In Her Eyes

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In Her Eyes Page 4

by Jeanette Lynn

  But just for shits and giggles...

  "Did we have sex?" I asked, feigning an innocent expression.

  "What! No! Why would you..." he started, quickly flustered, only for me to forge ahead, full steam.

  I smirked on the inside.

  "Fondle each other?" I pressed, "Touch? Kiss? Talk Dirty? Come on now, I obviously don't remember, so fill me in, Benny Boy. Licked something off each other?" I queried.

  "Stop! Time out!" he barked out desperately, making a timeout sign, color tingeing his neck.

  I glanced at his flushed face and smiled evilly.

  I glanced down at his 'little friend' curiously and noticed it wasn't so 'little' at the moment.

  "But you want to,” I stated boldly, pointing to 'Captain Obvious' in his boxer briefs, waggling my brows at him suggestively.

  Someone else forgot to put on his pants too, it seems.

  "Aren't you cold? In just your skivvies?" I asked, right as the thought occurred to me.

  Excuse me, I have no filter, I just blurt whatever out sometimes.

  He gaped at me for a moment and I wondered if it was at the sex comment or the skivvies comment.

  I have a wandering mind and a terrible tendency to conversation jump.

  Some people find it a bit… off putting.

  "You are so... odd," he muttered, shoving a bowl at me of some type of thick liquid, of unknown origins, slapping a spoon in it, waiting for me to… eat it?

  It’s the green goo I was just contemplating when he’d brought the tray in.

  You can ingest that?

  It doesn’t go on your chest or something to help clear congestion?

  I poked at the green slop and waited to see if it would move.

  No way am I eating that...erm... whatever it is.

  As he started talking, I slipped the bowl onto the bedside table and scooted a little ways away from it.

  ...just in case.

  "You slept in your car, almost froze to death and I brought you inside and thawed you out," he sniped curtly, getting to his point, and at the same time, making it sound like this was all somehow my fault.

  Grrr! Jerk off!

  "I wouldn't have needed 'thawing out' if you had just let me stay inside, now would I?" I asked sweetly, giving him big, fake, doe eyes.

  He was unaffected, of course, and I knew my comment had rankled him.

  He grunted, actually grunted, at me! And his eye narrowed to a slit.

  "If you had just gone back to wherever it is you came from, in the first place, I wouldn't have felt the need to kick you out and if you had gone home, when I told you to, you wouldn't have put me in a position to rescue you and give you my bed. Then, maybe you wouldn't be sitting here sick arguing with me!" he boomed out, bellowing, his voice rising with his tirade.

  "Screw you! If you didn't want me here, you shouldn't have married me in the first place!" I bellowed back.

  "If I had known they would have sent someone like you," he sneered, looking at me like I was something he’d scraped off the bottom of his shoe. "I never would have married you in the first place!" he finished.

  I just sat there, stunned by his admission.

  I don’t know why it affected me so, I’d already gathered as much, but it’s hard to have him stand there angrily and confirm it, bellowing it out to me in such a way.

  I could have stung him back with another comeback, tried to hurt him too, but for some stupid reason, his comment struck really hard, poking at me and I felt tears hitting the backs of my eyes.

  Even the man I married, by proxy, doesn't want me, I thought sadly.

  "Excuse me," I managed out calmly, standing on still shaky legs. "I have to go to the bathroom," I muttered quietly, proud of only the slightest quaver in my voice.

  I made it all the way to the bathroom and turned on the water before I burst into tears.

  Big heaving sobs, filled with everything that had been building and bottled up to this point, escaped me, letting everything out.

  Tack on me not feeling well and you've got Penelope, the hot mess, soup.

  I never should have left.

  I don’t know what’s wrong with me... why I thought this could work.

  He’s as stupid as all the other men before him, I lamented. What made me think he’d be any different?

  I’m not what he wanted.

  I don’t fit some idealistic mold, so let’s just cast her aside! She doesn’t matter, right?


  I came out a little while later and Ben was gone.

  I could barely keep my eyes open, I was feeling so drained and exhausted. I fought a yawn and stumbled a little as I walked.

  "Can't go anywhere like this," I grumbled, rubbing my face.

  I took off my glasses and set them on the bedside table, eyes fighting me for rest as I climbed into the bed and immediately fell into an exhausted sleep.

  I'll leave after I've rested a little more.... I reassured myself, snuggling into a Ben scented pillow. As soon as I can keep my eyes open for more than ten seconds.

  Dreams of a brown eyed, blonde, curly headed Cyclops trying to shove me into a box, labeled for shipping to China- don't ask me why, I don't decide these things- chased me throughout my nap.


  I paced the living room, feeling guilty for the way I had acted.

  I'm not normally like this...

  The little Human brings out the worst in me, I rationalized.

  There's no excuse, I berated myself, it was callus of me and I know it hurt her something awful.

  I could hear her crying earlier in the bathroom, over the water she'd turned on to try and hide it.

  It made me feel sick, knowing that it was me that did that to her.

