you to help with that investigation.”

  “I mean, I can ask Eli—” Free cut me off

  “No! If you have to ask Elias what’s going on, I don't know if I much trust what his answer is. Though he acts like he is anti-Dogs, that boy is his father’s son. I definitely know I don’t like him with my daughter!”

  If we had this conversation even a month ago, I would have assumed Free was talking about Kyanne, and I’d have to break Eli’s jaw. That was my lady, period.

  With the new found revelation, leaving everyone shocked as hell, I knew he was talking about Starla. It was just weird hearing him talk about Star as anything other than his niece but as of the earlier developments, she was definitely his blood and not just by his marital status to Stella.

  I shook my head, understanding where he was coming from. “From what I heard, they've been friends since Jump Street. They’ve been close. He says he cares about her, but who knows…?”

  A low growl resonated from Free, and I knew that would be the last time I talked about that. I wasn’t getting my ass kicked over this shit.

  “No, Stephanie decided to leave… When she turned up pregnant, I assumed the baby was Luther’s.” His words were strained and still held emotion after all these years. “It's a long story, Zach. One I’m not getting into right now. But, suffice to say, Stephanie decided to leave what we had and go to Luther. I don't know what it is about that man, but she always felt threatened by him.”

  “Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me you were in love with Stephanie, and she left you for Luther?” Maybe I said that a little louder than I should have. But, hell I was shocked.

  He looked around and then turned a sharp gaze on me. “That was a lifetime ago, boy, almost thirty years gone. Don't talk about what you don't know, especially in mixed company. This place has ears, so mind your mouth.”

  “My bad,” I said, holding my hands up, not wanting to be on Free’s bad side.

  “I'm in love with my wife and my baby girl. That is my family. I wouldn't have it any other way. Things change in your life; things you think are right, things you think are good...can change. People you think you're meant to be with aren’t meant to be with you.”

  “Are we still talking about you in the scenario, Free, or are you talking about the fact you not only disapprove of Eli for Starla but you also think I'm not good enough for Ky?”

  “It’s not that I think you aren’t good enough, Zachary; you know I think of you like a son. It’s just…”

  “What, Free? I've been here for her through all of this. I—”

  “How serious are you about my girl?” he asked, looking at me.

  “Pretty damn serious. I love her.” The words left my mouth before I could reel them back in. But once I spoke my truth, I knew it without a shadow of a doubt. I don’t know how long I’d been feeling like this for Kyanne. It took her father to pull it out of me and for me to admit it aloud.

  “Hmm, okay. It's like that, huh? A man dies for a month and the boy’s in love.” Free’s sarcasm shown through.

  “You didn’t die, Free,” I scoffed.

  “Damn near…” he countered.

  “Well, how about you not scare us like that again? Okay,
old man?”

  Free chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do about that, son.”

  “But, seriously, I don’t know what this is between me and Ky. We haven’t really talked about it yet. The whole thing going on with you and Stel, and then she found out about her and Starla being sisters. It’s been a cluster of fucks this last week.”

  “I wish she hadn’t found out the way she did… about Star. That is something me and her mother should have told her…”

  I countered, “Well, given the circumstances...”

  “You didn’t know if Stella or I were dead or alive. I understand. Luther has taken too much away.” Free’s face fell, and he looked a cross between pissed and upset. I understood why he would be. The Hellhounds had taken away too much from this man.

  I wonder if all this was worth Luther’s miserable life in the process.

  Chapter 15


  I woke to the sound of voices outside the hospital room. I looked over and caught my mother knocked out on the couch in the oversized room. I looked over at the bed and Aunt Stephanie was still hooked to IVs and a chest tube to help her breathe. She hadn’t woken up, yet. The only one missing from the room was Starla. And, that is who I heard in a heated discussion in the hallway.

  I wiped the sleep from my eyes and checked my cell. It was already two o'clock in the morning. I also saw a missed text from Zach.

  Went to get coffee. I’ll be back.

  He’d sent it only minutes before.

  I smiled a giddy grin a girl gets when she is falling for someone. With him, it was a bit different. This wasn’t something new, really. We knew each other well. We’d been friends for years, but we finally opened ourselves for something more.

  The physical was definitely there, but we needed to see if the emotional side was there for us, too.

  Voices, muted by my thoughts, raised again catching my attention and pulling my thoughts from Zach and me. I would have to revisit that later.

  I pushed from the chair I’d occupied and padded toward the door.

  My achy muscles groaned in protest. I wasn’t used to riding the motorcycle. That ride, sexually and on the road, left a girl limping.

  Sleeping in a hospital chair didn’t help the matter. I walked out into the dimly lit hallway and caught sight of Starla and Eli in the corner so close to each other they only had to move a couple inches to kiss. He put a hand to her face. “I don’t want to hurt you, Starla. That isn’t what I’m trying to do here.”

  “Then don’t, Eli.” I watched as a tear slipped down her cheek.

  He brushed the tear away with his thumb and leaned in, kissing her tear-stained cheek before he caught sight of me. He shook his head and walked away from Starla before I had the chance to say anything to him.

  Hmm, just when I wanted to trust that bastard.

  He still had Dog blood running through his veins, no matter how much Starla cared for him.

  “What was that all about?” I asked, coming up to Star.

  She rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh. “No, not now, Kyanne. I just can’t.” She held up a hand and walked away in the opposite direction of Eli, passing Zach in the hallway as he walked toward me.

  “Hey, Star, I got you coffee...” He tried to speak to her, but she walked past him like he hadn’t spoken.

  “What’s going on there? Is Stephanie okay?” he asked, handing me one of the steaming cups.

