More Than Ever (More Book 3)

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More Than Ever (More Book 3) Page 6

by Sloan Parker

  Richard had a hand on Luke’s thigh, squeezing his muscular flesh over and over again. Luke grasped Richard’s hand in return as he arched up into my strokes.

  It was beautiful. The way they always needed to touch each other, a reminder that, no matter what position we were in, moments like this were always about all three of us. It had been that way from the start.

  It was also incredible to have all that sleek flesh and hard muscle on display before me, to see their looks of admiration and desire focused on me.

  I still couldn’t believe they were all mine.

  “How’d I get so lucky?”

  Luke laughed, but then I must’ve squeezed just right at the tip of his cock. His laughter cut off, and his head dropped back to the couch behind him. A low groan tore from his chest.

  Richard kept eyeing me. “You’re not the only one who’s lucky here.”

  Luke lifted his head. “Yep. So fucking lucky.”

  Keeping my hand on Luke’s shaft, I sank my mouth down the length of Richard’s cock again. His reaction was just as pronounced as Luke’s, his every breath rapid.

  I took turns going down on them, never letting up with the swift stroke of my hand on whomever I wasn’t taking into my mouth, using the same speed and technique on both of them. Back and forth, jerking them off with mouth and hand.

  Luke groaned again. He turned to Richard. “Kiss me.”

  Without delay Richard let go of Luke’s thigh, gripped him by the back of the neck, and hauled him forward. Their mouths met, lips parting in a fierce exchange of carnal need.

  I kept my focus on that kiss as I took Luke deep. Richard had moved his other hand to Luke’s chest. He plucked a nipple between two fingers. Luke arched his back, the movement sending his cock to the back of my throat. I couldn’t hold him there for long, but I didn’t care. There was nothing like the burst of adrenaline that came from taking one of their dicks that far. I sucked harder.

  Then I switched focus again, shifting my mouth to Richard’s erection. He gave one last flick to Luke’s nipple. Then he dropped his hand and let it hover over the back of my head. The hesitation was brief, but it was there. I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting, needing him to touch me. Then his hand settled on my head. He wasn’t grabbing or pulling me forward. He was just there, holding me.

  But then his hand was gone in a flash.

  It didn’t matter. That short contact had been amazing. It had been months since he’d done anything like that when I’d been blowing him. I had to wonder if he was afraid holding me like that was the same as coercing, even forcing me to go down on him.

  He had no idea. I craved this. The feel of him, either of them, in my mouth, giving them pleasure in this way, was more than need and desire. It was like feeding an unrelenting hunger, like finding harbor after being lost at sea, like coming home.

  I kept sliding my mouth down his shaft until Richard’s body tensed under my touch, his thick thighs straining.

  I let go of Luke’s dick and stayed focused on Richard with both my hands and mouth. Without hesitation this time, Richard tunneled his fingers through my hair. Oh God. I moaned around his length, moving my lips faster, cupping his balls and jacking him with everything I had.

  He thrust up into it. “Shit. Matthew!” He bent over me, his fingers buried in my hair. “Holy fuck.” He shot.

  And shot.

  And shot some more.

  I avoided swallowing all of his cum, holding the last of it in my mouth on purpose. When he relaxed back onto the couch and opened his eyes, I let some of his release dribble out of my mouth, then swiped it away with my tongue.

  “Jesus, kid. You are something else.” He smiled at me, but then, without warning, that amazed look faded.

  “What?” I asked.

  He leaned forward and brushed his thumb over my wet lips. “That was okay? What we did?”

  “It was perfect.”

  Luke let out a desperate moan. He’d been watching our exchange while he jerked himself off, one hand on his shaft, the other clasping his balls.

  Richard laughed. “Was that some good porn, Luke?”

  “Best.” Another grunt as he continued working himself over. “Ever.”

  I shifted to kneel before him and shook my head. “Stop. That’s all mine.”

