In Her Eyes

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In Her Eyes Page 6

by Jeanette Lynn

  His fingers joined his lips as he expertly played me, teasing me right to the brink, then sucking my clit hard as I came.

  My cunt clenched rhythmically around his fingers and I spluttered, making incoherent babbling noises as fireworks exploded inside of me, bursting forth from me.

  Happy fourth, Pen, I thought as my body hummed happily.

  He pulled back and stood up quickly, picking me up and putting his shaft back at my core, pushing into me in one hard thrust.

  I cried out in pain as he broke through my hymen, gripping his shoulders and squeezing my eyes shut, waiting until the pain of his entry eased up a little.

  I opened my eyes after a moment and found a very stunned Ben staring at me.

  "You're a virgin?" he asked me incredulously, making me blush bright red in embarrassment.

  I glared at him and squirmed a little as the pain subsided.

  "I was," I huffed testily and let out the breath I'd been holding as I moved around experimentally.

  "I tried to tell you..." I muttered, "but you wouldn't listen."

  I tried to mutter the last part under my breath, but I’m positive he heard me anyways.

  He looked so contrite, I couldn't hold on to my irritation.

  He didn't know, even if I did try to tell him.

  I get what he thought I was trying to do when I had tried to tell him.

  They do say it's supposed to hurt the first time, regardless, right?

  So he did it a little quickly... maybe it was better that way, I told myself.

  What's done is done though, I reasoned, focusing back on the present.

  I wriggled a little and sighed in relief when I realized I didn't feel the pain from before.

  He shivered, goose flesh breaking out on his skin, but otherwise kept himself held still, frozen in place.

  "I'll make it good, little wife, promise," he whispered huskily, stroking my cheek with his forefinger and thumb.

  He leaned in and kissed me tenderly, almost sweetly, his tongue more coaxing than demanding this time, almost like he was asking for permission.

  His touch was just as eager, but there was no underlying anger in it, like I'd sensed before.

  He moved and slid out a little, then pushed back in and we both gasped at the feeling.

  I pushed with his next thrust, growing wet again as he rubbed up against me just right.

  He started to thrust harder, the more eagerly I met his thrusts, and we danced like that, him thrusting harder and faster each time as I pushed back against him, more eager each time than the last.

  I could feel the necklace’s stone sticking to my neck as I perspired, no longer slapping against my chest as he pounded into me.

  It stung a little, where the stone from the necklace was touching my skin, but I ignored it, focusing on the feelings he was evoking in me, the rush I was feeling as we made love.

  I could feel myself quickening towards completion, my pace frantic as I ground myself against him, desperately trying to find that perfect touch or thrust, in just the right spot, to finish me off.

  He wedged his hand between us, pushing down on my clit so it rubbed against him as he thrust up into me, ardent in his attentions, making sure I got the most out of this too.

  A shudder wracked his large frame and he grew more persistent, gripping my hips hard to hold me in place for him, his cock hitting that special spot, deep inside me, the head of his shaft rubbing against it repeatedly, liquid heat pouring forth from me, drenching his turgid shaft in my own natural lubricant, slicking us both up on my juices.

  He groaned and ground himself into me in little concentrated circles, ramming his cock into my sweet spot, hoarsely repeating my name over and over, making sure he ground right into my clit.

  I broke at that and came, crying out, clutching at him desperately, my nails digging into his shoulders as my sheath clamped down on him, convulsing rhythmically around him as I milked him, gripping at him eagerly with my internal muscles.

  He groaned and gave a few more short, hard, deep thrusts as he found his too, his shaft pulsing inside of me as he gave me his release.

  He pushed inside me one last time and we stayed like that, entwined intimately in every way, limbs tangled, bodies plastered against each other, our chests heaving against one another's as we tried to catch our breath.

  "Wow..." I panted out and leaned my head against the door.

  "Like that, little wife?" he chuckled, breath panting as heavily as mine.

  I couldn't see his face because I had my eyes closed, but I could hear the pleasure lacing his tone at my sentiment.

  I nodded my head and he leaned in, kissing me gently on the lips.

  I opened my eyes slowly and looked at him.

  He was watching me intently, his face carefully neutral, like he didn't want me to catch on to his thoughts.

  Without another word, he slowly pulled out of me and set me on my feet.

  I could feel his seed running down my leg as I stood on unsteady feet.

  I felt my face flush when I saw it was pink, tinted with my blood.

  I started to walk to the counter to grab something to clean it up with, but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

  "Wait here, hold on," he said quickly and grabbed a white, of all colors, kitchen towel and cleaned off my leg, running his other hand along behind it to make sure he got it all.

  He leaned in suddenly and sucked at my still sensitive clit, drawing it into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue rapidly.

  I moaned, calling out his name as he growled against my sensitive flesh, sucking my sensitive nub hard.

  His fingers joined in and he quickly dragged out another orgasm from me.

  I gasped as I shattered, clutching his head, his mouth expertly drawing out my climax.

  He stood up and licked his lips, smiling at me mischievously, pulling me against him in a big hug.

