In Her Eyes

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In Her Eyes Page 8

by Jeanette Lynn

  Could it be?

  I inhaled deeply.

  I thought death bringers were all gone.

  Huh, she must be an Elemental Witch. Very rare nowadays.

  Almost unheard of.

  Elemental Witch’s powers are usually dormant until they find their significant other, and then they take on some of the characteristics of their life mate, unless their mate is a Human, along with their own powers.

  They were very powerful back in the day and were given the title 'death bringer' because they had a strong sense of justice ingrained in them naturally. Mordenne had used them as enforcers back in the day. The bringers of death, if need be.

  It was thought that they had all either died out or fled to the Human realm after the last Great War, but who knows anymore.

  Unless an Elemental Witch finds her heart mate, she might never know she's a dormant Witch, living her life out as a Human.

  "He wouldn't have hurt you, Alfred," Katarina reasoned with him, rolling her eyes at her man. "I don't sense anything evil coming from him and he was just protecting his woman. Don't be such a snob, cowboy," she said snootily and kissed Alfred the Werewolf on the cheek, mirth swimming behind her haughty expression.

  Her mate grinned at her lecherously and patted her belly.

  "Now, darlin’, don't be teasin' me like that. You know you can't take a run until after the pups get here," he murmured huskily.

  She started waddling past him to the front door as he watched her every step avidly.

  You would have thought she was a naked super model, not nearing the end of her pregnancy, the way he was staring holes into the back of her, eyes roaming over her possessively.

  She looked over her shoulder and waved at everyone as her mate got up, prowled towards her, caught up to her and picked her up, rushing out the door with her in his arms.

  "Bye, boys, Bye, Penelope, and erm... her husband... so nice to meet you!"

  She smiled, waving one last time.

  She giggled as Alfred whispered something into her ear, hurrying towards his truck.


  I watched from my perch on Ben's lap as Alfred carried Katarina out the door, sighing wistfully as they hurried off together.

  It was sweet, the way they were with each other.

  "They're cute together," I told Ben.

  He just snorted.

  "Yeah, real cute," he mumbled sarcastically.

  He looked over at William and scoffed.

  I elbowed him, smiling when he grunted.

  "When were you going to tell me, your supposed best friend, that you knew I was accosting a death bringer's mate? Trying to get me killed, William?" Ben grumbled at his best friend, who was happily eating food on Ben's couch, clearly unperturbed by Ben's irritation with him.

  William shrugged and laughed.

  "She wouldn't have hurt you, Ben, she knew you were only protecting 'fair Penny' over there," he said with a nod of his head in my direction and another one of his charming smiles.

  That man is going to charm the socks off of some unsuspecting lady one day and good luck to her when he does.

  That Satyr is a shit starter, if I ever saw one.

  "Never tease him about his middle name though or she'll knock you on your ass," William muttered.

  I laughed, picturing her knocking my Big Ben on his rump.

  I played with Ben's hair, running my fingers through the short blonde curls at his nape.

  "What's a death bringer?" I asked, curious now.

  "Katarina is and Elemental Witch, my dear," said Green from the other sofa. "When she mated with Alfred, he unlocked her powers, and she also took on some of his wolfy attributes. From what Alfred says, Katarina seemed sick at first when her powers were unleashed, like a flu almost, but that was just her element building up in her rapidly changing, Human body. She told Alfred that after she released some of her element- which in her case is Air- she felt fine, better even. She knocked a Troll clear across the room, if you hear Sedrig tell it," he chuckled lightly.

  "Sedrig, the Troll King?" Ben asked, surprised.

  "You know, Ben, for someone who doesn't socialize much, you sure seem to know a lot about others," William observed.

  Ben shrugged nonchalantly.

  "I work construction, the crew talks. You hear things."

  "So... a death bringer is...?" I prompted, bringing the conversation back to my original question.

