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Rascal Page 11

by Katie McCoy

  “Take a break,” Chase told me when I headed to the bar to check on him for the fourth time. “Everything is fine. Have some fun. We’ll come get you if we need you.”

  I knew he was right. Everything was running smoothly, and I wasn’t being helpful by hovering around our employees. So I got a pint of Chase’s latest IPA and began weaving through the crowd, eavesdropping on conversations about the bar, and hearing only good things.

  Then I spotted a familiar face in the sea of strangers. Hayley.

  “You came!” I greeted my sister with a big hug.

  “Of course I came.” She smacked me on the arm. “Did you think I’d miss this? Your big night!” She looked around. “Also, I knew there would be tons of hot guys here. And I was right.”

  I made a face at her.

  “What?” She put her hands on her hips. “You and your friends might think I’m just a little kid, but I’m a fully grown woman with needs of her own.”

  “Stop it!” I put my hand over her mouth. “I refuse to listen to this. You’re ten years old and will always be ten years old in my mind.”

  “You’re ridiculous,” Hayley laughed.

  But my attention had been drawn elsewhere.

  Alex had just entered the bar.

  And she looked drop-dead gorgeous.

  It was the same little black dress she had worn for her work party, but there were none of the stuffy, law office trappings tonight. Her beautiful hair was down, cascading in soft, shimmering curls around her shoulders. Hair I wanted to get my hands in and run my fingers through as I kissed her.

  She wasn’t wearing much jewelry, save for a pair of sparkly earrings to go with the knockout heels she had on, but she didn’t need it. Just looking at her shapely legs in those killer shoes made me hard. And I couldn’t help but notice that the dress seemed to be one of those wrap-type dresses, which meant that all that stood between me and her almost naked body was a single bow tied at her waist. My fingers itched to undo it.

  But that would have to wait.

  “Stop staring and go talk to her.” My sister’s voice pulled me out of my explicit daydreams.

  “That obvious?” I asked sheepishly.

  Hayley grinned and reached up, pretending to wipe my chin. “You’re drooling.”

  I batted her hand away as

  Alex glanced over and saw me. Her smile practically lit up the room.

  I wanted her. I wanted her bad.

  Unable to stay away, I crossed the room towards her. When I reached her, she grabbed my hand, and without a word, pulled me behind the bar and into the hallway, where it was quieter.

  “I just wanted to congratulate you in private,” Alex told me. “Everything looks amazing. You should be proud.”

  I felt suddenly bashful. My family had never been big on praise, so I was unused to receiving it. And hearing it from Alex meant more than I could have ever expected.

  “Thank you,” I told her, ducking my head to kiss her.

  I had to be careful to keep it light and sweet, because I knew from experience if I didn’t, things would escalate very quickly. And while I hoped that tonight would be the night, I knew it wasn’t time. Not yet.

  “Is it everything you ever expected?” Alex asked, looking back to the party.

  I caught glances from Sawyer and Chase, but I ignored them. Thankfully, Liam was still entertaining the crowd, and Dante was doing the good work of shooting daggers at the group of guys who had approached Hayley and her friends. I knew it was only time before he’d put down his whiskey and chase those punks away. My friends knew their job. My sister would be annoyed, but it was for her own good.

  “It’s pretty damn amazing,” I confirmed to Alex as we got her a drink from the bar.

  “It’s a big night for you.” She gave me another dazzling smile.

  It was a big night. But I was hoping it would end with Alex in my arms and me in her bed. Just looking at her made my entire body ache. And as the night went on, it became increasingly difficult to keep my hands to myself.

  “Are you waiting for someone?” Alex asked, catching me looking at the door.

  “No,” I told her, but that wasn’t really the truth.

  I had invited my parents, but it looked as if they weren’t coming. I tried not to be disappointed—I knew my father didn’t approve of the bar, so why would he come to the opening? It was stupid to hope for something that would never happen, like for my parents to accept me for who I was.

  Why did I keep hoping that would change?

  “Is everything OK?” Alex murmured, obviously sensing my distraction.

  I pushed my parents out of my head and focused on the beautiful woman in front of me.

  “Everything is great,” I told her.

  A few more hours later, I was so turned on that I couldn’t even think straight. Hayley somehow had taken over the music and was playing some pop hits. The center of the bar had cleared, making a make-shift dance floor where most of the female guests were dancing. Alex included.

  And I couldn’t look away. She shimmied and swayed out there, moving her gorgeous hips to the beat, tempting me with each swing of her perfect ass. After a few more songs, I realized I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I’m heading out,” I told Chase. “Call me only if there’s an emergency.”

  “Sure thing, boss.” He gave me a cheeky grin.

  I gave him the finger.

  Then, I practically dragged Alex off of the dance floor.

  “I want you,” I told her, my voice rough in her ear as I pressed against her from behind.

  She melted into me, her hand going to the back of my neck, holding me close.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” she practically purred.

  We made it to her apartment in record time.

  As soon as the door was shut, I had her in my arms, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around my waist. She settled against me, soft where I was hard, and I groaned at the sensation.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” I practically growled.

