The Family's Secrets

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The Family's Secrets Page 12

by T N Lowe

  “But I am so glad you know now. I’m not sure what I would have done if you weren’t there to help me get Rylie back,’ Patrick says, his voice becoming rough.

  “Even if I didn’t know, I would have helped get Rylie back. She is my family,” I offer, clenching my jaw to stop the tears from coming.

  “I know. But it sure would have been more complicated.”

  “True,” I reply.

  “Thank you, Erin; for everything,” Patrick blurts, then ends the call before I can reply.

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Landon

  It’s after midnight when Erin climbs into bed with me, “Are you awake?” Erin whispers.

  “Nope, I’m sleeping,” I whisper back.

  “Ha, ha. You’re so funny,” Erin deadpans as I wrap her in my arms and bring her to my chest.

  “Jackson thinks I’m a hoot.”

  “That’s great, but I’m not sure that counts.”

  “Of course it does. My buddy has a great sense of humor.”

  “For a two-year-old,” I counter.

  I lay in bed with my wife, my whole world in my arms. I am blessed, more than most, but I want more. I want to grow our family. “I know this isn’t the time, but I want to start working on baby number two,” I admit looking up at the ceiling.

  “You’re right; it’s not the time,” Erin deadpans. “But as soon as we get home, we can start making baby number two.”

  I hug her tight to my chest, “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

  “Yes, but I never get tired of hearing it,” Erin yawns.

  “Go to sleep, honey,” I urge, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  The next morning I pry myself from under Erin and make my way to the kitchen. Entering, I find Laura at the counter pouring water into the coffeepot. “Good morning, Laura,” I say, trying not to startle her.

  She whips her head to look at me, “Good morning, Mr. Jefferies. I hope you slept well.”

  “Yes, thank you. Is it okay if I cook breakfast?” I question, not wanting to insult her or overstep.

  “Of course. The pots and pans are in the cupboard next to the stove. Let me know if you can’t find anything.”

  “Thank you, Laura. I hope us being here isn’t an imposition to you.”

  “Oh no. It’s nice having more than Mr. and Mrs. Love and Andrew to care for.”

  Finding a mixing bowl and pancake mix in the pantry, I ask, “Do you enjoy working for Patrick and Lena?”

  “Oh Yes. They are like my second family. I was an only child so I don’t have many relatives; my children are grown and have moved away and started their own families; and my husband passed a few years ago after an accident,”

  Maybe I’ve been married to a cop too long but something tells me she is not telling me everything. But, before I can ask, an alarm begins going off.

  “Oh? Who could be at the gate at this time in the morning?” Laura asks, moving to answer the buzzer with a chipper lilt, “Love residents.”

  “Good morning,” a soft female voice projects from the intercom. “Is there an Erin Jefferies staying at this residence?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Laura admits.

  “I’m detective Sarah Waters, of the D.C. police department. I have some case files that Mrs. Jefferies requested.”

  “Thank you; I’ll open the gate for you.”

  “I better go wake Erin,” I note, leaving my pancake mix and climbing the upstairs.

  Walking into the room, I see Erin in the middle of the bed, curled around my pillow. Putting one knee on the bed, I bend and press a soft kiss to her cheek, “Sweetheart, you need to wake up.”

  Erin buries her head into the pillow and cries a muffled, “Nooooo.”

  “Come on, sweetheart,” I coax, kissing her neck. “There is a police detective here with the files you requested.

  “That was fast,” Erin mumbles rolling over and pressing a kiss to my lips. “Let me put some clothes on and I’ll be right down. Do you mind waking Fi-Fi?”

  “Nope,” I answer, leaving Erin to get dressed.

  I knock on Cain and Fi-Fi’s door and Cain yells, “Ten minutes.”

  “The police files Erin requested are here,” I chuckle

  “I’ll be in down in…“Fi-Fi starts.

  “She’ll be down in ten minutes,” Cain yells.

  I shake my head and laugh as I walk downstairs. Next I pop my head into the sitting room and announce that Erin will be down shortly. I return to the kitchen to finish making breakfast.

