A Man Like No Other

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A Man Like No Other Page 4

by Aliyah Burke

  She poured herself more coffee and grabbed him a mug. He had to physically stop from going to her when she lifted herself onto the counter. All he could see was bending her over the dark green countertop and taking her. Over and over. Kneeling before her and lapping up her thick cream. Enjoying her body in a way he hadn’t yet. Slowly and in daylight.

  She cleared her throat and snapped him out of his lovely daydream.


  A knowing grin flashed. “Nothing.”

  “Your answer?”

  “I could have said already. You wouldn’t know.”

  “So tell me again.”

  Her lips pursed. “Why are we doing this?”

  “Doing what?” he asked.

  “Pretending there is something between us. Look at us, sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee like we know one another. A damn commercial.”

  His lips twitched. “Something else you’d rather be doing?” Every fibre within him longed to go to her and kiss her until no wouldn’t even be a consideration.

  Heat flared before she could contain it. “Yes.” He waited with baited breath. “I need to be running.”


  “No. Running.”

  “Mind some company?”

  She scanned his attire. “You run in jeans and cowboy boots?”

  He flashed a smile. “No, I have clothes in my truck.”

  “Let’s go then. Ready in five?”

  I’m ready now. “Sounds good.” As he jogged to his truck, he realised he hadn’t gotten a response about her reason against DEA men.

  Although it was more like fifteen minutes later, he found himself running beside Serefina LeBenoit along a mountain trail. She wore a pair of shorts which nearly made him stumble more than once with the way they barely covered the firm globes of her ass. He realised why her legs weren’t pencil thin; running through the mountains had given her more muscle than running a flat road would.

  “Let me know if the altitude gets to be too much,” she said as they pounded up again.

  He could feel its effects but didn’t think it was anything he couldn’t handle. A while later, he felt really lightheaded and slightly nauseous. Serefina must have been watching him for she immediately stopped so he would.

  “Walk slowly and take deep breaths.”

  He did as she ordered and slowly the effects faded. He peeked at her; there was no smugness or laughter in her expression. No pity either. Only observation.


  “Don’t mention it. Can you walk a bit further up?”

  He would crawl if he had to; he didn’t want to disappoint her. “Sure.”

  They ambled along until she veered off the path and to a small glen. Beautiful was the only word he could think of. Lush green grass, flowers dotting the carpet, and a sparkling pool of water.

  “Wow,” he said. “This is impressive.”

  “One of my favourite spots. The water is clean, so drink if you want.”

  He headed to the edge and looked back to see Serefina walk slowly, eyes closed, and drag her hands along the tops of the grasses. Adjusting his path, he returned to her and she was in his arms by the time her eyes opened.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re driving me insane, angel. I can’t stop thinking of what it was like to be buried deep within your wet heat.”


  “I want to watch your face when you come. I want to make love to you, angel.”

  Her pulse ran out of control. Longing overflowed her expression. “No,” she whispered on a tortured breath.

  “Why not?”

  “You’re DEA. Plus we’ve already fucked.”

  He snarled low. “We’ll get back to the DEA excuse in a minute. I didn’t say I wanted to fuck you—don’t get me wrong, I do, just not right now—I want to learn the treasures of your body. Enjoy it slowly.”

  Her trembles increased. He pressed his lips to her forehead and inhaled her light citrus smell.

  “Since you’re feeling better, let’s get back to the reason we’re out here. Running.”

  He tightened his hold, preventing her escape. “We’re not ignoring this, Serefina.”

  She stepped free. “There’s nothing to ignore or not.” Then she spun around and began running.

  Refusing to let her get away, he set off after her. He had no extra air for words so remained silent. When her home came into view, he was extremely relieved. He’d believed himself to be in top shape, but this run—where she barely seemed winded—had kicked his ass and taken no prisoners. He grew more impressed each moment he spent in her company. Silence remained as they stretched out. But he ended it when she grasped the door handle.


