Near Sighted (A Jake Townsend Science Fiction, Action and Adventure, Thriller Series Book 2)

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Near Sighted (A Jake Townsend Science Fiction, Action and Adventure, Thriller Series Book 2) Page 10

by Richard C Hale

  “Pam was becoming too hard, too clingy. I was used to handling things on my own because in my relationship with Michael, he was gone all the time. She wanted to take over the male role, but all I wanted was a companion. Someone like me who understood how I thought and felt. I didn’t need someone to take care of me and that’s all she wanted to do.”

  “It didn’t start that way?”

  “No. At first she was very open and understanding. Oh hell, she still is, but something’s changed and I don’t like the feel of it. It’s almost as if we assumed traditional roles in a not so traditional relationship. I liked being with her, the woman, not her, the male substitute.”

  “If you don’t like the male role so much, why did you cheat on her with a guy? That doesn’t make sense.”

  She drove in silence for a minute. “I know. It doesn’t, does it? That’s one of the reasons I’m upset about it. I don’t make sense to myself.”

  “Most women don’t to me. You’ve got too many crayons.”



  “Anyway, I guess I needed to see how much I missed it.”


  She grinned at that. “You know what I mean.”

  He shook his head, but smiled at her.

  They pulled into the safety checkpoint and after showing their badges and having the car inspected, the guards waved them through and they parked in the lot. It was always the same and they had to plan for the delay, but were used to it. It was just part of the job.

  They rode the elevator down into the middle of the earth in silence and Lucky was surprised at how comfortable that silence was. The door opened on General Smith and he handed them both folders as they exited the elevator.

  “We had another EMP spike last night while you two were out, and though brief, we were able to get a better idea of the area.”

  “How strong was it?” Lucky asked as they entered the monitoring lab.

  “Pretty strong, but very short,” Smith said.

  “Do you still need us to go to Jackson Hole?” Ginny asked.

  He nodded. “We’ve got to nail this down.”

  “What kind of search radius are we talking about?” Lucky asked.

  “One hundred square miles.”

  “Crap. That might take a while, sir.”

  “I know, but time is of the utmost importance. I need results yesterday.”

  They both nodded. “We’d better get moving then,” Lucky said.

  “Try to be discreet,” Smith said. “We don’t want to start a panic.”

  “Discreet and quick. That’s asking a lot,” Ginny said.

  “I know it is. I expect a lot from the two of you. You’re my best.”

  Chapter 19

  Jackson Hole, Wyoming

  Bart stood next to Elise in the doorway of the chamber and couldn’t believe his eyes. Benjamin Tolaver was lying in the chair with the leads still connected and the body mold over him. Somehow he was back.

  “Benjamin,” he said softly and he saw a finger twitch ever so slightly on his right hand. “Benjamin?” He stepped into the chamber and approached the chair. He found Benjamin with his eyes shut tight and his face locked in a grimace of fear or pain. He could not tell. Bart reached out and was about to touch his shoulder when Benjamin screamed shrilly and cringed.

  Elise stepped up and raised her voice to him. “Benjamin! Stop it!” He instantly became quiet and slowly opened his eyes.

  “Where am I? Am I home?” he asked.

  “Depends on what you consider home,” Bart said. “You’re back in the lab if that’s what you mean.”

  “How long have I been gone?”

  “About an hour.”

  He looked confused at this and looked back and forth between Elise and him. “I would have sworn it was more like a month.”

  “Just an hour,” Elise said and moved closer. “What happened in there?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said. “Nothing—and everything. It was like I was in a nightmare. I saw everything in my life and then long stretches of nothingness. Those were the worst. I was alone. I mean all alone. As if there was no one else who existed—ever. It felt completely void. It was terrifying.” He started to shake and then tears leaked from his eyes as he remembered.

  “Alone time could be good,” Elise said. “I like my alone time.”

  “Not this. I never thought it would end and it was making me lose my mind. Total sensory deprivation.” His voice broke and he started to cry uncontrollably. Like a child. “Please don’t make me go back there. I’ll lose my mind if I go back. Please!” He tried to grab her arm but she backed away before he could reach her.

  Bart looked over at Elise who shrugged. He had been hoping for a better outcome, but at least they knew they could bring somebody back. How that happened he couldn’t explain yet. It seemed random and out of their control, but flesh and blood was crossing over into some other plane of existence and then returning. Bart wondered what John Miller had seen, but they had not had the chance to ask before they had to terminate that relationship.

  “Benjamin. Did you see anyone else in there? Anyone you didn’t know?

  Benjamin nodded his head slowly. “It was a man. I could tell he was like me because he had a glow about him that was red in hue. An aura I guess you would call it. He wouldn’t acknowledge me. Maybe he couldn’t see me.”

  “All right, let’s get you out of the chair and give you some rest.”

  “Where’s Shannon?”

  “She’s right here, Benjamin,” and Bart pointed to the chair next to him with the body in it they had not yet had time to clean up.

  “Where?” Benjamin said, looking directly at the chair next to him.

  “You don’t see her?”