  "Right," Green said, nodding at me. "A death bringer is an Elemental Witch who finds her mate, comes into her own powers and unless he's Human, usually takes on some of his too, making her really strong. In Mordenne, they used to be our enforcers, before the big war on our realm. They didn't all used to be Dormants either, if my memory is correct, but she's the only Elemental Witch I've ever seen, so who knows." He smiled, shrugging, answering my question. "It was all way before my own time, so..."

  "What or, um, where is Mordenne?" I blurted, a little confused.

  "You're in Mordenne now, Penny," Ben answered, studying me.

  "Didn't you know that?" William asked, looking at me with a half-smile and a puzzled expression.

  "Uhm... no, should I?"

  I'm surprised they thought I would know something like that.

  I looked at Ben.

  "If you didn't know about Mordenne... then how did you get here, little wife? Did someone bring you here? Humans can't just enter at will. Mordenne is a realm and you have to be a creature from here or escorted in by one to enter."

  "I came here on my own steam, Benny Boy, but I can assure you, there is nothing other worldly about me."

  I smiled at him, chuckling a little at his frown.

  "Huh, you never know anymore..." Green trailed off thoughtfully, adjusting his glasses.

  Ben looked up hopefully.

  "You really think so? You think she might have something in her... maybe?"

  Ben seemed almost excited at the idea, turning all of his attention on me, studying me over carefully.

  I glared at him, hurt by his hopeful tone.

  "There is nothing wrong with being Human, manclops!" I sniffed at him, tired of this whole 'puny me' because I’m Human crap.

  "And that, children, is our cue to leave." William got up to head to the door, tapping Green on the arm to have him follow him out.

  "Ben, fair Penny, ‘til next time," William said, bowing to me in an old worldly gesture.

  I gave him a little smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes and a small wave as he took his exit.

  What a goose he is. I hope he comes by often.

  "It was nice meeting you, Penelope," Green said, giving a little wave to me as well as he headed for the door. "Oh, and I'm Greniv, by the way. Greniv Marsh, But you can call me Green." He smiled at me, a truly friendly smile, and I grinned back.

  "Good bye, Green!" I called as he left, shutting the door behind him.

  "Good riddance, Marshmallow," Ben muttered under his breath, letting out a sigh of relief, slumping down into the couch.

  Now back to the issue at hand…

  I got up and started pacing in front of the fireplace.

  "What's so bad about me being Human, huh? You weren't complaining about my 'puny Human form' yesterday when you were balls deep inside of me, now were you?" I ranted, keeping up with my pacing.

  Ben tracked my movements, his eye following the trail I was blazing in front of the hearth.

  "Penny..." Ben began, but I stopped him.

  "I mean really, if I'm so terrible, why do you have me here....?" I flapped my hand around the room and then at myself.

  Ben opened his mouth, as if to say something again, but I just kept going.

  "You don't even know if you like me and you could... and we.... but you..." I spluttered angrily.

  "PENNY!" Ben bellowed and I looked up at him.

  "What?" I asked testily.

  "Shut up," he replied calmly and got up from the couch.

  He had that sexy gleam in his eye an
d I moved quickly out of his reach, hurrying across the room.

  "Oh, no, you don't! I’m mad at you and… Don't even think about it... …you... Ben?! …you... eeek!" I shrieked as he lunged towards me.

  He growled, partly in anger, part in fun.

  I dodged him and ducked, running down a long hallway, no real idea where I was going.

  I found a set of stairs and hurried up them, trying to be as quiet as possible.


  I ran into an open door and peered around inside, closing the door quietly behind me.

  It was beautiful, the room.

  There was an oak vanity in one corner and a huge bed with fluffy pillows and a plush comforter against a wall.

  A huge stand up mirror was in the corner and there was a bathroom door off to the side.

  The floor was hardwood and had pretty rugs strewn throughout.

  I can study it more later! I thought hurriedly, looking around for a good hiding spot.

  I ducked under the bed when I heard the stairs creak and held my breath, waiting to see if my husband would find me.