  At first glance, she looks so fragile and small to me, too soft, too... Human.

  Then she opens her mouth and things just spew out of her, like verbal diarrhea, and I forget all about how fragile I first thought she was.

  Instead, she riles me up, gets me going, distracts me from everything else...

  God! She just... she makes me... ugh!

  I just want to spank her ass, yell at her, kiss the shit out of her, and then make all of her sexual questions from earlier into a reality...

  I'm pushing a tent pole just thinking about it...

  I adjusted myself a little and grimaced.

  She's a bold little thing too, apparently, pointing out my boner and making a joke out of it.

  It made me hard as I rock as she glanced down at it, getting a good look.

  I jerked in my pants just thinking about it.

  What is it about her?

  I could still picture her waggling her brows at me and the Cheshire cat grin she was sporting.

  She's a Human though, and Humans are weak... and small. They don't live very long either.

  I discovered this when I called William for information about Humans earlier.

  Apparently, they only live for around eighty or so years.

  That's chump change for me, and they can be prone to illness too.

  What would I do if she got sick? Real sick.

  William thinks she just has some kind of cold right now.

  I feel like a weak, pathetic imbecile, not knowing what to do for her.

  I’ve never had a cold, wouldn’t know the first thing about them and up until now, I’ve never cared.

  Parakind-that would be me- and all the other creatures of Mordenne (my realm), don't get sick and we typically live for a very long time.

  The thought of her getting old, or really sick, and those pouting lips not spouting out some nonsense or another to some unsuspecting victim, her grey eyes dimming... the spark that lights her flame just... going out, bugs me.

  She's such a vibrant little thing, even if she does have a tendency to annoy the crap out of me at every turn.

  I can't get a word in edgewise either, and her mind is all over the place; changing subjects so fast, I forget what I was originally
getting at.

  We still haven't addressed her lying to me yet either, I thought a little belatedly as the thought occurred to me.

  I should just let it go... why should I care? It was such a little thing anyways...

  She only lied because she knows you don't want her around, my conscience chimed in, and she was just trying to get the hell out of dodge.

  The idea of getting rid of her yesterday had sounded wonderful.

  The idea of her trying to leave me today, makes my stomach ache.

  Why? I don’t really know her...

  I'm drawn to her, I answered myself.

  "When did my life get so ridiculous?" I moaned and put my head in my hands, but I already knew the answer.

  The day the cute little Human married me and popped in... A demanding, stubborn, curvy, sweet smiling, chipmunk-ed, little pain in my ass.


  I checked on her periodically, hovering over the bed as she slept, checking her forehead for anymore fever.

  When she gets better, I still have the snow to keep her here, I told myself.

  It should be fine, she'll piss me off somehow and I'll snap out of this fascination I'm harboring for her and we can both go on our own merry ways.

  It's only a matter of time until she annoys me enough that no amount of stomach upset could keep me from booting her out. ...right?



  I was sitting in my chair, reading in the living room, when I heard the floor creak and looked up from my seat.

  I found my little wife looking cautiously out from around the corner.

  She couldn't see me from where I was and I didn't clue her in, curious to see what she was up to.

  She walked quietly into the kitchen and I noticed she was fully dressed, her purse on her shoulder, keys in her hand.

  She's trying to sneak off and leave me, I seethed, my gut tightening in apprehension.

  Her cheeks were flushed a little still... probably still had a little bit of the fever, and she was a little shaky on her legs.

  I snuck up behind her as she rummaged quietly through my fridge. Our fridge if the paper she'd signed was anything to go by, trying to move that soup crap I’d attempted to make her earlier out of the way to reach the apples in the bin behind it.

  Marriage... we’re married...

  I quickly stepped off to the side and hung back against the wall as that idea hit home.

  My wife... she's my wife... my little wife, and she's trying to leave me.

  It shouldn't bother me... I want her gone, right?

  I don't even want her...

  Let someone else have her and deal with her.

  The idea of someone else having her, receiving her sweet smiles, accepting her naughty cuddles or innuendos, made me see red.

  Nobody else should get to keep her warm, letting her molest them in her sleep, hearing her little sleepy sighs.

  I did that. Me. I can keep her warm.

  Why should someone else get to be with her?

  I ground my teeth, feeling inexplicably drawn to my little wife, connected, tethered somehow.

  I have from the first.

  Maybe that’s why I’m fighting it so hard, this pull. It’s like I don’t have a choice.

  She’s meant for me.


  My pulse sped up and I could feel my vision turning red. The red that rims my iris was bleeding red over the brown, causing my vision to change.

  'Angry eye' as William, my best friend, jokingly puts it.

  I came out from behind the wall and stalked towards her.

  She still hadn't seen me yet, so I went up directly behind her.

  "Going somewhere, little wife?" I grumbled at her, moving in closer behind her when she jumped and threw the bowl of soup she was holding into the air.

  It splattered all over her, soaking her from head to toe.

  She spluttered for a minute, trying to wipe it from her face, eyes, and glasses.

  I chose that moment to confiscate her purse and keys.