  Her sweat-glistened body slowly turned towards him. He groaned at the sight of her damp tank top pressed enticingly to her full, firm breasts. Her shorts rode low on her hips and allowed him a peek at her flat belly. Despite his exhaustion, he began to respond, his cock hardening. In the shorts he wore, there was no hiding that fact. Her gaze, however, never wavered from his.

  “I told you when we first met; I didn’t do your kind. I broke that rule the other night. It doesn’t mean I want a repeat.”

  “We’ve both said some things, angel. But I’d say things have changed.”


  He could read true confusion in her expression. Blinking, he positioned himself right before her.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure.” He grabbed her arm, holding her in place. “But it has. You can’t deny that, angel. It began the moment our lives intersected.”

  “I can’t…”

  He pulled her close, closing his eyes with the simple pleasure of her body against his. I’m not letting you go. The pager on his shorts went off and he unclipped it to view the number. A frown crossed his face. Serefina stepped back and tilted her head inside.

  “Use the phone if you need to. I’m going to shower.”

  Lust hit him and for a moment took his mind off the page. But she hadn’t made an offer for him to join her. “Thanks,” he said, following her inside. He headed to the phone when she went upstairs.

  Hefting her phone, he dialled the number.

  “Hello?” a feminine voice said.

  He smiled. “Hi, sweetness. What can I do for you?”

  Sidra Kysenzki, his sister-in-law. A woman who’d taken a bullet for him.

  “Taber. Thanks for getting back to me. I tried your phone first but then hit the pager when I didn’t get a response. Sorry for bothering you.”

  He shoved a hand through his damp hair. “You’re never a bother, Sidra. Call anytime. What’s up?”

  “Pete and I, along with Michael and Ayanna, are heading to Albuquerque to see some of their friends. Since it’s Pete’s birthday, I was thinking—hoping—you and Cort could come out as a surprise to him.”

  Pete. His youngest brother. A naval pilot.

  “Tell you what, I’ll call today and put in for a few days surrounding his birthday and do my best to be there.”

  “Thank you, Taber.”

  “Anything for you.”

  “Really? In that case, is it too much to hope you’re ready to settle down and that’s why you’re calling me back from a number I don’t recognise?”

  “A gentleman never kisses an’ tells.”

  She laughed. “True, but we’re talking about you, Taber.”

  An image of Serefina appeared in his mind’s eye. “Good point. Who knows. One day, I’ll find the right woman. You know, you’re taken, so it’s hard to find someone who can come close to you.”

  She snorted with laughter. “Excuses. And please, we both know you don’t want me. I won’t keep you any longer; I’m going to call Cort. Take care, Taber, and thanks again. Bye.”

  “Bye, sweetness,” he said before hanging up.

  Sidra was a good wife for his brother. With a brief hesitation, he went to his bag and pulled out his cell to place the required c
all to work and put in for some days off.

  Serefina had showered and dressed by the time he was finished. She stood in the kitchen when he stuck his head in.

  “Can I use your shower?”

  “Second door on the right.”

  Bag in hand, he headed to the bathroom and took a short one, refusing to stroke his hard shaft. He would be buried deep within Serefina when he came, not alone in a shower, even if it was her shower. Not much later, he stood in the kitchen with her.

  “Your phone rang while you were showering,” she commented.

  He checked and groaned, then called back.

  “Director Feeny’s office.”

  “Cricket, it’s Kysenzki.”

  “I’ll put you through.”

  “Taber.” His director’s gravelled voice filled his ear.

  “You called?”

  “Why didn’t you answer?”

  “Not in the habit of answering while I’m showering. The reason you called?” The smile on Serefina’s lips eased his anger.

  “Need you back.”

  “I’ll be there in a day.”

  “Why so long?”

  “I’m in the middle of nowhere. Have to get back to civilisation.”