  Laura, Billy, and Bryan are in the kitchen, whispering in the corner, as the munchkins descend on the kitchen with Cain in tow. “Morning,” I say with a sly smile.

  “Whatever. You’re as bad as my kids,” Cain grumbles as he helps Laney onto a barstool.

  I laugh, “You got yours, why are you in a bad mood?”

  “Because after you knocked on the door, it took me two minutes to convince Fi-Fi Erin could handle the detective herself.”

  “Sorry,” I tease.

  “It won’t be funny when it happens to you,” Cain shoots back, sitting between Laney and Alice.

  “This is true,” I reply, turning back to the stove.

  Lena joins us with Andrew on her hip, “I would have cooked if you wanted.”

  “I know. But when I’m not leading early or overnight hikes, I cook breakfast for Jackson and Erin. It’s just something I like to do.”

  “Well, thank you. I’m not a great cook, so Laura does most of the cooking here. It is nice of you to give her a break,” Lena declares.

  “Not a problem, like I said, I wanted to do it,” I answer.

  Erin and Fi-Fi join us as I pull the last pancake from the pan and set it on the overflowing plate. I place the plate on the island and take a seat next to Jackson as everyone begins to devour the golden brown cakes.

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Rylie

  “Sorry to interrupt Mr. Love, but Miss. Love has a visitor,” Abby, Liam’s assistant, booms via the intercom.

  I look down at my watch to see it’s almost six, the time I told Tomas I would be done. “It is probably Tomas here to escort me home.”

  Liam chuckles, “I don’t think I’ve ever said this about one of your guys, but I like Tomas. He’s smart, funny, doesn’t put up with your shit, and he puts you in your place when you need it.”

  I roll my eyes so hard I practically give myself a headache. “Thank you for your two cents.” I was going to say more but stop abruptly as the door opens and Abby walks in with Roberto Carballo behind her. I blink, then shake my head, hoping that I’m hallucinating.

  Liam looks confused and asks, “Can I help you?”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I scream. “You made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me. So what the hell are you doing here, in my brother’s office?” Abby quickly but quietly exits the office and leaves the door cracked slightly.

  “Rylie?” Liam asks, coming to my side quickly, his voice full of concern.

  “This is my biological father, Roberto Carballo.”

  Liam pulls me behind him, “My sister asked you a question. What do you want?” he bellows.

  “I want to get to know my daughter,” Roberto answers in a thick accent.

  “She is not your daughter. You threw her away a long time ago. So why the hell are you here?” Liam demands to know.

  Before Roberto can answer, Tomas bursts through the door and starts yelling at Roberto in rapid-fire Spanish.

  I speak many languages; Irish because my parents taught me; Afrikaans and French from Patrick; and Dylan taught me Greek and Turkish. I have to admit that my Spanish sucks and I only understand a couple of words. Liam’s Spanish must be better than mine because he steps next to Tomas and demands that Roberto leaves. “Leave now or I will call the police! I’m sure they would like to know how the leader of one of the largest Mexican Drug Cartels entered this country.”

  “Fine,” Roberto huffs, “but this is not over Rylie. I need
to speak to you.”

  “Over my dead body,” Tomas mutters wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close.

  “We’ll see about that,” Roberto mutters before he leaves.

  I shake off Tomas’s arm and round on him, “Did you know he was here?”

  Tomas rears back, “Of course I didn’t know. If I did, you wouldn’t have left my sight.”

  “Shouldn’t the CIA have let you know that he was in the country?” Liam asked.

  “If he came in using proper channels, yes. But there are lots of illegal ways to enter the country,” Tomas answers.

  “What did he say to you?” I demand to know.

  Tomas looks to Liam, who shrugs, then nods. “He called me a traitor and a few other choice words. Then he wanted to know why I was with his daughter.”

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s it,” Tomas assures me.

  I feel the blood drain from my face. What if Roberto didn’t come here alone? What if Gennadi came with him? I dive for my phone on my makeshift desk.

  Tomas and Liam rush to my side, “Mariposa, what’s wrong?” Tomas asks.