  “Uh-huh.” But he didn’t quit stroking his dick. He moaned again.

  “Here.” Richard encouraged Luke to turn and lean back against him so they were lying along the length of the couch, Luke cradled between Richard’s thighs, his back to Richard’s bare chest. “Let’s give you a minute to calm down. Draw this out a little longer.” He grasped Luke’s arms and held them along his sides so he couldn’t touch himself again.

  Luke bucked up and let out a frustrated whimper, but Richard had a secure hold on him. He laughed at Luke’s eagerness. “Patience.”

  I sat back, my hands resting on my own thighs, trying to be patient too. I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Now?”

  Richard shook his head. “Not yet.”

  Luke turned and buried his face in the side of Richard’s neck. “Please.”

  “Soon. Just hang on. It’ll be worth it. Trust me.”

  “I do.” Luke panted around the words. “Always.”

  Richard let go of one arm, grasped the back of Luke’s hair, and tilted his head back. He covered Luke’s mouth with his own in a fierce, scorching kiss. When they parted, Richard tipped his head my way. “Go for it.” He held on to Luke by both arms again, keeping him pinned down.

  Luke threw his head back to Richard’s shoulder. “God, yes!” I wasn’t sure if that was because he was about to get my mouth on him again or if it was the way Richard had him restrained that Luke was loving.

  Maybe it was both.

  I scrambled onto the couch to straddle Luke’s legs. I took him in hand again and frantically lowered my mouth down his shaft. I knew I had to seem desperate for this, but I didn’t care. This was Luke and Richard. I could always be myself around them. That hadn’t changed.

  I eased up on the pace and teased Luke with a swirl of my tongue over and around his slit.

  Richard said against Luke’s ear, “Don’t you love the way he does that? He knows just when to tease and when to go at it harder.”

  Luke grunted out something that sounded like an agreement. Then he whimpered again. His hips restlessly shifted from side to side. Richard stilled him by squeezing Luke’s hips between his thick thighs.

  That encouraged me on. I swallowed Luke down.

  But then Richard said, “Don’t let him come yet. Tease him some more.” He pressed his lips to Luke’s ear again. “You like being teased. I know you do.”

  Luke nodded energetically.

  I planted openmouthed kisses down the side of his shaft, then worked my lips lower toward his balls.

  Richard spoke more forceful. “Say it, Luke.”

  Luke threw his head back again. “I do love it. Tease me more, Matthew.”

  I swept my tongue all over his sac, wetting and sucking each testicle in turn, keeping the touch light, ignoring his cock completely until Richard spoke again.

  “Now tongue him all the way to the tip.”

  I did, working my way up his shaft once more. I drew the swollen head of his dick into my mouth and sucked on the crown, using just the right amount of pressure to drive Luke nuts.

  “More. God, more, please.”

  “No,” Richard said. “You’ll take what he’s giving you, and you’ll thoroughly enjoy every single second of it.”

  “I will. I do.” Luke’s words were practically unintelligible between the rapid exhales streaming out of him.

  I loved when he got to that point, a desperate ball of energy about to explode, his every molecule focused on what we were doing to him.

  “Oh God. Matthew! Richard! Please!”

  “Now, kid.” Richard’s voice was both breathless and commanding. “Finish him off.”

  I slid my mouth over Luke, taking
his cock hard and fast, picking up the pace and matching the rhythm with my hand.

  “Jesus.” Luke’s legs shook. “Oh God.” He arched up under me and came while Richard kept hold of him as if he were tied down to the couch. It was explosive and powerful, and Luke moaned through the entire thing.

  When he’d offered everything he had, I drew back, mesmerized by both how satisfied and shattered he looked.

  He blew out a huff of air. “Goddamn, Matthew. There is nothing like your mouth.”

  “No, there isn’t.” Richard reached out for me with one arm and tugged me forward so I lay over them.

  Luke held on to me and breathed deep again. “Holy hell.”

  “Yeah.” Richard held me closer to them and whispered, “That was perfect.”