  "What is wrong with you?!" she spluttered, trying to snatch her things back from me.

  I put her keys in her purse and held them up over my head.

  She tried, ineffectively, to get them back, jumping up as high as she could a few times, her hands outstretched, soup dripping off of her, trying to reach, but she was just too short.

  My cock jumped to attention at all the jiggle and wiggle her jumping caused.

  She had the cutest look of concentration on her face, the tip of her tongue sticking out a little at the corner of her mouth as she tried to reach her goal.

  Her breasts were bouncing along to her jumps, catching my attention.

  My full attention.

  You kinda can't miss those puppies when they're in motion...

  They looked big enough to fill even my hands, I thought, as my eye locked on the sway of them as she grunted and jumped, in her pointless efforts to retrieve her things.

  She really is relentless when she wants something, isn't she?

  If you're not the one withholding what she wants, it's a very admirable trait.

  She stopped for a minute, worn out still from being tired and sick, and held onto the counter, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling with her rapid intakes of breath.

  It was pushing her breasts out more as she leaned her head back a little on her shoulders.

  Her nipples were standing at attention against her soup encrusted top.

  Unashamed, I stared.

  Maybe that makes me a perv or something, but I don't really care at the moment.

  The only thoughts foremost in my mind right now, were seeing if they really were big enough to fill my palms and if she tastes as sweet as she, at times, seems.

  She started jumping up and down again and I resumed my lecherous thoughts....

  I love a big handful...mmm... hmmm...

  A swift kick to my shin pulled me out of my reverie.

  It didn't hurt-the kick- but it startled me enough that it pulled me back to the present.

  "You shouldn't have done that, you know? You shouldn't do things when you're angry. You might regret it later," I said in the same manner and tone she'd used on me yesterday after my Made to Match phone call, using a similar version of her words, just to annoy her.

  It's kind of fun when the tables are turned.

  "Oh, stuff it, manclops!" she grumbled between breaths, glaring at me.

  She studied me for a moment.

  "Why don't you just let me leave, Benny Boy? You don't want me here and I've decided you're right, we don't suit. So I'm leaving, just like you wanted... so, you win," she sighed and held out her hand. "Now give me my shit and I'm gone," she demanded.

  She looked so sad and resigned now, like she's given up.

  A far cry from my tenacious little wife of yesterday.

  "No," I said quietly, but sternly.

  "Yes," she said stubbornly, her hands on her hips now, her foot tapping the tiles on the kitchen floor impatiently, slapping in the soup spillings, a spark of spunk returning to her beguiling grey eyes.

  "I feel a lot better now. I ate a bunch of the crackers and snacks you had on that tray, I slept for like five hours or something and I don't feel as weak anymore. I don't need you anymore, so yay you," she muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes at me.

  I shook my head.

  “No. You’re not going anywhere. Get back in bed.”

  "No more wife sitting duties for you. I'll mail you a copy of the divorce papers when my lawyer draws them up," she informed me haughtily in a self-aggrandizing way.

  I raised my brow at her and she sniffed at me disdainfully, thumbing her nose at me.

  “Penelope...” I murmured low and warningly.

  She started going around to the other side of the island counter, so her back was now to the living room, putting some space between us.

  What is she up to?

  I leaned against the fridge and
crossed my arms over my chest, adopting a more casual pose and continued to stare at her, waiting to see what my little mail order wife was going to do next.

  "I've decided I don't want you anymore, either, so there! We're even!" she chirped and made a run for the door.

  I beat her to it and she shrieked and made a 'U' turn, looking around frantically for a way to escape.

  There was a back door, but I wasn't about to clue her in on that one.

  Nope, I wasn't done with my little wife just yet. She has a hold on me and I can't seem to shake it.

  Maybe I don’t even want to.

  So, until I figure it out, or get her out of my system, she's not going anywhere.

  I won't be able to do anything with myself if I just let her waltz right out of here now. It would haunt me.

  I need to know, have to know, and then, when we're done with one another, then maybe... just maybe... I'll let her go.

  I started stalking towards her, but she's a spry little thing, even when feeling so sick.

  I wonder how fast she is on a good day... I thought as I paused on the opposite side of the couch, waiting for her next move.

  She feigned a right on the couch and I bought it, moving that way too.

  She took that misstep on my part to make another run for it.

  I almost nabbed her too, but she scrambled away and ran full tilt to the kitchen, shrieking unintelligible noises as I chased after her.

  Is it sick that this is a major turn on for me? ...chasing my tenacious little wife around the house.

  She looks so fucking hot when she runs... legs pumping, breasts heaving, lips parted...

  I finally caught up to her, tossed her purse across the room, throwing it over my shoulder as I rushed her and picked her up, setting her on the counter.

  I shoved my hand through her mass of stick straight, light brown hair and gripped it, tugging at it to pull her head back.

  "No," I growled at her and mashed my lips to hers, kissing her with all the frustration and want I'd been fighting since my sweet little wife swept onto my door step.

  I pushed my tongue past her lips and moaned at the taste of her.


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