  My heart pounded in my chest in excitement and I kept my eyes glued to the closed door.

  What I could see of it from my hiding spot, that is.

  The door slowly opened and I waited, keeping as still as possible.

  There was a creak as he quietly entered the room, moving on surprisingly silent feet as he searched for my hiding place.

  I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laugh as he pulled out the stuffed chair for the vanity and peered underneath the space left there.

  Like I could possibly fit underneath there.

  I snickered

  He cocked his head to the side, as if he'd heard something, and went to check the bathroom.

  He came out a few minutes later and left the room, closing the door quietly behind himself.

  I let out the breath I'd been holding and climbed out of my hiding spot, turning the lock on the door until it snicked quietly.

  I went to turn around, but two strong arms popped around me and I screamed bloody murder.

  "Gotcha, wife!" Ben exclaimed, guffawing at my outburst.

  "Oh, you asshole!! You scared the life out of me!" I shrieked at Ben as he started hauling me towards the fluffy, pillow ridden bed.

  He tossed me onto the bed and started taking off his clothes.

  I sat there mesmerized for a minute as he exposed all of his yummy, taut flesh.

  "It was easy, little wife." He smiled smugly. "I heard your muffled laughing from under the bed and unlocked the adjoining room’s bathroom door lock, so I could enter from there. I walked around and came through the bathroom," he explained, grinning triumphantly at me.

  I hopped up off of the bed and made a run for the bathroom.

  He caught me up and toted me, him butt naked, to the vanity chair and sat down in it, a squirming me, still in his arms.

  He smacked my ass hard and I yelped, then punched him in the thigh.

  "Ow, damn it! None of that shit! I'm not a kinky bitch, okay!" I hollered at him, receiving a deep belly laugh in response.

  "I'm sorry, little wife," he said between laughs. "I'll try to contain myself," he guffawed.

  "You just do that," I sniped in my best bitchy voice.

  "Aw, come on, little wife, it was just a bit of fun," he chuckled and I glared at him.

  "Good, then bend over and let me smack the shit out of your ass," I challenged, smiling sweetly up at him.

  "No, thanks. I'm not into kink either," he quipped, smiling over at me.

  I got up off of his lap, but he grabbed the flannel I was wearing and jerked the front with a hand on each side, buttons flying everywhere, making 'ping' and 'clink' noises as they smacked into things.

  I pulled away a little more -who knew playing hard to get would be so much fun- and headed for the bathroom again.

  He lifted me up and tossed me face down on the bed, my upper torso on the bed, my lower half hanging off the side.

  He yanked my draw string tie shorts down and covered my body with his.

  I gasped as all that warm male flesh pressed up against me.

  He’s hot, hard and all mine, I thought happily, ready to purr in contentment, rubbing myself back against him.

  He ran his hands up and down my sides, gripping my hips, rubbing himself along my backside tauntingly.

  He gripped the back of my flannel and tore it down the back, pulling the pieces that were left off of my arms.

  "I want to see all of you, little wife," he murmured in my ear darkly

  I shivered in anticipation.

  "Like that, Penny?" he chuckled and licked the shell of my ear.

  I moaned.

  His hands spanned my waist and thighs, then slipped between my legs, unerringly finding my sex.

  He ran his thumb over my clit, strumming it enticingly, his fingers gliding back and forth through my already wet folds.

  I bit my lip to stifle my gasp of pleasure at his teasing and tried to wiggle down on his fingers.

  He chuckled huskily, his voice rumbling against my back.

  "Mmm... ready for me?" he asked heatedly, inserting a finger into my core and then two, using his thumb to rub my clit.

  I squirmed and moaned, clamping my muscles down on his fingers as he used them to mimic his cock.

  I felt his fingers leave me and whimpered at the loss.

  "Here, little wife. Take this, sweetness. It's all for you."

  He entered me in one smooth thrust.

  He buried himself all the way to the hilt and groaned, pulling out a little to thrust right back in.