  “No change in Aunt Steph; she’s still stable. As for Star, I don’t know what is going on there.” I took a sip of the liquid and savored the warmth. I rolled my shoulders back trying to loosen some of the knots that seemed ever present since this whole fiasco started.

  “Come here,” Zach said, setting the other coffee on the table next to the chairs in the hallway. He stood behind me and placed a hand on both my shoulders and applied just the right amount of pressure as he kneaded at the tension.

  “Damn, Ky,” he said for my ears only.

  “I know,” I moaned. “I need to relax. It’s just been too much these last couple of days, you know.”

  “I know this has been way too much. Thankfully some of this shit is smoothing out.” He turned me in his arms and put a finger under my chin tilting my head until our gazes met. “We should get you back home to get a shower and some rest. We can come back in a few hours. We aren’t doing much around here, anyway. It’s late and your aunt is sleeping. Your mom is with her—”

  “I’m here too, baby girl.” My dad came down the hall with his own steaming cup of joe. “Go home get some rest. If anything changes, I will give you a call.”

  I wanted to protest and say I needed to stay, but my body told me otherwise. I was exhausted. “Okay, Dad…” I reached up and hugged him around the neck, so happy I was able to do this again.

  “Be careful, Free. Luther may be in a coma, but there are still Dogs that haven’t been arrested lurking around. I saw Bear outside of his hospital room tonight.”

  “There are Guardians here too, son. Those bastards wouldn’t dare try anything again, not here at least. They caught me the last time when I was by myself. That won’t happen again. There is strength in numbers. You take care of her, okay?” My dad smacked a large hand on Zach’s shoulder.

  “You know I will, man.” Z nodded.

  “Dad, check on Star. She seemed pretty upset just now; something to do with Eli. She wouldn’t talk to me about it.” My father's eyes darkened as did his expression.

  “I’ll find her. Go get some rest, baby girl.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead before walking away in search of Star.

  I looked at Zach and he shrugged.

  “I’ve had enough of tonight. Let’s go,” I sighed.

  Chapter 16


  The Ducati glided through my neighborhood with a smooth buzz. I revved the engine and made the corner onto my street. I looked in my side-view mirror and Zach was not far behind on his sleek bike. I grinned to myself. I may not like the MC world anymore, but it damn sure was a part of me, like it or not. I still could handle this baby. “Like riding a bike.” I grinned to myself.

  I’d burned Z about two blocks back when I came to a stop in my driveway, cutting the engine off a few seconds before he pulled in next to me. He pulled his helmet from his head and rested it on the handlebars turning to me with a smirk as I removed my own helmet and did the same.

  “How nice of you to join me,” I teased, running my hands through my mess of curls and flipping them over my shoulder as I eyed Zach. “Aww, what’s up with that face, Foster?” I asked climbing from the bike. “Not every day a chick beats your ass off the line, huh?” I winked at him.

  He laughed, cutting the engine on his bike and joining me as we walked to the house.

  “Get the girl on a bike one time after seven years and she thinks she owns the damn road. Well, at least ya looked damn good doing it, Ky.”

  “Don’t you start, you smooth talker,” I countered.

  “I calls ‘em as I sees ‘em. You were meant to be a biker babe.”

  “Like hell,” I said pushing the door to my house open. “I’ll be back in my sedan tomorrow. You know I’m not about that life.”

  He watched me as I walked around my living room and flipped on one lone light and turned to him. He ran a hand through his hair causing it to stick up on all ends. He looked like the teen I met all those years ago in my dad's garage.

  He was cute then, but he was sexy as hell now. I bit my lip as he reached over his shoulder grabbing his t-shirt from behind and pulling it over his head. That damn tattoo ran around his bicep contracting and flexing with each movement causing me to inadvertently lick my lips.

  His dark blue eyes shone with mischief in my dimly lit space, and I bit my bottom lip to hold back the moan. My hungry gaze ran the length of him and back again before I turned.


  Now that everything was finally settling down somewhat, I had a chance to really take it all in. He and I would have to
talk about this building attraction between the two of us. I flipped a glass over on my bar and reached for the whiskey.

  After a day like today, I needed a finger of liquor or two. “Can I get you one?” I asked, glancing at him over my shoulder.

  With just a few steps, Zach was already at my back, hands on my shoulders kneading at my tension. I moaned, welcoming the relief.

  He lowered his mouth to my ear. “Sure, get us both a nightcap. After today, I’m sure we both need it.” His words rang deep and warm. I felt them through every part of my body.

  He released me for just a few minutes to pour two glasses, one for him and one for me; I turned to hand it to him.

  “Thank you, but this is not all I want,” he said, his eyes locked on mine.

  “Oh, yeah?” I gulped as he sipped his whiskey.

  “Yea, there is something I’ve wanted a long time. Just never had the nerve to go after it.”

  I threw my whiskey back with one swallow and he watched me as it burned the whole way down.

  Oh, shit, here it goes.

  “What are you waiting for, Z? Nothing to it but to do it.” I set my empty glass down on the table and turned back to him.

  He knocked his whiskey back just like I did and set the glass next to mine before facing me again. “I’m gonna do it, all night, starting right now.”

  He pulled me into him and swallowed my gasp with his mouth. His kiss was strong and controlled and he sought entrance into my mouth with his tongue and I opened for him as if on instinct. Sweet baby Jesus, this man could kiss. My hands found his biceps, and I slid them up and over his shoulders until my fingers tangled in his tousled mane at the nape of his neck.

  He embraced my body, running his abled fingers along the length of my back until he reached the clasp of my bra through my tank top. With one flick of the wrist, he undid the closure.


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