A Man Like No Other

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A Man Like No Other Page 5

by Aliyah Burke

  “Wonderful to see you both again.”

  “Are you in town for a while? Maybe we could do dinner?” Roger offered.

  “Yes, I am, a couple more days. I’m staying at the Sheraton on Fifth and Vine. Leave me a message.”

  “Sounds great. Come on, Roger. I have to get home to change my clothes for work.”

  “Go on, I’ll catch up,” he said.

  She could see Rochelle’s hesitation, but the woman left. Then it remained the two of them.

  “Something else?” she questioned, doing her best to control her heart beat.

  “Just thanks for putting up with Rochelle. I know she’s a bit loud but she’s got a good heart.”

  The smile seemed to strain her face. “No problem. Have a good one.” She started around him, only to find herself held tightly against him. Memories swamped her. Being held like this. By him. Feeling safe and protected.

  “I’ve missed you, Fina,” he murmured before stepping back and releasing her. “We’ll call your hotel to set up a time.” A final wave and he was gone.


  Just like when he’d dumped her. Crushed her dreams.

  Yet having been in his arms again made it hard to recall the pain. Sean had been the one. The one. The one she had intended on spending her happily ever after with.

  Forcing her emotions back, she left the café and did a bit of shopping before going to her room. She gave herself a few moments before knocking on the adjoining door and entering.

  Tucker Mason, a systems operator, looked up and gave her a tired smile. “How was lunch?” he asked.

  “Wonderful.” His dejected look made her chuckle. “But why don’t you tell me.” She handed him a bag with some in it.

  “You truly are a saint, thank you.”

  “Enjoy.” She sat with him. Tucker was one she actually liked. A man devoted to his wife and son.

  “So,” he mumbled around a bite of fettuccine, “how’d it go?”

  “Good. They’ll be calling to set up a time for supper.”

  “They looked okay?”

  “Sure. I don’t know her personally but I’d say she did.”

  “But you know Forrest?”

  She licked her lips. “You could say we’re acquainted.” More memories fought free from where they were buried.

  Tucker nodded. “Oh, before I forget. They’re bringing in another agent.”

  With a calm she didn’t fell, she leant back in the chair. “It’s y’all’s show. I’m just along for the ride.”

  He laughed. “You and me both.”

  “So who’s the other agent?” she asked desperate for something to keep her mind off Sean.

  The door opened and the team leader, Sebastian Chantor, stood there. But it was the one behind him who had all her attention. Taber. The men entered and closed the door. Suddenly, the room felt much smaller and like there was less air. She kept her face carefully composed; all the while, she took in Taber’s faded and worn jeans, cowboy boots and tight dark blue shirt. His hair was unconfined, and for the life of her, she wanted to kiss him. That wasn’t all she longed to do to him.

  Sebastian nodded in her direction. That’s all he did. He didn’t like to speak to her. From what she’d seen, he didn’t like to speak to anyone.

  “Good to see you again, SA LeBenoit,” Taber said in a professional tone. He barely met her gaze before focusing on Tucker who’d been ready to make introductions.

  “Thanks,” she muttered. On her feet, she handed the written report to Sebastian. “I’m outta here.”

  He nodded again.

  “Bye, Serefina. Thanks again for lunch,” Tucker hollered.

  Without looking back, she waved and slipped through the door to her room and fell face first upon the bed. Her muscles seemed to melt into the mattress. The sob surged forth and escaped before she knew how it happened. Clamping her mouth shut, she forced herself up and into the bathroom.

  “Get a grip!” she snapped at her reflection. “You’re a federal agent, for fuck’s sake. Things don’t rattle you.”

  She stared at herself until she was content with being in control again. The fact Taber and Sean both were here shoved in a dark hole. That’s not why she was here. She had a job to do and she would do it and leave. She headed out the door, purse and key card with her, towards the pool.

