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Damaged Page 15

by Debra Webb

Friday, June 3rd,

  5:22 p.m.

  Victoria studied the two men seated across the conference table. Slade Keaton had agreed to meet with her, Lucas and Jim to explain how he happened upon her abduction. Simon and Ian had wanted to sit in but that would have prompted an air of distrust and unfair odds. She wanted this meeting to be relaxed and open.

  Dakota Garrett sat next to Keaton. Lucas and Jim were seated on either side of Victoria.

  “This was quite a complicated event to explain to the Chicago P.D.,” Victoria reminded. “They are not pleased with the length of time they were left in the dark.”

  Keaton nodded. “I appreciate your assistance in smoothing over that situation. We did what we had to do. My representative took no pleasure in any of the deceit or violence required to produce this outcome.”

  Victoria glanced at Garrett. He had explained each step he’d taken. That he had saved Lucky’s life meant a great deal to Victoria.

  “I’m still a little unclear about how you became aware of Murray’s plans.”

  Victoria looked at her husband when he spoke. She knew Lucas did not trust Keaton in the least. He had been convinced that Keaton himself was responsible for Victoria’s abduction. His stiff posture as well as the fury simmering in his tone even now made his position all too clear.

  Keaton smiled. “I have numerous contacts. This is not the first time Murray and I have crossed paths. I needed to be sure what he was up to. My intel was sketchy at best. What I knew for certain was that Murray was plotting against the Colby Agency. Nothing beyond that. I had no choice but to look into the situation. As Maggie told you, I’ve been watching for some time, but I had nothing substantial to convey to you. If my intel turned out to be nothing, I had lost nothing. Sitting in Maggie’s coffee shop keeping watch was no hardship.”

  When Lucas questioned Maggie James, she had told him as much. If Keaton were lying, he had gone to great lengths to cover his true motive.

  Keaton continued. “Once the first domino fell, there was no time to do anything but follow through. Considering the unpredictable nature of the situation, I felt compelled to handle it as a shadow operation. Your involvement,” he said to Lucas, “or that of the police may have triggered tragedy. As you well know, Murray has a reputation for hair-trigger decisions that end badly.”

  “It seems rather convenient that Murray and his associates were captured only a few miles away by Homeland Security agents,” Jim countered.

  Victoria’s son was not so ready to accept Keaton’s story, either. Particularly the part about not bringing in the Colby Agency due to the precarious nature of the involvement of the Byrd Institute. According to Lucas, Murray’s MO was to use facilities available locally to accomplish his evil work. Throwing around money gave him that feeling of power to which he was addicted.

  “He had lost. Once the police arrived he had no reason to risk capture so he fled. I took the liberty of having one of my contacts from Homeland Security standing by. I was aware that HS had long wanted to get their hands on Murray.”

  “Yet,” Jim countered once more, “you didn’t feel comfortable contacting us.”

  Keaton smiled. “I have many contacts whom I know extremely well and with whom I have worked many times. With all due respect,” he dipped his head, “I don’t know you that well.”

  The answer didn’t sit well with Jim but he didn’t argue further.

  “I’m curious,” Lucas said. “How did you come to have the sort of contacts who would know men like Murray?”

  Murray was one of Lucas’s oldest enemies. They’d once worked together in the CIA. Lucas had moved up the ranks while Murray’s career had stalled. Once he’d crossed the line and joined the enemy, he’d blamed Lucas for his every failed operation. That was Victoria’s biggest worry. Lucas had spent a lifetime serving his country and making evil enemies. Now he was retired and those still inside the government weren’t at liberty to disclose intelligence. Like the people who had taken Murray into custody. Lucas had hit a brick wall in his attempt to get answers. The intelligence world was a different place these days.

  Keaton smiled again, the expression at once charming and cocky. “I’m afraid the answer to that question is classified. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Well.” Victoria stood. The men immediately followed suit. “Thank you for clearing up matters. This agency owes you a great deal, sir.” She extended her hand.

  Keaton shook her hand, his grasp firm and confident. “Not at all, Victoria. I only did what was right.”

  “As you say, we don’t know each other very well. We need to change that.” Victoria turned to Dakota then. “There are no words that accurately articulate my gratitude, Mr. Garrett.”

  “No problem, ma’am.” He shook Victoria’s hand.

  Jim and Lucas exchanged handshakes with Keaton and Garrett.

  “I hope we’ll work together again in the future,” Keaton ventured.

  “Next time we’ll be sure the lines of communication are kept open,” Lucas warned.

  “Of course,” Keaton agreed.

  As Jim escorted their guests to the lobby, Lucas turned to Victoria. “I don’t trust him. My contact was certain that something about him was of interest to me.”

  Victoria couldn’t argue with his reasoning. It saddened her that their driver and Lucas’s old friend had lost their lives in this tragedy. That, too, was Murray’s MO—never leave loose ends. “Time will provide the insight we need.”

  Lucas nodded, his expression grave. Then he smiled. “Whoever this guy is, I’m just glad you’re safe.”

  Victoria stepped into his open arms. “That makes two of us.” She was so thankful to be home.

  Lucas drew back. He lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “I hope you won’t ever try to protect me again when it comes to your health.”

  She shook her head. “I learned my lesson. You don’t have to worry about that.” Victoria was as healthy as a horse. Those horrifying test results that had indicated the possibility of cancer had been tampered with. Considering all that had happened, Dr. Klein had checked with the lab just to be certain. The lab had sent results indicating no cancer. Apparently the tampering had occurred between leaving the lab and arriving at the doctor’s office.

