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Fling Page 6

by Sara Fawkes

  Alexander went down the mental list for the day’s schedule. “The suspension scene? What happened?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think Isis has dislocated a shoulder, maybe two. Master Raoul is getting her down now, but she’s going to need medical help.”

  Beside him, Alexander heard Francesca curse in Italian under her breath. “I spoke too soon,” she muttered, pulling out her cell phone as they thanked Antonio for relaying the news and rushed to the room in question.

  BY DINNERTIME, ALEXANDER could feel a headache forming between his temples.

  “Was that a helicopter I saw taking off near the pier?” Kate asked, as he sat down at the dining-room table. “Is everyone all right?”

  “We had a suspension go awry,” Alexander said in a tired voice, waving off the approaching waiter. At Kate’s confused look, he continued, “A rope scene where participants are suspended from the ceilings went wrong, and one of my staff dislocated her shoulder.”

  “Oh no! Is she all right?”

  “We aren’t sure yet; they’re taking her to the closest hospital. We have medical staff on hand here at the resort but made the decision to have her airlifted off the island.” He heaved a sigh. “I also had to suspend another member of the staff who oversaw the operation. It was a mistake that should never have been allowed to happen.”

  Kate reached across the table and took his hand. “This isn’t your fault,” she said when Alexander raised his eyes to hers.

  The strength of her conviction made him smile, but Alexander still shook his head. “The well-being of all members, staff included, is my job. When someone I hire makes a mistake, the blame falls to me.”

  “You’re being too hard on yourself,” Kate protested, then squeezed his hand. “So now what happens?”

  “Isis was supposed to perform in another scene tomorrow, and I have agreed to take over the spot she and her partner would have filled. I will need to be hands-on more with the various groups. Monitoring the dungeons was part of my job here, and I have been otherwise distracted.” When Kate sat back suddenly, Alexander realized what he said and cursed his insensitivity. “Kate, I did not mean . . .”

  “You’ll be doing a scene with someone else?” she asked, looking at her hands.

  Alexander studied Kate for a moment, but the little redhead wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Yes,” he replied slowly, “I will be using another female member of staff to do the scene. I would rather not risk any other accidents happening.”

  “You’ll be doing a BDSM scene, then?”

  “Yes.” Alexander gave Kate a probing look, which she didn’t meet. “Kate,” he finally said, “look at me.”

  Her response took longer than Alexander would normally allow from subs, but eventually she met his eyes. A myriad of subtle emotions played across a face that had become so dear to him, and Alexander struggled with how to continue. He remembered what Francesca said only a few hours prior and realized this was as good a time as any to have that conversation about the future. “Kate, I . . .”

  “What if I did the scene with you?”

  THE WORDS WERE scarcely out of Kate’s mouth before she desperately wanted to take them back. What am I doing? a part of her screamed. Sex in public? Are you out of your mind?

  Alexander studied her for a long moment before answering. “You are asking to perform a scene with me in front of an audience?” he asked, his tone dubious.

  For some reason, his hesitancy touched off a rebellious streak inside Kate’s heart. “You don’t think I can do it?” she shot back, then quailed at the intensity of his responding look.

  “Why are you doing this, Kate?”

  Kate raised her chin. “Because . . .” I don’t want to see you with another woman. Because I want to keep you for myself. “Because I think it’ll be good for me?”

  The statement came out as a question, and Alexander sighed. “Kate . . .”

  “No, don’t ‘Kate’ me.” Stubborn rebellion made Kate hold her ground. “If I say I want to do this, then I want to do it.”

  “But why?” Alexander asked. He brushed a strand of hair out of her face, the contact like a glowing brand on her skin. “I would like to know the reason for this sudden change of heart.”

  Kate stared up into those dark eyes, her breath in her throat. The truth was too hard for her to vocalize. Because I think I love you.