  I gasped as he ground his pelvis into mine, as if he was trying to get his cock to hit the mouth of my womb.

  It felt so good and I let him know, crying out in utter ecstasy, gasping out his name.

  This position made it feel like he was in even deeper than before and I pushed back, loving the feeling of him so thick and deep inside of me.

  He pulled out slowly and slammed back in, causing the bed to squeak as he thrust into me.

  I gripped the comforter and planted my feet firmly on the ground, awaiting his next thrust, quivering with excitement.

  He didn't disappoint me either.

  The bed squeaked again as he plowed through my depths and I moaned, meeting him thrust for thrust, the best I could from my position.

  "So tight, little wife, you're so tight," he murmured as he pounded into me.

  I reached back behind me, turning my head to the side, reaching a hand into his hair to pull him down until our lips touched.

  He growled as our lips met and I sucked his tongue into my mouth, tangling mine with his, tasting my husband, loving the feel of his thick, full lips against my own.

  I released his tongue slowly, nipping at his lower lip playfully, then biting at his chin and lips again as he tried to take over the kiss.

  He reached around me and cupped my breasts, slowing his pace as he played with my nipples.

  I released my grip on the comforter and placed my hands over his, kneading and plucking at my nipples along with his hands, showing him what I like best, what feels good.

  He pulled me up until I was almost standing up, my back flush against his chest.

  "Don't move," he ordered and pulled out of me, walking over to the vanity chair and placing it in the middle of the room, turning it so it faced the mirror.

  "Come here," he beckoned me as he sat down in it. All that glorious, naked male flesh was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  His eye was looking me over hungrily, his erection jutting forward proudly, glistening from my juices.

  I licked my lips in anticipation.

  I swayed my hips as I sauntered over to him and he motioned for me to turn around in front of him.

  I shook my head 'no' and dropped down to my knees in front of him.

  I didn't give him any time to react as I leaned down to take as much of him into my mouth as I could.
/>   He gasped and gripped my shoulders, moaning loudly as I slid my mouth up and down on him, licking and sucking him as I went, tasting myself on him, enjoying his reactions.

  “Ahhh, little wife... what you do to me,” he gasped breathlessly.

  He started bucking his hips up a little, but stopped when he kept pushing himself too far down my throat, gagging me on him repeatedly.

  "Enough, Penny, I'm going to cum if you don't stop soon..." he groaned.

  I kept it up, enjoying the sight of this big virile male at my mercy, his pleasure in my hands.... or mouth as it were.

  He gently pushed me away and gripped my waist, turning me around and pulling me into his lap.

  He pulled my legs open wide over his thighs, nestling my bottom against his abdomen, his erection between the open 'v' of my legs.

  He lifted me a little and pushed me down on him, his shaft gliding in, pumping up into me, using his hands to guide my hips as he pushed me down as far as we could go, pushing up into me at the same time.

  I felt completely stuffed, so full, wiggling at the feeling of myself impaled on him.

  "Look, little wife," he demanded, cupping my breasts in his hands, playing with them, the way I'd shown him how I liked it on the bed, licking his lips as he watched us.

  "I want you to watch me pleasure you, see how beautiful you are while I ram your pretty pussy."

  He released one of my breasts, moving his hand down to the folds of my dripping sex, running his finger down where we were joined, watching as he played with me in the mirror.

  I felt a rush of wetness hit me as he stared at me in the mirror, his eye glued to where we were joined, where he was exploring my body.

  He slid his hand up to my clit and pinched the little button between his thumb and forefinger, peeking up into my face for my reaction.

  I gasped and closed my eyes, moving up a little to get him to move, trying to push down on him, but his hands released me, gripping my hips to stop me.

  "No, Penelope," he said sternly and I opened my eyes to stare back at him through the mirror.

  "You have to watch, sweet wife, or I'm going to stop," he ordered.

  I glared at him, trying to get out of his grip to move on him anyways.

  He laughed at my fruitless efforts and I reached down between his legs, pinching his inner thigh, hard.


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