  Lucas kissed her lips. “Perhaps Keaton is all he says he is.”

  “Perhaps,” Victoria agreed.

  But she would be watching Mr. Keaton. As she knew Lucas would. Very closely.

  Chapter Twenty

  6:45 p.m.

  Lucky hauled her bowl of popcorn to her sofa and curled up in preparation for mind-numbing hours of television. She was still exhausted.

  The agency had given her an extra-long weekend. She didn’t have to return to work until Wednesday. She raised a handful of popcorn to her lips. Instantly her mind swept her away from the reality show on the screen to when Garrett had kissed her. She shivered.

  She hadn’t seen him since he’d disappeared through those white double doors. Lucky had gone over every single detail of their time together. She’d repeated the details of their adventure, if you will, twice to the powers that be at the agency and to the police. Her bosses had assured her that she’d done the only thing she could. Both Mr. Camp and Mrs. Colby-Camp, as well as her son, had praised Lucky for her part in the operation.

  She had passed Lucas’s contact’s message to him. The statement Tell Lucas I can’t help him seemed to disturb him greatly. He’d apologized for putting Lucky in that position. The way she saw it, his sending her had ultimately helped with the rescue.

  And she’d met Garrett.

  Not that anything would ever come of it, but he’d awakened feelings in her that she hadn’t expected to ever feel. Truth was, she kind of missed him.

  The doorbell buzzed, dragging her from those warm thoughts. Someone from the agency was likely checking on her again. They’d been doing that all afternoon. She set her popcorn aside and walked to the door. Her apartment was a wreck. She’d cle
an it later. She deserved this break.

  She checked the security peephole and barely suppressed a squeal. It was Garrett. She took a breath, calmed herself, then opened the door.

  “Garrett, what’s up?” She was trying hard for nonchalance.

  “Is it okay if I come in?”

  She almost laughed. Usually he told her what he was going to do. “Sure.” She opened the door wider, then closed it behind him.

  He surveyed her living room and the adjoining kitchen. “Cute.”

  Cute? “Thanks.” She supposed. “It’s kind of small but it’s all I need.”

  He nodded.

  Where was her head? “Have a seat.” She gestured to the bowl on the coffee table. “Would you like some popcorn?” She didn’t have any beer or wine. “Iced tea?”

  He shook his head. “No, thanks.”

  He wasn’t going to sit down. Disappointment dragged at her chest. Why was he here? Clearly not for the reason she’d hoped.

  “I came by to see how you’re doing.”

  Her hopes wilted completely. “Oh. I’m fine. You?” How lame was that?

  “I’m good. I quit my job.”

  But he’d been so good at it. “Really? Why?” How nosy was that? Maybe he didn’t want to talk about it.

  He shook his head. “Too much deception. My boss and I don’t see eye-to-eye on things.” A sigh whispered past his lips. “Mainly, I just don’t want that life anymore. There are other opportunities out there.”

  Fear claimed her. Did that mean he was leaving Chicago. “Are you leaving Chicago?” She could have died at how desperate she sounded.

  “No.” A tiny smile cracked his lips. “Whatever I do, I’ll do it here.”

  Relief. “That’s great.”


  “My boss,” she began in an attempt to break the awkwardness, “says the FBI is all over Byrd and his institute. All the patients are being transferred and their families contacted.”

  “Yeah, I got that update.”

  What did she say now?

  “So you’re good with how things turned out?”

  “Sure.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “Look, I wondered if you’d like to have dinner.” He shrugged. “Or catch a movie.”

  Hope resurrected, making her breath catch. “Yeah. Either one.”

  “Good. Where would you like to go for dinner?”

  She had to change. Her cheeks heated at the idea that she was wearing ragged jeans, her favorite lay-around-the-house pair, and an ancient T-shirt.

  “You pick.” She backed up a step. “I should change.”

  “Before you rush off…” He captured her arm and pulled her back the step she’d taken and then another, until their bodies were almost touching. “I just wanted to say that I really like you, Malone. I’d like to spend a lot more time with you.”

  “Lucky,” she said, trying her best not to wring her hands. “You should call me Lucky.”

  He nodded. “Dakota Garrett. You can call me either one.”

  A smile tugged at her lips. “I like you, too.” She licked her lips, tried to moisten her throat. Her heart was pounding so hard. “I’m really glad we’re going to dinner.”

  The smile that stretched across his lips caused that little flutter in her chest. “That’s good to hear.”

  “Okay.” She hitched a thumb behind her. “I’ll go change and we’ll be on our way.”

  He held on to her hand when she would have pulled away. “One more thing.”

  She looked at him expectantly and found herself holding her breath.

  “Before we go I’d like to fast-forward for maybe five minutes.”


  “To the end of the night where I walk you to your door and say good-night.”

  “Okay.” She’d dreamed of kissing him again.

  He pulled her into his arms, leaned down and covered her lips with his own. This kiss was nothing like the others. He took his time. And she sank against him for more of his taste. She’d never known a man like Dakota Garrett. Lucky couldn’t wait to see where this new adventure took them. She draped her arms around his neck, and his arms tightened around her.

  For the first time Lucky wasn’t afraid to take the risk. Garrett had already proven that he would never let her down. He was the real thing—a true hero.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0225-2


  Copyright © 2011 by Debra Webb

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  * Colby Agency

  ‡ The Equalizers

  †† Colby Agency: Elite Reconnaissance Division

  ** Colby Agency: Under Siege

  # Colby Agency: Merger

  ‡‡ Colby Agency: Christmas Miracles

  + Colby Agency: The New Equalizers




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