  Taber wasn’t sure how he’d pulled it off but he had. It had been two weeks since he’d knelt between Serefina’s firm thighs and ate the nectar her body had bestowed upon him. Seeing her in a barely there white dress hadn’t made anything easier. That wasn’t all. Her eyes. They told him something wasn’t right.

  “You know Serefina.”

  He focused back on Tucker. “I met her once before. Heard she was kinda cold. How’d you finagle lunch?”

  “She likes me,” Tucker teased.

  “Right,” he scoffed, doing his damndest not to be jealous.

  “Guess the assignment won’t be too bad for her. She knows you and another agent.”

  “Who?” Tucker raised his brows. “I’d heard she hates DEA, just wondering who else she would know.”

  “Besides you?”

  “Don’t go there, man. When I met her, I placed her under arrest, ruined her sting. I’m not one of her favourite people.”

  Tucker laughed. “Well, I wouldn’t expect lunch then.”

  I’m expecting a lot of things. “Not unless it was laced with arsenic.”

  “True. SA Forrest is the other one she said she knew. I’ll be right back, off to hit the head.”

  Taber was busy trying to figure out who SA Forrest was and how Serefina would have met him. He didn’t know him. Taber remained until Tucker returned.

  “I’m off to look around. I’m in room two-sixteen.”

  “Catch you later, man,” Tucker said. Sebastian never looked away from his book.

  Walking around, Taber found himself at a balcony overlooking the pool. He stared down and almost toppled over the polished rail. Serefina lay on a chaise almost directly below him. She wore a bikini of incredible temptation. Although, she’d tempt me in a burlap sack. The strapless top barely seemed to contain her breasts and the high cut bottoms only served to coat his erection in titanium.

  From this height, he could see her nails were painted. She had a toe ring on her right foot and an anklet on her left. Everything about her screamed ‘woman on vacation’. Unable to help it, he strolled to the poolside and walked in front of her. She opened her eyes when his shadow fell over her, but there was no flicker of recognition on her face. He moved on, reminding himself they were here to do a job.

  He followed at a distance that night when she went out. She headed to a club and got let in immediately. Again, she wore a dress that was barely there, soft pink this time. It took him a while to get in but he did. The place was loud, packed and full of drinking fools. When he spotted Serefina again, she was on the dance floor shaking what the good Lord gave her.

  His state alternated from horny to possessive and onto a combination of both. Which was where it stayed. She headed off towards the back room. He’d taken two steps before he stopped and turned. He had no business following her that close. She was a trained federal agent.

  Get a hold of yourself, man.

  “Care to dance, handsome?”

  He glanced down to find a woman in heavy makeup waiting. Agent Betsy Kline. “Sure.”

  The music slowed enough to where they’d look just fine close together.

  “Name’s Rochelle.”

  He smiled. “Nice name.”

  The grin on her face never slipped but her eyes betrayed her. This time he laughed. He knew she hated the name Rochelle. Knowing Sebastian, it was why he’d given it to her.

  “You okay?” he asked as they moved around the floor together. He’d trained Betsy personally.


  “How’s your husband?”

  “He’s here. In the back with Cousin Missy.”

you know him well?” He hated the thought of his angel with another man, even being work related.

  “I’ve been married to him for a few months. Never met him before that. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Her tone alerted him. “What’s wrong?”

  “There you are, Rochelle,” a masculine voice intruded. “We have to go. Scott’s waiting.”

  Taber turned his head to meet the sharp gaze of Betsy’s ‘husband’. Tall, fit and handsome if you liked those model looks. He could see how Roger fit in the plan. He portrayed a white-collar man who worked extra hours to get the money to pay for his drugs, and not the street corner drugs. More designer. Betsy had the issue, or Rochelle as she was called. And he, Sean aka Roger, did his best to look like he came from money to hide his own addiction.

  “You must be Roger; Rochelle’s been talking about you.”

  Brown eyes narrowed slightly. “That so? Well, sorry, man, I can’t hook you up with work. Come on, Rochelle.”