  Tobias kept talking but the words meant nothing to him as he watched Serefina unwrap and begin to suck on a Popsicle. His hand shook and his throat grew dry. Then there was his cock which seemed ready to burst from his pants. Without a thought, he ended the call, dropped his phone and moved towards the temptress, one thing on his mind.

  Chapter Four

  Serefina quivered from the predatory look Taber pinned her with. What the hell possessed me to play with fire? His animalistic motion made her squirm. He stopped before her and she pulled the Popsicle from between her lips with a pop. His eyes darkened.

  “Want one?” she queried. “You know, for the road.”

  Kissable bow-shaped lips drew tight.

  “Not nice, angel,” he growled.

  She offered it to him, but instead, he latched onto her mouth and sucked the air from her lungs. Deep, powerful strokes took his tongue through her entire mouth. He teased the sides and roof before pulling back. She was a mess of trembling desire.

  “Watermelon,” he murmured. “I have to tell you, angel. I prefer grapefruit. That’s how you taste. But anything is good from your lips.”

  She whimpered while his hand plied circles on the inside of her thigh. His other hand guided the frozen treat back into her dry mouth. She sucked hard, desperate for the moisture. A sharp mewl escaped when two fingers slipped up the leg of her shorts and towards her soaked core.

  “I’m going to taste you, Serefina. I’m going to suck on you like you’re doing to that Popsicle in your mouth.”

  More moisture flowed. He tugged her to the edge of the counter and stripped her of her shorts. Strong hands encouraged her thighs to spread.

  “Enjoy your treat, angel. I’m sure as hell gonna enjoy mine.”

  She could barely hold the Popsicle, much less enjoy it. Not with Taber’s golden head between her dark thighs. He licked her through the wet satin of her panties and she squirmed trying not to scream. Again and again, he lapped.

  “You taste like grapefruit everywhere, Serefina.”

  Her yelp couldn’t be contained when he tore off her underwear. His warm breath hit her swollen flesh and she shifted on the cool countertop. He captured her clit in his mouth and played with it. Her Popsicle fell to the counter and she gripped his hair with her hands, holding him closer. She ground against him and her head dropped back when he added one finger to her heat.

  “More,” she begged without shame.

  His response vibrated her nub and shot more tremors through her. He complied, adding another two fingers and pumping them hard and fast inside her. Stars flickered as he ate, sucked, nipped, and over all drove her out of her mind. Her legs spread, draped over his wide shoulders allowing him easier access.

  The power of her orgasm could neither be slowed nor contained. Taber switched his fingers and his mouth only to thrust his tongue deep within until he had licked her clean. Boneless, she remained slumped back, her head against a cupboard. He rose from where he’d knelt, reached out and pulled her close for a kiss. Her taste intermixed with his flooded her senses and made her wet all over again. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Expressing what she could not voice. Her vulnerability.

  “Serefina,” he murmured against her lips.

  Sated, she offered no resistance when he hooked her legs around his waist and carried her upstairs. He found her bedroom and laid her back upon the mattress.


  She looked at him. A lock of hair fell forward and she reached up to smooth it away. He stared at her with this odd expression on his face.


  “I have to go.”

  Ain’t that how it always goes.

  Her features must have said what she felt. He stroked his hand down her face.

  “I want to see you again, angel. I want more than a bar night fuck.”


  “I know, I know. You don’t do my kind,” he said with a snarl. “So when we’re together, you’re not ATF and I’m not DEA. You be you and I’ll be me.”

  Her heart loved the idea. Her brain hesitated.

  “Your co-workers?”

  He skimmed her lips with his thumb. “As far as they know we met once and took an elevator ride together. Where you left me as fast as possible.”

  She almost smiled. “Okay,” she said before she could talk herself out of it.

  “We still have to talk. I’ll leave my number by your phone. Goodbye, Serefina.”

  Taber kissed her until she felt like melted wax. By the time she found her bearings, the sound of his powerful diesel engine told her he was leaving.