  “Uh-huh,” Luke said, sounding halfway to snoring. A few more deep breaths from him, and I could tell he was drifting off. If we didn’t move soon, he’d be out for the rest of the night.

  As if Richard was thinking along the same lines, he asked me, “When’s she getting here?”

  “Seven.” It seemed like a silly thing to celebrate—finishing my first year of school—but it was sweet that they wanted to do something special, and even more so that they’d included my mom in the dinner.

  “All right.” Richard shifted his weight under us. “Time to get up.”

  Luke groaned and held on to me tighter. “One more minute.”

  I laughed and sat up. “Nope. Now.” I smacked him on the hip, then scrambled off the couch and took off for the door, feeling light and free like I hadn’t in weeks, months.

  Before I made it into the hall, Luke nabbed me from behind. “Not so fast.”

  I squirmed, trying to get away, laughing more. “I gotta take a shower. I can’t smell like sex when my mom gets here.”

  He tickled me along both sides. “You’re not going anywhere yet. It’s my turn to tease you.”

  Richard slid by us and headed for the bathroom. “You two go right ahead and torture each other. I’m hitting the shower. I’ll try to leave you some hot water.”

  As if he’d ever stick us with a cold shower. By the time Luke and I had gotten fresh towels out of the cabinet, Richard was washed, rinsed, and out of the shower. He left the water running and made quick work of drying off. “I’ve got to run out for something, but I’ll be back in a few minutes. Then I’ll help you get dinner ready, Luke.” With the towel wrapped around his waist, he exited the bathroom.

  Luke and I exchanged a look.

  I called after Richard, “Where are you going?”

  He returned to stand in the open doorway, already wearing a pair of jeans, a grin on his lips. “It’s a surprise.”

  “For me?”

  His eager smile grew. “For all of us.”

  Luke glanced my way again, then looked back at Richard. “What is it?”

  “Well…” Richard went to him. “If I told you that, it’d take away the surprise part.” He kissed him, long and hard. Then he gave the same to me.

  I loved the way he held me by the back of the neck, the way that hand slid forward and his thumb slowly caressed my chin as he kept the kiss going for another beat.

  He whispered over my lips, “I’ll show you guys the surprise as soon as I can.” He gave me a shorter, sweeter kiss, then pointed at the shower door covered in steam. “Shower. I’ll be back soon.”

  After he was gone, Luke leaned back against the vanity. “What do you think he’s up to?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Did it matter? I’d already had the best surprise. For the first time in months, they had touched me sexually without that look from either of them like they were afraid of what I did or did not want. And it had been perfect.

  Except for one thing.

  One very specific thing.

  After Luke and I were showered and Luke had left the bathroom, I went to the vanity and got out my shaving kit from under the sink. As I’d done dozens of times before, I removed the narrow plastic case from inside and tugged open the lid, then set the case on the countertop before me. I moved back and sat on the edge of the bathtub. Propping my elbows on my knees, my chin in my hands, I stared at the contents of the case.

  I knew I’d work up the nerve to show it to them eventually. I hated keeping something this important from them, but now didn’t seem like the right time. Because what was in that case would either bring us closer or put more distance between us.

  Trusting my gut, I stood and closed the case, then stashed it away inside my shaving kit again.

  I’d know when it was the right time.

  Chapter Six

  I was sitting on the couch waiting for my mom to arrive when Luke came into the living room and asked, “Richard’s not back yet?”

  “No, not yet.”

  He stopped on his way to the couch and glanced toward the hallway leading to the front door, anxiety radiating off him.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “You really don’t like surprises, do you?”

  “What?” He gave me a puzzled look. Then the unease slipped away as if something in my eyes reassured him. He came to sit beside me. “Not after spending fifteen years hiding from my nutjob father. Surprises were never a good thing.”

  “I get that.” I gestured toward the front door with a tip of my head. “I think this one is.”