  “You’re standing in it,” she told me, and I looked around to find that her bed was only a few feet away.

  I had never been so thankful for a studio apartment. Carrying her over to the bed, I lay her down on the sheets and followed her, spreading my body over hers. I kissed her deeply, savoring the taste of her, unable to get enough.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” I groaned, pulling back to look at her.

  Her golden hair was spread across her pillow, her lips red and swollen from my kisses, her eyes sultry and dark. I kissed her again, this time taking my time, my tongue thrusting against hers, setting a slow, steady rhythm.

  I wanted to take my time with her, but my body was already on edge. I needed her. I needed to bury myself in her, to lose myself in her.

  My hand went to the bow at her waist, and I gave it a firm tug. Immediately the silky fabric untwisted from its knot and the entire dress fell away, revealing Alex in a matching lace thong and push-up bra.

  “Fuck,” I managed, taking her in.

  “You next,” she moaned, reaching for my shirt.

  Her fingers made quick work of the buttons, pushing my shirt off of my shoulders and arms, her hands dancing across my bare skin as she went. Our clothes were tossed across the room as she fumbled with my belt. Her fingers brushed against my cock, which was straining against my zipper, and I nearly came right then.

  Instead, I pushed her hands away and quickly rid myself of my pants. Now we were just in our underwear, thin layers of cotton and lace separating our bodies. I quickly retrieved a condom, which Alex plucked from my hand before I could do anything else.

  “Strip,” she ordered, and I did as she told.

  Her eyes widened as I stretched out naked beside her, and my masculine ego swelled—other parts of me did, too. Ripping open the condom packet, she rolled the latex onto my cock. I gritted my teeth as her fingers covered me. I wanted to last, and she was making that damn near impossible. />
  So the moment the condom was on, I made quick work of her bra and panties, stretching out on top of her. Alex eagerly wrapped her arms around me, and the end of my cock nudged against her wet center.

  Dipping my head, I took her breast in my mouth, unable to go another moment without tasting her. She arched her back, gasping as I teased her with my tongue and teeth. Then I lavished attention on her other breast, her hands wild in my hair.

  “More,” she cried out, her legs opening to make room for me. “Please, Emerson, I need more.”

  I obliged, positioning myself at her entrance. Then, with one smooth thrust I was inside of her. We both groaned at the unbelievable pleasure. For a moment I couldn’t move. I just wanted to savor the feeling of being inside of her. It was more than I could have ever expected, the tight friction and heat.

  Alex’s hands clutched my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin. I didn’t care.

  Slowly, I began to move. I eased back, almost completely out of her before thrusting deep, filling her completely. Her hands slid to my back and then to my ass, where she guided each thrust, arching against me.

  I lost myself in her—in her body, in her scent, in her sound. She was all I wanted, all I needed, and I could focus on nothing else.

  Alex moaned, her breathing going shallower, and I could tell that she was close. I sped up my thrusts, somehow going deeper. Drawing her legs up against my hip, I dipped my other hand between us and found her clit with my thumb. Just one brush of my hand against her made her shatter.

  She cried out as she came, and I felt her body clenching mine. I thrust once more and then found my release, collapsing on top of her, my heart racing.



  Sex had never been like that before. I had never lost myself in someone so completely, been taken almost out of my mind with pleasure.

  I had been wrong all those years ago. Legal briefs had nothing on good sex. And I was immensely grateful to Emerson for showing me the truth.

  We both were so exhausted that we curled up together in bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.

  I slept better than I had in weeks.

  “Good morning,” he said, as I blinked against the bright light the next morning.

  We were still tangled in each other’s arms, our naked bodies pressed closely together. And what a body Emerson had. I had barely taken the time to worship it last night, but I planned on taking the time today. Unless, of course, I had to work.

  “What time is it?” I asked, my voice sex-raw.

  “After ten.” Emerson kissed me.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I had slept past eight—even on a weekend. I knew there was plenty of work that needed to be done, but I couldn’t extract myself from Emerson’s arms. And I didn’t want to.

  “What are you doing today?” he asked, his hand tangled in my hair.

  “I should work,” I told him reluctantly.

  He nodded, but then gave me a sexy grin—one that showed off his dimples.

  “Any chance I can convince you to play hooky with me?” he wanted to know, his hand sliding down to my hip, and then around to my ass.

  I arched against him.

  “Depends,” I moaned as he pulled me closer. “What did you have in mind?”

  I had fully expected Emerson to want to spend the entire day in bed. And I would have been completely fine with that. But no, when he said we were going to play hooky, he meant it. We were getting out of the Loop. Out of the city. We were getting away.

  “How far away is this cabin?” I asked him as we drove out of Chicago.

  “Not far,” he said, clearly not willing to give me too many answers.

  “And who does it belong to?”

  “Sawyer,” Emerson told me. “He lets all of us use his place.”

  We settled in for the drive, listening to WTMX, windows open as we sped along 94 West. I had no idea where we were going, and I didn’t care. I was taking a break from work, from life, from everything. I wasn’t going to second guess my decisions. Today was my day of freedom.