  Less than a month ago, she thought she’d been in love, and look how that had turned out. Her fingers itched to touch that beautiful face gazing down at her, and the too-perfect situation Kate found herself in only emphasized the temporary nature of their relationship. I don’t want this to end, she thought desperately. The pain of losing Alexander would probably hurt her more than losing Ted, despite the fact she’d only known the Greek Dom for a few days.

  Alexander’s expression changed, concern furrowing his brow. He stood up from his chair and circled the table, crouching next to Kate’s chair. “Is everything all right, little cat?” he asked, cupping her jaw with his rough palm.

  Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, and instead of allowing Alexander to see them, Kate threw her arms around him. Her unexpected gesture clearly startled him; he was stiff for all of a second, then he wrapped his arms around her and rose to his feet, carrying her up with him. Lips pressed down on top of her head, and Kate squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face in his clothing. “Kate?” he asked, gently massaging her back.

  “I want to make you happy,” she whispered, letting his shirt pick up the tears leaking from her eyes. She sniffed softly, hoping he didn’t hear, then laid her cheek on his chest. “Would my being up onstage with you do that?”

  Alexander’s arms tightened around her, and Kate hugged him close in response. “Yes,” he finally said. “I will not lie to you. Having you on the stage would make me very happy. But I do not want . . .”

  “Let me do it. Please?” Her eyes sufficiently dry, Kate turned her face up to look at Alexander again. She reached up and touched his cheek, glorying in the roughness of his five o’clock shadow and marveling that she was this close to such beauty. “I want to show everyone what I see, show you off to the world.”

  An answering light shone from Alexander’s eyes, and he suddenly swept Kate up into his arms. She gave a small squeak, throwing her arms around his neck and giving the Greek man a surprised look. “Gods, woman, you make me so hot,” he muttered, carrying her out of the dining room with quick, sure strides toward the lobby. He got to the elevators and barely pressed the button before he finally released her from his arms. Pressing her against the wood paneling beside the doors, Alexander captured her mouth and set her whole body on fire. Kate moaned against his lips, wrapping her legs around his hips when he hoisted her into the air, his hands clasping each butt cheek.

  The elevator opened beside them, and Alexander didn’t stop, merely rolled them sideways until they were inside. He began pushing down her pants just as another couple appeared outside the doors. Alexander lifted his head off Kate’s neck to give them a heated look.

  “Going up?” he asked, his voice rough and deep. Kate giggled, hiding her face briefly in the crook of the large man’s neck before peeking out at the couple.

  A big grin split the other man’s face, but he shook his head. “We’ll wait for the next lift,” he said.

  Alexander grunted his reply, hitting the button for Kate’s floor, and as the doors closed, Kate watched the woman elbow her companion, clearly thinking he’d made the wrong choice not to join in.

  “Their loss,” Alexander growled, then captured Kate’s mouth again as he succeeded in ridding her of the tight jeans. Kate gasped as his head dipped lower, nipping the top of one breast as his hand pushed and kneaded the soft flesh. “This comes off too,” he said, pulling her shirt up and over her head. Kate lifted her arms to help, then threaded her hands through his hair as he attacked the exposed flesh.

  “I thought you liked an audience,” Kate observed breathlessly, arching into his mo
uth as he licked and nipped first one nipple through the sheer bra, then the other.

  Alexander pointed up, and Kate followed his finger to the security cameras above. “We’re not alone,” he muttered, then gave her a small kiss as he grinned. “Shall we give them a good show?”

  Chapter Six

  TWENTY-FOUR HOURS LATER, Kate was a bundle of nerves beside the stage, staring out at the audience that had gathered for the show.

  What am I doing? she thought for the millionth time, pulling the robe tight around her body. The room was warm, but she felt chilled, and butterflies fluttered around nervously inside her belly. The fact that she hadn’t eaten in several hours was probably a good thing because she felt like vomiting from nervousness.

  Hands rubbed down her shoulders, and Kate jumped as a hard body pressed from behind. “Are you sure you wish to do this?” Alexander murmured, and Kate melted back into the warmth of his body. Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded and felt his hands tighten on her shoulders.