  Betsy’s smile was strained but she managed to pull off her role without a hitch. Left alone, Taber looked out over the sea of people and saw Serefina standing there staring in the direction the undercovers had gone. When she headed for the exit, he did as well.

  “Call you a cab, ma’am?” a valet asked.

  “No thanks.” She walked on.

  Taber grabbed her arm and pulled her off into the entrance of an alley while saying, “It’s me—Taber,” so she didn’t shoot or otherwise maim him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded when he released her.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing walking around at night in that puny piece of material?” he growled right back, furious she would put herself in danger.

  “I am doing my job.” Each word encased in ice fell like a shard around him.

  “Let me give you a ride back.”

  “I don’t think that’s wise,” she muttered.

  He smiled down at her and prowled closer, his attention totally on her. “What is the big, bad agent afraid of? We’re both professionals.”

  “That’s not it.”

  One brow rose in disbelief. “Prove it then. Ride with me.”

  Taber remained on the edge of his control; the smell of citrus filled his nose and drove him crazy.

  “What about the sting?”

  He glowered “What about it? Neither of us is assigned to follow them. And I’m not letting you walk five blocks dressed like that.”

  “Let me out at the park before the hotel?”


  She searched his face looking for the truth. Finally, she nodded. “Okay.”

  He lowered his head and nipped her collarbone. He felt her shiver all the way through him.

  “Let’s go, ” he said, offering his arm.

  They strolled from the alley arm in arm. He led her to his car, a dark blue Charger. Once she sat safely in, he climbed in and started away. Serefina wasn’t stupid and caught on instantly.

  “Where are we going? This isn’t the way back.”

  “We’re making a slight detour first,” he stated matter of fact.


  Her immediate acceptance shocked him. “You’re not going to argue this with me? Just ‘okay’?”

  She shifted on the seat. The short hem of her dress rose, exposing more firm thigh. He’d reached the point where he wasn’t sure he could get any harder.

  “We both know how important this is. I don’t think you’d jeopardise the entire thing.”

  She hit it square. Content they hadn’t been followed, he pulled off onto an unlit road and drove up to a warehouse. Coasting in under the cover of darkness, he shut off the engine and said, “Come on.”

  Again, he got a pleasant surprise when she climbed out after him, without argument or protest. Taking her elbow, he escorted her to a large door and slid it open. Low lights filled the cavernous area and he smiled at the sight of his own people. Serefina tensed beside him and he released her arm, reluctantly.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t tell you,” he whispered.

  No response.

  Every man there honed in on her and made Taber’s male protectiveness rise with vast swiftness to the surface. He forced himself to appear unaffected. Tobias strode towards them, his familiar scowl present on his face.

  “LeBenoit,” he uttered in a crisp voice.

  “Feeny.” Her response as warm as a summer night. If the night was in Antarctica.

  “We need your help.”

  Taber watched her expression. Nothing changed. Not even a flicker.

  “I’m already working a case with your people.” He could hear the derision in her tone and realised how little she liked working with the DEA.

  Feeny ran a hand over his near bald head. “That’s what we need your help with.”

  “Explain,” she ordered as if she, not he, were the director.

  “Come with me.”

  Tobias gestured and she followed him without a single look in Taber’s direction. While he knew it was their agreement to show nothing between them, it bothered him she seemed to do it so well.

  “Lucky bastard.” Howard smacked him on the back.

  “What?” He turned towards his friend.

  The man winked lewdly. “So tell me, man, is she as hot as she looks?”

  “Watch your tongue, Howard,” he growled, hands fisting briefly.

  Eyes wide, Howard stared at him. “Something you want to share?”

  His anger close to bubbling over, Taber leaned in close. “SA LeBenoit is a federal agent and I suggest, SA Howard, if you want to keep your status as one, you stop looking at her like a piece of ass.” He marched off before he planted a fist into Howard’s face.