  “Yeah.” He considered me for another moment. “Hey, are you okay?”

  I shrugged. “I guess.”

  “What’d you think about this afternoon in my office?”

  “It was wonderful.”

  “Yeah, it was.” He leaned in, and using his thumb, he tugged my bottom lip free from my teeth. I hadn’t even known I’d been biting it. “But you’re not feeling better about you and him?”

  “No, I am. It’s just…”

  He lifted a knee onto the couch and turned to face me. With the way he was focused on me, I knew he wouldn’t let this go.

  “It’s better, but it’s still not the same as it used to be.”

  He laid his arm on the back of the couch between us. “Maybe you’re overthinking this. I saw the way he was with you today. He was more relaxed, more in the moment with us. Now that the Harrison Center’s open, I think he’ll be less stressed out with work. That should help.”

  “I guess.”

  Luke raised his hand from the couch and tunneled his fingers through the hair above my ear. He repeated the action in a comforting stroke. “You don’t think so?”

  I didn’t say anything.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s just that—” I cut off and shook my head. “It’s nothing. I just need to be patient.”

  Luke stilled his hand in my hair. “What aren’t you saying?”

  “I just feel like… maybe he doesn’t completely trust me anymore.”

  “But he told you he did.”

  “I know, but…” I focused on the couch cushion between us, wishing I hadn’t said anything. Maybe Luke was right. Things had been different upstairs. Maybe we’d continue down that path, and everything would be back to normal soon.

  “Matthew.” Luke’s voice was filled with concern.

  I shook my head again.

  “Matthew, you have to tell me.”

  “I can’t. I can’t say it.”

  He placed a hand under my chin and brought my head up. “It’ll be okay. Just tell me. You’re kinda scaring the shit out of me here.”

  My breath caught in my throat. I swallowed hard, then blurted out, “He hasn’t fucked me.”

  Luke dropped his hand and sat back, gaping at me. Then he turned toward the front door as if he could see Richard standing there. When he swung his gaze back to me, the shocked expression had morphed into a level of distress I’d rarely seen from him. “Since when?”

  “Since before that day when you got hurt at the Harrison estate. The same night he thought I wanted him to fist me.” The day he said I’d lied to him.

  “Jesus.” Luke shot off t
he couch. I thought he was going to do his usual agitated pacing thing he did whenever he was pissed off or felt uncomfortable about something we were discussing, but instead he moved to kneel in front of me, his hands on my thighs. “That was months ago, Matthew. I know he said at first that he needed time to forget that night, but I thought… I get that things have been strained lately, but it’s not like we haven’t been doing stuff. We’ve had sex a number of times since then.”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “But what? I thought you said he was just holding back, hesitating until things got started, and then he seemed okay during the sex. I didn’t realize that—” He blew out a frustrated exhale.

  “He almost always positions us so I’m the one blowing you guys or you and he are the ones fucking each other.”

  Luke’s eyes widened. “Today was the first time he’s even sucked you off since then?”


  Luke shook his head and stared at my chest as if he was mentally running through the past few months. He looked ready to panic.

  “It’s getting better. I mean, now he’s the one who starts things sometimes. And today, upstairs in your office, that was amazing, like when we first met. But he still won’t…” I bit my bottom lip. “Not once since that night.” I wanted to say more, tell him the rest, admit the worst part, the part that was hurting me the most, but I couldn’t force those words out.

  Luke sank back on his heels. He held still for a moment. Then he abruptly stood and ran a hand over the top of his head. “Fuck.” He paced the room. “I know I’m not the most observant person, but how the hell did I miss this?”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  He glared down at me. “It’s no one’s fault.” Then, as if he regretted how he’d spoken to me, he came to kneel before me again and laid his forearms on the couch on either side of me. Holding on to me by my hips, he gave me a slight shake. “You two have to talk about this. I mean…” He gestured toward the front door. “This is Richard. He doesn’t want to hurt you. But everything is not fine, and he needs to hear that from you.”


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