  I leaned against him heavily and put my head against his chest, just enjoying the moment, savoring the feeling, the warmth of his embrace.

  The steady beat of his heart was a lull to my already overtaxed body and I felt my lids growing heavy as he scooped me up, kissing my forehead, carrying me off to bed.

  Once there, I'm pretty sure he told me goodnight at some point and tucked us both in, cuddling me close to his warm, solid body, sighing contentedly, as I completely drifted off to sleep.


  My little wife is just full of surprises, I thought as I took in my fill of her as she slept in my arms.

  A virgin... she was a virgin.

  That must have been what she was trying to tell me.

  I wasn't in a listening frame of mind at the time. I was sure she was just trying to stall so she could trick me and try to leave again.

  My mind went into a rage at the idea of her leaving me. My only thoughts were on claiming my little wife, satisfying her until she was too tired and too replete to even contemplate trying to leave me again.

  A niggle of guilt hit me, but I tried to shove it down.

  I’ll be gentle with her, I’ll take care of my little wife.

  My wife...

  I ran my fingers through her hair, reveling in its softness, pulling it up to my nose to inhale her sent.

  Her hair smelled like my shampoo- woodsy and masculine- and I smiled at that.

  A possessive sense of satisfaction settled in my gut and I grinned at the idea of her smelling like me, carrying my scent.

  Anyone who saw her would know she's mine, know I’m hers, I thought as I looked over her freshly ravished body.

  She had love bites and hickies all over her neck and shoulders, her lips still puffy from our kisses.

  I grew aroused just looking at her.

  She's so beautiful, I thought, my eye roaming over her, remembering the twinkle in her grey eyes when she's happy, the dimples in her cheeks when she smiles.

  Speaking of her pretty grey eyes... I leaned forward and plucked her glasses off, setting
them on her nightstand.

  Her nightstand...

  I pulled her tight against me and kissed her forehead, murmuring a quick goodnight to my little wife, relishing the feeling of her in my arms.

  I'm keeping her, I decided.

  This little bundle of curves, woman and spunk is all mine now and I'm not letting her go.

  There's something about her that's tugging at my heart, making the shriveled little black organ- I never thought would do more than pump blood through my veins- sing in her presence, and I cherish this new feeling.

  I cherish her.

  So what if she's Human? She has me, I'll protect her, I thought possessively. She isn't really puny either. She fits me perfectly and I like her just the way she is.

  I need to stop denying everything I've been trying to tell myself isn't happening.

  I was a goner from day one, and I knew it, whether I’d wanted to admit it or not.

  The second my precocious little wife knocked on my front door, looked up into my one-eyed face and graced me with one of her sweet little smiles, my heart was hers.

  Everything will be fine, I promised myself. We'll find a way around this whole short life thing.

  There has to be something that could be done, I swore, my gut clenching at the idea of her dying so soon.

  I closed my eye at the idea and buried my face in her hair, getting my fill of her scent, feeling my heart beat calm as I basked in her presence.

  I yawned tiredly and told myself not to worry. I’ll figure something out, somehow.

  I closed my eye and fell asleep, naughty thoughts of what I plan to do to my little wife in the morning whisking me away.


  I woke up and stretched my limbs, taking inventory of my body.

  A little sore, but not bad, I thought to myself, stretching one more time, just because.

  I actually feel really good. Some of my energy has returned and I feel rejuvenated.

  Who knew sex could be so... invigorating...

  I grinned in satisfaction.

  I heard loud, but hushed voices coming from the living room and I rifled around through Ben's things until I found a warm flannel shirt and a pair of draw string tie shorts.

  They swam on me, but that was to be expected, given his size compared to mine.

  I thought of last night and shivered as I recalled how sexy my Benny Boy had been.

  If I was going to go all the way with anyone, I was glad it had been with him.

  He's a very sexy, very generous lover, I reflected as my body thrummed to life at the memories of last night.

  "Hubba, hubba," I whispered, thinking about how I could go for seconds.

  I giggled at my lusty thoughts as I put my feet into a pair of his thick, warm socks.

  "I said no," came Bennard's gruff voice from the living room.

  He sounded irritated.

  "Why the heck not?" asked another voice.

  This one was a little less deep than Ben’s and unfamiliar.

  It had a musical quality to it that had me cocking my ear to the side to hear more.

  "She's asleep and I'm not going to wake her up just so you can say hello, William, so get over it," Ben clipped, his voice sounding exasperated and impatient.

  William, it seems his name is, snorted and chuckled.

  "I didn't say to wake her up or anything, One-eye. I can just wait around here until she wakes up and makes an appearance. No big deal."

  "No," Ben grumbled, "We're... uh... busy."

  We are? I thought and grabbed my glasses off of the bedside nightstand.

  I walked into the living room and was a little surprised at what I found.

  Ben was standing in front of the door, holding it wide open, trying to usher a much smaller, very handsome man, William, out the door, while they bickered politely back and forth.

  The pair looked up and stopped talking when I entered the room.

  I looked back and forth between them, unsure if I should turn around and leave, letting them hash it out, or introduce myself to Ben's guest.