  “You okay, hot stuff?” a gentle voice questioned.

  Before him stood Shania Dodd, another agent. One he’d had a thing with but who actually was cool with it only being a one-time thing. She was an amazing agent and beautiful woman.

  “Hey, darlin’,” he said on a sigh.

  She gestured with a sharp head motion over behind him. “You never lose it on Howard. What gives?”

  “I was reminding him that although she’s wearing a very small dress, LeBenoit is still a federal agent and should be treated with respect.”

  Shania popped some almonds in her mouth and chewed slowly. He waited for her to agree, but when she swallowed, she dusted her hands off. “Good advice. Now here’s some for you. Keep acting out of the norm and everyone will know you’ve got a thing for the lovely ATF agent.”

  Taber watched in silence as she walked off. He groaned and ran a hand down his face. Sleep. He just needed sleep. The gentle citrus aroma he associated with Serefina reached him and he dropped his hand.


  “Are you taking me back as well or should I find someone else?” Her voice carried a challenging edge.

  Like he would allow someone else to do it.

  “I am.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  She spun so fast the hem of her skirt flared up, showing more beautiful skin. Skin he knew to be soft to the touch. So soft.

  I’m fucked.

  Trailing after her he shoved his hands in his pockets. They slipped back into the night and to the car. Once they were on the road, he glanced at her. In the glow of the dash lights, he could see the drawn corners of her mouth.

  “What’d Tobias want?”

  “He wanted my opinion on SA Forrest and my first reaction to SA Chantor.”

  Again, she’d surprised him with her lack of protest and quick response.

  “What’d you tell him?” He really wanted to know what she thought of and about Forrest. Not to mention where she’d met him. Don’t forget if she’d slept with him, his brain taunted. He didn’t like this feeling of possessiveness he had when it came to Serefina. It made him think crazy.

  “I told him Sebastian seemed like a pencil pusher and more interested in his books than anything. His men barely talk to
him. I wouldn’t be good with him as team leader.”

  Taber couldn’t agree more. He had no respect for the man either.

  Chapter Five

  Serefina scowled in the dark. Normally, she wouldn’t share what she’d discussed but for some reason, Taber made her open up. So she went with it. Although that implication worried her. He didn’t respond immediately and she knew he currently mulled over what she’d told him.

  “What about Forrest?”

  She swallowed and fought the urge to squirm. “He wanted to know what I thought about him.”

  There was no hesitation this time.

  “What do you think of him, angel?”

  Somehow I don’t think we’re talking work-wise. She breathed deep. “From what I’ve seen, he’s competent…for DEA.”

  The car swerved onto a different road. This one lined with trees and other heavy foliage. He brought them to a halt, and soon, the man’s fingers had somehow found their way to her chin. Like he had eyes of a predator.

  “Spill it, angel.”

  “There’s nothing to spill. I’m telling you what I told your director.” The way his thumb caressed her skin made thinking a huge chore.

  “Then,” he whispered, his warm breath skimmed her mouth, “tell me what you didn’t tell him.”

  Damn. This man was too smart for his own good. Or hers.

  “I really need to get back,” she insisted, prying his fingers off.

  The car didn’t move a single millimetre.

  “Taber,” she said.

  “One day, you’ll be moaning and screaming my name.”

  Burying her traitorous lust for this man in a deep hole, she squared her shoulders. “Taber!” It was a struggle to keep her laugh contained when he jerked at her scream. “There, now I’ve screamed your name. Take me back to the hotel.”

  “That wasn’t nice, Serefina.”

  She smiled in the dark. “I’m exhausted; can we please do this later?”

  “Does this Forrest mean anything to you?”

  Only everything at one time in her life.

  “Nope. Nothing more than another agent,” she lied.

  He drove on after that, the car filled with classic rock. The urge to run home slammed her with the force of an EF-5 tornado. She knew the job would be challenging, some days more than others, but this…this was so much more.


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