  “Will you two stop tormenting me. Haven’t I been through enough! I fucking ask you where Shannon is and you show me an empty chair. I need to see her!”

  “Calm down Benjamin. We wouldn’t lie or torment you. She is right next to you and you don’t see her?”

  “No.” He said this quietly and then turned away from the chair.

  Bart didn’t know what to make of this. “I’m sure it’s just an effect of the dimensional travel. It should clear up soon.”

  “Whatever,” Benjamin said, and closed his eyes.

  “Let’s get you out of this chair,” Bart said and nodded to Elise as he raised the body mold out of the way. She reached to disconnect a lead from Benjamin and as her skin made contact with his she gasped and then began trembling almost as if she was having a seizure. “Elise!”

  She couldn’t answer. Her eyes rolled up white into her head and she shook violently as Benjamin began doing the same. Bart started to reach for her, but then thought better. What if the same thing happens to me? There would be no one to monitor us. Elise began to moan, a strange strangling sound that came from deep within her. It turned wet and drool began running from the corner of her mouth in a thick, white string. The moaning grew in intensity and the white frothy substance coming from her mouth increased rapidly until it was a continuous stream that drained to the floor. Benjamin was frothing at the mouth also and his head shook from side to side as if in a nightmare. Just when Bart was about to pull Elise away, risking himself anyway, it stopped. Like a switch. He could have sworn he actually heard an audible ‘click’ like something was being shut off and Elise was back.

  She stared at Bart and licked the remaining drool from the corner of her mouth and then hiccupped.

  “Elise? Are you okay?”

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. It was as if you touched him and he electrified you.”

  She pulled her hand away and nodded. “I saw.”

  Benjamin was grinning and staring at Elise. He no longer seemed afraid.

  “What did you see?” Bart asked.

  “Everything,” she said and a tear tracked down her cheek.

  “I’m not alone,” Benjamin said with
such relief in his voice as if a huge burden had been lifted from him.

  Bart reached to touch him and Elise said, “No! Not yet. We need you alone.” And Benjamin nodded. Bart pulled his hand away slowly and let Elise finish the work. She did not seize again when she touched him and Bart could tell there was some kind of connection now between them. He just did not know what.

  ~ ~ ~

  With the Rocky’s over their left shoulder, they headed north through Denver and Ft. Collins until they crossed the Wyoming border and make a turn due west at Cheyenne. Lucky was driving the Chevelle now and having a blast as Ginny tried to get a little nap. They had a 10-hour drive and were going to make the haul in one leg. The rumble of the motor through his legs and the steady climb in elevation was making him feel better as the day moved on. The hangover was just a lingering nuisance that was quickly fading away.

  He turned to look at Ginny who was curled up in her seat with her face turned out the window and her legs pulled up. She was snoring softly and he smiled to himself, wishing he could sleep as easily as she did. He could see the silhouette of her face and noticed, not for the first time, how beautiful she was. Her features in slumber were even more angelic as she relaxed in a peaceful doze.

  They had talked a bit more about the mission and wondered what they would find in Jackson Hole, but mostly they talked about the past. Hers with her husband and kids, and his with football as the backdrop. She still called him a jock.

  As they made the slow turn northwards again toward the Tetons, she was back behind the wheel and he sat slumped against the cold window trying to sleep a bit. The sun was low in the sky and the shadows lengthened as the day drew to a close. They had been on the road six hours and had four more to go. They would arrive in Jackson Hole after dark and have to wait until morning to start their investigation. They had yet to discuss sleeping accommodations though they had a pretty good idea of local hotels. The General had left it to them by not even discussing it before they left. She brought it up first.

  “Where are we going to stay? Have you looked at the info Smith gave us?”

  He sat up and reached into the back seat, grabbing the information packet and thumbing through it. “Best Western, Motel Six, Holiday Inn Express, Jim’s Black Bear Motel…”

  “That sounds like a place you would like,” she said brightly and then started to giggle.

  “All right, we are avoiding that one like the plague.”

  “How ‘bout a bed and breakfast? Anything like that listed?”

  He flipped a page and started to read. “The Happy Varmint Bed and Breakfast, Eagles Roost Nest and Nettles, Chief Wampum’s Tepee of Love (and vittles)…”

  “Are you serious? You’re making this shit up aren’t you?” She slapped him on the leg, but laughed.

  “No I’m not,” and grinned as he continued to scan the page. “These are high-class establishments at premium prices.”

  She snatched the papers from him. “Let me see that.”

  He reached for them and said, “You’re driving. You pay attention to the road, Missy.”



  “Whatever. You pick one. I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “Do they have cockroaches in Wyoming?”

  “They probably have them everywhere. Scared of a little bug?”

  “I hate the things. You know they can survive on the paste in wallpaper?”

  “Pick a place that doesn’t have wallpaper then.”

  He gave her a look, then turned back to the paper. “It says here our cover is a married couple so we better get a single room.”

  “Then pick something with a king. I need my…wait a minute…it doesn’t say that. Give that too me!” She snatched it out of his hands again, but she was smiling. “Men.”

  “Hey. We’re getting along well. I thought I would save the government some money.”