  “Close your eyes for me,” he murmured. Kate followed his quiet command gladly. Something soft fell across her face, covering her eyes and forehead. Kate lifted her hand to feel a thin bit of fabric over her head and felt strong fingers tie it behind her hair. “Will this help?”

  Yes! “Thank you, sir,” Kate whispered, drawing in a deep breath. Somehow, knowing the people were out there but not seeing them helped quiet her nerves enough to keep from running away.

  “Don’t think you’ll keep it on forever.”

  “No, sir.” With Alexander there behind her, even blind, Kate felt much more at ease. She still knew what was going to happen, but it didn’t seem quite so threatening.

  A rough hand slipped inside her robe. “How do you like my little presents?” Alexander murmured in her ear, cupping one breast and thumbing her nipple.

  Kate bit her lip, smiling. She loved them, and he knew it. The sexiest thing she had owned was the pink corset, but Alexander said the number wasn’t enough for him. He had presented her earlier that afternoon with a white-and-red corset that fit her perfectly—after a little cinching, at least. She could breathe just fine, but the leather number had granted dips and curves that made even Kate appreciate her body.

  Alexander had also insisted on some personal grooming, which he’d done himself. That had been a novel experience, allowing a man to shave her nether regions. While he was at it, he couldn’t resist playing with the smooth skin and had even encouraged Kate to try it too, bringing her hand down to touch herself. He’d been thorough, the skin as smooth as silk. When it was obvious her own ministrations were not enough, he’d given her a vibrating toy and watched with a satisfied smile while she brought herself to completion in front of him.

  The applause from the crowd brought her back to the present and indicated that the current scene was completed. Butterflies exploded again within Kate’s belly, and when Alexander moved from behind her, Kate groped blindly for his hand.

  “I won’t leave you,” he promised in low tones, squeezing her hand. “I’ll lead you up the steps.”

  Kate wobbled as she stepped forward, the super high heels she wore making her more unsteady and self-conscious about not falling. If Kate hadn’t known any better, she’d think he was deliberately trying to make her taller, but many of the other subs she’d seen also wore them. Alexander called them her “fuck me heels,” and indeed he’d kept true to his word. This was, however, the first time she’d worn them out of the bedroom, and walking became very interesting so high off the ground.

  Alexander managed to get her up the steps to the stage with minimal wobbling, but Kate’s relief was short-lived as she bumped up against a table. The top was smooth leather with a slight cushion but still hard enough to be uncomfortable. She tensed as hands touched her shoulders, and the robe she’d been using as a shield was gently pried off her body. Kate trembled nervously as the rest of the costume was revealed. Her breasts were thankfully covered, but the lower portion of her body was entirely naked and open to the world. Gripping the edge of the table with stiff hands, Kate bent forward to lay her forehead against the leather as the unseen crowd made appreciative noises.

  “I’m afraid the suspension scene we had scheduled for tonight has been changed.” Alexander’s voice rang out to the audience as Kate clung to his hand. “However, this does not mean there will be no bondage.”

  Kate heard the light rattle of chains coming from somewhere across the stage. Alexander released her hand, and she clung blindly to the table’s edge as the metallic clinks grew louder, then something cool closed around her wrist. Body tensing, Kate’s breathing sped up as another bracelet closed over her other wrist, the chain clinking against the soft tabletop. Her wrists were suddenly pulled forward, the chains making loud noises like they were being pulled through another ring, stretching her out across the table

  Red, your safe word is red. Alexander, prior to their coming downstairs, had drilled that into her. Do not be afraid to use it, but remember that doing so ends all play. I will push your boundaries, but I will not do anything without your permission. You have all the power here.

  Remembering she had any power at all was difficult as she lay stretched across the leather table. Alexander had told her what he would do onstage, but the reality of his plans was a lot to take in. Hands skimmed down the backs of her thighs and calves, then her ankles were manacled as well, her legs wrapping slightly around the legs of the table. The position thrust her backside out, and, all turned around, Kate had no idea what kind of view the audience was getting. Behind the blindfold, Kate shut her eyes tight, swallowing down her fear and mortification.