  About an hour and half later we got off the freeway and drove a while through the shady pines. Emerson rolled the windows down, and I happily inhaled the scent of nature, feeling all my tension melt away. It felt like a vacation, even before we reached our destination, Fox Lake. And wow,

  Sawyer’s cabin was absolutely breathtaking.

  Right on the lake, the whole place looked like a rustic cabin out of a movie. Gleaming wood paneling, gorgeous plush rugs, and an incredible fireplace. And that was just the inside. There was an incredible deck out back with a hot tub, and a small dock where a rowboat was tied up.

  “Want to go for a dip?” Emerson asked, his breath hot in my ear.

  “The water’s probably freezing!” I spun to face him. “Are you crazy?”

  “Maybe,” he teased. “Are you chicken?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Did you just call me chicken?” I demanded.

  He shrugged. “Maybe,” he grinned.

  That dimple. It was probably going to be the death of me. Because before I knew what I was doing, I was stripping down to my underwear and racing down the dock, my bare feet pounding on the wood.

  “I’ll show you who’s chicken,” I shouted just before I leapt into the water.

  I immediately regretted my decision.

  The water was ice cold. Goose pimples popped up on my skin as I resurfaced, getting splashed in the face as Emerson hit the water.

  “Holy shit, that’s cold,” he said when he came back up.

  “This is your fault,” I laughed, my teeth chattering as I swam back towards the dock.

  “You jumped in first!” he reminded me, grabbing my ankle and pulling me back towards him.

  I splashed water at him, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he pulled me flush against his body, our legs kicking as we did our best to stay afloat. But then he started kissing me, his long, hard body against mine, and I didn’t care about the cold, or even about staying above water.

  After we dunked ourselves a few times, choking on water and laughter, we climbed out of the lake, gathering our clothes as we rushed back towards the warmth of the house. Emerson dug up some warm, fluffy towels to wrap ourselves in and then sent me to the living room to build a fire, while he scrounged in the fridge for food.

  “Not much here,” he told me when he emerged a few minutes later.

  “Not much here?” I echoed, dumbfounded at the massive spread of food he was carrying. “This is enough to feed an army.”

  We spread out in front of the fire, my hair still drying as we ate grapes, cheese, olives, crackers, and many other delectable snacks. It didn’t take long before I was full, and I stretched out in front of the warm, crackling flames, Emerson’s arms around me.

  “Aren’t you glad you decided to play hooky?” he asked, pushing back the hair from my face as he leaned above me, propped up on one elbow.

  “I am,” I told him, hooking my hand around the back of his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.

  I might have satisfied my appetite for food, but I was ravenous for other things.

  But while last night had been all passion and intensity, this time we both seemed to want to take our time. The towels were unwound and discarded slowly as Emerson kissed his way down my throat and across my chest, taking his time lavishing each of my nipples with attention until I was practically crying out for more. Then he went lower, kissing my belly button and my hip, before dragging his tongue across the part of me that ached for him.

  Within seconds, I was coming, my hands caught in his hair, my hips arching off the floor.

  As if by magic, by the time he crawled back up my body, he had sheathed himself in a condom, and he entered me in one, slick, smooth stroke. I cried out as he went deep, so wonderfully deep, and then again as he rolled us so I was on top.

  “Ride me,” he ordered, his voice husky.

  I had never done this
with a lover before, but the hot, intense look on Emerson’s face was enough to encourage me. Rising up on my knees, I slowly lowered myself onto him, going even deeper. His fingers clutched my hips, and I braced my hands on his chest as I moved my hips, finding the right rhythm.

  Each thrust was intense as he gripped my ass, pulling me down against him, his eyes never leaving mine. I could feel another orgasm building inside of me, and I thrust my head back, my eyes closed as I rode him, chasing that pleasure.

  Finally, it crashed over me, leaving me breathless. I collapsed on top of him, but before I could even catch my breath, he rolled us once more, thrusting deeply inside of me as he found his own release.

  My entire body hummed with pleasure as we lay there, my legs wrapped around him, his arms holding me close. I was so warm, so satisfied. So happy. And then, before I fell asleep, I realized that I was in trouble. Because this wasn’t just a fling anymore. This wasn’t just sex.

  I was falling for Emerson. And I was falling hard.



  Monday morning, I was back at work, but my mind kept wandering to the amazing day Emerson and I had spent at the cabin. We had stayed the night there, waking up early to make sure I got back to the city in time for work. But even though I had plenty of paperwork to occupy my time, I kept thinking about waking up in Emerson’s arms.

  I wasn’t this kind of girl—the kind that got butterflies in her stomach when she got texts from the guy she was seeing. But that’s what had happened all morning. Every time my phone buzzed, I got a little thrill, hoping that it was Emerson. And every time it was, I ended up with a big, dumb grin on my face.

  Miss you, his last text had said.

  You just saw me, I had responded, trying to keep cool, even if it was just over text.

  And I still can’t get enough, he had quickly answered.

  Me too, I admitted, sending it before I could reconsider.

  Kelsey would be so proud. Especially by the way I was now staring at my phone, waiting for a response.


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