  I am shaking so much that I drop my phone. Liam bends down and picks up the phone as Tomas wraps me in his arms. “Rylie,” Liam commands in his concerned big brother voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “What!?” I swallow hard and lean into Tomas. “What if Gennadi came with Roberto? What if Maks and Shauna are in danger and don’t know it?”

  Tomas hugs me tighter as Liam says, “It is okay. Patrick told me this morning Maks hired an army of security to travel with them. They’ll be safe. But you should definitely call Maks and let him know.”

  I press Maks’ contact information. It rings three times before Shauna answers the phone. “Rylie Love, why are you calling my husband?” Shauna drawls, then giggles.

  “Have you left Philly yet?”

  “Not yet. Maks and Patrick are talking to the army of the security he has hired to escort us around D.C.,” Shauna reports, and I swear I can hear her eyes roll.

  “Can you get them and put me on speakerphone? I have something I need to tell everyone. And you are going to want Maks by your side for this.”

  “Rylie, you’re making me a little nervous. What’s going on?” Her voice has a little shake to it.

  “I’m sorry sweetie. I don’t want to, but I need to tell you something, but first, you need your support system,” I croak, biting my lip and leaning into Tomas.

  I hear the movement on the other end of the phone and other people speaking in the background. “Everyone is here. What did you need to tell us?” Shauna asks with more than a little dread in her voice.

  “My father showed up at my work today and harassed me.”

  “Uncle Quinn? Why would I need to have Maks and Patrick here for that?” Shauna asks.

  “No! Roberto Carballo, my sperm donor. He somehow entered the country without alerting the authorities. And if he could enter the country with no one knowing, then there is a chance he didn’t come alone….Gennadi and/or Hector could have come with him.” I hear Shauna gasp and a thumping noise as her phone falls and bounces off the floor.

  “Rylie are you there?” Patrick asks.

  “Yeah, I’m still here. Is Shauna okay? I’m sorry! But I had to give you a heads up. He might be here. Tomas has made some calls but no one knows anything,” frantically apologizing for the torment I’ve caused Shauna.

  “No, you were right; we needed to know,” Patrick answers.

  “Shauna is okay. She’s just a little shaken, but she’s okay,” Maks reassures me. “You did the right thing telling us.”

  “Are you okay?” Patrick asks.

  “She’s okay,” Liam answers. “Rylie was working in my office, and Tomas came in shortly after he arrived. He convinced Roberto to leave. Hopefully he’ll never come back.”

  We hear as someone sucks in a deep breath, “Well, Tomas, it seems I owe you for helping my sister, again.”

  “I protect the people I care about,” Tomas announces.

  I look up and study Tomas’s face. I can’t believe he told two of my three brothers he cares for me.

  “Thank you anyway,” Patrick gratefully admits, interrupting my musings. “You’re staying with Rylie?”

  “Yes. At least until we catch this monster,” Tomas answers.

  “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Patrick says, then ends the call.

  Tomas runs his hand down my back, “Come on, Mariposa. Let’s get you home. Are you ready to go Liam?”

  “You know what? I think I’ll call it a night too. Mind if I walk out with you?”

  “Not at all,” Tomas replies as he helps me gather my things.

  “With Hui’s father and brother in town and today’s event, I want you to work from my house tomorrow.”

  “Is that necessary?” I ask.

  “He’s right, Rylie. With everything going on and now Roberto knowing where you work….Not being here is for the best,” Tomas agrees.

  “You’re both being overprotective, but I’m all for hanging with my little buddies and Hui,” I relent.

  As Liam shuts down his laptop, I put the files we will need in one box. Tomas takes the box from me and leads us out of the office. As we pass Abby’s desk, Liam explains we will work from home for the rest of the week.

  “Drive safe and text me when you get home. Love you,” I hug Liam when we arrive at our cars.

  Chapter Twenty-Four - Tomas

  When I pulled into the garage I expected to run upstairs and get Rylie and come back, it should have only taken five maybe ten minutes. That is why I parked in the loading area of the garage next to the elevator doors. Luckily it seems like no one needed the area while I was gone. Rylie is shouting something at Liam as he walks across the garage to his car as I’m putting Rylie’s files in the trunk of my Charger.