  “Great job, LeBenoit,” she chastised herself. “Get involved with another man from the DEA. It worked so well the previous time.”

  Once out of bed, she cleaned up and dressed again before heading downstairs.

  Spying her cell, she went to it and found a piece of paper by it. A list of numbers on it and at the bottom one word. Taber.

  With a sigh, she realised the Popsicle had been cleaned up. Okay, Taber. You get some points for that as well.

  Her home phone rang and the man at the other end took her attention from Taber. By that night, she’d loaded up her stuff and called her aunt to tell them she was back to work.

  * * * *


  Serefina shouldered her bag and stepped across the lobby of the hotel. She waved to the clerk, same as she’d done every day. There was only one reason she was here. Her director asked her to go down and help the DEA with the information on a man named Dillard Thurgood. Even if she didn’t always play well with the other agencies, she’d work with Satan himself to get that bastard off the street.

  A gut feeling wasn’t enough to arrest him. Well, according to the law. And her director told her flat out shooting the man was not going to work either. A pity in her estimation, it’d save a lot of time, energy and billable man hours. So she’d locked away her own mistrust and dislike to arrive as requested. Stepping out into the hot Florida sun, she slid on her shades and turned up the street. She walked calmly but with determination. A woman who knew where was headed. Not a target.

  Today, she was to make contact with the couple who were undercover. Entering a café, she scanned the room before going out to sit at one of the remaining outdoor tables. After placing her order, she pulled out a puzzle book and worked on it.

  “Missy? Oh my God, Missy, is that you?”

  She looked up to see a woman in a tight pink tube top, big bracelets, gaudy earrings and a short white skirt. Oh wow.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten me,” the woman exclaimed loudly.

  “Oh no, I didn’t forget you, Rochelle. I was just…um…admiring your outfit.”

  Rochelle beamed and sat
without waiting for an invite.

  “I haven’t seen you in what. Two years?” She popped her gum. “Did you move home or are you still being high-n-mighty in New York?”

  There it was. New York. The safe word. Now she had to deliver hers.

  “No. I’m only here on vacation. I actually live in LA.” She couldn’t keep her eyes from the outfit. Did people actually wear that still?

  Rochelle shrugged, her red hair gleaming in the sun. “New York, LA, no difference. Anywho,” she pouted, “I was so sad when you couldn’t make my wedding. So was Roger. He’s here.” She looked over her shoulder. “Somewhere.”

  Rochelle and Roger. Wow, the DEA isn’t all that inventive.

  Her supposed cousin stood and yelled, “Roger, it is so your cousin. I was right. Can’t believe you didn’t recognised her. Come over, she’s buying drinks.”

  Rochelle met her gaze and winked.

  Serefina wanted to be mad but Rochelle was playing her part well. Besides, the agency would reimburse her. Not to mention she did have some family just like this woman, it was kinda like being home. A shadow fell over them and she looked up. If not for her years of being thrown curves in the field and needing to maintain her calm so not to blow her cover, she wouldn’t have been able to keep only ‘joy’ on her face. The man who stood before her, playing Roger her cousin, was DEA SA Sean Forrest.

  Her ex-fiancé.

  “Cousin Missy,” he said in a deep voice.

  Damn him! Damn him for being so fine. “Roger, long time no see.” Literally, you bastard.

  “Yes, it has been. You’re looking great.”

  “Sit down won’t you. We can catch up over drinks.”

  He sat across from her and she prayed for the strength to get through this. Once the drinks were served, Rochelle reached in her purse, a lime green colour, and handed her a piece of paper. Glad to have something to focus on other than her ex, she opened it.

  “Do you know what it means?” Rochelle asked, no sign of her whiny voice.


  Facing the paper towards the female agent, Serefina broke it down. They ate a light meal and exchanged information before they parted. Paying the bill, she rose and hoisted her backpack again.


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