  She looked down quickly and shook her head.

  “How can you drive and read at the same time?” he said, pretending to be concerned. “I’ll stop all the joking around, just give that back to me.”

  She handed the pages back and sighed. “One room is fine, but get two beds.”

  He smiled.

  “But no funny business. I’m a lesbo remember?”

  “You won’t let me forget,” he said, but liked where things were headed.

  ~ ~ ~

  “We need to go to Florida,” Elise said when they got Benjamin settled in his room with a soda and a snack. He just sat on the cot and stared at the wall.

  “Why?” Bart asked. “We have everything here.”

  “What I mean is I need to go to Florida and you need to stay here.”

  “I’m not following. What is in Florida that you need?”

  “John Miller.”


  “John Miller.”

  Bart turned and paced. “I heard you. I killed him, remember. How can he be in Florida?”

  “He’s not,” she said, her face a perfect mask of calm and confidence. “Yet.”

  “Are you saying he’s not dead?”

  She nodded.

  “Then where the hell is he?”

  “In there.”

  “He’s dead,” he said, trying to get her to wake up from whatever dream world she was in after the event with Benjamin. He watched him die in front of his eyes.

  “He can’t die. Not anymore. We fixed that.”

  Bart stopped in mid-step and stared at her. “How do you know this?”

  “I saw it—through him.”

  “What exactly did you see, Elise?”

  “Everything he did—and he’s right. It’s a lonely, cold place filled with nothing and everything.”

  “So, you’re saying John Miller is immortal and nothing can hurt him?”

  “No. He can be hurt and even have his bodily functions stopped. But he comes back. That’s his punishment for what he’s done. He’s violated not only our laws, but some other laws we don’t understand. Some balance needs to be kept in stasis and he has upset it—we upset it. He can be killed—but only temporarily.”

  “You learned all this by touching Benjamin Tolaver?”

  She nodded.

  “Why didn’t it happen when you were being choked by John Miller?”

  “I think it’s because he broke the contact before it was finished. You shot him and he let me go. I felt something, but I thought it was hallucinations as I was losing consciousness.”

  “I need to see this.” He turned and strode purposefully towards Benjamin’s room.

  “No, Bart.” She said this so calmly that he had to stop. It was more powerful than if she had shouted it at the top of her lungs. “Not yet. The balance is still in our favor and we can bring John Miller back and use him. We need him.”

  “But he tried to kill us. He’ll do it again.”


  “Doesn’t that bother you?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not scared of death anymore. It will give me things I want. Things I’ve wanted all my life. I want to be like John Miller,” and she finally smiled. Bart did not like that smile.

  Chapter 20

  Jackson Hole, Wyoming

  Lucky pulled the Chevelle into the Motel Six and they both got out and stretched their legs. He shivered from the chill and watched Ginny do the same. It was definitely colder up here. His head and back ached, but the chill helped clear his head a little. His back was going to be stiff for a day or two yet.

  Though it was nighttime, the moon was full and shone brightly down, illuminating the Tetons from behind and making them glow in an eerie silvery sheen. An owl or some other night bird flew across the moon and was silhouetted in front of it. He didn’t believe in omens, but it still gave him an uncomfortable feeling.

  “What’s wrong?” Ginny asked, coming up beside him and staring up at the moon.

  “Nothing.” He reached down and grabbed his duffel bag and the suitcase with the fragil
e sensing equipment and turned to her. “One room? Not too late to get your own.”

  “It will be fine. Besides, I like your company and I won’t have to be alone.”

  He just couldn’t read her. She smiled at him and seemed all flirty, then she would chastise him if he came on too strong. He didn’t want to ruin anything they had so he figured if she wanted something from him, he’d let her make the move. Or maybe he was just stupid and all this was his imagination. Guys were too hard and callused. Isn’t that what she had said?

  They checked in and were able to get a room with two queens. They registered under the name of Smith.

  “Original,” she said as they walked to the room.

  “Hey, our boss’s name is Smith.”

  She smiled. “True.”

  He fumbled with the key, but finally got it to open and they went in to a comfortable, but unremarkable space with a TV and two beds. The room was freezing and she went to the thermostat and cranked it up.

  “You’d think they’d keep the rooms warm and ready for their patrons,” she said.

  “Probably costs too much in this hick town.”

  “It’s definitely off season. Too cold for most of the tourists. Even the skiers.”

  He nodded as he looked around the room and checked the bathroom. A dead cockroach lay in the bottom of the tub. She stepped in next to him. He looked at her.

  “Bad wallpaper paste?” she asked.

  “Oh, shut up,” but he smiled at her and turned back to the room to unpack.

  “What do you wear for PJ’s?” she said next as she went to her own bag and tossed it up on the bed.

  “Nothing.” And pretended to be nonchalant about it.

  “Hey! Me too! Good, I won’t have to worry about offending anyone.” She unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off. She bent over in her bra and rummaged around in her bag. She finally pulled out a t-shirt and pulled it over her head. He stood there holding his shaving kit in one hand and a pair of skivvies in the other, watching her. He felt his mouth hanging open and closed it.


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