  Manners dictate I say hello, but Ben didn't seem like he wanted me to meet his friend.

  I grew a little sad at that.

  I thought last night had been special between us.

  I thought he might have taken a chance on us...

  Maybe I was wrong.

  Ben must have seen the hurt on my face, because he abandoned the door and hurried over to me, a frown marring his handsome mug.

  "What's wrong, little wife? Are you alright?" he asked with complete and utter sincerity, wrapping me up in his big strong arms, rubbing my back gently, concerned.

  I hugged him back and snuggled into his embrace.

  "I'm good now," I sighed, reassured by his reaction, pulling away a little to grin up at him.

  I was relieved that it wasn't me he seemed to have a problem with after all, but with William.

  So why doesn't he want me to meet his friend? least, I think he's his friend.

  Ben grinned back and ran a hand over my scalp, guiding my hair through his fingers as he leaned down and kissed me sweetly.

  A cough sounded by the door and Ben grudgingly broke the kiss, glaring over at William.

  I laughed at the look on William's face.

  I couldn't tell which emotion was going to win out, there were so many flitting across.

  It was comical, almost hysterical.

  "Alright," William burst out, coughing a bit to clear his throat, "Where is Bennard? And what have you done with him?"

  He eyed me incredulously, flabbergasted, taken aback even.

  I guffawed out loud, getting exactly what he meant after experiencing my grump’s lack of hospitality.

  William smiled winsomely at me and winked.

  "Name's William, my fair lady," he introduced himself, bowing gallantly and I was somehow charmed by his silly antics.

  What a flirt.

  I chuckled, observing him, nodding my head in acknowledgement.

  "William Goate, at your service."

  It sounded like he said his last name was Goat, but I didn't ask.


  I don't want to be rude or anything, so I just nodded and filed that bit of info away to ask Ben about later.

  "You must be Penelope, old One-eye's' mail order, Human bride. Pleasure to meet you," William replied and started to walk towards me, holding out his hand for me to shake it when he got close enough.

  I put my hand in his and instead of shaking it, he pulled it forward and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on the top of it.

  I blushed when he let it linger longer than I felt necessary.

  Ben made a rude noise in the back of his throat and pulled my hand back, pushing Williams face, sending him flying back suddenly.

  "Ben!" I gasped, jerking forward.

  I tried to walk over to William, see if he was okay, but my bully of a husband held onto me tightly, ignoring my little jabs and smacks to get him to let me go.

  William had fallen back onto the couch and was laughing uproariously, huge belly laughs, his mouth curved up in a devilish grin.

  "It's okay, Pen, don't worry on my account. I did it on purpose. I've never seen my best friend act so besotted over a woman in my life," he chuckled merrily, his eyes twinkling mischievously in his handsome face.

  He had very nice eyes, I noticed, chocolate brown with gold swimming in them, making them look almost amber.

  How strange...

  "I couldn't resist," William continued, "I had to see his reaction."

  I glanced up, surprised by what William had confided, then looked at Ben, but he was too busy giving William a death stare to notice me.

  As William righted himself and got up, I looked down at the same time, only to see a pair of hooves peeking out from his pant legs.

  My gaze flicked back up to his face as I stared at him, wide eyed, then I looked down again quickly, gawking at where his feet were supposed to

  I blinked and then looked up again.

  William was watching me intently, waiting to see what I was going to do.

  Recovering fast, realizing he saw, I smiled at him and motioned to his pants.

  "I love your pants, William. Such a lovely color. Where ever did you get them?" I asked sweetly, feigning interest in his clothes, trying desperately to appear as if I wasn't ogling his hooves just moments ago.

  He’s going to think I’m some crazy gawker. I don’t want to make him feel awkward.

  ...But how was I supposed to know there were people with animal hooves running around?!

  William busted up laughing and Bennard was looking at me with a little half smile on his face.

  "It's alright, Pen, I know you saw my hooves." William smiled, still chuckling.

  "I'm a Satyr," he explained after his laughter had died down.

  I frowned, brows drawn together.

  "But... your knees bend forward... goat's legs don't bend forward," I blurted, confused, but it came out sounding more like a question than a statement.

  William glanced at me and smiled, a small crooked smile that was almost rueful.

  "Caught on to that, did ya, fair Penny?"

  I opened my mouth to comment, but thought better of it at the last second and zipped my lips, smiling at him apologetically.

  He sobered and looked straight into Bennard's face, his expression intent, somewhat hard, like he was about to say something important.

  "That would be because my mother was Human," he admitted.

  “Really?” I asked excitedly.

  He peeked over at me from the corner of his eye and winked.

  Ah hah!

  So Ben's best friend is part Human! So he does knows some Humans after all... Er... or part Human anyways...

  I have a funny feeling Benny Boy didn't know that little tidbit though.

  Ben had a shocked look on his face and William just laughed at it, getting his amusement out of the expression on his best friends face.

  It appeared to me like William has a keen ability to make the most out of situations, turning what could turn into an awkward situation into nothing with a few quick words and a friendly smile.


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