  Liam reaches his car opens the door and shouts, “I love you,” to Ryle.

  Shutting the trunk of the car I watch as Liam slides behind the wheel of the Jaguar F-Pace when I hear the click of a car trying to turn over. Racing to the driver’s door of Liam’s vehicle and yank it open, “Get out now!” I scream.

  “Tomas?” Liam and Rylie question.

  “Get the fuck out of the car and get Rylie as far away as possible,” I order.

  “Tomas? What is going on?” Rylie asks from the passenger side of Liam’s Jaguar F-Pace, a look of confusion and worry on her pretty face.

  “Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. The. Car!” I punctuate each word trying to get my point across. Without further hesitation, Liam jackknifes out of the driver’s seat and rushes to join Rylie who is now at the trunk of the car.

  The fear of losing the woman I am falling in love with overtakes me, and I blurt, “There is a bomb in the car. Now go with your brother to the other side of the garage. Keep people away from the area while I call the cops.”

  “B-bomb? Who would want to put a bomb in Liam’s car?” Rylie asks as Liam wraps his arms around her and starts to hurry her away.

  “Baby, go with your brother,” I plead, dialing nine-one-one.

  As the line rings, I hear Rylie ask Liam, “What about Tomas? He shouldn’t be so close to the car. What if….“

  I don’t hear Liam’s reply as the operator answers, “Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?”

  “This is CIA agent Tomas Ramirez. I need the bomb squad at the law offices of Field, Love, and Reyes immediately. There is a bomb in Mr. Love’s car.”

  “I’m sending officers to the scene now and alerting the bomb squad. Please do not touch or try to defuse the bomb yourself agent Ramirez,” the operator instructs.

  “I wasn’t going to try. I do have the area secure and I’ll be waiting for the police,” I reply, hearing the scream of sirens in the background.

  “The police are close. Thank you,” I tell the operator before ending the call.

  A police car stops abruptly near Rylie and Liam. A tall man in his late t
wenties wearing a black uniform exits the vehicle and asks Liam something. Liam shakes his head and points to me. The officer jogs over to me, “Are you the person who called in the car bomb?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m CIA agent Tomas Ramirez,” pulling my credentials from my back pocket and showing them to the officer.

  “Can I ask how you knew there was a bomb in Mr. Love’s car?”

  Annoyed, he is eyeing me suspiciously; I take a deep breath and answer. “I was putting my girlfriend stuff in the back of my car and heard the click of Liam’s ignition. After three tours in the Middle East, I’ve seen good men destroyed by that click. I will not let her watch that happen to her brother.”

  “I understand. We have officers evacuating the building and the bomb squad is on their way. Please follow me,” the officer instructs.

  I follow him to where Rylie and Liam are standing with several other people. Rylie sees me coming toward them and unlatches herself from Liam’s side, running at full force into my chest. “Shhh, it’s okay. We’re all gonna be okay.”

  “Mr. Love,” the officer calls.

  Liam steps forward, “Yes, sir?”

  “Mr. Love, do you have any idea why someone would put a bomb in your car?”

  “I have no clue.”

  “Do you have anyone angry with you?”

  Liam snorts, “I’m a lawyer. If we’re not making someone mad, we’re not doing our jobs.”

  “What type of law do you practice?” The officer asks Liam.

  “Primarily corporate law, but I also help with the Innocence Project.”

  The police officer nods, “After the bomb squad clears your car we are going to have to impound it for an investigation. Is there a good phone number to contact you at?”

  Liam pulls a business card from his inside breast pocket and hands it to the officer. “All of my contact information is on there.”

  “Thank you Mr. Love,” the officer replies just as the bomb squad truck pulls up and blocks the entrance to the parking garage.

  A man dressed in a bombproof suit exits and walks towards the car. He walks around the car, shining a mirror under the car. After examining the outside of the car he reaches into the car and pops the hood. The officer in the suit runs his hand under the hood to lift it then in one fluid motion, he changes direction and dives away from Liam’s car as far as he can and all hell breaks loose.


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