  “Isn’t my new little sub beautiful?” Alexander’s voice fairly purred as he ran a hand down Kate’s back, fingers stealing between the crook of her cheeks. Kate flinched, and was rewarded with a swift smack that startled her. “This is my little cat’s first time onstage, as well as her first time in chains. A night of firsts, and I intend to continue that trend.”

  Another finger dipped between her legs, sliding across the smooth flesh, and Kate trembled for an entirely new reason. “So beautiful,” Alexander murmured, and Kate imagined all eyes in the room watching as his hand traced its way around her folds, then back up along her butt crack.

  Alexander’s hand left her backside, and she heard him set implements on the table beside her. Kate turned her head, unable to see anything because of the blindfold but still curious. When his hand came back to rest on her lower back, Kate breathed a sigh of relief until something cold touched her core, and a buzzing filled the air.

  A startled cry flew from her lips, and Kate’s hands gripped the edge of the table, the trembling in her body increasing. Alexander moved the vibrator around, running the device along the rim of her opening, and Kate moaned, breath catching in her throat. The crowd murmured; she heard a “She’s gorgeous” come from a woman in the audience, and Kate’s heart soared.

  The idea of people’s watching didn’t bother Kate as much as she had originally thought.

  Alexander took his time, circling her clit and opening her folds, then pressing against the sensitive skin. The new sensation had Kate’s insides clenching, her belly quivering as Alexander pressed his finger against another opening farther back Kate had never considered sexual.

  Something looped around her legs one at a time, then up and over her hips, and Alexander’s hand left her body. The vibrator, however, kept its location right over her sensitive bud, sending shiver after shiver through her body as Alexander readied whatever would be his next surprise. So when Kate felt him run a slick thumb firmly between her butt cheeks, she clenched her muscles.

  Another smack to the backside shocked her, releasing her muscles and allowing his thumb to press against the back opening. The feeling was foreign but not unpleasant, and when Alexander’s fingers dipped down to play with the vibrator and slick folds, the new touching only added to the experience.

  “My new pet is a virgin in one very
important way, something I intend to remedy tonight.” Alexander’s slick fingers caressed between her butt cheeks again, then lifted away as another object, blunt and slick, pressed against that back opening. Kate moaned as it slid inside her in slow increments, her fingernails digging into the leather beneath her. The pressure was beyond foreign, building with each push, but there was no escape. Finally, the onslaught ended; Kate was full in a way she’d never felt and gave an uncertain mewl.

  Alexander’s hand moved down her back, quieting the fear inside her, petting her gently. “You’re doing well, little cat.”

  IF HIS LITTLE sub could see the audience’s reaction to her . . . Alexander gave an inward smile. Their scene was being watched by many eyes, with more coming inside the small room each minute. Even Francesca had come, her new slave attached to a leash behind her, both watching the scene.

  Alexander untied the strings at his groin, allowing his cock the freedom it desperately sought. Surveying the beautiful ass before him, he spanned the pale globes with his hands and squeezed, then gave one cheek a smack. The sound of the chains was a turn-on, and he felt Kate tilt her hips up toward him, obviously craving more.

  Soon, he silently promised, lining himself up behind her. Pressing forward, his cock slid through her slick folds, and a loud moan escaped the redhead. “So beautiful,” he murmured, then without preamble thrust himself inside her slick entrance. It was his turn to groan; Kate was tight, her walls gripping him like a glove. He couldn’t resist another thrust, then another, before finally getting himself under control. Losing himself within this woman was easy; she drew out a side of him that he’d thought extinct. Alexander’s hands gripped her generous hips possessively, as he murmured, “How do you feel?”

  “So full,” Kate moaned out, then yelped at the sudden smack to her ass. “Full, sir,” she amended hastily.


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